예제 #1
def transform_one(mt: MatrixTable) -> MatrixTable:
    """transforms a gvcf into a form suitable for combining"""
    mt = mt.annotate_entries(
        # local (alt) allele index into global (alt) alleles
                    hl.len(mt.alleles) - 1),
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(info=mt.info.annotate(
    mt = mt.drop('SB', 'qual')

    return mt
예제 #2
def transform_one(mt: MatrixTable) -> MatrixTable:
    """transforms a gvcf into a form suitable for combining"""
    mt = mt.annotate_entries(
        # local (alt) allele index into global (alt) alleles
        LA=hl.range(0, hl.len(mt.alleles)),
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(
    mt = mt.transmute_entries(
        LAD=mt.AD[0:],  # requiredness issues :'(
    mt = mt.drop('SB', 'qual', 'filters')

    return mt
예제 #3
파일: vcf_combiner.py 프로젝트: bcajes/hail
def transform_one(mt: MatrixTable) -> MatrixTable:
    """transforms a gvcf into a form suitable for combining"""
    mt = mt.annotate_entries(
        # local (alt) allele index into global (alt) alleles
        LA=hl.range(0, hl.len(mt.alleles) - 1),
    # This collects all fields with median combiners into arrays so we can calculate medians
    # when needed
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(
        # now minrep'ed (ref, alt) allele pairs
        alleles=hl.bind(lambda ref: mt.alleles[1:].map(lambda alt:
                                                       # minrep <NON_REF>
                                                       hl.struct(ref=hl.cond(alt == "<NON_REF>",
    mt = mt.drop('SB', 'qual')

    return mt
예제 #4
def transform_one(mt: MatrixTable) -> MatrixTable:
    """transforms a gvcf into a form suitable for combining"""
    mt = mt.annotate_entries(
        # local (alt) allele index into global (alt) alleles
                    hl.len(mt.alleles) - 1),
    # This collects all fields with median combiners into arrays so we can calculate medians
    # when needed
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(
        # now minrep'ed (ref, alt) allele pairs
            lambda ref: mt.alleles[1:].map(
                lambda alt:
                # minrep <NON_REF>
                hl.struct(ref=hl.cond(alt == "<NON_REF>", ref[0:1], ref),
    mt = mt.drop('SB', 'qual')

    return mt
예제 #5
def de_novo(mt: MatrixTable,
            pedigree: Pedigree,
            min_gq: int = 20,
            min_p: float = 0.05,
            max_parent_ab: float = 0.05,
            min_child_ab: float = 0.20,
            min_dp_ratio: float = 0.10) -> Table:
    r"""Call putative *de novo* events from trio data.

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tstring.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_biallelic.rst


    Call de novo events:

    >>> pedigree = hl.Pedigree.read('data/trios.fam')
    >>> priors = hl.import_table('data/gnomadFreq.tsv', impute=True)
    >>> priors = priors.transmute(**hl.parse_variant(priors.Variant)).key_by('locus', 'alleles')
    >>> de_novo_results = hl.de_novo(dataset, pedigree, pop_frequency_prior=priors[dataset.row_key].AF)

    This method assumes the GATK high-throughput sequencing fields exist:
    `GT`, `AD`, `DP`, `GQ`, `PL`.

    This method replicates the functionality of `Kaitlin Samocha's de novo
    caller <https://github.com/ksamocha/de_novo_scripts>`__. The version
    corresponding to git commit ``bde3e40`` is implemented in Hail with her
    permission and assistance.

    This method produces a :class:`.Table` with the following fields:

     - `locus` (``locus``) -- Variant locus.
     - `alleles` (``array<str>``) -- Variant alleles.
     - `id` (``str``) -- Proband sample ID.
     - `prior` (``float64``) -- Site frequency prior. It is the maximum of:
       the computed dataset alternate allele frequency, the
       `pop_frequency_prior` parameter, and the global prior
       ``1 / 3e7``.
     - `proband` (``struct``) -- Proband column fields from `mt`.
     - `father` (``struct``) -- Father column fields from `mt`.
     - `mother` (``struct``) -- Mother column fields from `mt`.
     - `proband_entry` (``struct``) -- Proband entry fields from `mt`.
     - `father_entry` (``struct``) -- Father entry fields from `mt`.
     - `proband_entry` (``struct``) -- Mother entry fields from `mt`.
     - `is_female` (``bool``) -- ``True`` if proband is female.
     - `p_de_novo` (``float64``) -- Unfiltered posterior probability
       that the event is *de novo* rather than a missed heterozygous
       event in a parent.
     - `confidence` (``str``) Validation confidence. One of: ``'HIGH'``,
       ``'MEDIUM'``, ``'LOW'``.

    The key of the table is ``['locus', 'alleles', 'id']``.

    The model looks for de novo events in which both parents are homozygous
    reference and the proband is a heterozygous. The model makes the simplifying
    assumption that when this configuration ``x = (AA, AA, AB)`` of calls
    occurs, exactly one of the following is true:

     - ``d``: a de novo mutation occurred in the proband and all calls are
     - ``m``: at least one parental allele is actually heterozygous and
       the proband call is accurate.

