def import_matrix(self, path, min_partitions=None, drop_samples=False, cell_type=None, missing="NA", has_row_id_name=False): """ :param path: File(s) to read. Currently, takes 1 header line of column ids and subsequent lines of rowID, data... in TSV form where data can be parsed as an integer. :type path: str or list of str :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param bool drop_samples: I don't know if this is relevant, but it only loads the row IDs. Default: False :param str cell_type: Tells function how to parse cell data. Can be Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64, or String. Default: Int64 :param str missing: notation for cell with missing value. Default: "NA" :param str has_row_id_name: whether or not the table header has an entry for the Row IDs. Default: False :return: Variant dataset imported from file(s) :rtype: :py:class:`.VariantDataset` """ if not cell_type: cell_type = TInt64() return VariantDataset( self, self._jhc.importMatrices(jindexed_seq_args(path), joption(min_partitions), drop_samples, cell_type._jtype, missing, has_row_id_name))
def import_matrix(self, path, key_expr, annotation_types, annotation_headers=None, min_partitions=None, drop_samples=False, cell_type=None, missing="NA"): """ :param path: File(s) to read. Currently, takes 1 header line of column ids and subsequent lines of rowID, data... in TSV form where data can be parsed as an integer. :type path: str or list of str :param str key_expr: Expression to use for the row key. :param annotation_types: List of types to use for the annotation fields. Must be one of: TInt32, TInt64, TFloat32, TFloat64, TString. :type min_partitions: list of Type :param annotation_headers: List of names to use for the annotation fields. If None, read from file header. Default: None :type annotation_headers: list of str or None :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param bool drop_samples: I don't know if this is relevant, but it only loads the row IDs. Default: False :param str cell_type: Tells function how to parse cell data. Can be Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64, or String. Default: Int64 :param str missing: notation for cell with missing value. Default: "NA" :return: Variant dataset imported from file(s) :rtype: :py:class:`.VariantDataset` """ if not cell_type: cell_type = TInt64() if annotation_headers != None and len(annotation_headers) != len( annotation_types): raise FatalError( """annotation_headers and annotation_types have different lengths: each annotation header column must correspond to exactly one annotation type""" ) return VariantDataset( self, self._jhc.importMatrices( jindexed_seq_args(path), jsome(jindexed_seq_args(annotation_headers)) if annotation_headers else jnone(), jindexed_seq_args([t._jtype for t in annotation_types]), key_expr, joption(min_partitions), drop_samples, cell_type._jtype, missing))
def read(self, path, drop_samples=False, drop_variants=False): """Read .vds file as a variant dataset. :param str path: VDS file to read. :param bool drop_samples: If True, create sites-only variant dataset. Don't load sample ids, sample annotations or gneotypes. :param bool drop_variants: If True, create samples-only variant dataset (no variants or genotypes). :return: Variant dataset read from disk. :rtype: :class:`.VariantDataset` """ return VariantDataset( self,, drop_samples, drop_variants))
def import_vcf(self, path, force=False, force_bgz=False, header_file=None, min_partitions=None, drop_samples=False, call_fields=[], reference_genome=None, contig_recoding=None): """Import VCF file(s) as variant dataset. **Examples** >>> vds = hc1.import_vcf('data/example2.vcf.bgz') **Notes** Hail is designed to be maximally compatible with files in the `VCF v4.2 spec <>`__. :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_vcf` takes a list of VCF files to load. All files must have the same header and the same set of samples in the same order (e.g., a variant dataset split by chromosome). Files can be specified as :ref:`Hadoop glob patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`. Ensure that the VCF file is correctly prepared for import: VCFs should either be uncompressed (*.vcf*) or block compressed (*.vcf.bgz*). If you have a large compressed VCF that ends in *.vcf.gz*, it is likely that the file is actually block-compressed, and you should rename the file to ".vcf.bgz" accordingly. If you actually have a standard gzipped file, it is possible to import it to Hail using the ``force`` optional parameter. However, this is not recommended -- all parsing will have to take place on one node because gzip decompression is not parallelizable. In this case, import could take significantly longer. If ``generic`` equals False (default), Hail