def is_host_halo(treeID):
    trunk_upid = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'upid')
    print trunk_upid
    subhaloID = -1
    for i, val in enumerate(trunk_upid):
        if(val != -1):
            subhaloID = trunk_upid[i]
    if(subhaloID != -1):
        print subhaloID
def clumpiness(treeID):
    Returns clumpy statistic for a given treeID.

    clumpiness = (change in mass due to clumpy accretion)/(change in total mass)

    The timeframe is set to between current day and z = 1.

    treeID : string

    clumpiness : float
        summary statistic of the clumpiness of a tree's mass accretion history.


    >>> c = clumpiness('3060299107')
    >>> print c
    >>> 'clumpiness:  0.0974984867952'


    trunk_scale = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'scale')
    index = 0
    index = len(trunk_scale) - 2 #
    trunk_mass = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'mvir')
    mass_delta = trunk_mass[0] - trunk_mass[index]
    print 'mass delta', mass_delta
    trunk_clumpy = clumpy_accretion(treeID)

    clumpy_delta = 0
    for i in xrange(0, index + 1):
        clumpy_delta += trunk_clumpy[i]

    print 'clumpy delta', clumpy_delta
    fraction_clumpy = clumpy_delta/mass_delta
    print 'clumpiness: ', fraction_clumpy

    return fraction_clumpy
def smoothness(treeID):
    Returns smooth statistic for a given treeID.

    smothness = (change in mass due to smooth accretion)/(change in total mass)

    The timeframe is set to between current day and z = 1.

    treeID : string

    smoothness : float
        summary statistic of the smoothness of a tree's mass accretion history.


    trunk_scale = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'scale')
    index = 0
    for i, s in enumerate(trunk_scale):
        if(s < .5): #start at redshift 1
            index = i

    trunk_mass = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'mvir')
    trunk_smooth = smooth_accretion(treeID)

    mass_delta = trunk_mass[0] - trunk_mass[index]
    smooth_delta = 0

    for i in xrange(0, index + 1):
        j = index - i
        smooth_delta += trunk_smooth[j]

    # print mass_delta - smooth_delta
    print 'smooth delta', smooth_delta
    fraction_smooth = smooth_delta/mass_delta
    print 'fraction smooth', fraction_smooth
    return fraction_smooth
def plot_accretion(treeID):
    Plots clumpy, smooth, total mass, and clumpy + smooth accretion
    total mass should equal clumpy + smooth

    treeID : string


    clumpy_history = clumpy_accretion(treeID)
    smooth_history = smooth_accretion(treeID)
    mass_history = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'mvir')
    mass_history = mass_history[:len(mass_history)-1]
    clumpy = 0
    smooth = 0

    clumpy_plus_smooth = [0] * len(clumpy_history)
    clumpy_final = [0] * len(clumpy_history)
    smooth_final = [0] * len(clumpy_history)
    tree_length = len(clumpy_history)
    for i in xrange(0, tree_length):
        clumpy_plus_smooth[i] = clumpy_history[i] + smooth_history[i]
        index = tree_length - i - 1
        clumpy = clumpy + clumpy_history[index]
        clumpy_final[index] = clumpy
        smooth = smooth + smooth_history[index]
        smooth_final[index] = smooth

    x1 = np.linspace(1, 0, len(smooth_history))
    clumpy, = plt.plot(x1, clumpy_history, label='clumpy', lw=2)
    smooth, = plt.plot(x1, smooth_history, label='smooth', lw=2)
    total, = plt.plot(x1, mass_history, label='total mass', lw= 2)

    plt.legend(handles=[clumpy, smooth, total],  loc=2,)
    title = 'Accretion over Time for Tree ' + str(treeID)
    filename = "tree" + str(treeID)

    clumpy, = plt.plot(x1, clumpy_final, label='clumpy', lw=2)
    smooth, = plt.plot(x1, smooth_final, label='smooth', lw=2)
    total, = plt.plot(x1, mass_history, label='total mass', lw= 2)
    plt.legend(handles=[clumpy, smooth, total],  loc=2,)
    title = 'Accretion Rate over Time for Tree ' + str(treeID)
def clumpy_accretion(treeID):
    Retrieve the clumpy accretion history for the trunk of a treeID.

    treeID : string

    clumpy_accretion : np.array
        rows of trunk for its clumpy accretion history.

    subvolume = get_subvolume(treeID)
    tree_metadata = get_tree_metadata(treeID)
    tree_mvir = get_tree_haloprop(treeID, 'mvir')
    tree_depthsort = get_tree_haloprop(treeID, 'haloid_depth_first')
    depthsort_mask = np.argsort(tree_depthsort)
    tree_mvir_sorted = tree_mvir[depthsort_mask] #sort by depthsort ID
    tree_coprog = get_tree_haloprop(treeID, 'haloid_next_coprog_depthfirst')
    tree_coprog_sorted = tree_coprog[depthsort_mask]

    trunk_coprog = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'haloid_next_coprog_depthfirst')
    trunk_len = len(trunk_coprog)

    clumpy_history = [0] * (trunk_len - 1)
    trunk_depth = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'haloid_depth_first')
    root = tree_metadata[HALOID_DEPTH_FIRST]

    for i in range(0, trunk_len - 1): #last trunk leaf has no progenitors
        clumpy = 0
        coprogenitor = trunk_coprog[i + 1]
        while(coprogenitor != -1.0):
            coprog_index = coprogenitor - root
            clumpy += tree_mvir_sorted[coprog_index]
            coprogenitor = tree_coprog_sorted[coprog_index]
        clumpy_history[i] = clumpy

    return np.array(clumpy_history)
def smooth_accretion(treeID):
    Retrieve the smooth accretion history for the trunk of a treeID.
    smooth[i] = (mass[i] - mass[i+1]) - clumpy[i]

    treeID : string

    smooth_accretion : np.array
        rows of trunk for its smooth accretion history.

    trunk_mass = get_trunk_haloprop(treeID, 'mvir')
    smooth_history = []
    clumpy_history = clumpy_accretion(treeID)
    for i in range(0, len(trunk_mass) - 1):
        smooth = trunk_mass[i] - clumpy_history[i] - trunk_mass[i + 1]
    return np.array(smooth_history)