def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: tmpl = Template(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: tmpl.set_user_id(user_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] tmpl.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" try: if req.get_method() == "GET": if "template_id" in path_params: ret = tmpl.get(path_params["template_id"]) else: ret = tmpl.list() elif req.get_method() == "POST": config = req.get_body() ret = tmpl.create( **config ) elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": ret = tmpl.delete(path_params["template_id"])"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: work = Work(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: work.set_user_id(user_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] work.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) if "place_id" in path_params: place_id = path_params["place_id"] work.set_place_id(place_id)"requested place_id: {}".format(place_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" try: if req.get_method() == "GET": if "place_id" in locals(): if "children" in req.get_path(): # /projects/{project_id}/places/{place_id}/children ret = work.list_children(place_id) else: # /projects/{project_id}/places/{place_id} ret = work.show_place(place_id) # /projects/{project_id}/places else: ret = work.list_children(project_id) elif req.get_method() == "POST": name = req.get_body()["name"] # /projects/{project_id}/places/{place_id} if "place_id" in locals(): ret = work.create_place(name, place_id) # /projects/{project_id}/places else: ret = work.create_place(name) # /projects/{project_id}/places/{place_id} elif req.get_method() == "PUT": name = req.get_body()["name"] ret = work.update_place(name) # /projects/{project_id}/places/{place_id} elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": ret = work.delete_place(place_id) elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: work = Work(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: work.set_user_id(user_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] work.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) if "target_id" in path_params: target_id = path_params["target_id"] work.set_target_id(target_id)"requested target_id: {}".format(target_id)) if "photo_id" in path_params: photo_id = path_params["photo_id"] work.set_photo_id(photo_id)"requested photo_id: {}".format(photo_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" try: if req.get_method() == "GET" and target_id: # /projects/{project_id}/targets/{target_id}/photos/{photo_id} if "photo_id" in locals(): ret = work.show_photo(photo_id, encode=True) else: # /projects/{project_id}/targets/{target_id}/photos ret = work.list_photo(target_id) if isinstance(ret, str): ret = {"data": ret} elif req.get_method() == "POST" and target_id: type = req.get_body()["type"] enc_data = req.get_body()["data"] data = b64decode(enc_data) # /projects/{project_id}/targets/{target_id}/photos ret = work.create_photo(target_id, type, data) # /projects/{project_id}/targets/{target_id}/photos/{photo_id} elif req.get_method() == "PUT" and target_id: type = req.get_body()["type"] ret = work.update_photo(target_id, type, photo_id) # /projects/{project_id}/targets/{target_id}/photos/{photo_id} elif req.get_method() == "DELETE" and photo_id: ret = work.delete_photo(target_id, photo_id) elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}...".format( str(ret)[:500])) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: gen = Generate(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: gen.set_user_id(user_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] gen.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" try: if req.get_method() == "GET": ret = gen.list() elif req.get_method() == "POST": # /projects/{project_id}/generate/{type} body = req.get_body() gen_type = body["type"]"requested generate type: {}".format(gen_type)) if gen_type == "zip": config = make_config(args=body, project_id=project_id, config_type="zip") ret = gen.gen_zip(project_id=project_id, **config) if isinstance(ret, str): ret = {"download_url": ret} elif gen_type == "excel": config = make_config(args=body, project_id=project_id, config_type="excel") ret = gen.gen_excel_doc(project_id=project_id, **config) if isinstance(ret, str): ret = {"download_url": ret} elif req.get_method() == "PUT": generated_file_id = path_params["generated_file_id"] ret = gen.gen_download_url(generated_file_id)"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: corp = Corporation(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e corporation_id = req.get_identity_id() #username = req.get_username() if corporation_id: corp.set_corporation_id(corporation_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() if "user_id" in path_params: user_id = path_params["user_id"] status_code = 200 ret = "" # /corps try: if req.get_method() == "GET": # /corporation if "users" in req.get_path(): ret = corp.list_users() else: ret = elif