예제 #1
def move_tower(num_disks, towers, source, target, middle):
    Function is move_tower
    parameters:  num_disks (int), towers (dictionary), source, target and
    middle tower names (strings)
    returns: drawing of the steps taken to move the disks from source tower
    to target tower
    does: using recursion moves n - 1 disks from source tower to a middle
    (middle man) tower, then moves the nth disk from the source tower to
    the target tower, and lastly moves n - 1 disks from the middle tower
    to the target tower. 
    # base case that terminates the recursion and starts the visualization
    if num_disks == 1:
        hanoi_viz.move_disk(source, target, towers)
        # moves n - 1 disks to the middle tower using the target tower
        # as a helper
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, towers, source, middle, target)

        # moves the biggest block over to the target tower
        move_tower(1, towers, source, target, middle)

        # moves n - 1 disks to the target tower using the source tower
        # as a helper
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, towers, middle, target, source)
def move_tower(num_disks, orig, dest, temp, towers):
    if num_disks == 0:
        move_disk(orig, dest, towers)
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, orig, temp, dest, towers)
        move_disk(orig, dest, towers)
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, temp, dest, orig, towers)
예제 #3
def move_tower(source, target, middle, towers, num_disks):

    # if statement for if the number of disks is greater than 0, than to move from source to target
    # this will continue until disks on the source and target are empty and the middle tower is filled
    if num_disks >= 0:
        move_tower(source, middle, target, towers, num_disks -
                   1)  # if greater than 0 to move from source to middle
            source, target, towers
        )  # utilizes the move disk function to move the disks between towers
        move_tower(middle, target, source, towers,
                   num_disks - 1)  # moves disk from middle to target
예제 #4
def move_tower(disk_num, source, target, aux, TOWERS):
    '''function move towers
       parameters: number of disks, names of source, target, temp towers,
                   along  with list of Simpsons characters
       returns: nothing

       does: checks if the number of disks is greater than or equal to one
             and moves n - 1 disks from source tower Homer to temp home Bart.
             We call move_disk from hanoi_viz to move disks from source to
             target using dictionary key towers. The final move towers is to 
             move the n - 1 disks from the temp tower of Bart to our target
             tower of Marge 
    if disk_num >= 1:
        move_tower(disk_num - 1, source, aux, target, TOWERS)
        hanoi_viz.move_disk(source, target, TOWERS)
        move_tower(disk_num - 1, aux, target, source, TOWERS)
예제 #5
def move_tower(num_disks, source, target, helper, towers):
    Parameters: The number of disks, integer. The source, target, and helper
    towers, all as strings. Dictionary of towers, which keeps track of which
    rings are on which tower
    Does: Recursively solves the hanoi puzzle: calls the move_disk function
    from hanoi_viz.py to move each disk, and calls itself to manipulate
    which tower is the source, helper, and target for each step. The rings must
    be moved one at a time, and each ring may only be on top of larger rings
    and below smaller ones. We only care about moving disks that exist, so the
    base case here is implicit - when there are no disks left, we don't need
    to move any disks!
    Returns: Nothing
    if num_disks > 0:
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, source, helper, target, towers)
        hanoi_viz.move_disk(source, target, towers)
        move_tower(num_disks - 1, helper, target, source, towers)