예제 #1
파일: test_ir.py 프로젝트: jigold/hail
    def blockmatrix_irs(self):
        scalar_ir = ir.F64(2)
        vector_ir = ir.MakeArray([ir.F64(3), ir.F64(2)], hl.tarray(hl.tfloat64))

        read = ir.BlockMatrixRead(ir.BlockMatrixNativeReader(resource('blockmatrix_example/0')))
        add_two_bms = ir.BlockMatrixMap2(read, read, ir.ApplyBinaryPrimOp('+', ir.Ref('l'), ir.Ref('r')))
        negate_bm = ir.BlockMatrixMap(read, ir.ApplyUnaryPrimOp('-', ir.Ref('element')))
        sqrt_bm = ir.BlockMatrixMap(read, hl.sqrt(construct_expr(ir.Ref('element'), hl.tfloat64))._ir)

        scalar_to_bm = ir.ValueToBlockMatrix(scalar_ir, [1, 1], 1)
        col_vector_to_bm = ir.ValueToBlockMatrix(vector_ir, [2, 1], 1)
        row_vector_to_bm = ir.ValueToBlockMatrix(vector_ir, [1, 2], 1)
        broadcast_scalar = ir.BlockMatrixBroadcast(scalar_to_bm, [], [2, 2], 256)
        broadcast_col = ir.BlockMatrixBroadcast(col_vector_to_bm, [0], [2, 2], 256)
        broadcast_row = ir.BlockMatrixBroadcast(row_vector_to_bm, [1], [2, 2], 256)
        transpose = ir.BlockMatrixBroadcast(broadcast_scalar, [1, 0], [2, 2], 256)
        matmul = ir.BlockMatrixDot(broadcast_scalar, transpose)

        pow_ir = (construct_expr(ir.Ref('l'), hl.tfloat64) ** construct_expr(ir.Ref('r'), hl.tfloat64))._ir
        squared_bm = ir.BlockMatrixMap2(scalar_to_bm, scalar_to_bm, pow_ir)

        return [
예제 #2
 def persist_expression(self, expr):
     return construct_expr(
                 expr._ir))), expr.dtype)
예제 #3
def maximal_independent_set(i, j, keep=True, tie_breaker=None, keyed=True) -> Table:
    """Return a table containing the vertices in a near
    `maximal independent set <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximal_independent_set>`_
    of an undirected graph whose edges are given by a two-column table.

    Run PC-relate and compute pairs of closely related individuals:

    >>> pc_rel = hl.pc_relate(dataset.GT, 0.001, k=2, statistics='kin')
    >>> pairs = pc_rel.filter(pc_rel['kin'] > 0.125)

    Starting from the above pairs, prune individuals from a dataset until no
    close relationships remain:

    >>> related_samples_to_remove = hl.maximal_independent_set(pairs.i, pairs.j, False)
    >>> result = dataset.filter_cols(
    ...     hl.is_defined(related_samples_to_remove[dataset.col_key]), keep=False)

    Starting from the above pairs, prune individuals from a dataset until no
    close relationships remain, preferring to keep cases over controls:

    >>> samples = dataset.cols()
    >>> pairs_with_case = pairs.key_by(
    ...     i=hl.struct(id=pairs.i, is_case=samples[pairs.i].is_case),
    ...     j=hl.struct(id=pairs.j, is_case=samples[pairs.j].is_case))
    >>> def tie_breaker(l, r):
    ...     return hl.cond(l.is_case & ~r.is_case, -1,
    ...                    hl.cond(~l.is_case & r.is_case, 1, 0))
    >>> related_samples_to_remove = hl.maximal_independent_set(
    ...    pairs_with_case.i, pairs_with_case.j, False, tie_breaker)
    >>> result = dataset.filter_cols(hl.is_defined(
    ...     related_samples_to_remove.key_by(
    ...        s = related_samples_to_remove.node.id.s)[dataset.col_key]), keep=False)


    The vertex set of the graph is implicitly all the values realized by `i`
    and `j` on the rows of this table. Each row of the table corresponds to an
    undirected edge between the vertices given by evaluating `i` and `j` on
    that row. An undirected edge may appear multiple times in the table and
    will not affect the output. Vertices with self-edges are removed as they
    are not independent of themselves.

