예제 #1
파일: geometry.py 프로젝트: zx-sdu/qutranpy
 def get_hamiltonian(self,
     """ Create the hamiltonian for this geometry"""
     if self.dimensionality == 3: is_multicell = True
     from hamiltonians import hamiltonian
     h = hamiltonian(self)  # create the object
     h.is_sparse = is_sparse
     h.has_spin = has_spin
     h.is_multicell = is_multicell
     if is_multicell:  # workaround for multicell hamiltonians
         from multicell import parametric_hopping_hamiltonian
         if mgenerator is not None: raise  # not implemented
         h = parametric_hopping_hamiltonian(h, fc=fun)  # add hopping
         return h
     if fun is None and mgenerator is None:  # no function given
         h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping
     else:  # function or mgenerator given
         if h.dimensionality < 3:
             from hamiltonians import generate_parametric_hopping
             h = generate_parametric_hopping(
                 mgenerator=mgenerator)  # add hopping
         elif h.dimensionality == 3:
             if mgenerator is not None: raise  # not implemented
             from multicell import parametric_hopping_hamiltonian
             h = parametric_hopping_hamiltonian(h, fc=fun)  # add hopping
     if not is_sparse: h.turn_dense()  # dense Hamiltonian
     return h  # return the object
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, tracklist=None):
        Takes tracklist as a parameter in constructor

        Tracklist Format:
        self.measurements = tracklist
        self.hamiltonians = hamiltonians.hamiltonian()
예제 #3
파일: systems.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
def graphene_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers=1,lambda_soc=0.0):
  """ Creates teh hamiltonian for a graphene armchair ribbon"""
  g = geometry.honeycomb_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers) # create the geometry
  h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g) # create the hamiltonian
  # get the intracell and intercell terms
  (intra,inter) = hamiltonians.kane_mele(g.x,g.y,
  h.intra = intra # assign intracell
  h.inter = inter # assign intercell
  return h # return hamiltonian
예제 #4
def generator_super_squid_square(width=1,
    """ Creates a function that returns a superconducting 
     squid made of square lattice,
     central part is a normal system"""
    g = geometry.squid_square(width=width,
                              fill=fill)  # create the geometry
    g.dimensionality = 0  # set 0 dimensional
    g.celldis = None  # no distance to neighboring cell
    h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)  # create hamiltonian
    nt = width + inner_radius + 1.  # half side of the big square

    def mag_field_f(x1, y1, x2, y2):
        """ Return magnetic field only in the center,
       using atan x gauga """
        #  return mag_field*(x1-x2)*(y1+y2)/2.0
        #  if (x1 or x2) < -float(nt): return 0.0
        #  if (x1 or x2) > float(nt): return 0.0
        #  else: return mag_field*(x1-x2)*(y1+y2)/2.0
        bb = (np.arctan(x1 / nt) + np.arctan(x2 / nt)) / 2.0  # mean x value
        bb = bb * (y2 - y1) * mag_field
        return bb

    h.get_simple_tb(mag_field=mag_field_f)  # create simple tight binding

    def delta_f(x, y):
        """ Defines left and right arms arm """
        if x < -float(nt): return delta
        if x > float(nt): return delta
        else: return 0.0

    def h_generator(phi):
        """ Creates the function to return"""
        def phi_f(x, y):
            """ Defines left and right arms arm """
            if x < -float(nt): return phi
            if x > float(nt): return -phi
            else: return 0.0

        # add superconducting parameter
        h.remove_spin()  # remove spin degree of freedom
        h.add_swave_electron_hole_pairing(delta=delta_f, phi=phi_f)
        h.set_finite_system()  # transform to finite system
        return h  # return hamiltonian

