예제 #1
파일: manager.py 프로젝트: sahwar/handprint
 def _resized_image(self, file):
     (max_width, max_height) = self._max_dimensions
     file_ext = filename_extension(file)
     say = self._say
     if file.find('-reduced') > 0:
         new_file = file
         new_file = filename_basename(file) + '-reduced' + file_ext
     if path.exists(new_file) and readable(new_file):
         (image_width, image_height) = image_dimensions(new_file)
         if image_width < max_width and image_height < max_height:
             say.info('Using reduced image found in {}'.format(
             return new_file
             # We found a "-reduced" file, perhaps from a previous run, but
             # for the current set of services, dimension are too large.
             if __debug__:
                 log('existing resized file larger than {}x{}: {}',
                     max_width, max_height, new_file)
     say.info('Dimensions too large; reducing dimensions: {}'.format(
     (resized, error) = reduced_image_dimensions(file, new_file, max_width,
     if error:
         say.error('Failed to re-dimension {}: {}'.format(
             relative(file), error))
         return None
     return resized
예제 #2
    def run(self, services, files, make_grid, compare):
        '''Run service(s) on files.'''

        # Set shortcut variables for better code readability below.
        base_name = self._base_name
        extended = self._extended
        from_file = self._from_file
        output_dir = self._output_dir
        threads = self._threads

        # Gather up some things and get prepared.
        targets = self.targets_from_arguments(files, from_file)
        if not targets:
            raise RuntimeError('No images to process; quitting.')
        num_targets = len(targets)

        inform('Will apply {} service{} ({}) to {} image{}.', len(services),
               's' if len(services) > 1 else '', ', '.join(services),
               num_targets, 's' if num_targets > 1 else '')
        if self._extended:
            inform('Will save extended results.')
        inform('Will use up to {} process threads.', threads)

        # Get to work.
        if __debug__: log('initializing manager and starting processes')
        manager = Manager(services, threads, output_dir, make_grid, compare,
        print_separators = num_targets > 1
        for index, item in enumerate(targets, start=1):
            if print_separators:
                inform(styled('━' * 70, 'dark'))
            manager.run_services(item, index, base_name)
        if print_separators:
            inform(styled('━' * 70, 'dark'))
예제 #3
파일: manager.py 프로젝트: sahwar/handprint
 def _smaller_file(self, file):
     if not file:
         return None
     say = self._say
     file_ext = filename_extension(file)
     if file.find('-reduced') > 0:
         new_file = file
         new_file = filename_basename(file) + '-reduced' + file_ext
     if path.exists(new_file):
         if image_size(new_file) < self._max_size:
             say.info('Reusing resized image found in {}'.format(
             return new_file
             # We found a "-reduced" file, perhaps from a previous run, but
             # for the current set of services, it's larger than allowed.
             if __debug__:
                 log('existing resized file larger than {}b: {}',
                     humanize.intcomma(self._max_size), new_file)
     say.info('Size too large; reducing size: {}'.format(relative(file)))
     (resized, error) = reduced_image_size(file, new_file, self._max_size)
     if error:
         say.error('Failed to resize {}: {}'.format(relative(file), error))
         return None
     return resized
예제 #4
def reduced_image(file, max_dimensions):
    '''Resizes the image and writes a new file named "ORIGINAL-reduced.EXT".
    Returns a tuple of (new_file, error).  The value of 'error' will be None
    if no error occurred; otherwise, the value will be a string summarizing the
    error that occurred and 'new_file' will be set to None.
    extension = filename_extension(file)
    dest_file = filename_basename(file) + '-reduced.' + extension
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # Catch warnings from image conversion, like DecompressionBombWarning
            im = Image.open(file)
            dims = im.size
            width_ratio = max_dimensions[0] / dims[0]
            length_ratio = max_dimensions[1] / dims[1]
            ratio = min(width_ratio, length_ratio)
            new_dims = (round(dims[0] * ratio), round(dims[1] * ratio))
            if __debug__: log('Resizing image to {}', new_dims)
            resized = im.resize(new_dims, Image.HAMMING)
            if __debug__: log('Saved converted image to {}', dest_file)
            return (dest_file, None)
        except Exception as ex:
            return (None, str(ex))
예제 #5
    def _image_from_file(self, file_path):
        '''Helper function for subclasses to read image files.
        Returns a tuple, (image, error), where "error" is a TRResult with a
        non-empty error field value if an error occurred, and "image" is the
        bytes of the image if it was successfully read.

