def matching_refseq(refseqs, k): if k in refseqs: return refseqs[k] else: if len(refseqs) > 1: msg = 'No match for "%s" in reference sequences (%s)' msg = msg % (k, ','.join(refseqs.keys())) raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) return next(iter(refseqs.values()))
def assemble_denovo(**kwargs): """ Wrapper function for denovo assembly Arguments are passed to specific assembly functions depending on the 'assembler' argument Args: **kwargs: Arguments passed to specific assembly functions Returns: """ if kwargs['assembler'] == 'spades': return assemble_denovo_spades(**kwargs) elif kwargs['assembler'] == 'trinity': return assemble_denovo_trinity(**kwargs) else: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError('INVALID ASSEMBLER.')
def align_reads( fq1=None, fq2=None, fqU=None, ref_fa=None, outdir='.', bt2_preset='sensitive-local', sample_id='sampleXX', no_realign=False, remove_duplicates=False, encoding=None, ncpu=1, xmx=sysutils.get_java_heap_size(), keep_tmp=False, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ): """ Pipeline step to align reads Args: fq1 (str): Path to fastq file with read 1 fq2 (str): Path to fastq file with read 2 fqU (str): Path to fastq file with unpaired reads ref_fa (str): Path to reference fasta file outdir (str): Path to output directory bt2_preset (str): Bowtie2 preset to use for alignment sample_id (str): Read group ID no_realign (bool): Do not realign indels remove_duplicates (bool): Remove duplicates from final alignment encoding (str): Quality score encoding ncpu (int): Number of CPUs to use xmx (int): Maximum heap size for JVM in GB keep_tmp (bool): Do not delete temporary directory quiet (bool): Do not write output to console logfile (file): Append console output to this file debug (bool): Print commands but do not run Returns: out_aligned (str): Path to aligned BAM file out_bt2 (str): Path to bowtie2 report """ # Check inputs if fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is None: input_reads = "paired" # Paired end elif fq1 is None and fq2 is None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "single" # Single end elif fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "both" else: msg = "incorrect input reads; requires either " msg += "(--fq1 AND --fq2) OR (--fqU) OR (--fq1 AND --fq2 AND --fqU)" raise MissingRequiredArgument(msg) if encoding is None: if input_reads == 'single': encoding = helpers.guess_encoding(fqU) else: encoding = helpers.guess_encoding(fq1) # Check dependencies sysutils.check_dependency('bowtie2') sysutils.check_dependency('samtools') sysutils.check_dependency('picard') # Identify correct command for GATK GATK_BIN = sysutils.determine_dependency_path(['gatk', 'gatk3']) # Set JVM heap argument (for GATK) JAVA_HEAP = '_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx%dg"' % xmx # Outputs out_aligned = os.path.join(outdir, 'aligned.bam') out_bt2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'aligned.bt2.out') # Temporary directory tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('align_reads', None, quiet, logfile) # Copy and index initial reference curref = os.path.join(tempdir, 'initial.fasta') cmd1 = ['cp', ref_fa, curref] cmd2 = ['samtools', 'faidx', curref] cmd3 = [ 'picard', 'CreateSequenceDictionary', 'R=%s' % curref, 'O=%s' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'initial.dict') ] cmd4 = ['bowtie2-build', curref, os.path.join(tempdir, 'initial')] sysutils.command_runner([cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4], 'align_reads:index', quiet, logfile, debug) # Align with bowtie2 cmd5 = [ 'bowtie2', '-p', '%d' % ncpu, '--phred33' if encoding == "Phred+33" else '--phred64', '--no-unal', '--rg-id', sample_id, '--rg', 'SM:%s' % sample_id, '--rg', 'LB:1', '--rg', 'PU:1', '--rg', 'PL:illumina', '--%s' % bt2_preset, '-x', '%s' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'initial'), ] if input_reads in [ 'paired', 'both', ]: cmd5 += [ '-1', fq1, '-2', fq2, ] elif input_reads in [ 'single', 'both', ]: cmd5 += [ '-U', fqU, ] cmd5 += [ '-S', os.path.join(tempdir, 'aligned.bt2.sam'), ] cmd5 += [ '2>', out_bt2, ] try: sysutils.command_runner([ cmd5, ], 'align_reads:bowtie2', quiet, logfile, debug) except PipelineStepError as e: if os.path.exists(out_bt2): with open(out_bt2, 'r') as fh: print('[--- bowtie2 stderr ---]\n%s' %, file=sys.stderr) raise cmd6 = [ 'samtools', 'view', '-u', os.path.join(tempdir, 'aligned.bt2.sam'), '|', 'samtools', 'sort', '>', os.path.join(tempdir, 'sorted.bam'), ] cmd7 = [ 'samtools', 'index', os.path.join(tempdir, 'sorted.bam'), ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd6, cmd7, ], 'align_reads:samsort', quiet, logfile, debug) cur_bam = os.path.join(tempdir, 'sorted.bam') if remove_duplicates: sysutils.log_message('[--- Removing duplicates ---]', quiet, logfile) else: sysutils.log_message('[--- Marking duplicates ---]', quiet, logfile) # MarkDuplicates cmd8 = [ 'picard', 'MarkDuplicates', 