    We can then estimate the posterior probability of a de novo mutation as:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P_{\text{de novo}}} = \frac{\mathrm{P}(d\,|\,x)}{\mathrm{P}(d\,|\,x) + \mathrm{P}(m\,|\,x)}

    Applying Bayes rule to the numerator and denominator yields

    .. math::

        \frac{\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)\,\mathrm{P}(d)}{\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)\,\mathrm{P}(d) +

    The prior on de novo mutation is estimated from the rate in the literature:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(d) = \frac{1 \text{mutation}}{30,000,000\, \text{bases}}

    The prior used for at least one alternate allele between the parents
    depends on the alternate allele frequency:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(m) = 1 - (1 - AF)^4

    The likelihoods :math:`\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)` and :math:`\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,m)`
    are computed from the PL (genotype likelihood) fields using these

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(x = (AA, AA, AB) \,|\,d) = \Big(
        &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{father} = AA) \\
        \cdot &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{mother} =
        AA) \\ \cdot &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{proband}} = AB \,|\,
        \mathrm{proband} = AB) \Big)

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(x = (AA, AA, AB) \,|\,m) = \Big( &
        \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{father} = AB)
        \cdot \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{mother} =
        AA) \\ + \, &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\,
        \mathrm{father} = AA) \cdot \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA
        \,|\, \mathrm{mother} = AB) \Big) \\ \cdot \,
        &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{proband}} = AB \,|\, \mathrm{proband} = AB)

    (Technically, the second factorization assumes there is exactly (rather
    than at least) one alternate allele among the parents, which may be
    justified on the grounds that it is typically the most likely case by far.)

    While this posterior probability is a good metric for grouping putative de
    novo mutations by validation likelihood, there exist error modes in
    high-throughput sequencing data that are not appropriately accounted for by
    the phred-scaled genotype likelihoods. To this end, a number of hard filters
    are applied in order to assign validation likelihood.

    These filters are different for SNPs and insertions/deletions. In the below
    rules, the following variables are used:

     - ``DR`` refers to the ratio of the read depth in the proband to the
       combined read depth in the parents.
     - ``AB`` refers to the read allele balance of the proband (number of
       alternate reads divided by total reads).
     - ``AC`` refers to the count of alternate alleles across all individuals
       in the dataset at the site.
     - ``p`` refers to :math:`\mathrm{P_{\text{de novo}}}`.
     - ``min_p`` refers to the ``min_p`` function parameter.

    HIGH-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && DR > 0.2
        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && AC == 1

    MEDIUM-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.3
        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.2 && AC == 1

    LOW-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > min_p && AB > 0.2

    HIGH-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && DR > 0.2
        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && AC == 1

    MEDIUM-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.3
        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.2 and AC == 1

    LOW-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > min_p && AB > 0.2

    Additionally, de novo candidates are not considered if the proband GQ is
    smaller than the ``min_gq`` parameter, if the proband allele balance is
    lower than the ``min_child_ab`` parameter, if the depth ratio between the
    proband and parents is smaller than the ``min_depth_ratio`` parameter, or if
    the allele balance in a parent is above the ``max_parent_ab`` parameter.

    mt : :class:`.MatrixTable`
        High-throughput sequencing dataset.
    pedigree : :class:`.Pedigree`
        Sample pedigree.
    pop_frequency_prior : :class:`.Float64Expression`
        Expression for population alternate allele frequency prior.
        Minimum proband GQ to be considered for *de novo* calling.
        Minimum posterior probability to be considered for *de novo* calling.
        Maximum parent allele balance.
        Minimum proband allele balance/
        Minimum ratio between proband read depth and parental read depth.

    DE_NOVO_PRIOR = 1 / 30000000
    MIN_POP_PRIOR = 100 / 30000000

    required_entry_fields = {'GT', 'AD', 'DP', 'GQ', 'PL'}
    missing_fields = required_entry_fields - set(mt.entry)
    if missing_fields:
        raise ValueError(
            f"'de_novo': expected 'MatrixTable' to have at least {required_entry_fields}, "
            f"missing {missing_fields}")

    mt = mt.annotate_rows(__prior=pop_frequency_prior,
                          __total_alleles=2 * hl.agg.sum(hl.is_defined(mt.GT)))
    # subtract 1 from __alt_alleles to correct for the observed genotype
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(
        __site_freq=hl.max((mt.__alt_alleles - 1) /
                           mt.__total_alleles, mt.__prior, MIN_POP_PRIOR))
    mt = require_biallelic(mt, 'de_novo')

    # FIXME check that __site_freq is between 0 and 1 when possible in expr
    tm = trio_matrix(mt, pedigree, complete_trios=True)

    autosomal = tm.locus.in_autosome_or_par() | (tm.locus.in_x_nonpar()
                                                 & tm.is_female)
    hemi_x = tm.locus.in_x_nonpar() & ~tm.is_female
    hemi_y = tm.locus.in_y_nonpar() & ~tm.is_female
    hemi_mt = tm.locus.in_mito() & tm.is_female

    is_snp = hl.is_snp(tm.alleles[0], tm.alleles[1])
    n_alt_alleles = tm.__alt_alleles
    prior = tm.__site_freq
    het_hom_hom = tm.proband_entry.GT.is_het() & tm.father_entry.GT.is_hom_ref(
    ) & tm.mother_entry.GT.is_hom_ref()
    kid_ad_fail = tm.proband_entry.AD[1] / hl.sum(
        tm.proband_entry.AD) < min_child_ab