        def error_result(error_text):
            return (None, TRResult(path = file_path, data = {}, text = '',
                                   error = error_text, boxes = []))

        if not readable(file_path):
            return error_result('Unable to read file: {}'.format(file_path))
        if __debug__: log('reading image file {} for {}', file_path, self.name())
        image = open(file_path, 'rb').read()
        if len(image) == 0:
            return error_result('Empty file: {}'.format(file_path))
        if len(image) > self.max_size():
            text = 'Exceeds {} byte limit for service: {}'.format(self.max_size(), file_path)
            return error_result(text)
        width, height = imagesize.get(file_path)
        if __debug__: log('image size is width = {}, height = {}', width, height)
        if self.max_dimensions():
            max_width, max_height = self.max_dimensions()
            if width > max_width or height > max_height:
                text = 'Image dimensions {}x{} exceed {} limits: {}'.format(
                    width, height, self.name(), file_path)
                return error_result(text)
        return (image, None)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, base_name, extended, from_file, output_dir, threads):
        '''Initialize internal state and prepare for running services.'''

        if not network_available():
            raise ServiceFailure('No network.')

        if from_file:
            if not path.exists(from_file):
                raise RuntimeError('File not found: {}'.format(from_file))
            if not readable(from_file):
                raise RuntimeError('File not readable: {}'.format(from_file))

        if output_dir:
            if path.isdir(output_dir):
                if not writable(output_dir):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Directory not writable: {}'.format(output_dir))
                if __debug__:
                    log('created output_dir directory {}', output_dir)

        self._base_name = base_name
        self._extended = extended
        self._from_file = from_file
        self._output_dir = output_dir
        self._threads = threads
예제 #7
 def init_credentials(self, credentials_dir = None):
     '''Initializes the credentials to use for accessing this service.'''
     if __debug__: log('Getting credentials from {}', credentials_dir)
         self._credentials = MicrosoftCredentials(credentials_dir).creds()
     except Exception as ex:
         raise AuthenticationFailure(str(ex))
예제 #8
def targets_from_arguments(images, from_file, given_urls, say):
    targets = []
    if from_file:
        if __debug__: log('Opening {}', from_file)
        with open(from_file) as f:
            targets = f.readlines()
        targets = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in targets]
        if __debug__: log('Read {} lines from {}.', len(targets), from_file)
        if not given_urls:
            targets = filter_urls(targets, say)
    elif given_urls:
        # We assume that the arguments are URLs and take them as-is.
        targets = images
        # We were given files and/or directories.  Look for image files.
        # Ignore files that appear to be the previous output of Handprint.
        # These are files that end in, e.g., ".google.jpg"
        handprint_endings = ['.' + x + '.jpg' for x in KNOWN_METHODS.keys()]
        non_urls = filter_urls(images, say)
        non_urls = filter_endings(non_urls, handprint_endings)
        for item in non_urls:
            if path.isfile(item) and filename_extension(
                    item) in ACCEPTED_FORMATS:
            elif path.isdir(item):
                files = files_in_directory(item, extensions=ACCEPTED_FORMATS)
                files = filter_endings(files, handprint_endings)
                targets += files
                say.warn('"{}" not a file or directory'.format(item))
    return targets
예제 #9
파일: manager.py 프로젝트: sahwar/handprint
    def _save_output(self, result, file):
        say = self._say

        # First perform some sanity checks.
        if result is None:
            say.warn('No data for {}'.format(file))
        if isinstance(result, tuple):
            # Assumes 2 elements: data, and error
            (data, error) = result
            if error:
                say.error('Error: {}'.format(error))
                say.warn('Unable to write {}'.format(file))
                result = data