'CREATE_INDEX=true', 'USE_JDK_DEFLATER=true', 'USE_JDK_INFLATER=true', 'M=%s' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'rmdup.metrics.txt'), 'I=%s' % cur_bam, 'O=%s' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'rmdup.bam'), ] if remove_duplicates: cmd8 += [ 'REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true', ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd8, ], 'align_reads:markdups', quiet, logfile, debug) cur_bam = os.path.join(tempdir, 'rmdup.bam') if no_realign: print('[--- Skipping realignment ---]', file=sys.stderr) else: # RealignerTargetCreator cmd9 = [ JAVA_HEAP, GATK_BIN, '-T', 'RealignerTargetCreator', '-I', cur_bam, '-R', curref, '-o', os.path.join(tempdir, 'tmp.intervals'), ] # IndelRealigner cmd10 = [ JAVA_HEAP, GATK_BIN, '-T', 'IndelRealigner', '--use_jdk_deflater', '--use_jdk_inflater', '-maxReads', '1000000', '-dt', 'NONE', '-I', cur_bam, '-R', curref, '-targetIntervals', os.path.join(tempdir, 'tmp.intervals'), '-o', os.path.join(tempdir, 'realign.bam') ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd9, cmd10, ], 'align_reads:realign', quiet, logfile, debug) cur_bam = os.path.join(tempdir, 'realign.bam') # Check that cur_bam was created if not os.path.exists(cur_bam): msg = "BAM does not exist: %s" % cur_bam raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) cmd11a = [ 'rm', '-f', out_aligned, ] cmd11b = [ 'mv', cur_bam, out_aligned, ] cmd11c = [ 'samtools', 'index', out_aligned, ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd11a, cmd11b, cmd11c, ], 'align_reads:copy', quiet, logfile, debug) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'align_reads', quiet, logfile) return out_aligned, out_bt2
def model_test(seqs=None, outname='modeltest_results', run_id=None, data_type='nt', partitions=None, seed=None, topology='ml', utree=None, force=None, asc_bias=None, frequencies=None, het=None, models=None, schemes=None, template=None, ncpu=1, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, outdir='.', keep_tmp=False): # check dependency sysutils.check_dependency('modeltest-ng') # check required input & input options if seqs is None: msg = "No alignment given" raise sysutils.MissingRequiredArgument(msg) if data_type not in ['nt', 'aa']: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Data type not valid") if topology not in [ 'ml', 'mp', 'fixed-ml-jc', 'fixed-ml-gtr', 'fixed-mp', 'random', 'user' ]: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Topology not valid") # make tempdir tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('model_test', None, quiet, logfile) # add prefix if run_id is not None: outname = run_id + '_' + outname # build command cmd1 = [ 'modeltest-ng -i %s' % seqs, '-t %s' % topology, '-o %s' % os.path.join(tempdir, outname), '-p %d' % ncpu, '-d %s' % data_type ] if partitions is not None: cmd1 += ['-q %s' % partitions] if seed is not None: cmd1 += ['-r %d' % seed] if utree is not None: cmd1 += ['-u %s' % utree] if force is True: cmd1 += ['--force'] if asc_bias is not None and asc_bias in [ 'lewis', 'felsenstein', 'stamatakis' ]: cmd1 += ['-a %s' % asc_bias] elif asc_bias is not None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("ASC bias correction not valid") if frequencies is not None and frequencies in ['e', 'f']: cmd1 += ['-f %s' % frequencies] elif frequencies is not None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Frequencies not valid") if het is not None and het in ['u', 'i', 'g', 'f']: cmd1 += ['-h %s' % het] elif het is not None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Rate heterogeneity not valid") if models is not None: with open(models, 'r') as f: model_list = for m in model_list: if data_type == 'nt' and m not in [ 'JC', 'HKY', 'TrN', 'TPM1', 'TPM2', 'TPM3', 'TIM1', 'TIM2', 'TIM3', 'TVM', 'GTR' ]: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError( "At least one model is not valid") elif data_type == 'aa' and m not in [ 'DAYHOFF', 'LG', 'DCMUT', 'JTT', 'MTREV', 'WAG', 'RTREV', 'CPREV', 'VT', 'BLOSUM62', 'MTMAM', 'MTART', 'MTZOA', 'PMB', 'HIVB', 'HIVW', 'JTTDCMUT', 'FLU', 'SMTREV' ]: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError( "At least one model is not valid") cmd1 += ['-m %s' % str(model_list)[1:-1]] if schemes is not None and schemes in [3, 5, 7, 11, 203]: cmd1 += ['-s %d' % schemes] elif schemes is not None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Schemes not valid") if template is not None and template in [ 'raxml', 'phyml', 'mrbayes', 'paup' ]: cmd1 += ['-T %s' % template] elif template is not None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Template not valid") # run command try: sysutils.command_runner([ cmd1, ], 'model_test', quiet, logfile, debug) except sysutils.PipelineStepError as p: if p.returncode == -6: print("Warning: ignoring returncode -6") else: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError("Error in ModelTest-NG") # copy output file and delete tempdir if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.out' % outname)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.out' % outname), os.path.abspath(outdir)) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'model_test', quiet, logfile) # Parse .out file and write TSV summary file criteria = [] bestmods = [] with open(os.path.join(outdir, '%s.out' % outname)) as f1: for line in if "Best model according to" in line: criteria += line.split(' ')[-1:] if "Model: " in line: bestmods += line.split(' ')[-1:] with open(os.path.join(outdir, '%s_summary.tsv' % outname), 'w') as f2: f2.write('File\tCriteria\tBest Model\n') for i in range(len(criteria)): f2.