def edit_board(self, board, headers): try: # Checking if the token is valid or not payload = JwtHandler.decode_auth_token(headers['Authorization']) if (payload): # Creating a board object board_obj = Board() board_obj.user_id = payload['sub'] = board['name'] board_obj.board_id = board['board_id'] board_obj.description = board['description'] board_obj.color = board['color'] board_obj.image = board['image'] # Checking if the image is being passed or not if (board['image'] and len(board['image']) > 0): # Storing the image in Amazon S3 bucket amazon_s3_handler = AmazonS3Handler() board_obj.image = amazon_s3_handler.store_in_S3( board['image'], board['board_id']) # Updating the board boards_collection = self.__get_board_collection() query = {'_id': ObjectId(board_obj.board_id)} updated_values = {"$set": board_obj.__dict__} boards_collection.update_one(query, updated_values) # Closing the DB connection self.mongo_db.disconnect() return board_obj else: return "Invalid Authorization" except Exception as exception: raise exception
def get_boards(self, headers): try: # Checking if the token is valid or not payload = JwtHandler.decode_auth_token(headers['Authorization']) if (payload): board_obj = Board() board_obj.user_id = payload['sub'] # Fetching thee board collection boards_collection = self.__get_board_collection() cursor = boards_collection.find({"user_id": board_obj.user_id}) # Creating a list named boards boards = [] for board in cursor: board_obj = Board() board_obj.board_id = str(board['_id']) board_obj.user_id = board['user_id'] board_obj.description = board['description'] board_obj.color = board['color'] = board['name'] board_obj.image = board['image'] boards.append(board_obj) # Returning list return boards else: return "Invalid Authorization" except Exception as exception: raise exception
def create_board(self, board, headers): try: # Checking if the token is valid or not payload = JwtHandler.decode_auth_token(headers['Authorization']) if (payload): # Creating a board object board_obj = Board() board_obj.user_id = payload['sub'] = board['name'] board_obj.color = board['color'] # Storing the board in boards collection boards_collection = self.__get_board_collection() saved_board = boards_collection.insert_one(board_obj.__dict__) # Stroing the board_id in the object and returning board_obj.board_id = str(saved_board.inserted_id) # Closing the DB connection self.mongo_db.disconnect() return board_obj else: return "Invalid Authorization" except Exception as exception: raise exception