        if __debug__: log('writing output to file {}', relative(file))
        if isinstance(result, str):
            with open(file, 'w') as f:
        elif isinstance(result, io.BytesIO):
            with open(file, 'wb') as f:
                shutil.copyfileobj(result, f)
            # There's no other type in the code, so if we get here ...
            raise InternalError(
                'Unexpected data in save_output() -- please report this.')
예제 #10
 def init_credentials(self):
     '''Initializes the credentials to use for accessing this service.'''
         if __debug__: log('initializing credentials')
     except Exception as ex:
         raise AuthFailure(str(ex))
예제 #11
 def rename(f):
     backup = f + '.bak'
     # If we fail, we just give up instead of throwing an exception.
         if __debug__: log('Renaming existing file {}', f)
         os.rename(f, backup)
예제 #12
def copy_file(src, dst):
    '''Copy a file from "src" to "dst".'''
    if __debug__: log('copying file {} to {}', src, dst)
        shutil.copy2(src, dst, follow_symlinks=True)
        if __debug__: log('shutils.copy2() failed; trying copy()')
        shutil.copy(src, dst, follow_symlinks=True)
예제 #13
 def save_credentials(self, service, supplied_file):
     if not path.isdir(Credentials.creds_dir):
         if __debug__:
             log('creating credentials dir: {}.', Credentials.creds_dir)
     dest_file = path.join(Credentials.creds_dir,
     copy_file(supplied_file, dest_file)
예제 #14
def network_available():
    '''Return True if it appears we have a network connection, False if not.'''
        r = requests.get("https://www.caltech.edu")
        return True
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        if __debug__: log('Could not connect to https://www.caltech.edu')
        return False
예제 #15
def make_dir(dir_path):
    '''Creates directory 'dir_path' (including intermediate directories).'''
    if path.isdir(dir_path):
        if __debug__: log('reusing existing directory {}', dir_path)
        if __debug__: log('creating directory {}', dir_path)
        # If this gets an exception, let it bubble up to caller.
예제 #16
 def init_credentials(self, credentials_dir = None):
     '''Initializes the credentials to use for accessing this service.'''
     # Haven't been able to get this to work by reading the credentials:
     # self.credentials = GoogleCredentials(credentials_dir).creds()
     if __debug__: log('Getting credentials from {}', credentials_dir)
     except Exception as ex:
         raise AuthenticationFailure(str(ex))
예제 #17
파일: files.py 프로젝트: lineCode/handprint
def convert_image(file, from_format, to_format):
    '''Returns a tuple of (success, output file, error message).'''
    dest_file = filename_basename(file) + '.' + to_format
        im = Image.open(file)
        im.save(dest_file, to_format)
        if __debug__: log('Saved converted image to {}', dest_file)
        return (True, dest_file, '')
    except Exception as err:
        return (False, None, str(err))
예제 #18
def open_file(file):
    '''Open document with default application in Python.'''
    # Code originally from https://stackoverflow.com/a/435669/743730
    if __debug__: log('opening file {}', file)
    if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
        subprocess.call(('open', file))
    elif os.name == 'nt':
    elif os.name == 'posix':
        subprocess.call(('xdg-open', file))
예제 #19
def network_available():
    '''Return True if it appears we have a network connection, False if not.'''
    r = None
        r = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.google.com")
        return True
    except Exception:
        if __debug__: log('could not connect to https://www.google.com')
        return False
    if r:
예제 #20
def reduced_image_size(orig_file, dest_file, max_size):
    '''Resizes the image and writes a new file named "ORIGINAL-reduced.EXT".
    Returns a tuple of (new_file, error).  The value of 'error' will be None
    if no error occurred; otherwise, the value will be a string summarizing the
    error that occurred and 'new_file' will be set to None.
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # Catch warnings from image conversion, like DecompressionBombWarning
            i_size = image_size(orig_file)
            if i_size <= max_size:
                if __debug__:
                    log('file already smaller than requested: {}', orig_file)
                return (orig_file, None)
            ratio = max_size / i_size
            if __debug__: log('resize ratio = {}', ratio)
            im = Image.open(orig_file)
            dims = im.size
            new_dims = (round(dims[0] * ratio), round(dims[1] * ratio))
            if __debug__: log('resizing image to {}', new_dims)
            resized = im.resize(new_dims, Image.HAMMING)
            if __debug__: log('saving resized image to {}', dest_file)
            if orig_file == dest_file:
            return (dest_file, None)
        except Exception as ex:
            return (None, str(ex))
예제 #21
def net(get_or_post, url, polling=False, **kwargs):
    '''Gets or posts the 'url' with optional keyword arguments provided.
    Returns a tuple of (response, exception), where the first element is
    the response from the get or post http call, and the second element is
    an exception object if an exception occurred.  If no exception occurred,
    the second element will be None.  This allows the caller to inspect the
    response even in cases where exceptions are raised.