makes certain assumptions about the genotype fields, see :class:`Representation <hail.representation.Genotype>`. On import, Hail filters (sets to no-call) any genotype that violates these assumptions. Hail interprets the format fields: GT, AD, OD, DP, GQ, PL; all others are silently dropped. If ``generic`` equals True, the genotype schema is a :py:class:`~hail.type.TStruct` with field names equal to the IDs of the FORMAT fields. The ``GT`` field is automatically read in as a :py:class:`~hail.type.TCall` type. To specify additional fields to import as a :py:class:`~hail.type.TCall` type, use the ``call_fields`` parameter. All other fields are imported as the type specified in the FORMAT header field. An example genotype schema after importing a VCF with ``generic=True`` is .. code-block:: text Struct { GT: Call, AD: Array[Int], DP: Int, GQ: Int, PL: Array[Int] } .. warning:: - The variant dataset generated with ``generic=True`` will have significantly slower performance. - Not all :py:class:`.VariantDataset` methods will work with a generic genotype schema. :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_vcf` does not perform deduplication - if the provided VCF(s) contain multiple records with the same chrom, pos, ref, alt, all these records will be imported and will not be collapsed into a single variant. Since Hail's genotype representation does not yet support ploidy other than 2, this method imports haploid genotypes as diploid. If ``generic=False``, Hail fills in missing indices in PL / PP arrays with 1000 to support the standard VCF / VDS "genotype schema. Below are two example haploid genotypes and diploid equivalents that Hail sees. .. code-block:: text Haploid: 1:0,6:7:70:70,0 Imported as: 1/1:0,6:7:70:70,1000,0 Haploid: 2:0,0,9:9:24:24,40,0 Imported as: 2/2:0,0,9:9:24:24,1000,40,1000:1000:0 .. note:: Using the **FILTER** field: The information in the FILTER field of a VCF is contained in the ``va.filters`` annotation. This annotation is a ``Set`` and can be queried for filter membership with expressions like ``va.filters.contains("VQSRTranche99.5...")``. Variants that are flagged as "PASS" will have no filters applied; for these variants, ``va.filters.isEmpty()`` is true. Thus, filtering to PASS variants can be done with :py:meth:`.VariantDataset.filter_variants_expr` as follows: >>> pass_vds = vds.filter_variants_expr('va.filters.isEmpty()', keep=True) **Annotations** - **va.filters** (*Set[String]*) -- Set containing all filters applied to a variant. - **va.rsid** (*String*) -- rsID of the variant. - **va.qual** (*Double*) -- Floating-point number in the QUAL field. - **** (*Struct*) -- All INFO fields defined in the VCF header can be found in the struct ````. Data types match the type specified in the VCF header, and if the declared ``Number`` is not 1, the result will be stored as an array. :param path: VCF file(s) to read. :type path: str or list of str :param bool force: If True, load .gz files serially. This means that no downstream operations can be parallelized, so using this mode is strongly discouraged for VCFs larger than a few MB. :param bool force_bgz: If True, load .gz files as blocked gzip files (BGZF) :param header_file: File to load VCF header from. If not specified, the first file in path is used. :type header_file: str or None :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param bool drop_samples: If True, create sites-only variant dataset. Don't load sample ids, sample annotations or genotypes. :param call_fields: FORMAT fields in VCF to treat as a :py:class:`~hail.type.TCall`. Only applies if ``generic=True``. :type call_fields: str or list of str :param bool generic: If True, read the genotype with a generic schema. :param reference_genome: Reference genome to use. Default is :class:`~.HailContext.default_reference`. :type reference_genome: :class:`.GenomeReference` :param contig_recoding: Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by ``reference_genome``. :type contig_recoding: dict of str to str (or None). :return: Variant dataset imported from VCF file(s) :rtype: :py:class:`.VariantDataset` """ rg = reference_genome if reference_genome else self.default_reference if contig_recoding: contig_recoding = TDict(TString(), TString())._convert_to_j(contig_recoding) jvds = self._jhc.importVCFs(jindexed_seq_args(path), force, force_bgz, joption(header_file), joption(min_partitions), drop_samples, jset_args(call_fields), rg._jrep, joption(contig_recoding)) return VariantDataset(self, jvds)