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (seqs, criteria[i], bestmods[i])) # completion message cmd2 = [ 'echo', 'Stage completed. Output file is located here: %s\n' % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, '%s.out' % outname)), 'echo', 'Summary TSV file is located here: %s\n' % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, '%s_summary.tsv' % outname)) ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd2, ], 'model_test', quiet, logfile, debug) return
def build_tree_NG(seqs=None, in_type='FASTA', output_name='hp_tree', outdir='.', treedir='hp_tree', model='GTR', bs_trees=None, outgroup=None,branch_length=None, consense=None,rand_tree=None, pars_tree=None, user_tree=None, search=None, search_1random=None, all=None, constraint_tree=None,bsconverge=None, bs_msa=None, bs_tree_cutoff=None,bs_metric=None, bootstrap=None, check=None, log=None, loglh=None, redo=None, terrace=None, seed=12345,version=None, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ncpu=1, keep_tmp=False): sysutils.check_dependency('raxml-ng') if version is True: cmd2 = ['raxml-ng', '-v'] sysutils.command_runner([cmd2], 'build_tree_NG', quiet, logfile, debug) return if seqs is None: msg = 'No alignment provided.' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) # Set Output Directory output_dir = os.path.join(outdir, treedir) cmd0 = ['mkdir -p %s' % output_dir] sysutils.command_runner([cmd0], 'build_tree_NG', quiet, logfile, debug) # fix seq names if in_type=='FASTA': check_name_compatibility(seqs,os.path.join(output_dir,'seqs_fixednames.fasta'),in_type) elif in_type=='PHYLIP': check_name_compatibility(seqs, os.path.join(output_dir, 'seqs_fixednames.phy'), in_type) # Create temporary directory tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('build_tree_NG', None, quiet, logfile) # start raxml command cmd1 = ['raxml-ng', '--prefix %s/%s' % (os.path.abspath(tempdir), output_name), '--threads %d' % ncpu, '--seed %d' % seed, '--model %s' % model] if seqs is not None: if in_type == 'FASTA': cmd1 += ['--msa', '%s' % os.path.join(output_dir,'seqs_fixednames.fasta')] elif in_type == 'PHYLIP': cmd1 += ['--msa', '%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'seqs_fixednames.phy')] if branch_length is not None: cmd1 += ['--brlen', '%s' % branch_length] if consense is not None: cmd1 += ['--consense', '%s' % consense] if pars_tree is not None and rand_tree is None: cmd1 += ['--tree pars{%d}' % pars_tree] if pars_tree is None and rand_tree is not None: cmd1 += ['--tree rand{%d}' % rand_tree] if pars_tree is not None and rand_tree is not None: cmd1 += ['--tree pars{%d},rand{%d}' % (pars_tree, rand_tree)] if user_tree is not None: cmd1 += ['--tree', '%s' % os.path.abspath(user_tree)] if search is True: cmd1 += ['--search'] if search_1random is True: cmd1 += ['--search1'] if all is True: cmd1 += ['--all'] if constraint_tree is not None: cmd1 += ['--tree-constraint', '%s' % os.path.abspath(constraint_tree)] if outgroup is not None: cmd1 += ['--outgroup', '%s' % outgroup] if bsconverge is True: cmd1 += ['--bsconverge'] if bs_msa is True: cmd1 += ['--bsmsa'] if bs_trees is not None: cmd1 += ['--bs-trees %s' % bs_trees] if bs_tree_cutoff is not None: cmd1 += ['--bs-cutoff', '%f' % bs_tree_cutoff] if bs_metric is not None: cmd1 += ['--bs-metric', '%s' % bs_metric] if bootstrap is True: cmd1 += ['--bootstrap'] if check is True: cmd1 += ['--check'] if log is not None: cmd1 += ['--log', '%s' % log] if loglh is True: cmd1 += ['--loglh'] if terrace is True: cmd1 += ['--terrace'] if redo is not None: cmd1 += ['--redo'] sysutils.command_runner([cmd1, ], 'build_tree_NG', quiet, logfile, debug) # copy files from tmpdir to output directory (note - took some out here) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestTree' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestTree' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestPartitionTrees' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestPartitionTrees' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestModel' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bestModel' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bootstraps' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bootstraps' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bootstrapMSA.