    If keyword 'polling' is True, certain statuses like 404 are ignored and
    the response is returned; otherwise, they are considered errors.
        if __debug__: log('HTTP {} {}', get_or_post, url)
        http_method = requests.get if get_or_post == 'get' else requests.post
        req = http_method(url, **kwargs)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex:
        if ex.args and isinstance(ex.args[0],
            return (req, NetworkFailure('Unable to resolve destination host'))
            return (req, NetworkFailure(str(ex)))
    except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema as ex:
        return (req, NetworkFailure('Unsupported network protocol'))
    except Exception as ex:
        return (req, ex)

    # Interpret the response.
    code = req.status_code
    error = None
    if code in [404, 410] and not polling:
        error = NetworkFailure("No content found at this location")
    elif code in [401, 402, 403, 407, 451, 511]:
        error = AuthenticationFailure(
            "Access is forbidden or requires authentication")
    elif code in [405, 406, 409, 411, 412, 414, 417, 428, 431, 505, 510]:
        error = ServiceFailure(
            "Server sent {} -- please report this".format(code))
    elif code in [415, 416]:
        error = ServiceFailure("Server rejected the request")
    elif code == 429:
        error = RateLimitExceeded(
            "Server blocking further requests due to rate limits")
    elif code == 503:
        error = ServiceFailure("Server is unavailable -- try again later")
    elif code in [500, 501, 502, 506, 507, 508]:
        error = ServiceFailure("Internal server error")
    elif not (200 <= code < 400):
        error = NetworkFailure("Unable to resolve URL")
    return (req, error)
예제 #22
    def __init__(self):
        cfile = path.join(self.credentials_dir(),
        if __debug__: log('credentials file for google is {}', cfile)
        if not path.exists(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure('Credentials for Google have not been installed')
        elif not readable(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Google credentials file unreadable: {}'.format(cfile))

        # Haven't been able to make it work; only the environment variable
        # approach has been working for me.
        # with open(self.credentials_file, 'r') as file:
        #     self.credentials = json.load(file)
        os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = cfile
예제 #23
    def __init__(self):
        cfile = path.join(self.credentials_dir(),
        if __debug__: log('credentials file for amazon is {}', cfile)
        if not path.exists(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure('Credentials for Amazon have not been installed')
        elif not readable(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Amazon credentials file unreadable: {}'.format(cfile))

            with open(cfile, 'r') as file:
                self.credentials = json.load(file)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Unable to parse Amazon exceptions file: {}'.format(str(ex)))
예제 #24
def converted_image(file, to_format):
    '''Returns a tuple of (success, output file, error message).
    Returns a tuple of (new_file, error).  The value of 'error' will be None
    if no error occurred; otherwise, the value will be a string summarizing the
    error that occurred and 'new_file' will be set to None.
    dest_file = filename_basename(file) + '.' + to_format
    # When converting images, PIL may issue a DecompressionBombWarning but
    # it's not a concern in our application.  Ignore it.
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
            im = Image.open(file)
            im.save(dest_file, canonical_format_name(to_format))
            if __debug__: log('Saved converted image to {}', dest_file)
            return (dest_file, None)
        except Exception as ex:
            return (None, str(ex))
예제 #25
    def targets_from_arguments(self, files, from_file):
        targets = []
        if from_file:
            if __debug__: log('Opening {}', from_file)
            with open(from_file) as f:
                targets = f.readlines()
            targets = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in targets]
            if __debug__:
                log('Read {} lines from {}.', len(targets), from_file)
            for item in files:
                if is_url(item):
                elif path.isfile(item) and filename_extension(
                        item) in ACCEPTED_FORMATS:
                elif path.isdir(item):
                    # It's a directory, so look for files within.
                    # Ignore files that appear to be the previous output of Handprint.
                    # (These are files that end in, e.g., ".google.png")
                    handprint_endings = [
                        '.' + x + _OUTPUT_EXT for x in services_list()
                    files = files_in_directory(item,
                    files = filter_by_extensions(files, handprint_endings)
                    targets += files
                    self._say.warn('"{}" not a file or directory'.format(item))
        # Filter files we created in past runs.
        targets = [x for x in targets if x.find('-reduced') < 0]
        targets = [x for x in targets if x.find('all-results') < 0]

