예제 #1
def main():
    """Turn all the lights on for 2 minutes"""

    # initialize your hardware for use

    # turn on all the lights

    # run for 2 minutes
    end = time.time() + 120

    # working loop will run as long as time.time() is less then "end"
    while time.time() < end:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop
            # do nothing, just wait
        # if the user pressed <CTRL> + C to exit early break out of the loop
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #2
def lights_on():
    global lights_are_on, playlist_playing
    if playlist_playing:
    lights_are_on = True
예제 #3
def main():
    """Turn all the lights on for 2 minutes"""

    # initialize your hardware for use

    # turn on all the lights

    # run for 2 minutes
    end = time.time() + 120

    # working loop will run as long as time.time() is less then "end"
    while time.time() < end:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop
            # do nothing, just wait
        # if the user pressed <CTRL> + C to exit early break out of the loop
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #4
def main():
    Play a message

    Play a recorded message for the people and go through the lights
    one channel at a time in order, then back down to the first

    # initialize your hardware for use

    # start with all the lights off

    # Before we start the lights we should start playing the audio
    # we have installed mpg123 to make this easy
    # if you do not have mpg123 installed then use this command to install it
    # sudo apt-get install mpg123
    # now all you have to do is use the below command to play an mp3 file
    message_file = "/home/pi/lightshowpi/py/examples/message.mp3"
    message = subprocess.Popen(["mpg123", "-q", message_file])

    # subprocess.Popen will open mpg123 player and play an audio file for you
    # and give you a few options that will come in real handy
    # you can stop mpg123 before the audio has finished using the instance
    # variable we just created by calling message.kill()
    # or at any point in the script you can make everything wait for the audio
    # to finish playing with message.wait() that could be usefull if you
    # ran a short seuqence like in the default preshow and your audio as longer
    # then your sequence and you wanted the audio to finish before continuing
    # and if you use message.poll() or message.returncode you could find out
    # if it has finished, then you might start something else or end everything
    # and shutdown your pi.

    # working loop
    while True:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

        # if audio playback has finished break out of the loop
        if message.poll() != None:

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #5
def main():
    Play a message

    Play a recorded message for the people and go through the lights
    one channel at a time in order, then back down to the first

    # initialize your hardware for use

    # start with all the lights off

    # Before we start the lights we should start playing the audio
    # we have installed mpg123 to make this easy
    # if you do not have mpg123 installed then use this command to install it
    # sudo apt-get install mpg123
    # now all you have to do is use the below command to play an mp3 file
    message_file = "/home/pi/lightshowpi/py/examples/message.mp3"
    message = subprocess.Popen(["mpg123", "-q", message_file])

    # subprocess.Popen will open mpg123 player and play an audio file for you
    # and give you a few options that will come in real handy
    # you can stop mpg123 before the audio has finished using the instance
    # variable we just created by calling message.kill()
    # or at any point in the script you can make everything wait for the audio
    # to finish playing with message.wait() that could be usefull if you
    # ran a short seuqence like in the default preshow and your audio as longer
    # then your sequence and you wanted the audio to finish before continuing
    # and if you use message.poll() or message.returncode you could find out
    # if it has finished, then you might start something else or end everything
    # and shutdown your pi.

    # working loop
    while True:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

        # if audio playback has finished break out of the loop
        if message.poll() != None:

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #6
def execute_preshow(config):
    '''Execute the "Preshow" for the given preshow configuration'''
    for transition in config['transitions']:
        start = time.time()
        if transition['type'].lower() == 'on':
        logging.debug('Transition to ' + transition['type'] + ' for '
            + str(transition['duration']) + ' seconds')
        while transition['duration'] > (time.time() - start):
            cm.load_state()  # Force a refresh of state from file
            play_now = int(cm.get_state('play_now', 0))
            if play_now:
                return  # Skip out on the rest of the preshow

