예제 #1
    def run(self):
        json_file = self.get_opt('json')
        parquet_dir = self.get_opt('parquet_dir')
        # let Spark fail if csv/parquet aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Json Source: %s" % json_file)
        log.info("Parquet Destination: %s" % parquet_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark JSON => Parquet')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if self.verbose < 3 and 'setLogLevel' in dir(sc):
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)
        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " +
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            df = sqlContext.read.json(json_file)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            df = sqlContext.jsonFile(json_file)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
예제 #2
    def run(self):
        avro_file = self.get_opt('avro')
        parquet_dir = self.get_opt('parquet_dir')
        # let Spark fail if avro/parquet aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Avro Source: %s" % avro_file)
        log.info("Parquet Destination: %s" % parquet_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark Avro => Parquet')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if self.verbose < 3 and 'setLogLevel' in dir(sc):
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " +

        #  pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            # this doesn't work in Spark <= 1.3 - github docs don't mention the older .method() for reading avro
            df = sqlContext.read.format('com.databricks.spark.avro').load(
            die('Spark <= 1.3 is not supported due to avro dependency, sorry! ' + \
                'I may change this on request but prefer people just upgrade')
예제 #3
    def run(self):
        json_file = self.options.json
        avro_dir = self.options.avro_dir
        # let Spark fail if json/avro dir aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Json Source: %s" % json_file)
        log.info("Avro Destination: %s" % avro_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark Json => Avro')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " + support_msg('pytools'))

        #  pylint: disable=invalid-name
        df = None
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            df = sqlContext.read.json(json_file)
            die('Spark <= 1.3 is not supported due to avro dependency, sorry! ' + \
                'I may change this on request but prefer people just upgrade')
            # log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            #json = sqlContext.jsonFile(json_file)
        # this doesn't work in Spark <= 1.3 and the github docs don't mention the older methods for writing avro using
        # the databricks avro driver
예제 #4
    def run(self):
        json_file = self.get_opt('json')
        avro_dir = self.get_opt('avro_dir')
        # let Spark fail if json/avro dir aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Json Source: %s" % json_file)
        log.info("Avro Destination: %s" % avro_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark Json => Avro')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if self.verbose < 3 and 'setLogLevel' in dir(sc):
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " + support_msg('pytools'))

        #  pylint: disable=invalid-name
        df = None
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            df = sqlContext.read.json(json_file)
            die('Spark <= 1.3 is not supported due to avro dependency, sorry! ' + \
                'I may change this on request but prefer people just upgrade')
            # log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            #json = sqlContext.jsonFile(json_file)
        # this doesn't work in Spark <= 1.3 and the github docs don't mention the older methods for writing avro using
        # the databricks avro driver
예제 #5
    def run(self):
        parquet_file = self.get_opt('parquet')
        avro_dir = self.get_opt('avro_dir')
        # let Spark fail if avro/parquet aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Parquet Source: %s" % parquet_file)
        log.info("Avro Destination: %s" % avro_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark Parquet => Avro')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " + support_msg('pytools'))

        #  pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            # this doesn't work in Spark <= 1.3 - github docs don't mention the older .method() for writing avro
            df = sqlContext.read.parquet(parquet_file)
            die('Spark <= 1.3 is not supported due to avro dependency, sorry! ' + \
                'I may change this on request but prefer people just upgrade')
 def check(self, client):
     log.info('getting Docker version')
     _ = client.version()
     if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
     version = _['Version']
     if not isVersionLax(version):
         raise UnknownError('Docker version unrecognized \'{}\'. {}'\
                            .format(version, support_msg_api()))
     self.msg = 'Docker version = {}'.format(version)
     if self.expected is not None:
         log.info("verifying version against expected regex '%s'", self.expected)
         if re.match(self.expected, str(version)):
             log.info('version regex matches retrieved version')
             log.info('version regex does not match retrieved version')
             self.msg += " (expected '{}')".format(self.expected)
     self.msg += ', API version = {}'.format(_['ApiVersion'])
 def check(self, client):
     log.info('getting Docker version')
     _ = client.version()
     if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
     version = _['Version']
     if not isVersionLax(version):
         raise UnknownError('Docker version unrecognized \'{}\'. {}'\
                            .format(version, support_msg_api()))
     self.msg = 'Docker version = {}'.format(version)
     if self.expected is not None:
         log.info("verifying version against expected regex '%s'", self.expected)
         if re.match(self.expected, str(version)):
             log.info('version regex matches retrieved version')
             log.info('version regex does not match retrieved version')
             self.msg += " (expected '{}')".format(self.expected)
     self.msg += ', API version = {}'.format(_['ApiVersion'])
예제 #8
 def check_version(self, version):
     name = self.name
     if isList(name):
         name = name[0]
     log.info("checking version '%s'", version)
     if not version:
         qquit('UNKNOWN', '{0} version not found. {1}'.format(name, support_msg_api()))
     if self.lax_version and isVersionLax(version):
     elif not isVersion(version):
         qquit('UNKNOWN', '{0} version unrecognized \'{1}\'. {2}'\
                          .format(name, version, support_msg_api()))
     self.msg = '{0} version = {1}'.format(name, version)
     if self.expected is not None:
         log.info("verifying version against expected regex '%s'", self.expected)
         if re.match(self.expected, str(version)):
             log.info('version regex matches retrieved version')
             log.info('version regex does not match retrieved version')
             self.msg += " (expected '{0}')".format(self.expected)
예제 #9
    def run(self):
        json_file = self.get_opt('json')
        parquet_dir = self.get_opt('parquet_dir')
        # let Spark fail if csv/parquet aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("Json Source: %s" % json_file)
        log.info("Parquet Destination: %s" % parquet_dir)

