예제 #1
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_match(self):
        @sig(H/ int >> int)
        def fib(x):
            return ~(caseof(x)
                        | m(0)   >> 1
                        | m(1)   >> 1
                        | m(m.n) >> fib(p.n - 2) + fib(p.n - 1)

        self.assertEqual(1, fib(0))
        self.assertEqual(1, fib(1))
        self.assertEqual(13, fib(6))

        def default_to_zero(x):
            return ~(caseof(x)
                        | m(Just(m.x)) >> p.x
                        | m(Nothing)   >> 0)

        self.assertEqual(default_to_zero(Just(27)), 27)
        self.assertEqual(default_to_zero(Nothing), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Just(20.0)[0], 20.0)
        self.assertEqual(Left("words words words words")[0],
                         "words words words words")
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
예제 #2
파일: test_hm.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_typecheck_builtins(self):
        """Make sure builtin types typecheck correctly"""

        # 1 :: int
        self.unified(typeof(1), TypeOperator(int, []))

        # "a" :: str
        self.unified(typeof("a"), TypeOperator(str, []))

        # Nothing :: Maybe a
        self.unified(typeof(Nothing), TypeOperator(Maybe, [TypeVariable()]))

        # Just(1) :: Maybe int
                     TypeOperator(Maybe, [TypeOperator(int, [])]))

        # Just(Just(Nothing)) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe a))
                [TypeOperator(Maybe, [TypeOperator(Maybe, [TypeVariable()])])

        # Right("error") :: Either a str
                Either, [TypeVariable(), TypeOperator(str, [])]))

        # Left(2.0) :: Either float a
            TypeOperator(Either, [TypeOperator(float, []),
예제 #3
파일: test_hm.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_build_sig_item(self):
        """Test type signature building internals - make sure that types are
           translated in a reasonable way"""
        class example:

        # type variables
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(build_sig_arg("a", {}, {}), TypeVariable))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(build_sig_arg("abc", {}, {}), TypeVariable))

        # builtin/non-ADT types
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(str, {}, {}), TypeOperator(str, []))
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(int, {}, {}), TypeOperator(int, []))
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(float, {}, {}), TypeOperator(float, []))
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(list, {}, {}), TypeOperator(list, []))
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(set, {}, {}), TypeOperator(set, []))
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(example, {}, {}), TypeOperator(example, []))

        # unit type (None)
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(None, {}, {}), TypeOperator(None, []))

        # tuple
        self.unified(build_sig_arg((int, int), {}, {}),
                     Tuple([TypeOperator(int, []),
                            TypeOperator(int, [])]))
            build_sig_arg((None, (None, int)), {}, {}),
                TypeOperator(None, []),
                Tuple([TypeOperator(None, []),
                       TypeOperator(int, [])])
        a = TypeVariable()
        self.unified(build_sig_arg(("a", "a", "a"), {}, {}), Tuple([a, a, a]))

        # list
        self.unified(typeof(L[[]]), build_sig_arg(["a"], {}, {}))
        self.unified(typeof(L[1, 1]), build_sig_arg([int], {}, {}))
        self.unified(typeof(L[[L[1, 1]]]), build_sig_arg([[int]], {}, {}))

        # adts
        self.unified(typeof(Nothing), build_sig_arg(t(Maybe, "a"), {}, {}))
        self.unified(typeof(Just(1)), build_sig_arg(t(Maybe, int), {}, {}))
                     build_sig_arg(t(Maybe, t(Maybe, t(Maybe, "a"))), {}, {}))
                     build_sig_arg(t(Either, str, "a"), {}, {}))
                     build_sig_arg(t(Either, "a", int), {}, {}))
        self.unified(typeof(Just(__ + 1)),
                     build_sig_arg(t(Maybe, "a"), {}, {}))
        self.unified(typeof(Just(__ + 1)),
                     build_sig_arg(t(Maybe, (H / "a" >> "b")), {}, {}))
예제 #4
 def test_show(self):
     from hask3.Prelude import show
     self.assertEqual("Just(3)", str(Just(3)))
     self.assertEqual("Just(3)", show(Just(3)))
     self.assertEqual("Just('a')", str(Just("a")))
     self.assertEqual("Just('a')", show(Just("a")))
     self.assertEqual("Just(Just(3))", str(Just(Just(3))))
     self.assertEqual("Just(Just(3))", show(Just(Just(3))))
     self.assertEqual("Nothing", str(Nothing))
     self.assertEqual("Nothing", show(Nothing))
예제 #5
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_typeclasses(self):
        from hask3.Prelude import fmap
        M, N, J = data.M("a") == d.N | d.J("a") & deriving(Show, Eq, Ord)