<REP>.phy' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.bootstrapMSA.<REP>.phy' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.ckp' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.ckp' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.consensusTree' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.consensusTree' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.log' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.log' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.mlTrees' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.mlTrees' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.startTree' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.startTree' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.terrace' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.terrace' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.terraceNewick' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.raxml.terraceNewick' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'build_tree_NG', quiet, logfile) cmd6 = ['echo', 'Stage completed. Output files are located here: %s\n' % os.path.abspath(output_dir)] sysutils.command_runner([cmd6, ], 'build_tree_NG', quiet, logfile, debug)
def ec_reads( fq1=None, fq2=None, fqU=None, outdir='.', ncpu=1, keep_tmp=False, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ): """ Pipeline step to error-correct reads using spades Args: fq1 (str): Path to fastq file with read 1 fq2 (str): Path to fastq file with read 2 fqU (str): Path to fastq file with unpaired reads outdir (str): Path to output directory ncpu (int): Number of CPUs to use keep_tmp (bool): Do not delete temporary directory quiet (bool): Do not write output to console logfile (file): Append console output to this file debug (bool): Print commands but do not run Returns: out1 (str): Path to corrected fastq file with read 1 out2 (str): Path to corrected fastq file with read 2 outU (str): Path to corrected fastq file with unpaired reads """ # Check inputs if fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is None: input_reads = "paired" # Paired end elif fq1 is None and fq2 is None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "single" # Single end elif fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "both" else: msg = "incorrect input reads; requires either " msg += "(--fq1 AND --fq2) OR (--fqU) OR (--fq1 AND --fq2 AND --fqU)" raise MissingRequiredArgument(msg) # Check dependencies sysutils.check_dependency('') # Outputs out1 = os.path.join(outdir, 'corrected_1.fastq') out2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'corrected_2.fastq') outU = os.path.join(outdir, 'corrected_U.fastq') # Temporary directory tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('ec_reads', None, quiet, logfile) # spades command cmd1 = [ '', '-o', tempdir, '-t', '%d' % ncpu, '--only-error-correction', ] if input_reads in [ 'paired', 'both', ]: cmd1 += [ '-1', os.path.abspath(fq1), '-2', os.path.abspath(fq2), ] if input_reads in [ 'single', 'both', ]: cmd1 += [ '-s', os.path.abspath(fqU), ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd1, ], 'ec_reads', quiet, logfile, debug) # Copy files yaml_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'corrected/corrected.yaml') if not os.path.exists(yaml_file): sysutils.PipelineStepError("YAML file %s not found" % yaml_file) with open(yaml_file, 'rU') as fh: d = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)[0] cmds = [] if 'left reads' in d: cmds.append([ 'gunzip', '-c', ] + sorted(d['left reads']) + ['>', out1]) if 'right reads' in d: cmds.append([ 'gunzip', '-c', ] + sorted(d['right reads']) + ['>', out2]) if 'single reads' in d: cmds.append([ 'gunzip', '-c', ] + sorted(d['single reads']) + ['>', outU]) sysutils.command_runner(cmds, 'ec_reads', quiet, logfile, debug) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'ec_reads', quiet, logfile) return out1, out2, outU
def run_mafft(inputseqs=None, out_align="alignment.fasta", auto=None, algo=None, sixmerpair=None, globalpair=None, localpair=None, genafpair=None, fastapair=None, weighti=None, retree=None, maxiterate=None, noscore=None, memsave=None, parttree=None, dpparttree=None, fastaparttree=None, partsize=None, groupsize=None, lop=None, lep=None, lexp=None, LOP=None, LEXP=None, bl=None, jtt=None, tm=None, aamatrix=None, fmodel=None, clustalout=None, inputorder=None, reorder=None, treeout=None, quiet_mafft=None, nuc=None, amino=None, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ncpu=1, msadir='.', phylipout=None): ### function to run MAFFT ### sysutils.check_dependency('mafft') ## create MAFFT command using input options if algo is None: cmd1 = [ 'mafft', '--thread', '%d' % ncpu, ] else: if algo not in [ 'linsi', 'ginsi', 'einsi', 'fftnsi', 'fftns', 'nwns', 'nwnsi' ]: msg = 'Algorithm not in MAFFT' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) else: cmd1 = ['%s' % algo] if clustalout is True: cmd1 += ['--clustalout'] if inputorder is