            # Check once every ~ .1 seconds to break out
def execute_preshow(config):
    '''Execute the "Preshow" for the given preshow configuration'''
    for transition in config['transitions']:
        start = time.time()
        if transition['type'].lower() == 'on':
        logging.debug('Transition to ' + transition['type'] + ' for ' +
                      str(transition['duration']) + ' seconds')
        while transition['duration'] > (time.time() - start):
            cm.load_state()  # Force a refresh of state from file
            play_now = int(cm.get_state('play_now', 0))
            if play_now:
                return  # Skip out on the rest of the preshow

            # Check once every ~ .1 seconds to break out
예제 #8
def main():
    Test pattern2

    Unlights one channel at a time in order
    # this is a list of all the channels you have access to
    lights = hc._GPIO_PINS

    # initialize your hardware for use

    # start with all the lights off

    # pause for 1 second

    # working loop
    for _ in range(50):
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop
            # here we just loop over the gpio pins and do something with them
            for light in lights:
                # turn on all the lights

                # then turn off one

                # wait a little bit before the for loop
                # starts again and turns off the next light

        # if the user pressed <CTRL> + C to exit early break out of the loop
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #9
def main():
    Random flashing lights
    # this is a list of all the channels you have access to
    # I'm also tracking the time here so that I know when I turned a light off
    # So I'm putting everything in a dict
    gpio_pins = hc._GPIO_PINS
    lights = dict.fromkeys(range(0, len(gpio_pins)), [True, time.time()])

    # get a number that is about 40% the length of your gpio's
    # this will be use to make sure that no more then 40% of
    # the light will be off at any one time
    max_off = int(round(len(lights) * .4))

    # initialize your hardware for use
    print "Press <CTRL>-C to stop"

    # start with all the lights on

    # lets run for 2 minutes
    end = time.time() + 120

    # working loop will run as long as time.time() is less then "end"
    while time.time() < end:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop
            # here we just loop over the gpio pins
            for light in lights:
                # this is where we check to see if we have any light
                # that are turned off
                # if they are off we will check the time to see if we
                # want to turn them back on yet, if we do then turn it on
                if not lights[light][0]:
                    if lights[light][1] < time.time():
                        lights[light][0] = True

            # count the number of lights that are off
            off = [k for (k, v) in lights.iteritems() if v.count(1) == False]

            # if less then out max count of light that we chose
            # we can turn one off
            if len(off) < max_off:
                # pick a light at random to turn off
                choice = random.randrange(0, len(gpio_pins))
                # if it's on then lets turn it off
                if lights[choice][0]:
                    # pick a duration for that light to be off
                    # default times are between 1/2 and secong and 1.8 seconds
                    duration = random.uniform(0.5, 1.8)

                    # store this informatin in our dict
                    lights[choice] = [False, time.time() + duration]
                    # and turn that light off then continue with the main loop
                    # and do it all over again

        # if the user pressed <CTRL> + C to exit early break out of the loop
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #10
def main():
    Random flashing lights
    # this is a list of all the channels you have access to
    # I'm also tracking the time here so that I know when I turned a light off
    # So I'm putting everything in a dict
    gpio_pins = hc._GPIO_PINS
    lights = dict.fromkeys(range(0, len(gpio_pins)), [True, time.time()])

    # get a number that is about 40% the length of your gpio's
    # this will be use to make sure that no more then 40% of
    # the light will be off at any one time
    max_off = int(round(len(lights) * .4))

    # initialize your hardware for use
    print "Press <CTRL>-C to stop"

    # start with all the lights on

    # lets run for 2 minutes
    end = time.time() + 120

    # working loop will run as long as time.time() is less then "end"
    while time.time() < end:
        # try except block to catch keyboardinterrupt by user to stop
            # here we just loop over the gpio pins
            for light in lights:
                # this is where we check to see if we have any light
                # that are turned off
                # if they are off we will check the time to see if we
                # want to turn them back on yet, if we do then turn it on
                if not lights[light][0]:
                    if lights[light][1] < time.time():
                        lights[light][0] = True