        def maybe_fmap(fn, maybe_value):
            return ~(caseof(maybe_value)
                        | m(N)      >> N
                        | m(J(m.x)) >> J(fn(p.x))

        instance(Functor, M).where(
            fmap = maybe_fmap

        times2 = (lambda x: x * 2) ** (H/ int >> int)
        toFloat = float ** (H/ int >> float)

        self.assertEqual(fmap(toFloat, J(10)), J(10.0))
        self.assertEqual(fmap(toFloat, fmap(times2, J(25))), J(50.0))
        self.assertEqual((toFloat * times2) * J(25), J(50.0))
        self.assertEqual((toFloat * times2) * N, N)

        instance(Applicative, M).where(
            pure = J

        instance(Monad, M).where(
            bind = lambda x, f: ~(caseof(x)
                                    | m(J(m.a)) >> f(p.a)
                                    | m(N)   >> N)

        @sig(H/ int >> int >> t(M, int))
        def safe_div(x, y):
            return N if y == 0 else J(x//y)

        from hask3.Prelude import flip
        divBy = flip(safe_div)
        self.assertEqual(J(9) >> divBy(3), J(3))

        self.assertEqual(Just(12) >> divBy(2) >> divBy(2) >> divBy(3), J(1))
        self.assertEqual(J(12) >> divBy(0) >> divBy(6), N)

        from hask3.Data.List import replicate
        self.assertEqual(L[1, 2] >> replicate(2) >> replicate(2),
                L[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2])

        class Person:
            def __init__(self, name, age):
                self.name = name
                self.age = age

        instance(Eq, Person).where(
            eq = lambda p1, p2: p1.name == p2.name and p1.age == p2.age

        self.assertFalse(Person("Philip Wadler", 59) == Person("Simon Peyton Jones", 57))
예제 #6
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_examples(self):
        @sig(H/ int >> int >> t(Maybe, int))
        def safe_div(x, y):
            return Nothing if y == 0 else Just(x//y)

        from hask3.Data.Maybe import mapMaybe
        self.assertEqual(mapMaybe(safe_div(12)) % L[0, 1, 3, 0, 6],
                         L[12, 4, 2])

        from hask3.Data.List import isInfixOf
        self.assertTrue(isInfixOf(L[2, 8], L[1, 4, 6, 2, 8, 3, 7]))

        from hask3.Control.Monad import join
        self.assertEqual(join(Just(Just(1))), Just(1))

        from hask3.Prelude import flip
        from hask3.Data.Tuple import snd
        from hask3.Python.builtins import divmod, hex

        hexMod = hex * snd * flip(divmod, 16)
        self.assertEqual(hexMod(24), '0x8')
예제 #7
    def test_building_lists(self):
        from hask3.Data.List import scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1, mapAccumL  # noqa: F401
        from hask3.Data.List import mapAccumR, iterate, repeat, replicate, cycle  # noqa: F401
        from hask3.Data.List import unfoldr

        plus_one = (lambda x: x + 1)**(H / int >> int)
        self.assertEquals(iterate(plus_one, 0)[:10], L[range(10)])
        self.assertEquals(iterate(__ + 1, 0)[:10], L[range(10)])

        uf = (lambda x: Nothing if x > 5 else Just((x+1, x+1))) ** \
                (H/ int >> t(Maybe, (int, int)))
        self.assertEquals(L[[]], unfoldr(uf, 6))
        self.assertEquals(L[1, ..., 6], unfoldr(uf, 0))
예제 #8
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_decorators(self):
        def eat_cheese(cheese):
            if cheese <= 0:
                raise ValueError("Out of cheese error")
            return cheese - 1

        maybe_eat = in_maybe(eat_cheese)
        self.assertEqual(maybe_eat(1), Just(0))
        self.assertEqual(maybe_eat(0), Nothing)
        self.assertEqual(Just(6), Just(7) >> maybe_eat)
                         Just(10) >> maybe_eat >> maybe_eat >> maybe_eat)
                         Just(1) >> maybe_eat >> maybe_eat >> maybe_eat)