    failure = hl.null(hl.tstruct(p_de_novo=hl.tfloat64, confidence=hl.tstr))

    kid = tm.proband_entry
    dad = tm.father_entry
    mom = tm.mother_entry

    kid_linear_pl = 10**(-kid.PL / 10)
    kid_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), kid_linear_pl)

    dad_linear_pl = 10**(-dad.PL / 10)
    dad_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), dad_linear_pl)

    mom_linear_pl = 10**(-mom.PL / 10)
    mom_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), mom_linear_pl)

    kid_ad_ratio = kid.AD[1] / hl.sum(kid.AD)
    dp_ratio = kid.DP / (dad.DP + mom.DP)

    def call_auto(kid_pp, dad_pp, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio):
        p_data_given_dn = dad_pp[0] * mom_pp[0] * kid_pp[1] * DE_NOVO_PRIOR
        p_het_in_parent = 1 - (1 - prior)**4
        p_data_given_missed_het = (dad_pp[1] * mom_pp[0] + dad_pp[0] *
                                   mom_pp[1]) * kid_pp[1] * p_het_in_parent
        p_de_novo = p_data_given_dn / (p_data_given_dn +

        def solve(p_de_novo):
            return (hl.case().when(kid.GQ < min_gq, failure).when(
                (kid.DP / (dad.DP + mom.DP) < min_dp_ratio)
                | ~(kid_ad_ratio >= min_child_ab), failure).when(
                    (hl.sum(mom.AD) == 0) | (hl.sum(dad.AD) == 0),
                        (mom.AD[1] / hl.sum(mom.AD) > max_parent_ab) |
                        (dad.AD[1] / hl.sum(dad.AD) > max_parent_ab),
                        failure).when(p_de_novo < min_p, failure).when(
                                (p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                (n_alt_alleles == 1),
                                              (p_de_novo > 0.5) &
                                              (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                              (n_alt_alleles <= 5),
                                                      (p_de_novo > 0.05) &
                                                      (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),
                                ((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                 (dp_ratio > 0.2)) | ((p_de_novo > 0.99) &
                                                      (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                                      (n_alt_alleles == 1)) |
                                ((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                 (n_alt_alleles < 10) & (kid.DP > 10)),
                                              (p_de_novo > 0.5) &
                                              ((kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) |
                                               (n_alt_alleles == 1)),
                                                      (p_de_novo > 0.05) &
                                                      (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),

        return hl.bind(solve, p_de_novo)

    def call_hemi(kid_pp, parent, parent_pp, kid_ad_ratio):
        p_data_given_dn = parent_pp[0] * kid_pp[1] * DE_NOVO_PRIOR
        p_het_in_parent = 1 - (1 - prior)**4
        p_data_given_missed_het = (parent_pp[1] +
                                   parent_pp[2]) * kid_pp[2] * p_het_in_parent
        p_de_novo = p_data_given_dn / (p_data_given_dn +

        def solve(p_de_novo):
            return (hl.case().when(kid.GQ < min_gq, failure).when(
                (kid.DP /
                 (parent.DP) < min_dp_ratio) | (kid_ad_ratio < min_child_ab),
                failure).when((hl.sum(parent.AD) == 0), failure).when(
                    parent.AD[1] / hl.sum(parent.AD) > max_parent_ab,
                    failure).when(p_de_novo < min_p, failure).when(
                            (p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                            (n_alt_alleles == 1),
                                p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='HIGH')).when(
                                    (p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                    (n_alt_alleles <= 5),
                                                  (p_de_novo > 0.05) &
                                                  (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3),
                                ((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                 (dp_ratio > 0.2)) |
                                ((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                 (n_alt_alleles == 1)) |
                                ((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) &
                                 (n_alt_alleles < 10) & (kid.DP > 10)),
                                              (p_de_novo > 0.5) &
                                              ((kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) |
                                               (n_alt_alleles == 1)),
                            when((p_de_novo > 0.05) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),

        return hl.bind(solve, p_de_novo)

    de_novo_call = (hl.case().when(~het_hom_hom | kid_ad_fail, failure).when(
        hl.bind(call_auto, kid_pp, dad_pp, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio)).when(
            hemi_x | hemi_mt,
            hl.bind(call_hemi, kid_pp, mom, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio)).when(
                hemi_y, hl.bind(call_hemi, kid_pp, dad, dad_pp,

    tm = tm.annotate_entries(__call=de_novo_call)
    tm = tm.filter_entries(hl.is_defined(tm.__call))
    entries = tm.entries()
    return (entries.select('__site_freq', 'proband', 'father', 'mother',
                           'proband_entry', 'father_entry', 'mother_entry',
                           **entries.__call).rename({'__site_freq': 'prior'}))
예제 #6
def nirvana(dataset, config, block_size=500000, name='nirvana') -> MatrixTable:
    """Annotate variants using `Nirvana <https://github.com/Illumina/Nirvana>`_.

    .. include:: ../_templates/experimental.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    :func:`.nirvana` runs `Nirvana
    <https://github.com/Illumina/Nirvana>`_ on the current dataset and adds a
    new row field in the location specified by `name`.