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark JSON => Parquet')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)
        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " + support_msg('pytools'))
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            df = sqlContext.read.json(json_file) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            df = sqlContext.jsonFile(json_file) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
예제 #10
    def run(self):
        csv_file = self.options.csv
        avro_dir = self.options.avro_dir
        has_header = self.options.has_header
        # I don't know why the Spark guys made this a string instead of a bool
        header_str = 'false'
        if has_header:
            header_str = 'true'
        schema = self.options.schema
        # let Spark fail if csv/avro dir aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("CSV Source: %s" % csv_file)
        log.info("Avro Destination: %s" % avro_dir)

        if schema:
            def get_type(arg):
                arg = str(arg).lower()
                if arg not in self.types_mapping:
                    self.usage("invalid type '%s' defined in --schema, must be one of: %s"
                               % (arg, ', '.join(sorted(self.types_mapping.keys()))))
                # return self.types_mapping[arg]
                module = __import__('pyspark.sql.types', globals(), locals(), ['types'], -1)
                class_ = getattr(module, self.types_mapping[arg])
                _ = class_()
                return _

            def create_struct(arg):
                name = arg
                data_type = 'string'
                if ':' in arg:
                    (name, data_type) = arg.split(':', 1)
                data_class = get_type(data_type)
                return StructField(name, data_class, True)
            # see https://github.com/databricks/spark-csv#python-api
            self.schema = StructType([create_struct(_) for _ in schema.split(',')])
            log.info('generated CSV => Spark schema')

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark CSV => Avro')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " + support_msg('pytools'))

        #  pylint: disable=invalid-name
        df = None
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            if has_header and not schema:
                log.info('inferring schema from CSV headers')
                df = sqlContext.read.format('com.databricks.spark.csv')\
                     .options(header=header_str, inferschema='true')\
                log.info('using explicitly defined schema')
                schema = self.schema
                df = sqlContext.read\
                     .load(csv_file, schema=schema)
            die('Spark <= 1.3 is not supported due to avro dependency, sorry! ' + \
                'I may change this on request but prefer people just upgrade')
            # log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            # if has_header and not schema:
            #     log.info('inferring schema from CSV headers')
            #     df = sqlContext.load(source="com.databricks.spark.csv", path=csv_file,
            #                          header=header_str, inferSchema='true')
            # elif self.schema:
            #     log.info('using explicitly defined schema')
            #     df = sqlContext.load(source="com.databricks.spark.csv", path=csv_file,
            #                          header=header_str, schema=self.schema)
            # else:
            #     die('no header and no schema, caught late')
        # this doesn't work in Spark <= 1.3 and the github docs don't mention the older methods for writing avro using
        # the databricks avro driver
예제 #11
    def run(self):
        csv_file = self.get_opt('csv')
        parquet_dir = self.get_opt('parquet_dir')
        has_header = self.get_opt('has_header')
        # I don't know why the Spark guys made this a string instead of a bool
        header_str = 'false'
        if has_header:
            header_str = 'true'
        schema = self.get_opt('schema')
        # let Spark fail if csv/parquet aren't available
        # can't check paths exist as want to remain generically portable
        # to HDFS, local filesystm or any other uri scheme Spark supports
        log.info("CSV Source: %s" % csv_file)
        log.info("Parquet Destination: %s" % parquet_dir)

        if schema:

            def get_type(arg):
                arg = str(arg).lower()
                if arg not in self.types_mapping:
                        "invalid type '%s' defined in --schema, must be one of: %s"
                        % (arg, ', '.join(sorted(self.types_mapping.keys()))))
                # return self.types_mapping[arg]
                module = __import__('pyspark.sql.types', globals(), locals(),
                                    ['types'], -1)
                class_ = getattr(module, self.types_mapping[arg])
                _ = class_()
                return _

            def create_struct(arg):
                name = str(arg).strip()
                data_type = 'string'
                if ':' in arg:
                    (name, data_type) = arg.split(':', 1)
                data_class = get_type(data_type)
                return StructField(name, data_class, True)

            # see https://github.com/databricks/spark-csv#python-api
            self.schema = StructType(
                [create_struct(_) for _ in schema.split(',')])
            log.info('generated CSV => Spark schema')

        conf = SparkConf().setAppName('HS PySpark CSV => Parquet')
        sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        spark_version = sc.version
        log.info('Spark version detected as %s' % spark_version)

        if not isVersionLax(spark_version):
            die("Spark version couldn't be determined. " +

        # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        df = None
        if isMinVersion(spark_version, 1.4):
            if has_header and not schema:
                log.info('inferring schema from CSV headers')
                df = sqlContext.read.format('com.databricks.spark.csv')\
                     .options(header=header_str, inferschema='true')\
                log.info('using explicitly defined schema')
                df = sqlContext.read\
                     .load(csv_file, schema=self.schema)
            log.warn('running legacy code for Spark <= 1.3')
            if has_header and not schema:
                log.info('inferring schema from CSV headers')
                df = sqlContext.load(source="com.databricks.spark.csv",
            elif self.schema:
                log.info('using explicitly defined schema')
                schema = self.schema
                df = sqlContext.load(source="com.databricks.spark.csv",
                die('no header and no schema, caught late')