예제 #1
def get_eint_c(filename):

    # Reads conformers from a file
    xyz, typ, Eact = hdt.readncdat(filename, np.float32)

    energies = ani_energy_conf(xyz, typ)
    return abs((energies - Eact).sum() / float(len(energies))) * 627.5095
예제 #2
def plot_irc_data(axes, file, rcf, title, ntwl, cnstfile, saefile, dir, idx):
    xyz, typ, Eact = hdt.readncdat(file, np.float32)
    Rc = np.load(rcf)

    # Shift reference to reactant
    #Eact = Eact[::-1]
    Eact = hdt.hatokcal * (Eact - Eact[0])

    # Plot reference results
    axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1], Eact, color='black', linewidth=3)

    # Plot ANI results
    color = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ntwl)))
    terr = np.zeros(len(ntwl))
    derr = np.zeros(len(ntwl))
    berr = np.zeros(len(ntwl))
    for i, (nt, c) in enumerate(zip(ntwl, color)):
        ncr = pync.conformers(dir + cnstfile, dir + saefile,
                              rcdir + nt[0] + 'networks/', 0)

        # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
        ncr.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

        # Compute Energies of Conformations
        E1 = ncr.energy()

        # Shift ANI E to reactant
        E1 = hdt.hatokcal * (E1 - E1[0])

        # Calculate error
        errn = hdt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(E1, Eact)

        terr[i] = errn
        derr[i] = np.abs(
            np.abs((E1[0] - E1[-1])) - np.abs((Eact[0] - Eact[-1])))
        berr[i] = np.abs(E1.max() - Eact.max())

        # Plot
        axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
                  label="[" + nt[1] + "]: " + "{:.2f}".format(errn),
        #axes.plot([Rc['x'][:,1].min(),Rc['x'][:,1].max()],[E1[-1],E1[-1]], 'r--', color=c)
        #axes.plot([Rc['x'][:,1].min(),Rc['x'][:,1].max()],[E1[0],E1[0]], 'r--', color=c)

    axes.set_xlim([Rc['x'][:, 1].min(), Rc['x'][:, 1].max()])
    axes.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=12)
    if idx < 6:
        axes.set_title(title, color='green', fontdict={'weight': 'bold'})
        axes.set_title(title, color='red', fontdict={'weight': 'bold'})
    return terr, derr, berr
def pyNCcomputeTestSet(cnstfile1, saefile1, nnfdir1, dtdir, P=1.0):
    # Construct pyNeuroChem classes
    nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile1, saefile1, nnfdir1, 0)

    files = os.listdir(dtdir)

    Eact = []
    Ecmp = []

    Ndat = 0
    Nmol = 0
    t = 0.0

    for i in files:
        print('|----- File ' + str(i) + ' -----|')
        print('Name: ' + dtdir + i)

        rv = bool(np.random.binomial(1, P))
        if rv:

            xyz, species, energy = gt.readncdat(dtdir + i, np.float32)


            Nmol += 1
            Ndat += energy.shape[0]

            # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
            nc.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(species))

            # Compute Forces of Conformations
            print('Computing energies...')
            _t1b = tm.time()
            energy_comp = nc.energy()
            _t2b = (tm.time() - _t1b) * 1000.0
            t += _t2b
            print('Computation complete. Time: ' + "{:.4f}".format(_t2b) +


#            for j,k in zip(energy,energy_comp):
#                print('  ',j, ':', k)

    Eact = np.concatenate([Eact])
    Ecmp = np.concatenate([Ecmp])

    return Eact, Ecmp, Ndat, Nmol, t
plt.rc('font', **font)

# Set required files for pyNeuroChem
wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/ANI-1-ntwk/'

# Network  Files
cnstfile = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_32-3.1A_a8-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir = wkdir + 'networks/'

