예제 #1
async def login():
  params = await request.form

  if 'username' not in params or len(params['username']) == 0:
    return Failed("Invalid username.")

  p = glob.players.get(name=params['username'])

  if not p:
    return Failed("User not found.")

  ## login shites
  res = (await glob.db.fetch("SELECT password_hash, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", [p.id]))[0]
  status = res['status']
  pswd_hash = res['password_hash']
  hashes = glob.cache['hashes']

  if pswd_hash in hashes:
    if params['password'] != hashes[pswd_hash]:
      return Failed('Wrong password.')
      ph.verify(pswd_hash, params['password'])
      return Failed('Wrong password.')

    hashes[pswd_hash] = params['password']

  if status != 0:
    return Failed("Banned.")

  # update last ping
  p.last_online = time.time()

  # make uuid if havent
  if not p.uuid:
    p.uuid = utils.make_uuid(p.name)

  # returns long string of shit
  return Success('{id} {uuid} {rank} {rank_by} {acc} {name} {avatar}'.format(
    id = p.id,
    uuid = p.uuid,
    rank = p.stats.rank,
    rank_by = p.stats.rank_by,
    acc = p.stats.droid_acc,
    name = p.name,
    avatar = f'https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/{p.email_hash}'
예제 #2
async def upload_replay():
  replay_id = request.args

  if 'replayID' not in replay_id:
    return Failed('Invalid argument.')

  replay_id = replay_id['replayID']
  path = f'data/replays/{replay_id}.odr' # doesnt have .odr
  raw_replay = (await request.data)[191:][:-48]

  if raw_replay[:2] != b'PK':
    return Failed('F**k off lol.')

  if os.path.isfile(path):
    return Failed('File already exists.')

  with open(path, 'wb') as file:

  return Success('Replay uploaded.')
예제 #3
async def view_score():
  params = await request.form

  play = await glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM scores WHERE id = ?", [params['playID']])
  if play:
    play = play[0]
    return Success('{mods} {score} {combo} {rank} {hitgeki} {hit300} {hitkatsu} {hit100} {hitmiss} {hit50} {acc}'.format(
      mods = play['mods'],
      score = int(play['pp']) if glob.config.pp_leaderboard else play['score'],
      combo = play['combo'],
      rank = play['rank'],
      hitgeki = play['hitgeki'],
      hit300 = play['hit300'],
      hitkatsu = play['hitkatsu'],
      hit100 = play['hit100'],
      hitmiss = play['hitmiss'],
      hit50 = play['hit50'],
      acc = int(play['acc']*1000)

  return Failed('Score not found.')
예제 #4
async def submit_play():
  params = await request.form

  if 'userID' not in params:
    return Failed('Not enough argument.')

  p = glob.players.get(id=int(params['userID']))
  p.last_online = time.time()

  if not p:
    return Failed('Player not found, report to server admin.')

  if 'ssid' in params:
    if params['ssid'] != p.uuid:
      return Failed('Mismatch UUID, please relogin.')

  if glob.config.disable_submit:
    return Failed('Score submission is disable right now.')

  if (map_hash := params.get('hash', None)):
    logging.info(f'Changed {p} playing to {map_hash}')
    p.stats.playing = map_hash
    return Success(1, p.id)
예제 #5
async def leaderboard():
  params = await request.form

  if 'hash' not in params:
    return Failed('No map hash.')

  res = []
  plays = await glob.db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM scores where mapHash = ? and status = 2 ORDER BY {order_by} DESC".format(order_by='pp' if glob.config.pp_leaderboard else 'score'), [params['hash']])
  for play in plays:
    player = glob.players.get(id=int(play['playerID']))

    res += ['{play_id} {name} {score} {combo} {rank} {mods} {acc} {gravatar_hash}'.format(
      play_id = play['id'],
      name = player.name,
      score = int(play['pp']) if glob.config.pp_leaderboard else play['score'],
      combo = play['combo'],
      rank = play['rank'],
      mods = play['mods'],
      acc = int(play['acc']*1000),
      gravatar_hash = player.email_hash # use gravatar

  return Success('\n'.join(res))
예제 #6
async def register():
  params = await request.form

  for args in ['username', 'deviceID', 'email', 'sign']:
    if not params.get(args, None):
      return Failed('Not enough argument.')

  # check username
  if glob.players.get(name=params['username']):
    return Failed("Username already exists.")

  if len(params['username']) < 2:
    return Failed("Username must be longer than 2 characters.")

  player_id = await glob.db.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
  # also create stats table
  await glob.db.execute('INSERT INTO stats (id) VALUES (?)', [player_id])

  # create player
  p = await Player.from_sql(player_id)

  return Success('Account Created.')
예제 #7
    if not s:
      return Failed('Failed to read score data.')

    if s.status == SubmissionStatus.BEST:
      # if this score is better change old play status to 1
      await glob.db.execute('UPDATE scores SET status = 1 WHERE status = 2 AND mapHash = ? AND playerID = ?', [s.map_hash, s.player.id])

    if s.map_hash == None:
      return Failed('Server cannot find your recent play, maybe it restarted?')
    elif not s.player:
      return Failed('Player not found, report to server admin.')
    elif not s.bmap:
      # Map does not exists, most likely its a shit map.
      # Returns current stats
      return Success(s.player.stats.droid_submit_stats)
    elif s.bmap.status == RankedStatus.Pending:
      # User can remove this themselves, I'm just following gulag's osuSubmitModularSelector.
      return Success(s.player.stats.droid_submit_stats)

    vals = [s.status, s.map_hash, s.player.id, s.score, s.max_combo, s.grade, s.acc, s.h300, s.hgeki, s.h100, s.hkatsu, s.h50, s.hmiss, s.mods, s.pp]
    s.id = await glob.db.execute('INSERT INTO scores VALUES (NULL, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', vals)

    ### The pain part
    upload_replay = False
    if s.status == SubmissionStatus.BEST:
      upload_replay = True

    ## Update stats
    stats = s.player.stats