            # count the number of lights that are off
            off = [k for (k, v) in lights.iteritems() if v.count(1) == False]

            # if less then out max count of light that we chose
            # we can turn one off
            if len(off) < max_off:
                # pick a light at random to turn off
                choice = random.randrange(0, len(gpio_pins))
                # if it's on then lets turn it off
                if lights[choice][0]:
                    # pick a duration for that light to be off
                    # default times are between 1/2 and secong and 1.8 seconds
                    duration = random.uniform(0.5, 1.8)

                    # store this informatin in our dict
                    lights[choice] = [False, time.time() + duration]
                    # and turn that light off then continue with the main loop
                    # and do it all over again

        # if the user pressed <CTRL> + C to exit early break out of the loop
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nstopped"

    # This ends and cleans up everything
예제 #11
    def execute(self):
        Execute the pre/post show as defined by the current config

        Returns the exit status of the show, either done if the
        show played to completion, or play_now_interrupt if the
        show was interrupted by a play now command.
        # Is there a show to launch?
        if self.config == None:
            return PrePostShow.done

        # Is the config a script or a transition based show
        # launch the script if it is
        if not isinstance(self.config, dict) and os.path.exists(self.config):
            logging.debug("Launching external script " + self.config + " as " \
                + self.show)
            return self.start_script()

        # start the audio if there is any

        if 'transitions' in self.config:
                # display transition based show
                for transition in self.config['transitions']:
                    start = time.time()
                    if transition['type'].lower() == 'on':
                    logging.debug('Transition to ' + transition['type'] + ' for ' \
                        + str(transition['duration']) + ' seconds')

                    if 'channel_control' in transition:
                        channel_control = transition['channel_control']
                        for key in channel_control.keys():
                            mode = key
                            channels = channel_control[key]
                            for channel in channels:
                                if mode == 'on':
                                    hc.turn_on_light(int(channel) - 1, 1)
                                elif mode == 'off':
                                    hc.turn_off_light(int(channel) - 1, 1)
                                    logging.error("Unrecognized channel_control mode "
                                                "defined in preshow_configuration " \
                                                    + str(mode))
                    # hold transition for specified time
                    while transition['duration'] > (time.time() - start):
                        # check for play now
                        if check_state():
                            # kill the audio playback if playing
                            if self.audio:
                                os.killpg(self.audio.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
                                self.audio = None
                            return PrePostShow.play_now_interrupt

        # hold show until audio has finished if we have audio
        # or audio is not finished
        return_value = self.hold_for_audio()

        return return_value
예제 #12
    def execute(self):
        Execute the pre/post show as defined by the current config

        Returns the exit status of the show, either done if the
        show played to completion, or play_now_interrupt if the
        show was interrupted by a play now command.
        # Is there a show to launch?
        if self.config == None:
            return PrePostShow.done

        # Is the config a script or a transition based show
        # launch the script if it is
        if not isinstance(self.config, dict) and os.path.exists(self.config):
            logging.debug("Launching external script " + self.config + " as " + self.show)
            return self.start_script()

        # start the audio if there is any

        if "transitions" in self.config:
                # display transition based show
                for transition in self.config["transitions"]:
                    start = time.time()
                    if transition["type"].lower() == "on":
                        "Transition to " + transition["type"] + " for " + str(transition["duration"]) + " seconds"

                    if "channel_control" in transition:
                        channel_control = transition["channel_control"]
                        for key in channel_control.keys():
                            mode = key
                            channels = channel_control[key]
                            for channel in channels:
                                if mode == "on":
                                    hc.turn_on_light(int(channel) - 1, 1)
                                elif mode == "off":
                                    hc.turn_off_light(int(channel) - 1, 1)
                                        "Unrecognized channel_control mode "
                                        "defined in preshow_configuration " + str(mode)
                    # hold transition for specified time
                    while transition["duration"] > (time.time() - start):
                        # check for play now
                        if check_state():
                            # kill the audio playback if playing
                            if self.audio:
                                os.killpg(self.audio.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
                                self.audio = None
                            return PrePostShow.play_now_interrupt

        # hold show until audio has finished if we have audio
        # or audio is not finished
        return_value = self.hold_for_audio()

        return return_value