# Construct pyNeuroChem classes
nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 0)

# Read nc DATA
xyz, typ, Eact = gt.readncdat(
xyz1, typ1, Eact1 = gt.readncdat(

# Set the conformers in NeuroChem
nc.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

# Print some data from the NeuroChem
print('Number of Atoms Loaded: ' + str(nc.getNumAtoms()))
print('Number of Confs Loaded: ' + str(nc.getNumConfs()))

# Compute Forces of Conformations
print('Computing energies...')
_t1b = tm.time()
예제 #5
# Import pyNeuroChem
import pyNeuroChem as pync
import numpy as np
import hdnntools as hdt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

file = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnnts_rxns/benz_dbm_rxns/scans_dbm_benz_1/irc.dat'
xyz,typ,Eact = hdt.readncdat(file,np.float32)

# Set required files for pyNeuroChem
wkdir  = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/networks/ANI-c08f-ntwk-cv/'
cnstfile = 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile  = 'sae_6-31gd.dat'

nc =  [pync.conformers(wkdir + cnstfile, wkdir + saefile, wkdir + 'cv_c08e_ntw_' + str(l) + '/networks/', 0) for l in range(5)]

rcdir  = '/home/jujuman/Research/ANI-DATASET/RXN1_TNET/ani_benz_rxn1_ntwk/'
ncr1 = pync.conformers(rcdir + '../' + cnstfile, rcdir + '../'  + saefile, rcdir + '/networks/', 0)

# Set the conformers in NeuroChem
ncr1.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

# Compute Energies of Conformations
E1 = ncr1.energy()

# Plot
plt.plot(hdt.hatokcal * (E1), color='red', label='ANI', linewidth=2)

plt.plot (hdt.hatokcal*(Eact), color='black',  label='DFT',  linewidth=2)

for net in nc:
예제 #6
ircf = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnnts_rxns/benz_dbm_rxns/scans_dbm_benz_4/irc.dat'

# Set required files for pyNeuroChem
rcdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/ANI-DATASET/RXN1_TNET/training/rxn1to6/ani_benz_rxn_ntwk/'
cnstfile = 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = 'sae_6-31gd.dat'

files = os.listdir(ddir)
nc = pync.conformers(rcdir + '../../' + cnstfile, rcdir + '../../' + saefile,
                     rcdir + '/networks/', 0)

files = list({("_".join(f.split("_")[:-1])) for f in files})
files = sorted(files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]))
files = [i + '_train.dat' for i in files]

datairc = hdt.readncdat(ircf, type=np.float32)

atm = 9
xr = datairc[0][0][atm]

E1 = []
EA = []
dx = []
for f in files:
    print(ddir + f)
    data = hdt.readncdat(ddir + f, type=np.float32)

    # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
    nc.setConformers(confs=data[0], types=list(data[1]))
import hdnntools as gt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import matplotlib as mpl

# Set required files for pyNeuroChem
anipath  = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/ANI-c08e-ntwk'
cnstfile = anipath + '/rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile  = anipath + '/sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir   = anipath + '/networks/'

#dtdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_01/data/'
#xyz,typ,Eact,tmp    = gt.readncdat(dtdir + 'gdb11_s01-1_test.dat',np.float32)
file = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_02/testdata/gdb11_s02-0_test.dat'
xyz,typ,Eact = gt.readncdat(file,np.float32)

file2 = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_02/testdata/gdb11_s02-3_test.dat'
xyz2,typ2,Eact2 = gt.readncdat(file2,np.float32)

file3 = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_02/testdata/gdb11_s02-7_test.dat'
xyz3,typ3,Eact3 = gt.readncdat(file3,np.float32)

# Construct pyNeuroChem class
nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 0)

# Set the conformers in NeuroChem

# Compute Energies of Conformations
E1 = nc.energy()
예제 #8
def produce_scan(ax,title,xlabel,cnstfile,saefile,nnfdir,dtdir,dt1,dt2,dt3,smin,smax,iscale,ishift):
    xyz, typ, Eact = gt.readncdat(dtdir + dt1,np.float32)
    xyz2, typ2, Eact2 = gt.readncdat(dtdir + dt2)
    xyz3, typ3, Eact3 = gt.readncdat(dtdir + dt3)


