def test_edits_update(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) edit_handler = handlers.message_edited(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] msg1, msg2 = choice(msgs), choice(msgs) for update, number in zip(upds, range(message_amount)): pin_handler(update, context) already_edited = message_amount - 1 self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), already_edited) upd1 = Update(msg1, None, msg1) upd2 = Update(msg2, None, msg2) edit_handler(upd1, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), already_edited + 1) edit_handler(upd2, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), already_edited + 2) edit_handler(upd1, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), already_edited + 3)
def test_deletes_on_nothing(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) button_handler = handlers.button_pressed(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) msg_upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] unpins = [gen_unpin_data(msg) for msg in msgs] unpin_upds = [Update(None, unpin) for unpin in unpins] chat_id = msgs[0] for pin_update in msg_upds: pin_handler(pin_update, context) for unpin_update in unpin_upds: button_handler(unpin_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.deleted), 1) self.assertNotEqual(len(bot.sent), 0) self.assertEqual(bot.sent[0]['m_id'], bot.deleted[0]['m_id']) self.assertEqual(bot.sent[0]['chat_id'], bot.deleted[0]['chat_id']) sent_first_batch = len(bot.sent) button_handler(unpin_upds[0], context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.deleted), 1) self.assertEqual(len(bot.sent), sent_first_batch)
def test_gathers_correct_links(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) msg = gen_message() link1 = "" link2 = "" start1 = 0 length1 = len(link1) start2 = len(link1) + 1 length2 = len(link2) msg.entities = [Entity(start1, length1), Entity(start2, length2)] msg.text = "\n".join([link1, link2]) update = Update(msg, None) pin_handler(update, context) sent = bot.sent[-1]["text"] link_re = re.compile('<a href="([^"]+)">') links = link_re.findall(sent) self.assertEqual(links[0], link1) self.assertEqual(links[1], link2)
def test_handlers_store(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) button_handler = handlers.button_pressed(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) msg_upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] unpins = [gen_unpin_data(msg) for msg in msgs] unpin_upds = [Update(None, unpin) for unpin in unpins] chat_id = msgs[0] it = zip(msg_upds, unpin_upds, range(1, message_amount + 1)) for pin_update, unpin_update, amount in it: pin_handler(pin_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), amount) button_handler(unpin_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), amount - 1) # test deleting non-existant button_handler(unpin_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), amount - 1) #second add of deleted to keep amount increasing pin_handler(pin_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), amount) unpin_all_cb = Update.CbQuery(msgs[0], handlers.UnpinAll) unpin_all_upd = Update(None, unpin_all_cb) button_handler(unpin_all_upd, context) self.assertFalse(storage.has(chat_id))
def run_example(msg_update, msg_context) -> None: print("Got example command") storage = LocalStorage() bot = test.Bot() context = test.Context(bot) messages = [] # message with links for _ in range(randint(5, 7)): msg = test.gen_message(60 * 60 * 24 * 30) if choice([True, False]): # link message link = choice(["", ""]) text = f"foo {link} bar" start = 4 length = len(link) msg.entities = [test.Entity(start, length)] msg.text = text else: # regular message pass messages.append(msg) # set correct chat_id for msg in messages: = # do pinning for msg in messages: update = test.Update(msg, None) handlers.pinned(storage)(update, context), text=bot.edited[-1]["text"], parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=bot.edited[-1]["markup"]) print(bot.edited[-1])
def test_pin_sends_and_edits(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] for update in upds: pin_handler(update, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.pinned), message_amount) self.assertEqual(len(bot.sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), message_amount - 1)
def test_keep_last(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) button_handler = handlers.button_pressed(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] chat_id = msgs[0] for update, amount in zip(upds, range(1, message_amount + 1)): pin_handler(update, context) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), amount) keep_last_cb = Update.CbQuery(msgs[0], handlers.KeepLast) keep_last_upd = Update(None, keep_last_cb) button_handler(keep_last_upd, context) self.assertTrue(storage.has(chat_id)) self.assertEqual(len(storage.get(chat_id)), 1)
def test_user_message_resends(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) message_handler = handlers.message(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] user_message = gen_message() = msgs[0] user_update = Update(user_message, None) for update in upds: pin_handler(update, context) message_handler(user_update, context) self.assertEqual(len(bot.pinned), message_amount) self.assertEqual(len(bot.sent), message_amount) self.assertEqual(len(bot.edited), 0)
def main(token: str) -> None: updater = Updater(token, use_context=True) dp = updater.dispatcher storage: Union[Storage, LocalStorage] = Storage() if "local" in sys.argv: storage = LocalStorage() print("Running with local storage") # mundane handlers dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", handlers.start)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", # catch messages pinned pin_filter = Filters.status_update.pinned_message dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(pin_filter, handlers.pinned(storage))) # catch presses of "unpin" buttons dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(handlers.button_pressed(storage))) # catch edited messages edit_filter = Filters.update.edited_message edit_handler = MessageHandler(edit_filter, handlers.message_edited(storage)) dp.add_handler(edit_handler) # catch any user message msg_filter = ~Filters.status_update dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(msg_filter, handlers.message(storage))) # Enable logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) dp.add_error_handler(handlers.error(logger)) updater.start_polling() updater.idle()
def test_resending_deletes_old(self): storage = self.get_storage() bot = Bot() context = Context(bot) pin_handler = handlers.pinned(storage) message_handler = handlers.message(storage) message_amount = 5 msgs = gen_same_chat_messages(message_amount) upds = [Update(msg, None) for msg in msgs] user_message = gen_message() = msgs[0] user_update = Update(user_message, None) for update in upds: pin_handler(update, context) sent = bot.sent[-1] message_handler(user_update, context) pin_handler(update, context) deleted = bot.deleted[-1] self.assertEqual(sent['m_id'], deleted['m_id']) self.assertEqual(sent['chat_id'], deleted['chat_id'])