        either_eat = in_either(eat_cheese)
        self.assertEqual(either_eat(10), Right(9))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(either_eat(0)[0], ValueError))
예제 #9
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
 def safe_div(x, y):
     return Nothing if y == 0 else Just(x//y)
예제 #10
    def test_functions(self):
        from hask3.Data.Maybe import maybe, isJust, isNothing, fromJust
        from hask3.Data.Maybe import fromMaybe
        from hask3.Data.Maybe import listToMaybe, maybeToList, catMaybes
        from hask3.Data.Maybe import mapMaybe

        self.assertEqual(fromJust(Just("bird")), "bird")
        self.assertEqual(fromJust(Just(Nothing)), Nothing)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        self.assertEqual(2, maybe(0, (__ + 1), Just(1)))
        self.assertEqual(0, maybe(0, (__ + 1)) % Nothing)
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, listToMaybe(L[[]]))
        self.assertEqual(Just("a"), listToMaybe(L[["a"]]))
        self.assertEqual(Just("a"), listToMaybe(L["a", "b"]))
        self.assertEqual(Just(1), listToMaybe(L[1, ...]))
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], maybeToList(Nothing))
        self.assertEqual(L[[1]], maybeToList(Just(1)))
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], catMaybes(L[[]]))
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], catMaybes(L[Nothing, Nothing]))
        self.assertEqual(L[1, 2], catMaybes(L[Just(1), Just(2)]))
        self.assertEqual(L[1, 2], catMaybes(L[Just(1), Nothing, Just(2)]))

        from hask3.Prelude import const
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], mapMaybe(const(Nothing), L[1, 2]))
        self.assertEqual(L[1, 2], mapMaybe(Just, L[1, 2]))
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], mapMaybe(Just, L[[]]))

        f = (lambda x: Just(x) if x > 3 else Nothing) \
            ** (H/ int >> t(Maybe, int))
        self.assertEqual(L[4, 5], mapMaybe(f, L[1, ..., 5]))
        self.assertEqual(L[[]], mapMaybe(f, L[1, ..., 3]))

        self.assertEqual(1, fromMaybe(1, Nothing))
        self.assertEqual(2, fromMaybe(1, Just(2)))
예제 #11
 def safediv(x, y):
     return Just(x // y) if y != 0 else Nothing
예제 #12
    def test_monad(self):
        f = (lambda x: Just(str(x)))**(H / int >> t(Maybe, str))
        g = (lambda x: Just(x * 10))**(H / int >> t(Maybe, int))
        self.assertEqual(Just("1"), Just(1) >> f)
        self.assertEqual(Just(10), Just(1) >> g)
        self.assertEqual(Just(1000), Just(1) >> g >> g >> g)

        @sig(H[(Num, "a")] / "a" >> "a" >> t(Maybe, "a"))
        def safediv(x, y):
            return Just(x // y) if y != 0 else Nothing

        from hask3.Prelude import flip
        s = flip(safediv)
        self.assertEqual(Just(3), Just(9) >> s(3))
        self.assertEqual(Just(1), Just(9) >> s(3) >> s(3))
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, Just(9) >> s(0) >> s(3))
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, Nothing >> s(3) >> s(3))

        # monad laws
        s_composed = (lambda x: s(3, x) >> s(3))**(H / int >> t(Maybe, int))
        self.assertEqual(Just(2), Just(2) >> Just)
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, Nothing >> Just)
        self.assertEqual(Just(4) >> s(2), s(2, 4))
        self.assertEqual(Just(1), (Just(9) >> s(3)) >> s(3))
        self.assertEqual(Just(1), Just(9) >> s_composed)
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, (Nothing >> s(3)) >> s(3))
        self.assertEqual(Nothing, Nothing >> s_composed)

        from hask3.Control.Monad import join, liftM
        self.assertEqual(join(Just(Just(1))), Just(1))
        self.assertEqual(join(Just(Nothing)), Nothing)
        self.assertEqual(liftM(__ + 1, Just(1)), Just(2))
        self.assertEqual(liftM(__ + 1, Nothing), Nothing)
예제 #13
    def test_functor(self):
        from hask3.Prelude import id, fmap
        plus1 = (lambda x: x + 1)**(H / int >> int)
        toStr = str**(H / int >> str)

        self.assertEqual(Just(Just(2)), fmap(Just, Just(2)))
        self.assertEqual(Just(3), plus1 * Just(2))
        self.assertEqual(Just("1"), toStr * Just(1))
        self.assertEqual(Just("3"), (toStr * plus1) * Just(2))