def import_plink(self, bed, bim, fam, min_partitions=None, delimiter='\\\\s+', missing='NA', quant_pheno=False, a2_reference=True, reference_genome=None, contig_recoding={ '23': 'X', '24': 'Y', '25': 'X', '26': 'MT' }): """Import PLINK binary file (BED, BIM, FAM) as variant dataset. **Examples** Import data from a PLINK binary file: >>> vds = hc1.import_plink(bed="data/test.bed", ... bim="data/test.bim", ... fam="data/test.fam") **Notes** Only binary SNP-major mode files can be read into Hail. To convert your file from individual-major mode to SNP-major mode, use PLINK to read in your fileset and use the ``--make-bed`` option. The centiMorgan position is not currently used in Hail (Column 3 in BIM file). The ID (``s``) used by Hail is the individual ID (column 2 in FAM file). .. warning:: No duplicate individual IDs are allowed. **Annotations** :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_plink` adds the following annotations: - **va.rsid** (*String*) -- Column 2 in the BIM file. - **sa.famID** (*String*) -- Column 1 in the FAM file. Set to missing if ID equals "0". - **sa.patID** (*String*) -- Column 3 in the FAM file. Set to missing if ID equals "0". - **sa.matID** (*String*) -- Column 4 in the FAM file. Set to missing if ID equals "0". - **sa.isFemale** (*String*) -- Column 5 in the FAM file. Set to missing if value equals "-9", "0", or "N/A". Set to true if value equals "2". Set to false if value equals "1". - **sa.isCase** (*String*) -- Column 6 in the FAM file. Only present if ``quantpheno`` equals False. Set to missing if value equals "-9", "0", "N/A", or the value specified by ``missing``. Set to true if value equals "2". Set to false if value equals "1". - **sa.qPheno** (*String*) -- Column 6 in the FAM file. Only present if ``quantpheno`` equals True. Set to missing if value equals ``missing``. :param str bed: PLINK BED file. :param str bim: PLINK BIM file. :param str fam: PLINK FAM file. :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param str missing: The string used to denote missing values **only** for the phenotype field. This is in addition to "-9", "0", and "N/A" for case-control phenotypes. :param str delimiter: FAM file field delimiter regex. :param bool quant_pheno: If True, FAM phenotype is interpreted as quantitative. :param bool a2_reference: If True, A2 is treated as the reference allele. If False, A1 is treated as the reference allele. :param reference_genome: Reference genome to use. Default is :class:`~.HailContext.default_reference`. :type reference_genome: :class:`.GenomeReference` :param contig_recoding: Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by ``reference_genome``. :type contig_recoding: dict of str to str (or None). :return: Variant dataset imported from PLINK binary file. :rtype: :class:`.VariantDataset` """ rg = reference_genome if reference_genome else self.default_reference if contig_recoding: contig_recoding = TDict(TString(), TString())._convert_to_j(contig_recoding) jvds = self._jhc.importPlink(bed, bim, fam, joption(min_partitions), delimiter, missing, quant_pheno, a2_reference, rg._jrep, joption(contig_recoding)) return VariantDataset(self, jvds)
def import_gen(self, path, sample_file=None, tolerance=0.2, min_partitions=None, chromosome=None, reference_genome=None, contig_recoding=None): """Import .gen file(s) as variant dataset. **Examples** Read a .gen file and a .sample file and write to a .vds file: >>> (hc1.import_gen('data/example.gen', sample_file='data/example.sample') ... .write('output/gen_example1.vds')) Load multiple files at the same time with :ref:`Hadoop glob patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`: >>> (hc1.import_gen('data/example.chr*.gen', sample_file='data/example.sample') ... .write('output/gen_example2.vds')) **Notes** For more information on the .gen file format, see `here <>`__. To ensure that the .gen file(s) and .sample file are correctly prepared for import: - If there are only 5 columns before the start of the genotype probability data (chromosome field is missing), you must specify the chromosome using the ``chromosome`` parameter - No duplicate sample IDs are allowed The first column in the .sample file is used as the sample ID ``s``. Also, see section in :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_bgen` linked :ref:`here <gpfilters>` for information about Hail's genotype probability representation. **Annotations** :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_gen` adds the following variant annotations: - **va.varid** (*String*) -- 2nd column of .gen file if chromosome present, otherwise 1st column. - **va.rsid** (*String*) -- 3rd column of .gen file if chromosome present, otherwise 2nd column. :param path: .gen files to import. :type path: str or list of str :param str sample_file: The sample file. :param float tolerance: If the sum of the genotype probabilities for a genotype differ from 1.0 by more than the tolerance, set the genotype to missing. :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param