True: cmd1 += ['--inputourder'] if reorder is True: cmd1 += ['--reorder'] if treeout is True: cmd1 += ['--treeout'] if quiet_mafft is True: cmd1 += ['--quiet'] if nuc is True: cmd1 += ['--nuc'] if amino is True: cmd1 += ['--amino'] ### algorithm options if auto is True: cmd1 += ['--auto'] if sixmerpair is True: cmd1 += ['--6merpair'] if globalpair is True: cmd1 += ['--globalpair'] if localpair is True: cmd1 += ['--localpair'] if genafpair is True: cmd1 += ['--genafpair'] if fastapair is True: cmd1 += ['--fastapair'] if weighti is not None: cmd1 += ['--weighti', '%f' % weighti] if retree is not None: cmd1 += ['--retree', '%d' % retree] if maxiterate is not None: cmd1 += ['--maxiterate', '%d' % maxiterate] if noscore is True: cmd1 += ['--noscore'] if memsave is True: cmd1 += ['--memsave'] if parttree is True: cmd1 += ['--parttree'] if dpparttree is True: cmd1 += ['--dpparttree'] if fastaparttree is True: cmd1 += ['--fastaparttree'] if partsize is not None: cmd1 += ['--partsize', '%d' % partsize] if groupsize is not None: cmd1 += ['--groupsize', '%d' % groupsize] ### parameters if lop is not None: cmd1 += ['--lop', '%f' % lop] if lep is not None: cmd1 += ['--lep', '%f' % lep] if lexp is not None: cmd1 += ['--lexp', '%f' % lexp] if LOP is not None: cmd1 += ['--LOP', '%f' % LOP] if LEXP is not None: cmd1 += ['--LEXP', '%f' % LEXP] if bl is not None: cmd1 += ['--bl', '%d' % bl] if jtt is not None: cmd1 += ['--jtt', '%d' % jtt] if tm is not None: cmd1 += ['--tm', '%d' % tm] if aamatrix is not None: cmd1 += ['--aamatrix', '%s' % aamatrix] if fmodel is True: cmd1 += ['--fmodel'] # Outputs outName = os.path.join(msadir, '%s' % os.path.basename(out_align)) ## create command cmd1 += ['%s' % inputseqs, '>', '%s' % outName] ## run MAFFT command sysutils.command_runner([ cmd1, ], 'multiple_align', quiet, logfile, debug) if phylipout is True: phyout = outName[:-6] + '.phy' SeqIO.convert( outName, 'fasta', phyout, 'phylip-relaxed') # relaxed allows for long sequence names cmd2 = ['echo', 'Output converted to PHYLIP format from FASTA format.'] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd2, ], 'multiple_align', quiet, logfile, debug) if clustalout is True: clustout = outName[:-6] + '.aln' cmd3 = ['mv', outName, clustout] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd3, ], 'multiple_align', quiet, logfile, debug) cmd4 = ['echo', 'Alignment output is in CLUSTAL format.'] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd4, ], 'multiple_align', quiet, logfile, debug) return
def join_reads( fq1=None, fq2=None, outdir=".", min_overlap=None, max_overlap=None, allow_outies=None, encoding=None, ncpu=1, keep_tmp=False, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ): """ Pipeline step to join paired-end reads Args: fq1 (str): Path to fastq file with read 1 fq2 (str): Path to fastq file with read 2 outdir (str): Path to output directory min_overlap (int): The minimum required overlap length max_overlap (int): Maximum overlap length allow_outies (bool): Try combining "outie" reads encoding (str): Quality score encoding ncpu (int): Number of CPUs to use keep_tmp (bool): Do not delete temporary directory quiet (bool): Do not write output to console logfile (file): Append console output to this file debug (bool): Print commands but do not run Returns: out1 (str): Path to fastq file with unjoined read 1 out2 (str): Path to fastq file with unjoined read 2 outU (str): Path to fastq file with joined reads """ # Check inputs if fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None: pass # Both are present else: msg = "Incorrect combination of reads: fq1=%s fq2=%s" % (fq1, fq2) raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) # Check for executable sysutils.check_dependency('flash') # Get encoding if encoding is None: encoding = helpers.guess_encoding(fq1) # Outputs outU = os.path.join(outdir, 'joined.fastq') out1 = os.path.join(outdir, 'notjoined_1.fastq') out2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'notjoined_2.fastq') # Temporary directory tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('join_reads', None, quiet, logfile) # Flash command cmd1 = [ 'flash', '-t', '%d' % ncpu, '-d', tempdir, ] if encoding != "Phred+33": cmd1 += ['-p', '64'] if min_overlap is not None: cmd1 += ['-m', '%d' % min_overlap] if max_overlap is not None: cmd1 += ['-M', '%d' % max_overlap] if allow_outies is True: cmd1 += ['-O'] cmd1 += [fq1, fq2] cmd2 = [ 'mv', os.path.join(tempdir, 'out.extendedFrags.fastq'), outU, ] cmd3 = [ 'mv', os.path.join(tempdir, 'out.notCombined_1.fastq'), out1, ] cmd4 = [ 'mv', os.path.join(tempdir, 'out.notCombined_2.fastq'), out2, ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, ], 'join_reads', quiet, logfile, debug) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'join_reads', quiet, logfile) return out1, out2, outU