req.get_method() == "POST": body = req.get_body() if corporation_id: body.update({"corporation_id": corporation_id}) ret = corp.create_user(**body) #elif req.get_method() == "PUT": # name = req.get_body()["name"] # ret = corp.update_corp(name, start_on, complete_on) elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": if "/corporation/users/" in req.get_path() and "user_id" in locals( ): ret = corp.delete_user(user_id) elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: print(dir(Notification)) notification = Notification(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e path_params = req.get_path_params() user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if req.get_method() != "OPTIONS": if path_params["user_id"] == user_id: notification.set_user_id(user_id) else: raise ActionDeniedError notification_id = None if "notification_id" in path_params: notification_id = path_params["notification_id"] notification.set_notification_id(notification_id)"requested notification_id: {}".format(notification_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" try: if req.get_method() == "GET": # /users/{user_id}/notifications/{notification_id} if notification_id: ret = notification.show_notification() # /users/{user_id}/notifications else: ret = notification.list_notifications() elif req.get_method() == "PUT": read = req.get_body()["read"] if "notification_ids" in req.get_body(): notification_ids = req.get_body()["notification_ids"] ret = notification.update_notification( read, notification_ids=notification_ids) else: ret = notification.update_notification(read) elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": #if "notification_ids" in req.get_body(): # notification_ids = req.get_body()["notification_ids"] # ret = notification.delete_notification(notification_ids=notification_ids) #else: ret = notification.delete_notification() elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: project = ProjectUser(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: project.set_user_id(user_id)"requested user_id: {}".format(user_id)) path_params = req.get_path_params() project_id = None if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] project.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) specified_user_id = None if "user_id" in path_params: specified_user_id = path_params["user_id"] "requested specified user_id: {}".format(specified_user_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" # /projects try: if req.get_method() == "GET": # /projects/xxxx/users/yyyy if specified_user_id: # userの情報取得 ret = project.show_user(specified_user_id) else: ret = project.list_users() # /projects elif req.get_method() == "POST": action = req.get_body()["action"] if action == "join": ret = project.join_user() elif req.get_method() == "PUT": action = req.get_body()["action"] if action == "accept": ret = project.accept_user(specified_user_id) elif action == "reject": ret = project.reject_user(specified_user_id) elif action == "update": role = req.get_body()["role"] ret = project.update_role(specified_user_id, role) elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": ret = project.delete_user(specified_user_id) elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)s]\t%(asctime)s.%(msecs)dZ\t%(aws_request_id)s\t[%(module)s#%(funcName)s %(lineno)d]\t%(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: project = Project(DYNAMO_HOST, DYNAMO_PORT) req = RequestDecorator(event) except Exception as e: raise e user_id = req.get_identity_id() username = req.get_username() if user_id and username: project.set_user_id(user_id) path_params = req.get_path_params() project_id = None if "project_id" in path_params: project_id = path_params["project_id"] project.set_project_id(project_id)"requested project_id: {}".format(project_id)) status_code = 200 ret = "" # /projects try: if req.get_method() == "GET": # /projects/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx if project_id: ret = project.show_project() else: ret = project.list_projects() # /projects elif req.get_method() == "POST": if "import" in req.get_path(): csv = req.get_body()["csv"] ret = project.import_csv(csv, base64enc=True) else: name = req.get_body()["name"] start_on = req.get_body()["start_on"] complete_on = req.get_body()["complete_on"] ret = project.create_project(name, start_on, complete_on) elif req.get_method() == "PUT": name = req.get_body()["name"] start_on = req.get_body()["start_on"] complete_on = req.get_body()["complete_on"] ret = project.update_project(name, start_on, complete_on) elif req.get_method() == "DELETE": ret = project.delete_project() elif req.get_method() == "OPTIONS": ret = []"processing successfully. return value: {}".format(ret)) except ActionDeniedError as e: status_code = 403 ret = e logger.error("permission denied.") logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: status_code = 400 ret = e logger.error("invalid request?? processing failed...") logger.exception(e) return make_response(status_code=status_code, body=ret)