chromosome: Chromosome if not listed in the .gen file. :type chromosome: str or None :param reference_genome: Reference genome to use. Default is :class:`~.HailContext.default_reference`. :type reference_genome: :class:`.GenomeReference` :param contig_recoding: Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by ``reference_genome``. :type contig_recoding: dict of str to str (or None). :return: Variant dataset imported from .gen and .sample files. :rtype: :class:`.VariantDataset` """ rg = reference_genome if reference_genome else self.default_reference if contig_recoding: contig_recoding = TDict(TString(), TString())._convert_to_j(contig_recoding) jvds = self._jhc.importGens(jindexed_seq_args(path), sample_file, joption(chromosome), joption(min_partitions), tolerance, rg._jrep, joption(contig_recoding)) return VariantDataset(self, jvds)
def import_bgen(self, path, tolerance=0.2, sample_file=None, min_partitions=None, reference_genome=None, contig_recoding=None): """Import .bgen file(s) as variant dataset. .. warning:: A BGEN file must have a ``.idx`` file which can be generated by :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.index_bgen` **Examples** Importing a BGEN file as a VDS. >>> vds = hc1.import_bgen("data/example3.bgen", sample_file="data/example3.sample") **Notes** Hail supports importing data in the BGEN file format. For more information on the BGEN file format, see `here <>`__. Note that only v1.1 and v1.2 BGEN files are supported at this time. For v1.2 BGEN files, only **unphased** and **diploid** genotype probabilities are allowed and the genotype probability blocks must be either compressed with zlib or uncompressed. Before importing, ensure that: - The sample file has the same number of samples as the BGEN file. - No duplicate sample IDs are present. To load multiple files at the same time, use :ref:`Hadoop Glob Patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`. .. _gpfilters: **Genotype probability (``gp``) representation**: The following modifications are made to genotype probabilities in BGEN v1.1 files: - Since genotype probabilities are understood to define a probability distribution, :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_bgen` automatically sets to missing those genotypes for which the sum of the probabilities is a distance greater than the ``tolerance`` parameter from 1.0. The default tolerance is 0.2, so a genotype with sum .79 or 1.21 is filtered out, whereas a genotype with sum .8 or 1.2 remains. - :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_bgen` normalizes all probabilities to sum to 1.0. Therefore, an input distribution of (0.98, 0.0, 0.0) will be stored as (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) in Hail. **Annotations** :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.import_bgen` adds the following variant annotations: - **va.varid** (*String*) -- 2nd column of .gen file if chromosome present, otherwise 1st column. - **va.rsid** (*String*) -- 3rd column of .gen file if chromosome present, otherwise 2nd column. :param path: .bgen files to import. :type path: str or list of str :param float tolerance: If the sum of the probabilities for a genotype differ from 1.0 by more than the tolerance, set the genotype to missing. Only applicable if the BGEN files are v1.1. :param sample_file: Sample file. :type sample_file: str or None :param min_partitions: Number of partitions. :type min_partitions: int or None :param reference_genome: Reference genome to use. Default is :class:`~.HailContext.default_reference`. :type reference_genome: :class:`.GenomeReference` :param contig_recoding: Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by ``reference_genome``. :type contig_recoding: dict of str to str (or None) :return: Variant dataset imported from .bgen file. :rtype: :class:`.VariantDataset` """ rg = reference_genome if reference_genome else self.default_reference if contig_recoding: contig_recoding = TDict(TString(), TString())._convert_to_j(contig_recoding) jvds = self._jhc.importBgens(jindexed_seq_args(path), joption(sample_file), tolerance, joption(min_partitions), rg._jrep, joption(contig_recoding)) return VariantDataset(self, jvds)