def vcf_to_consensus( vcf=None, outdir='.', sampidx=0, min_dp=5, major=0.5, minor=0.2, keep_tmp=False, quiet=False, logfile=None, ): """ Pipeline step to create consensus sequence from VCF Args: vcf (str): Path to variant calls (VCF) outdir (str): Path to output directory sampidx (int): Index for sample if multi-sample VCF min_dp (int): Minimum depth to call site major (float): Allele fraction to make unambiguous call minor (float): Allele fraction to make ambiguous call keep_tmp (bool): Do not delete temporary directory quiet (bool): Do not write output to console logfile (file): Append console output to this file debug (bool): Print commands but do not run Returns: """ # Check inputs if vcf is None: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError('VCF file is required') # Outputs out_fasta = os.path.join(outdir, 'consensus.fna') sysutils.log_message('[--- vcf_to_consensus ---]\n', quiet, logfile) sysutils.log_message('VCF: %s\n' % vcf, quiet, logfile) # Parse VCF chroms = [] samples = [] if os.path.splitext(vcf)[1] == '.gz': lines = (l.decode('utf-8').strip('\n') for l in, 'rb')) else: lines = (l.strip('\n') for l in open(vcf, 'r')) # Parse headers for l in lines: if l.startswith('##'): m = re.match('##contig=<ID=(\S+),length=(\d+)>', l) if m: chroms.append((, int( else: assert l.startswith('#') cols = l.strip('#').split('\t') samples = cols[9:] break if len(samples) <= sampidx: msg = 'Sample index %d does not exist. Samples: %s' % (sampidx, str(samples)) raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) chrom_ordered = [_[0] for _ in chroms] chroms = dict(chroms) newseqs = dict((c, ['.'] * chroms[c]) for c in list(chroms.keys())) imputed = dict((c, [''] * chroms[c]) for c in list(chroms.keys())) for l in lines: chrom, start, stop, RA, AA, info, svals = parse_vcf_sample(l, sampidx) gt = call_gt(RA, AA, svals, min_dp, major, minor) if gt is None: imputed[chrom][start - 1] = RA[0].lower() else: if len(gt) == 1: newseqs[chrom][start - 1] = gt[0] imputed[chrom][start - 1] = gt[0] else: if all(len(_) == 1 for _ in gt): newseqs[chrom][start - 1] = sequtils.get_ambig(gt) imputed[chrom][start - 1] = sequtils.get_ambig(gt) else: newseqs[chrom][start - 1] = ''.join(gt[0]) imputed[chrom][start - 1] = ''.join(gt[0]) # newseqs = imputed sysutils.log_message('Output FASTA: %s\n' % out_fasta, quiet, logfile) with open(out_fasta, 'w') as outh: for chrom in chrom_ordered: new_seqid = sequtils.update_seq_id(chrom, samples[sampidx]) new_seq = ''.join(newseqs[chrom]).replace('.', 'n') m = re.match('^(?P<pre>n*)(?P<seq>[^n].+[^n])?(?P<suf>n*)$', new_seq) if'seq') is None: msg = u'%s\tFAIL\t%d\t%s\n' % (new_seqid, 0, u"👎🏼") # Don't output sequence if not present else: msg = u'%s\tPASS\t%d\t%s\n' % (new_seqid, len('seq')), u"👍🏼") print('>%s SM:%s' % (new_seqid, samples[sampidx]), file=outh) print(sequtils.wrap(new_seq), file=outh) sysutils.log_message(msg, quiet, logfile) return out_fasta
def sample_reads( fq1=None, fq2=None, fqU=None, outdir='.', nreads=None, frac=None, seed=None, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, ): """ Args: fq1 (str): Path to fastq file with read 1 fq2 (str): Path to fastq file with read 2 fqU (str): Path to fastq file with unpaired reads outdir (str): Path to output directory nreads (int): Number of reads to sample frac (float): Fraction of reads to sample seed (int): Seed for random number generator quiet (bool): Do not write output to console logfile (file): Append console output to this file debug (bool): Print commands but do not run Returns: out1 (str): Path to sampled fastq file with read 1 out2 (str): Path to sampled fastq file with read 2 outU (str): Path to sampled fastq file with unpaired reads """ # Check inputs if fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is None: input_reads = "paired" # Paired end elif fq1 is None and fq2 is None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "single" # Single end elif fq1 is not None and fq2 is not None and fqU is not None: input_reads = "both" else: msg = "incorrect input reads; requires either " msg += "(--fq1 AND --fq2) OR (--fqU) OR (--fq1 AND --fq2 AND --fqU)" raise MissingRequiredArgument(msg) # Check dependencies sysutils.check_dependency('seqtk') # Set seed seed = seed if seed is not None else random.randrange(1, 1000) sysutils.log_message('[--- sample_reads ---] Random seed = %d\n' % seed, quiet, logfile) # Set nreads/frac if frac is not None: if frac <= 0 or frac > 1: raise sysutils.PipelineStepError('--frac must be > 0 and <= 1.') frac_arg = '%f' % frac else: frac_arg = '%d' % nreads cmds = None if input_reads == 'single': out1 = out2 = None outU = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_U.fastq') cmds = [ [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fqU, frac_arg, '>', outU, ], ] elif input_reads == 'paired': out1 = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_1.fastq') out2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_2.fastq') outU = None cmds = [ [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fq1, frac_arg, '>', out1, ], [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fq2, frac_arg, '>', out2, ], ] elif input_reads == 'both': out1 = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_1.fastq') out2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_2.fastq') outU = os.path.join(outdir, 'sample_U.fastq') cmds = [ [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fq1, frac_arg, '>', out1, ], [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fq2, frac_arg, '>', out2, ], [ 'seqtk', 'sample', '-s%d' % seed, fqU, frac_arg, '>', outU, ], ] sysutils.command_runner(cmds, 'sample_reads', quiet, logfile, debug) return out1, out2, outU