    Add Nirvana annotations to the dataset:

    >>> result = hl.nirvana(dataset, "data/nirvana.properties") # doctest: +SKIP



    :func:`.nirvana` requires a configuration file. The format is a
    `.properties file <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties>`__, where each
    line defines a property as a key-value pair of the form ``key = value``.
    :func:`.nirvana` supports the following properties:

    - **hail.nirvana.dotnet** -- Location of dotnet. Optional, default: dotnet.
    - **hail.nirvana.path** -- Value of the PATH environment variable when
      invoking Nirvana. Optional, by default PATH is not set.
    - **hail.nirvana.location** -- Location of Nirvana.dll. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.reference** -- Location of reference genome. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.cache** -- Location of cache. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.supplementaryAnnotationDirectory** -- Location of
      Supplementary Database. Optional, no supplementary database by default.

    Here is an example ``nirvana.properties`` configuration file:

    .. code-block:: text

        hail.nirvana.location = /path/to/dotnet/netcoreapp1.1/Nirvana.dll
        hail.nirvana.reference = /path/to/nirvana/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat
        hail.nirvana.cache = /path/to/nirvana/Cache/GRCh37/Ensembl84
        hail.nirvana.supplementaryAnnotationDirectory = /path/to/nirvana/SupplementaryDatabase/GRCh37


    A new row field is added in the location specified by `name` with the
    following schema:

    .. code-block:: text

        struct {
            chromosome: str,
            refAllele: str,
            position: int32,
            altAlleles: array<str>,
            cytogeneticBand: str,
            quality: float64,
            filters: array<str>,
            jointSomaticNormalQuality: int32,
            copyNumber: int32,
            strandBias: float64,
            recalibratedQuality: float64,
            variants: array<struct {
                altAllele: str,
                refAllele: str,
                chromosome: str,
                begin: int32,
                end: int32,
                phylopScore: float64,
                isReferenceMinor: bool,
                variantType: str,
                vid: str,
                isRecomposed: bool,
                regulatoryRegions: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    consequence: set<str>,
                    type: str
                clinvar: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    reviewStatus: str,
                    isAlleleSpecific: bool,
                    alleleOrigins: array<str>,
                    refAllele: str,
                    altAllele: str,
                    phenotypes: array<str>,
                    medGenIds: array<str>,
                    omimIds: array<str>,
                    orphanetIds: array<str>,
                    geneReviewsId: str,
                    significance: str,
                    lastUpdatedDate: str,
                    pubMedIds: array<str>
                cosmic: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    isAlleleSpecific: bool,
                    refAllele: str,
                    altAllele: str,
                    gene: str,
                    sampleCount: int32,
                    studies: array<struct {
                        id: int32,
                        histology: str,
                        primarySite: str
                dbsnp: struct {
                    ids: array<str>
                evs: struct {
                    coverage: int32,
                    sampleCount: int32,
                    allAf: float64,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    eurAf: float64
                exac: struct {
                    coverage: int32,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    afrAc: int32,
                    afrAn: int32,
                    amrAf: float64,
                    amrAc: int32,
                    amrAn: int32,
                    easAf: float64,
                    easAc: int32,
                    easAn: int32,
                    finAf: float64,
                    finAc: int32,
                    finAn: int32,
                    nfeAf: float64,
                    nfeAc: int32,
                    nfeAn: int32,
                    othAf: float64,
                    othAc: int32,
                    othAn: int32,
                    sasAf: float64,
                    sasAc: int32,
                    sasAn: int32
                globalAllele: struct {
                    globalMinorAllele: str,
                    globalMinorAlleleFrequency: float64
                oneKg: struct {
                    ancestralAllele: str,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    afrAc: int32,
                    afrAn: int32,
                    amrAf: float64,
                    amrAc: int32,
                    amrAn: int32,
                    easAf: float64,
                    easAc: int32,
                    easAn: int32,
                    eurAf: float64,
                    eurAc: int32,
                    eurAn: int32,
                    sasAf: float64,
                    sasAc: int32,
                    sasAn: int32
                transcripts: struct {
                    refSeq: array<struct {
                        transcript: str,
                        bioType: str,
                        aminoAcids: str,
                        cDnaPos: str,
                        codons: str,
                        cdsPos: str,
                        exons: str,
                        introns: str,
                        geneId: str,
                        hgnc: str,
                        consequence: array<str>,
                        hgvsc: str,
                        hgvsp: str,
                        isCanonical: bool,
                        polyPhenScore: float64,
                        polyPhenPrediction: str,
                        proteinId: str,
                        proteinPos: str,
                        siftScore: float64,
                        siftPrediction: str
                    ensembl: array<struct {
                        transcript: str,
                        bioType: str,
                        aminoAcids: str,
                        cDnaPos: str,
                        codons: str,
                        cdsPos: str,
                        exons: str,
                        introns: str,
                        geneId: str,
                        hgnc: str,
                        consequence: array<str>,
                        hgvsc: str,
                        hgvsp: str,
                        isCanonical: bool,
                        polyPhenScore: float64,
                        polyPhenPrediction: str,
                        proteinId: str,
                        proteinPos: str,
                        siftScore: float64,
                        siftPrediction: str
                genes: array<struct {
                    name: str,
                    omim: array<struct {
                        mimNumber: int32,
                        hgnc: str,
                        description: str,
                        phenotypes: array<struct {
                            mimNumber: int32,
                            phenotype: str,
                            mapping: str,
                            inheritance: array<str>,
                            comments: str

    dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable`
    config : :obj:`str`
        Path to Nirvana configuration file.
    block_size : :obj:`int`
        Number of rows to process per Nirvana invocation.
    name : :obj:`str`
        Name for resulting row field.