def balding_nichols_model(self, populations, samples, variants, num_partitions=None, pop_dist=None, fst=None, af_dist=UniformDist(0.1, 0.9), seed=0, reference_genome=None): """Simulate a variant dataset using the Balding-Nichols model. **Examples** To generate a VDS with 3 populations, 100 samples in total, and 1000 variants: >>> vds = hc.balding_nichols_model(3, 100, 1000) To generate a VDS with 4 populations, 2000 samples, 5000 variants, 10 partitions, population distribution [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], :math:`F_{ST}` values [.02, .06, .04, .12], ancestral allele frequencies drawn from a truncated beta distribution with a = .01 and b = .05 over the interval [0.05, 1], and random seed 1: >>> from hail.stats import TruncatedBetaDist >>> vds = hc.balding_nichols_model(4, 40, 150, 10, ... pop_dist=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], ... fst=[.02, .06, .04, .12], ... af_dist=TruncatedBetaDist(a=0.01, b=2.0, minVal=0.05, maxVal=1.0), ... seed=1) **Notes** Hail is able to randomly generate a VDS using the Balding-Nichols model. - :math:`K` populations are labeled by integers 0, 1, ..., K - 1 - :math:`N` samples are named by strings 0, 1, ..., N - 1 - :math:`M` variants are defined as ``1:1:A:C``, ``1:2:A:C``, ..., ``1:M:A:C`` - The default ancestral frequency distribution :math:`P_0` is uniform on [0.1, 0.9]. Options are UniformDist(minVal, maxVal), BetaDist(a, b), and TruncatedBetaDist(a, b, minVal, maxVal). All three classes are located in hail.stats. - The population distribution :math:`\pi` defaults to uniform - The :math:`F_{ST}` values default to 0.1 - The number of partitions defaults to one partition per million genotypes (i.e., samples * variants / 10^6) or 8, whichever is larger The Balding-Nichols model models genotypes of individuals from a structured population comprising :math:`K` homogeneous subpopulations that have each diverged from a single ancestral population (a `star phylogeny`). We take :math:`N` samples and :math:`M` bi-allelic variants in perfect linkage equilibrium. The relative sizes of the subpopulations are given by a probability vector :math:`\pi`; the ancestral allele frequencies are drawn independently from a frequency spectrum :math:`P_0`; the subpopulations have diverged with possibly different :math:`F_{ST}` parameters :math:`F_k` (here and below, lowercase indices run over a range bounded by the corresponding uppercase parameter, e.g. :math:`k = 1, \ldots, K`). For each variant, the subpopulation allele frequencies are drawn a `beta distribution <>`__, a useful continuous approximation of the effect of genetic drift. We denote the individual subpopulation memberships by :math:`k_n`, the ancestral allele frequences by :math:`p_{0, m}`, the subpopulation allele frequencies by :math:`p_{k, m}`, and the genotypes by :math:`g_{n, m}`. The generative model in then given by: .. math:: k_n \,&\sim\, \pi p_{0,m}\,&\sim\, P_0 p_{k,m}\mid p_{0,m}\,&\sim\, \mathrm{Beta}(\mu = p_{0,m},\, \sigma^2 = F_k p_{0,m}(1 - p_{0,m})) g_{n,m}\mid k_n, p_{k, m} \,&\sim\, \mathrm{Binomial}(2, p_{k_n, m}) We have parametrized the beta distribution by its mean and variance; the usual parameters are :math:`a = (1 - p)(1 - F)/F,\; b = p(1-F)/F` with :math:`F = F_k,\; p = p_{0,m}`. **Annotations** :py:meth:`~hail.HailContext.balding_nichols_model` adds the following global, sample, and variant annotations: - **global.nPops** (*Int*) -- Number of populations - **global.nSamples** (*Int*) -- Number of samples - **global.nVariants** (*Int*) -- Number of variants - **global.popDist** (*Array[Double]*) -- Normalized population distribution indexed by population - **global.Fst** (*Array[Double]*) -- :math:`F_{ST}` values indexed by population - **global.seed** (*Int*) -- Random seed - **global.ancestralAFDist** (*Struct*) -- Description of the ancestral allele frequency distribution - **sa.pop** (*Int*) -- Population of sample - **va.ancestralAF** (*Double*) -- Ancestral allele frequency - **va.AF** (*Array[Double]*) -- Allele frequency indexed by population :param int populations: Number of populations. :param int samples: Number of samples. :param int variants: Number of variants. :param int num_partitions: Number of partitions. :param pop_dist: Unnormalized population distribution :type pop_dist: array of float or None :param fst: :math:`F_{ST}` values :type fst: array of float or None :param af_dist: Ancestral allele frequency distribution :type af_dist: :class:`.UniformDist` or :class:`.BetaDist` or :class:`.TruncatedBetaDist` :param int seed: Random seed. :param reference_genome: Reference genome to use. Default is :class:`~.HailContext.default_reference`. :type reference_genome: :class:`.GenomeReference` :return: Variant dataset simulated using the Balding-Nichols model. :rtype: :class:`.VariantDataset` """ if pop_dist is None: jvm_pop_dist_opt = joption(pop_dist) else: jvm_pop_dist_opt = joption(jarray(self._jvm.double, pop_dist)) if fst is None: jvm_fst_opt = joption(fst) else: jvm_fst_opt = joption(jarray(self._jvm.double, fst)) rg = reference_genome if reference_genome else self.default_reference jvds = self._jhc.baldingNicholsModel(populations, samples, variants, joption(num_partitions), jvm_pop_dist_opt, jvm_fst_opt, af_dist._jrep(), seed, rg._jrep) return VariantDataset(self, jvds)