        # functor laws
        self.assertEqual(fmap(id, Just(4)), Just(4))
        self.assertEqual(fmap(id, Nothing), Nothing)
        self.assertEqual(id * Just(4), Just(4))
        self.assertEqual(id * Nothing, Nothing)
        self.assertEqual(fmap(toStr, fmap(plus1, Just(2))),
                         fmap(toStr * plus1, Just(2)))
        self.assertEqual((toStr * (plus1 * Just(2))),
                         (toStr * plus1) * Just(2))
예제 #14
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
    def test_sig(self):
        @sig(H/ "a" >> "b" >> "a")
        def const(x, y):
            return x
        self.assertEqual(const(1, 2), 1)

        def const(x, y):
            return x
        const = const ** (H/ "a" >> "b" >> "a")
        self.assertEqual(const(1, 2), 1)

        f = (lambda x, y: x + y) ** (H/ int >> int >> int)
        self.assertEqual(5, f(2, 3))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            f(9, 1.0)

        g = (lambda a, b, c: a // (b + c)) ** (H/ int >> int >> int >> int)
        self.assertEqual(g(10, 2, 3), 2)
        part_g = g(12)
        self.assertEqual(part_g(2, 2), 3)
        self.assertEqual(g(20, 1)(4), 4)
        self.assertEqual(Just * Just * Just * Just % 77, Just(Just(Just(Just(77)))))

        # add two ints together
        @sig(H/ int >> int >> int)
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y

        # reverse order of arguments to a function
        @sig(H/ (H/ "a" >> "b" >> "c") >> "b" >> "a" >> "c")
        def flip(f, b, a):
            return f(a, b)

        # map a Python (untyped) function over a Python (untyped) set
        @sig(H/ func >> set >> set)
        def set_map(fn, lst):
            return set((fn(x) for x in lst))

        # map a typed function over a List
        @sig(H/ (H/ "a" >> "b") >> ["a"] >> ["b"])
        def map(f, xs):
            return L[(f(x) for x in xs)]

        # type signature with an Eq constraint
        @sig(H[(Eq, "a")]/ "a" >> ["a"] >> bool)
        def not_in(y, xs):
            return not any((x == y for x in xs))

        # type signature with a type constructor (Maybe) that has type arguments
        @sig(H/ int >> int >> t(Maybe, int))
        def safe_div(x, y):
            return Nothing if y == 0 else Just(x//y)

        # type signature for a function that returns nothing
        @sig(H/ int >> None)
        def launch_missiles(num_missiles):

        Ratio, R =\
                data.Ratio("a") == d.R("a", "a") & deriving(Eq)

        Rational = t(Ratio, int)

        @sig(H/ Rational >> Rational >> Rational)
        def addRational(rat1, rat2):

        from hask3.Prelude import flip
        h = (lambda x, y: x / y) ** (H/ float >> float >> float)
        self.assertEqual(h(3.0) * h(6.0) * flip(h, 2.0) % 36.0, 9.0)
예제 #15
파일: test_hask.py 프로젝트: krackers/hask
 def default_to_zero(x):
     return ~(caseof(x)
                 | m(Just(m.x)) >> p.x
                 | m(Nothing)   >> 0)
예제 #16
    def test_match(self):
        match_only = lambda v, p: pattern_match(v, p)[0]
        pb = PatternMatchBind

        # literal matches
        self.assertTrue(match_only(1, 1))
        self.assertTrue(match_only((1, "a"), (1, "a")))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(Nothing, Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(Just(1), Just(1)))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(2, 1))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(("a", 1), (1, "a")))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(("a", "b"), ["a", "b"]))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(Nothing, Just(Nothing)))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(Just(2), Just(1)))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(Right(2), Just(2)))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(Right(2), Left(2)))