def build_tree(seqs=None, data_type='NUC', run_full_analysis=None, output_name='build_tree.tre', outdir='.', treedir='hp_build_tree', model='GTRGAMMAIX', outgroup=None, parsimony_seed=1234, wgtFile=None, secsub=None, bootstrap=None, bootstrap_threshold=None, numCat=None, rand_starting_tree=None, convergence_criterion=None, likelihoodEpsilon=None, excludeFileName=None, algo_option=None, cat_model=None, groupingFile=None, placementThreshold=None, disable_pattern_compression=None, InitialRearrangement=None, posteriori=None, print_intermediate_trees=None, majorityrule=None, print_branch_length=None, ICTCmetrics=None, partition_branch_length=None, disable_check=None, AAmodel=None, multiplemodelFile=None, binarytree=None, BinaryParameterFile=None, SecondaryStructure=None, UserStartingTree=None, median_GAMMA=None, version_info=None, rate_heterogeneity=None, window=None, RapidBootstrapNumSeed=None, random_addition=None, starting_tree=None, quartetGroupingFileName=None, multipleTreeFile=None, NumberofRuns=None, mesquite=None, silent=None, noseqcheck=None, nobfgs=None, epaPlaceNum=None, epaProbThreshold=None, epaLikelihood=None, HKY85=None, BootstrapPerm=None, quiet=False, logfile=None, debug=False, keep_tmp=False, option_help=None): # Check dependencies sysutils.check_dependency('raxmlHPC') cmd1 = [] # check for required input if option_help is True: cmd4 = ['raxmlHPC', '-h'] sysutils.command_runner([cmd4], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) return if version_info is True: cmd5 = ['raxmlHPC', '-v'] sysutils.command_runner([cmd5], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) if seqs is None and option_help is None: msg = 'No alignment provided' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) # check model compatibility if data_type is not 'AA' and 'PROT' in model: msg = 'Protein model given for non-amino acid data' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) if data_type is not 'MULTI' and 'MULTI' in model: msg = 'Multi-state model given for non-multi-state data' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) if data_type is not 'BIN' and 'BIN' in model: msg = 'Binary model given for non-binary data' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) if data_type is not 'NUC': if data_type not in model: msg = 'model and data type not compatible' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) # Set Output Directory output_dir = os.path.join(outdir, treedir) cmd0 = ['mkdir -p %s' % output_dir] sysutils.command_runner([cmd0], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) # Temporary directory tempdir = sysutils.create_tempdir('build_tree', None, quiet, logfile) if run_full_analysis is True: # generate seeds seed1 = random.randint(10000, 99999) seed2 = random.randint(10000, 99999) cmd1 = [ 'echo', 'Using parsimony seed %s and bootstrap seed %s' % (seed1, seed2) ] sysutils.command_runner([cmd1], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) # run raxml cmd2 = [ 'raxmlHPC', '-w %s' % os.path.abspath(tempdir), '-f a', '-p %d' % seed1, '-x %d' % seed2, '-# 100', '-m %s' % model, '-s %s' % os.path.abspath(seqs), '-n %s' % output_name ] sysutils.command_runner([cmd2], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) else: # start raxml command cmd1 = [ 'raxmlHPC', '-w %s' % os.path.abspath(tempdir), '-p %d' % parsimony_seed, '-m %s' % model ] if outgroup is not None: cmd1 += ['-o', '%s' % outgroup] if wgtFile is not None: cmd1 += ['-a', '%s' % os.path.join('.', wgtFile)] if secsub is not None and SecondaryStructure is not None: cmd1 += ['-A', '%s' % secsub] cmd1 += ['-S', '%s' % os.path.join('.', SecondaryStructure)] elif secsub is not None and SecondaryStructure is None: msg = 'Need to specify a file defining the secondary structure via the S option' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) if bootstrap is not None: cmd1 += ['-b', '%d' % bootstrap] if bootstrap_threshold is not None: cmd1 += ['-B', '%f' % bootstrap_threshold] if numCat is not None: cmd1 += ['-c', '%d' % numCat] if rand_starting_tree is True: cmd1 += ['-d'] if convergence_criterion is True: cmd1 += ['-D'] if likelihoodEpsilon is not None: cmd1 += ['-e', '%f' % likelihoodEpsilon] if excludeFileName is not None: cmd1 += ['-E', '%s' % os.path.join('.', excludeFileName)] if algo_option is not None and algo_option in [ 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'e', 