    return h_generator
예제 #5
파일: systems.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
def kane_mele_ribbon(g,lambda_soc=0.0,mag_field=0.0):
  """ Creates teh hamiltonian for a kane_mele ribbon, input is geometry"""
  h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g) # create the hamiltonian
  # get the intracell and intercell terms
  (intra,inter) = hamiltonians.kane_mele(g.x,g.y,
                    mag_field = mag_field)
  h.intra = intra # assign intracell
  h.inter = inter # assign intercell
  h.num_orbitals = len(g.x) # assign number of orbitals
  return h # return hamiltonian
예제 #6
def graphene_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers=1, lambda_soc=0.0):
    """ Creates teh hamiltonian for a graphene armchair ribbon"""
    g = geometry.honeycomb_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers)  # create the geometry
    h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)  # create the hamiltonian
    # get the intracell and intercell terms
    (intra, inter) = hamiltonians.kane_mele(g.x,
    h.intra = intra  # assign intracell
    h.inter = inter  # assign intercell
    return h  # return hamiltonian
예제 #7
 def get_hamiltonian(self,fun=None,has_spin=True):
   """ Create the hamiltonian for this geometry"""
   from hamiltonians import hamiltonian
   h = hamiltonian(self)  # create the object
   if fun is None: # no function given
     h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping
     if not has_spin: h.remove_spin()
   else: # function given
     from hamiltonians import generate_parametric_hopping
     h = generate_parametric_hopping(h,fun) # add hopping
     if has_spin: h.turn_spinful() # add spin degree
   return h # return the object
예제 #8
def kane_mele_ribbon(g, lambda_soc=0.0, mag_field=0.0):
    """ Creates teh hamiltonian for a kane_mele ribbon, input is geometry"""
    h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)  # create the hamiltonian
    # get the intracell and intercell terms
    (intra, inter) = hamiltonians.kane_mele(g.x,
    h.intra = intra  # assign intracell
    h.inter = inter  # assign intercell
    h.num_orbitals = len(g.x)  # assign number of orbitals
    return h  # return hamiltonian
예제 #9
파일: junctions.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
def generator_super_squid_square(width=1,inner_radius=4,arm_length=8,
  """ Creates a function that returns a superconducting 
     squid made of square lattice,
     central part is a normal system"""
  g = geometry.squid_square(width=width,inner_radius=inner_radius,
                              arm_width = arm_width,fill=fill)  # create the geometry
  g.dimensionality = 0 # set 0 dimensional
  g.celldis = None # no distance to neighboring cell
  h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g) # create hamiltonian
  nt = width + inner_radius+1. # half side of the big square
  def mag_field_f(x1,y1,x2,y2):
    """ Return magnetic field only in the center,
       using atan x gauga """
  #  return mag_field*(x1-x2)*(y1+y2)/2.0
  #  if (x1 or x2) < -float(nt): return 0.0
  #  if (x1 or x2) > float(nt): return 0.0
  #  else: return mag_field*(x1-x2)*(y1+y2)/2.0
    bb = (np.arctan(x1/nt)+np.arctan(x2/nt))/2.0  # mean x value
    bb = bb*(y2-y1)*mag_field
    return bb
  h.get_simple_tb(mag_field=mag_field_f)  # create simple tight binding
  def delta_f(x,y):
    """ Defines left and right arms arm """
    if x < -float(nt): return delta
    if x > float(nt): return delta
    else: return 0.0
  def h_generator(phi):
    """ Creates the function to return"""
    def phi_f(x,y):
      """ Defines left and right arms arm """
      if x < -float(nt): return phi
      if x > float(nt): return -phi
      else: return 0.0
    # add superconducting parameter
    h.remove_spin() # remove spin degree of freedom
    h.set_finite_system() # transform to finite system
    return h # return hamiltonian
  return h_generator
예제 #10
import geometry  # library to create crystal geometries
import hamiltonians  # library to work with hamiltonians
import input_tb90 as in90
import heterostructures
import multilayers
import os
import numpy as np

g = geometry.honeycomb_zigzag_ribbon(ntetramers=4)
#g = geometry.square_ribbon(1)
h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)

h.add_zeeman([0.02, 0.0, 0.])

if False:
    os.system("cp tb90.in-scf tb90.in")

if False:
    mag = in90.read_magnetization()  # ground state magnetism
    os.system("cp tb90.in-bands tb90.in")
예제 #11
파일: main.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
import geometry  # library to create crystal geometries
import hamiltonians  # library to work with hamiltonians
import input_tb90 as in90
import heterostructures
import multilayers
import os

g = geometry.honeycomb_zigzag_ribbon(ntetramers=1)
h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g) 


if False:
  h.write(output_file = "hamiltonian_0.in")
  os.system("cp tb90.in-scf tb90.in")

if False:
  mag = in90.read_magnetization()  # ground state magnetism
  os.system("cp tb90.in-bands tb90.in")

if False:
예제 #12
파일: geometry.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
 def get_hamiltonian(self):
   """ Create the hamiltonian for this geometry"""
   from hamiltonians import hamiltonian
   h = hamiltonian(self)  # create the object
   h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping
   return h # return the object
예제 #13
파일: geometry.py 프로젝트: woal777/pygra
 def get_hamiltonian(self):
     """ Create the hamiltonian for this geometry"""
     from hamiltonians import hamiltonian
     h = hamiltonian(self)  # create the object
     h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping
     return h  # return the object
예제 #14
def super_normal_super(g,f_sc,f_n,replicas = [1,1,1],phi=0.0,delta=0.1):
  """Creates a junction superconductor-normal-superconductor,
          - g is the geometry of the unit cell of the system
          - f_sc is the function which generates the superconductor
            which takes three arguments, geometry, SC order and phase
          - f_n generates the hamiltonian of the central part,
            result has to have electron-hole dimension
          - replicas are the replicas of the SC-normal_SC of the cell
          - phi is the infinitesimal phase difference
          - delta is the superconducting parameter """
  h_left = f_sc(g,delta=delta,phi=phi) # create hamiltonian of the left part
  h_right = f_sc(g,delta=delta,phi=-phi) # create hamiltonian of the right part
  h_central = f_n(g)  # central part
  from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix as coo
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  from hamiltonians import hamiltonian
  hj = hamiltonian(g) # create hamiltonian of the junction
  tc = replicas[0] + replicas[1] + replicas[2] # total number of cells
  intra = [[None for i in range(tc)] for j in range(tc)]  # create intracell