        # matches with wildcard (i.e, discarded variable bind)
        self.assertTrue(match_only(1, pb("_")))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(Nothing, pb("_")))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(Just("whatever"), Just(pb("_"))))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(Right(Just(5)), Right(Just(pb("_")))))
        self.assertTrue(match_only(("a", "b", "c"), ("a", pb("_"), "c")))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(("a", "b", "c"), ("1", pb("_"), "c")))
        self.assertFalse(match_only(("a", "b", "d"), ("a", pb("_"), "c")))

        # matches with variable binding
        self.assertEqual((True, {"a": 1}), pattern_match(1, pb("a")))
        self.assertEqual((True, {
            "a": 1,
            "b": 2
        }), pattern_match((1, 2), (pb("a"), pb("b"))))
        self.assertEqual((True, {
            "a": 8
        }), pattern_match(Just(8), Just(pb("a"))))
        self.assertEqual((True, {
            "a": "a"
        }), pattern_match(Right(Just("a")), Right(Just(pb("a")))))
        self.assertEqual((False, {
            "a": 1
        }), pattern_match((2, 1), (3, pb("a"))))
        self.assertEqual((True, {
            "a": 1,
            "b": 2,
            "_": "a"
        }), pattern_match((1, "a", 2), (pb("a"), pb("_"), pb("b"))))

        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
            pattern_match((1, 2), (pb("c"), pb("a")), {"c": 1})
        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
            pattern_match((1, 2), (pb("c"), pb("a")), {"a": 1})
예제 #17
 def test_eq(self):
     self.assertEqual(Nothing, Nothing)
     self.assertEqual(Just(3), Just(3))
     self.assertEqual(Just("3"), Just("3"))
     self.assertNotEqual(Just(1), Just(3))
     self.assertNotEqual(Just(3), Nothing)
     self.assertNotEqual(Nothing, Just(0))
     self.assertTrue(Just(1) == Just(1))
     self.assertFalse(Just(1) == Just(2))
     self.assertTrue(Nothing == Nothing or Nothing != Nothing)
     self.assertTrue(Just(1) == Just(1) or Just(1) != Just(1))
     self.assertFalse(Nothing == Nothing and Nothing != Nothing)
     self.assertFalse(Just(1) == Just(1) and Just(1) != Just(1))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         Just(1) == Just("1")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         Just(1) == Just(1.0)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         Nothing == None  # noqa
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         Nothing == 1
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         Just(1) == 1
예제 #18
    def test_ord(self):
        self.assertTrue(Nothing < Just(0))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing < Just("a"))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing < Just(-float("inf")))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing <= Just(0))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing <= Just("a"))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing <= Just(-float("inf")))
        self.assertTrue(Nothing >= Nothing and Nothing <= Nothing)
        self.assertFalse(Nothing > Just(0))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing > Just("a"))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing > Just(-float("inf")))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing >= Just(0))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing >= Just("a"))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing >= Just(-float("inf")))
        self.assertFalse(Nothing > Nothing or Nothing < Nothing)

        self.assertTrue(Just(1) > Just(0))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(1)) > Just(Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(Nothing)) > Just(Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(Just(1) >= Just(0))
        self.assertTrue(Just(1) >= Just(1))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(1)) >= Just(Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(Nothing)) >= Just(Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(Nothing)) >= Just(Just(Nothing)))
        self.assertFalse(Just(0) > Just(1))
        self.assertFalse(Just(0) > Just(0))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Nothing) > Just(Just(1)))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Nothing) > Just(Just(Nothing)))
        self.assertFalse(Just(0) >= Just(1))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Nothing) >= Just(Just(1)))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Nothing) >= Just(Just(Nothing)))

        self.assertTrue(Just(0) < Just(1))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Nothing) < Just(Just(1)))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Nothing) < Just(Just(Nothing)))
        self.assertTrue(Just(0) <= Just(1))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Nothing) <= Just(Just(1)))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Nothing) <= Just(Just(Nothing)))
        self.assertFalse(Just(1) < Just(0))
        self.assertFalse(Just(1) < Just(1))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Just(1)) < Just(Nothing))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Just(Nothing)) < Just(Nothing))
        self.assertFalse(Just(1) <= Just(0))
        self.assertTrue(Just(1) <= Just(1))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Just(1)) <= Just(Nothing))
        self.assertFalse(Just(Just(Nothing)) <= Just(Nothing))
        self.assertTrue(Just(Just(Nothing)) <= Just(Just(Nothing)))