        Dataset with new row-indexed field `name` containing Nirvana annotations.

    require_row_key_variant(dataset, 'nirvana')
    mt = MatrixTable(Env.hail().methods.Nirvana.apply(dataset._jvds, config,
    return mt.annotate_rows(nirvana=mt['nirvana']['nirvana'])
예제 #7
def vep(dataset,
        csq=False) -> MatrixTable:
    """Annotate variants with VEP.

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    :func:`.vep` runs `Variant Effect Predictor
    <http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/index.html>`__ with the `LOFTEE
    plugin <https://github.com/konradjk/loftee>`__ on the current dataset and
    adds the result as a row field.


    Add VEP annotations to the dataset:

    >>> result = hl.vep(dataset, "data/vep.properties") # doctest: +SKIP



    :func:`.vep` needs a configuration file to tell it
    how to run VEP. The format is a `.properties file
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties>`__. Roughly, each line defines a
    property as a key-value pair of the form `key = value`. :func:`.vep` supports the
    following properties:

    - **hail.vep.perl** -- Location of Perl. Optional, default: perl.
    - **hail.vep.perl5lib** -- Value for the PERL5LIB environment variable when
      invoking VEP. Optional, by default PERL5LIB is not set.
    - **hail.vep.path** -- Value of the PATH environment variable when invoking
      VEP.  Optional, by default PATH is not set.
    - **hail.vep.location** -- Location of the VEP Perl script.  Required.
    - **hail.vep.cache_dir** -- Location of the VEP cache dir, passed to VEP
      with the ``--dir`` option. Required.
    - **hail.vep.fasta** -- Location of the FASTA file to use to look up the
      reference sequence, passed to VEP with the `--fasta` option. Required.
    - **hail.vep.assembly** -- Genome assembly version to use. Optional,
      default: GRCh37
    - **hail.vep.plugin** -- VEP plugin, passed to VEP with the `--plugin`
      option. Optional. Overrides `hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor` and
    - **hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor** -- Location of the human ancestor file for
      the LOFTEE plugin. Ignored if `hail.vep.plugin` is set. Required otherwise.
    - **hail.vep.lof.conservation_file** -- Location of the conservation file
      for the LOFTEE plugin. Ignored if `hail.vep.plugin` is set. Required

    Here is an example ``vep.properties`` configuration file

    .. code-block:: text

        hail.vep.perl = /usr/bin/perl
        hail.vep.path = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
        hail.vep.location = /path/to/vep/ensembl-tools-release-81/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/variant_effect_predictor.pl
        hail.vep.cache_dir = /path/to/vep
        hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor = /path/to/loftee_data/human_ancestor.fa.gz
        hail.vep.lof.conservation_file = /path/to/loftee_data/phylocsf.sql

    **VEP Invocation**

    .. code-block:: text

        --format vcf
        --cache --offline
        --dir <hail.vep.cache_dir>
        --fasta <hail.vep.fasta>
        --assembly <hail.vep.assembly>
        --plugin LoF,\
        -o STDOUT


    A new row field is added in the location specified by `name` with the
    following schema:

    .. code-block:: text

        struct {
            assembly_name: str,
            allele_string: str,
            ancestral: str,
            colocated_variants: array<struct {
                aa_allele: str,
                aa_maf: float64,
                afr_allele: str,
                afr_maf: float64,
                allele_string: str,
                amr_allele: str,
                amr_maf: float64,
                clin_sig: array<str>,
                end: int32,
                eas_allele: str,
                eas_maf: float64,
                ea_allele: str,
                ea_maf: float64,
                eur_allele: str,
                eur_maf: float64,
                exac_adj_allele: str,
                exac_adj_maf: float64,
                exac_allele: str,
                exac_afr_allele: str,
                exac_afr_maf: float64,
                exac_amr_allele: str,
                exac_amr_maf: float64,
                exac_eas_allele: str,
                exac_eas_maf: float64,
                exac_fin_allele: str,
                exac_fin_maf: float64,
                exac_maf: float64,
                exac_nfe_allele: str,
                exac_nfe_maf: float64,
                exac_oth_allele: str,
                exac_oth_maf: float64,
                exac_sas_allele: str,
                exac_sas_maf: float64,
                id: str,
                minor_allele: str,
                minor_allele_freq: float64,
                phenotype_or_disease: int32,
                pubmed: array<int32>,
                sas_allele: str,
                sas_maf: float64,
                somatic: int32,
                start: int32,
                strand: int32
            context: str,
            end: int32,
            id: str,
            input: str,
            intergenic_consequences: array<struct {
                allele_num: int32,
                consequence_terms: array<str>,
                impact: str,
                minimised: int32,
                variant_allele: str
            most_severe_consequence: str,
            motif_feature_consequences: array<struct {
                allele_num: int32,
                consequence_terms: array<str>,
                high_inf_pos: str,
                impact: str,
                minimised: int32,
                motif_feature_id: str,
                motif_name: str,
                motif_pos: int32,
                motif_score_change: float64,
                strand: int32,
                variant_allele: str
            regulatory_feature_consequences: array<struct {
                allele_num: int32,
                biotype: str,
                consequence_terms: array<str>,
                impact: str,
                minimised: int32,
                regulatory_feature_id: str,
                variant_allele: str
            seq_region_name: str,
            start: int32,
            strand: int32,
            transcript_consequences: array<struct {
                allele_num: int32,
                amino_acids: str,
                biotype: str,
                canonical: int32,
                ccds: str,
                cdna_start: int32,
                cdna_end: int32,
                cds_end: int32,
                cds_start: int32,
                codons: str,
                consequence_terms: array<str>,
                distance: int32,
                domains: array<struct {
                    db: str,
                    name: str
                exon: str,
                gene_id: str,
                gene_pheno: int32,
                gene_symbol: str,
                gene_symbol_source: str,
                hgnc_id: str,
                hgvsc: str,
                hgvsp: str,
                hgvs_offset: int32,
                impact: str,
                intron: str,
                lof: str,
                lof_flags: str,
                lof_filter: str,
                lof_info: str,
                minimised: int32,
                polyphen_prediction: str,
                polyphen_score: float64,
                protein_end: int32,
                protein_start: int32,
                protein_id: str,
                sift_prediction: str,
                sift_score: float64,
                strand: int32,
                swissprot: str,
                transcript_id: str,
                trembl: str,
                uniparc: str,
                variant_allele: str
            variant_class: str

    dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable`
    config : :obj:`str`
        Path to VEP configuration file.
    block_size : :obj:`int`
        Number of rows to process per VEP invocation.
    name : :obj:`str`
        Name for resulting row field.
    csq : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, annotates VCF CSQ field as a :py:data:`.tstr`.
        If ``False``, annotates with the full nested struct schema.

        Dataset with new row-indexed field `name` containing VEP annotations.

    require_row_key_variant(dataset, 'vep')
    mt = MatrixTable(Env.hail().methods.VEP.apply(dataset._jvds, config,
                                                  'va.`{}`'.format(name), csq,
    return mt.annotate_rows(vep=mt['vep']['vep'])
예제 #8
def de_novo(mt: MatrixTable,
            pedigree: Pedigree,
            min_gq: int = 20,
            min_p: float = 0.05,
            max_parent_ab: float = 0.05,
            min_child_ab: float = 0.20,
            min_dp_ratio: float = 0.10) -> Table:
    r"""Call putative *de novo* events from trio data.

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tstring.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_biallelic.rst


    Call de novo events:

    >>> pedigree = hl.Pedigree.read('data/trios.fam')
    >>> priors = hl.import_table('data/gnomadFreq.tsv', impute=True)
    >>> priors = priors.transmute(**hl.parse_variant(priors.Variant)).key_by('locus', 'alleles')
    >>> de_novo_results = hl.de_novo(dataset, pedigree, pop_frequency_prior=priors[dataset.row_key].AF)

    This method assumes the GATK high-throughput sequencing fields exist:
    `GT`, `AD`, `DP`, `GQ`, `PL`.

    This method replicates the functionality of `Kaitlin Samocha's de novo
    caller <https://github.com/ksamocha/de_novo_scripts>`__. The version
    corresponding to git commit ``bde3e40`` is implemented in Hail with her
    permission and assistance.

    This method produces a :class:`.Table` with the following fields:

     - `locus` (``locus``) -- Variant locus.
     - `alleles` (``array<str>``) -- Variant alleles.
     - `id` (``str``) -- Proband sample ID.
     - `prior` (``float64``) -- Site frequency prior. It is the maximum of:
       the computed dataset alternate allele frequency, the
       `pop_frequency_prior` parameter, and the global prior
       ``1 / 3e7``.
     - `proband` (``struct``) -- Proband column fields from `mt`.
     - `father` (``struct``) -- Father column fields from `mt`.
     - `mother` (``struct``) -- Mother column fields from `mt`.
     - `proband_entry` (``struct``) -- Proband entry fields from `mt`.
     - `father_entry` (``struct``) -- Father entry fields from `mt`.
     - `proband_entry` (``struct``) -- Mother entry fields from `mt`.
     - `is_female` (``bool``) -- ``True`` if proband is female.
     - `p_de_novo` (``float64``) -- Unfiltered posterior probability
       that the event is *de novo* rather than a missed heterozygous
       event in a parent.
     - `confidence` (``str``) Validation confidence. One of: ``'HIGH'``,
       ``'MEDIUM'``, ``'LOW'``.

    The key of the table is ``['locus', 'alleles', 'id']``.

    The model looks for de novo events in which both parents are homozygous
    reference and the proband is a heterozygous. The model makes the simplifying
    assumption that when this configuration ``x = (AA, AA, AB)`` of calls
    occurs, exactly one of the following is true:

     - ``d``: a de novo mutation occurred in the proband and all calls are
     - ``m``: at least one parental allele is actually heterozygous and
       the proband call is accurate.