  # transfor to coo matrix
  h_left.intra = coo(h_left.intra)
  h_left.inter = coo(h_left.inter)
  h_central.intra = coo(h_central.intra)
  h_central.inter = coo(h_central.inter)
  h_right.intra = coo(h_right.intra)
  h_right.inter = coo(h_right.inter)

  # intracell contributions
  for i in range(replicas[0]): 
    intra[i][i] = h_left.intra # intracell of the left lead
  init = replicas[0] # inital index
  for i in range(replicas[1]): 
    intra[init+i][init+i] = h_central.intra # intracell of the left lead
  init = replicas[0]+replicas[1] # inital index
  for i in range(replicas[2]): 
    intra[init+i][init+i] = h_right.intra # intracell of the left lead

  # intercell contributions
  for i in range(replicas[0]-1): 
    intra[i][i+1] = h_left.inter # intercell of the left lead
    intra[i+1][i] = h_left.inter.H # intercell of the left lead
  init = replicas[0] # inital index
  for i in range(replicas[1]-1): 
    intra[init+i][init+i+1] = h_central.inter # intercell of the central lead
    intra[init+i+1][init+i] = h_central.inter.H # intercell of the central lead
  init = replicas[0]+replicas[1] # inital index
  for i in range(replicas[2]-1): 
    intra[init+i][init+i+1] = h_right.inter # intercell of the right lead
    intra[init+i+1][init+i] = h_right.inter.H # intercell of the right lead

  # coupling between SC and central part, take couapling of the central
  il = replicas[0]
  intra[il-1][il] = h_central.inter # intracell of the left lead
  intra[il][il-1] = h_central.inter.H # intracell of the left lead
  il = replicas[0]+replicas[1]
  intra[il-1][il] = h_central.inter # intracell of the left lead
  intra[il][il-1] = h_central.inter.H # intracell of the left lead
  # create matrix
  intra = bmat(intra).todense()
  hj.intra = intra # add to hamiltonian junction
  hj = hj.finite_system() # convert in finite system
  return hj
예제 #15
파일: sweep_mu.py 프로젝트: woal777/pygra
with open(file_eigen, "a") as myfile:
    myfile.write("# Swave  Real Imag")

neig = 2  # number of eigenvalues
fig_mu = py.figure()
sfig_mu = fig_mu.add_subplot(111)

svalues = np.arange(0.0, 0.5, 0.02)
for sval in svalues:
    #  g = geometry.honeycomb_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers=15)
    g = geometry.honeycomb_armchair_ribbon(ntetramers=25)

    # create hamiltonians heterojunction
    h_right = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)
    h_left = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)

    # central is QSH


    # shift fermi energy
    mu = 0.04

    # electron hole sector
    #  h_right.add_swave_electron_hole_pairing(delta=sval,phi=0.0)
예제 #16
파일: main.py 프로젝트: joselado/pygra
import geometry  # library to create crystal geometries
import hamiltonians  # library to work with hamiltonians
import input_tb90 as in90
import heterostructures
import sys
import sculpt  # to modify the geometry
import numpy as np
import klist
import pylab as py
import green

g = geometry.square_ribbon(4) 
h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g) # create hamiltonian
h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping


dx = -6.0
dy = 6j

ne = 100
e1 = np.linspace(dx,dx+dy,ne)
e2 = np.linspace(dx+dy,dy,ne)
e3 = np.linspace(dy,0.0,ne)
e4 = np.linspace(0.0,dx,ne)

de1 = dy/ne
de2 = -dx/ne
de3 = -de1
예제 #17
import geometry  # library to create crystal geometries
import hamiltonians  # library to work with hamiltonians
import input_tb90 as in90
import heterostructures
import sys
import sculpt  # to modify the geometry
import numpy as np
import klist
import pylab as py
import green

g = geometry.square_ribbon(4)
h = hamiltonians.hamiltonian(g)  # create hamiltonian
h.first_neighbors()  # create first neighbor hopping


dx = -6.0
dy = 6j

ne = 100
e1 = np.linspace(dx, dx + dy, ne)
e2 = np.linspace(dx + dy, dy, ne)
e3 = np.linspace(dy, 0.0, ne)
e4 = np.linspace(0.0, dx, ne)

de1 = dy / ne
de2 = -dx / ne
de3 = -de1