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) > Just(1.0)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) >= Just(1.0)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) < Just(1.0)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) <= Just(1.0)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) > Just(Just(1))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) >= Just(Just(1))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) < Just(Just(1))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Just(1) <= Just(Just(1))
예제 #19
    def test_caseof(self):
        # literal matching
        self.assertEqual(1, ~(caseof("a") | m("a") >> 1))
            1, ~(caseof(2.0)
                 | m(2.0) >> ~(caseof("a")
                               | m("b") >> 3
                               | m("a") >> 1)
                 | m(2.0) >> 2))
            "x", ~(caseof(Just("x"))
                   | m(Nothing) >> False
                   | m(Just("x")) >> "x"))
        self.assertEqual(1, ~(caseof([1, 2])
                              | m((1, 2)) >> 2
                              | m([1, 2]) >> 1))
            True, ~(caseof(GT)
                    | m(LT) >> False
                    | m(EQ) >> False
                    | m(GT) >> True))
            2, ~(caseof((1, 2, 3))
                 | m((1, 2)) >> 1
                 | m((1, 2, 3)) >> 2))

        with self.assertRaises(IncompletePatternError):
            ~(caseof(1) | m(2) >> 2)

        # matches with wildcard
        self.assertEqual(1, ~(caseof(1) | m(m._) >> 1 | m(1) >> 2))
            True, ~(caseof(GT)
                    | m(LT) >> False
                    | m(EQ) >> False
                    | m(m._) >> True))
            False, ~(caseof(GT)
                     | m(LT) >> False
                     | m(m._) >> False
                     | m(GT) >> True))
            2, ~(caseof((1, 2, 3))
                 | m((2, 1, 3)) >> 1
                 | m((1, m._, 3)) >> 2
                 | m((1, 2, 3)) >> 3))

        # variable bind
        self.assertEqual(("b", "a"), ~(caseof(("a", "b"))
                                       | m((m.x, m.y)) >> (p.y, p.x)
                                       | m(m._) >> None))
            1, ~(caseof(Just(1))
                 | m(Just(m.x)) >> p.x
                 | m(Nothing) >> 0))
            Just(0), ~(caseof(Nothing)
                       | m(Just(m.x)) >> Just(p.x + 1)
                       | m(Nothing) >> Just(0)))
        self.assertEqual(1, ~(caseof(2) | m((m.a, m.a)) >> p.a | m(2) >> 1))
            1, ~(caseof(Just(10))
                 | m(Just(m.a)) >> ~(caseof(1)
                                     | m(m.a) >> p.a
                                     | m(m._) >> False)
                 | m(Nothing) >> 11))

        # cons matches
        self.assertEqual([3], ~(caseof([1, 2, 3])
                                | m(1 ^ (2 ^ m.x)) >> p.x
                                | m(m.x) >> False))
        self.assertEqual([3, 2, 1], ~(caseof([3, 2, 1])
                                      | m(m.a ^ (2 ^ m.c)) >> [p.a, 2, p.c[0]]
                                      | m(m.x) >> False))
        self.assertEqual([3, 2, [1, 0]],
                         ~(caseof([3, 2, 1, 0])
                           | m(m.a ^ (m.b ^ m.c)) >> [p.a, p.b, p.c]
                           | m(m.x) >> False))
            L[3, 2, 1], ~(caseof(L[3, 2, 1, 0])
                          | m(m.a ^ (m.b ^ m.c)) >> L[p.a, p.b, p.c[0]]
                          | m(m.x) >> False))
            1, ~(caseof(L[1, ...])
                 | m(m.a ^ m.b) >> p.a
                 | m(m.a) >> False))
                          | m(m.a ^ m.b) >> False
                          | m(m.a) >> True))

        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
            ~(caseof((1, 2)) | m((m.a, m.a)) >> p.a | m(1) >> 1)
        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
            ~(caseof([1, 2, 3, 4])
              | m(m.a ^ m.b ^ m.c) >> True
              | m(m.x) >> False)
        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
            ~(caseof(L[1, 2, 2]) | m(m.a ^ 1) >> False | m(m.a) >> True)