    We can then estimate the posterior probability of a de novo mutation as:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P_{\text{de novo}}} = \frac{\mathrm{P}(d\,|\,x)}{\mathrm{P}(d\,|\,x) + \mathrm{P}(m\,|\,x)}

    Applying Bayes rule to the numerator and denominator yields

    .. math::

        \frac{\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)\,\mathrm{P}(d)}{\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)\,\mathrm{P}(d) +

    The prior on de novo mutation is estimated from the rate in the literature:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(d) = \frac{1 \text{mutation}}{30,000,000\, \text{bases}}

    The prior used for at least one alternate allele between the parents
    depends on the alternate allele frequency:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(m) = 1 - (1 - AF)^4

    The likelihoods :math:`\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,d)` and :math:`\mathrm{P}(x\,|\,m)`
    are computed from the PL (genotype likelihood) fields using these

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(x = (AA, AA, AB) \,|\,d) = \Big(
        &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{father} = AA) \\
        \cdot &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{mother} =
        AA) \\ \cdot &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{proband}} = AB \,|\,
        \mathrm{proband} = AB) \Big)

    .. math::

        \mathrm{P}(x = (AA, AA, AB) \,|\,m) = \Big( &
        \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{father} = AB)
        \cdot \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA \,|\, \mathrm{mother} =
        AA) \\ + \, &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{father}} = AA \,|\,
        \mathrm{father} = AA) \cdot \mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{mother}} = AA
        \,|\, \mathrm{mother} = AB) \Big) \\ \cdot \,
        &\mathrm{P}(x_{\mathrm{proband}} = AB \,|\, \mathrm{proband} = AB)

    (Technically, the second factorization assumes there is exactly (rather
    than at least) one alternate allele among the parents, which may be
    justified on the grounds that it is typically the most likely case by far.)

    While this posterior probability is a good metric for grouping putative de
    novo mutations by validation likelihood, there exist error modes in
    high-throughput sequencing data that are not appropriately accounted for by
    the phred-scaled genotype likelihoods. To this end, a number of hard filters
    are applied in order to assign validation likelihood.

    These filters are different for SNPs and insertions/deletions. In the below
    rules, the following variables are used:

     - ``DR`` refers to the ratio of the read depth in the proband to the
       combined read depth in the parents.
     - ``AB`` refers to the read allele balance of the proband (number of
       alternate reads divided by total reads).
     - ``AC`` refers to the count of alternate alleles across all individuals
       in the dataset at the site.
     - ``p`` refers to :math:`\mathrm{P_{\text{de novo}}}`.
     - ``min_p`` refers to the ``min_p`` function parameter.

    HIGH-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && DR > 0.2
        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && AC == 1

    MEDIUM-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.3
        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.2 && AC == 1

    LOW-quality SNV:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > min_p && AB > 0.2

    HIGH-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && DR > 0.2
        p > 0.99 && AB > 0.3 && AC == 1

    MEDIUM-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.3
        p > 0.5 && AB > 0.2 and AC == 1

    LOW-quality indel:

    .. code-block:: text

        p > min_p && AB > 0.2

    Additionally, de novo candidates are not considered if the proband GQ is
    smaller than the ``min_gq`` parameter, if the proband allele balance is
    lower than the ``min_child_ab`` parameter, if the depth ratio between the
    proband and parents is smaller than the ``min_depth_ratio`` parameter, or if
    the allele balance in a parent is above the ``max_parent_ab`` parameter.

    mt : :class:`.MatrixTable`
        High-throughput sequencing dataset.
    pedigree : :class:`.Pedigree`
        Sample pedigree.
    pop_frequency_prior : :class:`.Float64Expression`
        Expression for population alternate allele frequency prior.
        Minimum proband GQ to be considered for *de novo* calling.
        Minimum posterior probability to be considered for *de novo* calling.
        Maximum parent allele balance.
        Minimum proband allele balance/
        Minimum ratio between proband read depth and parental read depth.

    DE_NOVO_PRIOR = 1 / 30000000
    MIN_POP_PRIOR = 100 / 30000000

    required_entry_fields = {'GT', 'AD', 'DP', 'GQ', 'PL'}
    missing_fields = required_entry_fields - set(mt.entry)
    if missing_fields:
        raise ValueError(f"'de_novo': expected 'MatrixTable' to have at least {required_entry_fields}, "
                         f"missing {missing_fields}")

    mt = mt.annotate_rows(__prior=pop_frequency_prior,
                          __total_alleles=2 * hl.agg.sum(hl.is_defined(mt.GT)))
    # subtract 1 from __alt_alleles to correct for the observed genotype
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(__site_freq=hl.max((mt.__alt_alleles - 1) / mt.__total_alleles, mt.__prior, MIN_POP_PRIOR))
    mt = require_biallelic(mt, 'de_novo')