'E', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'j', 'J', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'N', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'R', 's', 'S', 't', 'T', 'U', 'v', 'V', 'w', 'W', 'x', 'y' ]: cmd1 += ['-f', '%s' % algo_option] if cat_model is True: cmd1 += ['-F'] if groupingFile is not None: cmd1 += ['-g', '%s' % os.path.join('.', groupingFile)] if placementThreshold is not None: cmd1 += ['-G', '%f' % placementThreshold] if disable_pattern_compression is True: cmd1 += ['-H'] if InitialRearrangement is not None: cmd1 += ['-i', '%d' % InitialRearrangement] if posteriori is not None: cmd1 += ['-I', '%s' % posteriori] if print_intermediate_trees is True: cmd1 += ['-j'] if (majorityrule is not None) and (multipleTreeFile is not None): cmd1 += ['-J', '%s' % majorityrule] cmd1 += ['-z', '%s' % os.path.join('.', multipleTreeFile)] elif majorityrule is not None and multipleTreeFile is None: msg = 'Need to provide a tree file containing several UNROOTED trees via the z option' raise sysutils.PipelineStepError(msg) if print_branch_length is True: cmd1 += ['-k'] if ICTCmetrics is not None: cmd1 += ['-L', '%s' % ICTCmetrics] if partition_branch_length is True: cmd1 += ['-M'] if disable_check is True: cmd1 += ['-O'] if AAmodel is not None: cmd1 += ['-P', '%s' % os.path.join('.', AAmodel)] if multiplemodelFile is not None: cmd1 += ['-q', '%s' % os.path.join('.', multiplemodelFile)] if binarytree is not None: cmd1 += ['-r', '%s' % os.path.join('.', binarytree)] if BinaryParameterFile is not None: cmd1 += ['-R', '%s' % os.path.join('.', BinaryParameterFile)] if SecondaryStructure is not None: cmd1 += ['-S', '%s' % os.path.join('.', SecondaryStructure)] if UserStartingTree is not None: cmd1 += ['-t', '%s' % os.path.join('.', UserStartingTree)] if median_GAMMA is True: cmd1 += ['-u'] if rate_heterogeneity is True: cmd1 += ['-V'] if window is not None: cmd1 += ['-W', '%d' % window] if RapidBootstrapNumSeed is not None: cmd1 += ['-x', '%d' % RapidBootstrapNumSeed] if random_addition is True: cmd1 += ['-X'] if starting_tree is True: cmd1 += ['-y'] if quartetGroupingFileName is not None: cmd1 += ['-Y', '%s' % os.path.join('.', quartetGroupingFileName)] if multipleTreeFile is not None: cmd1 += ['-z', '%s' % os.path.join('.', multipleTreeFile)] if NumberofRuns is not None: cmd1 += ['-N', '%d' % NumberofRuns] if mesquite is True: cmd1 += ['--mesquite'] if silent is True: cmd1 += ['--silent'] if noseqcheck is True: cmd1 += ['--no-seq-check'] if nobfgs is True: cmd1 += ['--no-bfgs'] if epaPlaceNum is not None: cmd1 += ['epakeepplacements=%d' % epaPlaceNum] if epaProbThreshold is not None: cmd1 += ['epaprobthreshold=%f' % epaProbThreshold] if epaLikelihood is not None: cmd1 += ['epaaccumulatedthreshold=%f' % epaLikelihood] if HKY85 is True: cmd1 += ['--HKY85'] if BootstrapPerm is not None: cmd1 += ['[bootstopperms=%s' % BootstrapPerm] if option_help is True: cmd1 += ['-h'] cmd1 += ['-s', '%s' % os.path.abspath(seqs), '-n', '%s' % output_name] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd1, ], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug) # copy files from tmpdir to output directory if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bestTree.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bestTree.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_info.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_info.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_perSiteLLs.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_perSiteLLs.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitionFrequencies.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitionFrequencies.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitions.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bipartitions.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bootstrap.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_bootstrap.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_checkpoint.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_checkpoint.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_randomTree.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_randomTree.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_parsimonyTree.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy( os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_parsimonyTree.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_result.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_result.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_log.%s' % output_name)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, 'RAxML_log.%s' % output_name), os.path.abspath(output_dir)) if not keep_tmp: sysutils.remove_tempdir(tempdir, 'build_tree', quiet, logfile) cmd3 = [ 'echo', 'Stage completed. Output files are located here: %s\n' % os.path.abspath(output_dir) ] sysutils.command_runner([ cmd3, ], 'build_tree', quiet, logfile, debug)