        # If there is both a file in the format we generate and another
        # format of that file, ignore the other formats and just use ours.
        keep = []
        for item in targets:
            ext = filename_extension(item)
            base = filename_basename(item)
            if ext != _OUTPUT_EXT and (base + _OUTPUT_EXT in targets):
                # png version of file is also present => skip this other version
        return keep
예제 #26
    def __init__(self):
        cfile = path.join(self.credentials_dir(),
        if __debug__: log('credentials file for microsoft is {}', cfile)
        if not path.exists(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Credentials for Microsoft have not been installed')
        elif not readable(cfile):
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Microsoft credentials file unreadable: {}'.format(cfile))

            with open(cfile, 'r') as file:
                creds = json.load(file)
                self.credentials = creds['subscription_key']
        except Exception as ex:
            raise AuthFailure(
                'Unable to parse Microsoft exceptions file: {}'.format(
예제 #27
def handprint_path():
    '''Returns the path to where Handprint is installed.'''
    # The path returned by module.__path__ is to the directory containing
    # the __init__.py file.  What we want here is the path to the installation
    # of the Handprint binary.
    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
        from winreg import OpenKey, CloseKey, QueryValueEx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ
            if __debug__: log('reading Windows registry entry')
            value, regtype = QueryValueEx(key, 'Path')
            if __debug__: log('path to windows installation: {}'.format(value))
            return value
        except WindowsError:
            # Kind of a problem. Punt and return a default value.
            return path.abspath('C:\Program Files\Handprint')
        return path.abspath(path.join(module_path(), '..'))
예제 #28
파일: manager.py 프로젝트: sahwar/handprint
    def _get(self, item, base_name, index):
        # Shortcuts to make the code more readable.
        output_dir = self._output_dir
        say = self._say

        # For URLs, we download the corresponding files and name them with
        # the base_name.
        if is_url(item):
            # First make sure the URL actually points to an image.
            if __debug__: log('testing if URL contains an image: {}', item)
                response = urllib.request.urlopen(item)
            except Exception as ex:
                say.warn('Skipping URL due to error: {}'.format(ex))
                return (None, None)
            if response.headers.get_content_maintype() != 'image':
                say.warn('Did not find an image at {}'.format(item))
                return (None, None)
            orig_fmt = response.headers.get_content_subtype()
            base = '{}-{}'.format(base_name, index)
            # If we weren't given an output dir, then for URLs, we have no
            # choice but to use the current dir to download the file.
            # Important: don't change self._output_dir because if other
            # inputs *are* files, then those files will need other output dirs.
            if not output_dir:
                output_dir = os.getcwd()
            file = path.realpath(path.join(output_dir, base + '.' + orig_fmt))
            if not download_file(item, file, say):
                say.warn('Unable to download {}'.format(item))
                return (None, None)
            url_file = path.realpath(path.join(output_dir, base + '.url'))
            with open(url_file, 'w') as f:
                say.info('Wrote URL to {}'.format(relative(url_file)))
            file = path.realpath(path.join(os.getcwd(), item))
            orig_fmt = filename_extension(file)[1:]

        if __debug__:
            log('{} has original format {}', relative(file), orig_fmt)
        return (file, orig_fmt)
예제 #29
def annotated_image(file, text_boxes, service):
    service_name = service.name()

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 20))
    axes.set_title(service_name, color='r', fontweight='bold', fontsize=22)

    if __debug__:
        log('reading image file for {}: {}', service_name, relative(file))
    img = mpimg.imread(file)
    axes.imshow(img, cmap="gray")

    props = dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.7)
    if text_boxes:
        if __debug__:
            log('adding {} annotations for {}', len(text_boxes), service_name)
        polygons = [(item.boundingBox, item.text) for item in text_boxes]
        for polygon in polygons:
            vertices = [(polygon[0][i], polygon[0][i + 1])
                        for i in range(0, len(polygon[0]), 2)]
            x = max(0, vertices[0][0] - 4)
            y = max(0, vertices[0][1] - 8)
            text = polygon[1]
            plt.text(x, y, text, color='r', fontsize=11, va="top", bbox=props)

    if __debug__:
        log('generating png for {} for {}', service_name, relative(file))
    buf = io.BytesIO()
    fig.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

    return buf
예제 #30
def targets_from_arguments(images, from_file, given_urls, say):
    targets = []
    if from_file:
        with open(from_file) as f:
            targets = f.readlines()
        targets = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in targets]
        if __debug__: log('Read {} lines from "{}".', len(targets), from_file)
        if not given_urls:
            targets = filter_urls(targets, say)
    elif given_urls:
        # We assume that the arguments are URLs and take them as-is.
        targets = images
        # We were given files and/or directories.  Look for image files.
        for item in filter_urls(images, say):
            if path.isfile(item) and filename_extension(item) in ACCEPTED_FORMATS:
            elif path.isdir(item):
                targets += files_in_directory(item, extensions = ACCEPTED_FORMATS)
                say.warn('"{}" not a file or directory'.format(item))
    return targets