    # FIXME check that __site_freq is between 0 and 1 when possible in expr
    tm = trio_matrix(mt, pedigree, complete_trios=True)

    autosomal = tm.locus.in_autosome_or_par() | (tm.locus.in_x_nonpar() & tm.is_female)
    hemi_x = tm.locus.in_x_nonpar() & ~tm.is_female
    hemi_y = tm.locus.in_y_nonpar() & ~tm.is_female
    hemi_mt = tm.locus.in_mito() & tm.is_female

    is_snp = hl.is_snp(tm.alleles[0], tm.alleles[1])
    n_alt_alleles = tm.__alt_alleles
    prior = tm.__site_freq
    het_hom_hom = tm.proband_entry.GT.is_het() & tm.father_entry.GT.is_hom_ref() & tm.mother_entry.GT.is_hom_ref()
    kid_ad_fail = tm.proband_entry.AD[1] / hl.sum(tm.proband_entry.AD) < min_child_ab

    failure = hl.null(hl.tstruct(p_de_novo=hl.tfloat64, confidence=hl.tstr))

    kid = tm.proband_entry
    dad = tm.father_entry
    mom = tm.mother_entry

    kid_linear_pl = 10 ** (-kid.PL / 10)
    kid_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), kid_linear_pl)

    dad_linear_pl = 10 ** (-dad.PL / 10)
    dad_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), dad_linear_pl)

    mom_linear_pl = 10 ** (-mom.PL / 10)
    mom_pp = hl.bind(lambda x: x / hl.sum(x), mom_linear_pl)

    kid_ad_ratio = kid.AD[1] / hl.sum(kid.AD)
    dp_ratio = kid.DP / (dad.DP + mom.DP)

    def call_auto(kid_pp, dad_pp, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio):
        p_data_given_dn = dad_pp[0] * mom_pp[0] * kid_pp[1] * DE_NOVO_PRIOR
        p_het_in_parent = 1 - (1 - prior) ** 4
        p_data_given_missed_het = (dad_pp[1] * mom_pp[0] + dad_pp[0] * mom_pp[1]) * kid_pp[1] * p_het_in_parent
        p_de_novo = p_data_given_dn / (p_data_given_dn + p_data_given_missed_het)

        def solve(p_de_novo):
            return (
                    .when(kid.GQ < min_gq, failure)
                    .when((kid.DP / (dad.DP + mom.DP) < min_dp_ratio) |
                          ~(kid_ad_ratio >= min_child_ab), failure)
                    .when((hl.sum(mom.AD) == 0) | (hl.sum(dad.AD) == 0), failure)
                    .when((mom.AD[1] / hl.sum(mom.AD) > max_parent_ab) |
                          (dad.AD[1] / hl.sum(dad.AD) > max_parent_ab), failure)
                    .when(p_de_novo < min_p, failure)
                    .when(~is_snp, hl.case()
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles == 1),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='HIGH'))
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles <= 5),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='MEDIUM'))
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.05) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='LOW'))
                             .when(((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (dp_ratio > 0.2)) |
                                   ((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles == 1)) |
                                   ((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles < 10) & (kid.DP > 10)),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='HIGH'))
                             .when((p_de_novo > 0.5) & ((kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) | (n_alt_alleles == 1)),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='MEDIUM'))
                             .when((p_de_novo > 0.05) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='LOW'))

        return hl.bind(solve, p_de_novo)

    def call_hemi(kid_pp, parent, parent_pp, kid_ad_ratio):
        p_data_given_dn = parent_pp[0] * kid_pp[1] * DE_NOVO_PRIOR
        p_het_in_parent = 1 - (1 - prior) ** 4
        p_data_given_missed_het = (parent_pp[1] + parent_pp[2]) * kid_pp[2] * p_het_in_parent
        p_de_novo = p_data_given_dn / (p_data_given_dn + p_data_given_missed_het)

        def solve(p_de_novo):
            return (
                    .when(kid.GQ < min_gq, failure)
                    .when((kid.DP / (parent.DP) < min_dp_ratio) |
                          (kid_ad_ratio < min_child_ab), failure)
                    .when((hl.sum(parent.AD) == 0), failure)
                    .when(parent.AD[1] / hl.sum(parent.AD) > max_parent_ab, failure)
                    .when(p_de_novo < min_p, failure)
                    .when(~is_snp, hl.case()
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles == 1),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='HIGH'))
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles <= 5),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='MEDIUM'))
                          .when((p_de_novo > 0.05) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3),
                                hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='LOW'))
                             .when(((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (dp_ratio > 0.2)) |
                                   ((p_de_novo > 0.99) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles == 1)) |
                                   ((p_de_novo > 0.5) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) & (n_alt_alleles < 10) & (kid.DP > 10)),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='HIGH'))
                             .when((p_de_novo > 0.5) & ((kid_ad_ratio > 0.3) | (n_alt_alleles == 1)),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='MEDIUM'))
                             .when((p_de_novo > 0.05) & (kid_ad_ratio > 0.2),
                                   hl.struct(p_de_novo=p_de_novo, confidence='LOW'))

        return hl.bind(solve, p_de_novo)

    de_novo_call = (
            .when(~het_hom_hom | kid_ad_fail, failure)
            .when(autosomal, hl.bind(call_auto, kid_pp, dad_pp, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio))
            .when(hemi_x | hemi_mt, hl.bind(call_hemi, kid_pp, mom, mom_pp, kid_ad_ratio))
            .when(hemi_y, hl.bind(call_hemi, kid_pp, dad, dad_pp, kid_ad_ratio))

    tm = tm.annotate_entries(__call=de_novo_call)
    tm = tm.filter_entries(hl.is_defined(tm.__call))
    entries = tm.entries()
    return (entries.select('__site_freq',
            .rename({'__site_freq': 'prior'}))