    The expressions for `i` and `j` must have the same type.

    The value of `keep` determines whether the vertices returned are those
    in the maximal independent set, or those in the complement of this set.
    This is useful if you need to filter a table without removing vertices that
    don't appear in the graph at all.

    This method implements a greedy algorithm which iteratively removes a
    vertex of highest degree until the graph contains no edges. The greedy
    algorithm always returns an independent set, but the set may not always
    be perfectly maximal.

    `tie_breaker` is a Python function taking two arguments---say `l` and
    `r`---each of which is an :class:`Expression` of the same type as `i` and
    `j`. `tie_breaker` returns a :class:`NumericExpression`, which defines an
    ordering on nodes. A pair of nodes can be ordered in one of three ways, and
    `tie_breaker` must encode the relationship as follows:

     - if ``l < r`` then ``tie_breaker`` evaluates to some negative integer
     - if ``l == r`` then ``tie_breaker`` evaluates to 0
     - if ``l > r`` then ``tie_breaker`` evaluates to some positive integer

    For example, the usual ordering on the integers is defined by: ``l - r``.

    The `tie_breaker` function must satisfy the following property:
    ``tie_breaker(l, r) == -tie_breaker(r, l)``.

    When multiple nodes have the same degree, this algorithm will order the
    nodes according to ``tie_breaker`` and remove the *largest* node.

    If `keyed` is ``False``, then a node may appear twice in the resulting

    i : :class:`.Expression`
        Expression to compute one endpoint of an edge.
    j : :class:`.Expression`
        Expression to compute another endpoint of an edge.
    keep : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, return vertices in set. If ``False``, return vertices removed.
    tie_breaker : function
        Function used to order nodes with equal degree.
    keyed : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, key the resulting table by the `node` field, this requires
        a sort.

        Table with the set of independent vertices. The table schema is one row
        field `node` which has the same type as input expressions `i` and `j`.

    if i.dtype != j.dtype:
        raise ValueError("'maximal_independent_set' expects arguments `i` and `j` to have same type. "
                         "Found {} and {}.".format(i.dtype, j.dtype))

    source = i._indices.source
    if not isinstance(source, Table):
        raise ValueError("'maximal_independent_set' expects an expression of 'Table'. Found {}".format(
            "expression of '{}'".format(
                source.__class__) if source is not None else 'scalar expression'))

    if i._indices.source != j._indices.source:
        raise ValueError(
            "'maximal_independent_set' expects arguments `i` and `j` to be expressions of the same Table. "
            "Found\n{}\n{}".format(i, j))

    node_t = i.dtype

    if tie_breaker:
        wrapped_node_t = ttuple(node_t)
        left = construct_variable('l', wrapped_node_t)
        right = construct_variable('r', wrapped_node_t)
        tie_breaker_expr = hl.float64(tie_breaker(left[0], right[0]))
        t, _ = source._process_joins(i, j, tie_breaker_expr)
        tie_breaker_str = str(tie_breaker_expr._ir)
        t, _ = source._process_joins(i, j)
        tie_breaker_str = None

    edges = t.select(__i=i, __j=j).key_by().select('__i', '__j')
    edges_path = new_temp_file()
    edges = hl.read_table(edges_path)

    mis_nodes = construct_expr(

    nodes = edges.select(node=[edges.__i, edges.__j])
    nodes = nodes.explode(nodes.node)
    nodes = nodes.annotate_globals(mis_nodes=mis_nodes)
    nodes = nodes.filter(nodes.mis_nodes.contains(nodes.node), keep)
    nodes = nodes.select_globals()
    if keyed:
        return nodes.key_by('node').distinct()
    return nodes