    #Eact = np.array(Eact)
    #Eact2 = np.array(Eact2)
    #Eact3 = np.array(Eact3)

    # Construct pyNeuroChem classes
    nc1 = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 0)

    # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
    nc1.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

    # Print some data from the NeuroChem
    print('1) Number of Atoms Loaded: ' + str(nc1.getNumAtoms()))
    print('1) Number of Confs Loaded: ' + str(nc1.getNumConfs()))

    # Compute Forces of Conformations
    print('Computing energies 1...')
    _t1b = tm.time()
    Ecmp1 = nc1.energy()
    print('Computation complete 1. Time: ' + "{:.4f}".format((tm.time() - _t1b) * 1000.0) + 'ms')

    n = smin
    m = smax
    Ecmp1 = gt.hatokcal * Ecmp1
    Eact  = gt.hatokcal * Eact
    Eact2 = gt.hatokcal * Eact2
    Eact3 = gt.hatokcal * Eact3

    IDX = np.arange(0, Eact.shape[0], 1, dtype=float) * iscale + ishift

    IDX = IDX[n:m]
    Eact = Eact[n:m]
    Eact2 = Eact2[n:m]
    Eact3 = Eact3[n:m]
    Ecmp1 = Ecmp1[n:m]

    Ecmp1 = Ecmp1 - Ecmp1.min()
    Eact  = Eact  - Eact.min()
    Eact2 = Eact2 - Eact2.min()
    Eact3 = Eact3 - Eact3.min()

    rmse1 = gt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(Eact, Ecmp1)
    rmse3 = gt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(Eact, Eact2)
    rmse4 = gt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(Eact, Eact3)

    print("Spearman corr. 1: " + "{:.3f}".format(st.spearmanr(Ecmp1, Eact)[0]))
    print("Spearman corr. 2: " + "{:.3f}".format(st.spearmanr(Eact2, Eact)[0]))
    print("Spearman corr. 3: " + "{:.3f}".format(st.spearmanr(Eact3, Eact)[0]))

    ax.plot(IDX, Eact, '-', marker=r'o', color='black', label='DFT',
             linewidth=2, markersize=7)
    ax.plot(IDX, Ecmp1, ':', marker=r'D', color='red', label='ANI-1 RMSE: ' + gt.to_precision(rmse1,2) + ' kcal/mol',
             linewidth=2, markersize=5)
    ax.plot(IDX, Eact2, ':', marker=r'v', color='blue', label='DFTB  RMSE: ' + gt.to_precision(rmse3,2) + ' kcal/mol',
             linewidth=2, markersize=5)
    ax.plot(IDX, Eact3, ':', marker=r'*', color='orange', label='PM6   RMSE: ' + gt.to_precision(rmse4,2) + ' kcal/mol',
             linewidth=2, markersize=7)

    #ax.plot(IDX, Eact, color='black', label='DFT', linewidth=3)
    #ax.scatter(IDX, Eact, marker='o', color='black', linewidth=4)

    th = ax.set_title(title,fontsize=16)

    # Set Limits
    ax.set_xlim([ IDX.min(),IDX.max()])

    ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$E calculated (kcal/mol)')
    ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 0.98), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=14)
def plot_irc_data(axes, file, rcf, title):
    xyz, typ, Eact = hdt.readncdat(file, np.float32)
    Rc = np.load(rcf)

    # Set required files for pyNeuroChem
    wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/networks/ANI-c08f-ntwk-cv/'
    cnstfile = 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
    saefile = 'sae_6-31gd.dat'

    nc = [
        pync.conformers(wkdir + cnstfile, wkdir + saefile,
                        wkdir + 'cv_c08e_ntw_' + str(l) + '/networks/', 0)
        for l in range(5)

    rcdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/ANI-DATASET/RXN1_TNET/training/rxn1to6/ani_benz_rxn_ntwk/'
    ncr1 = pync.conformers(rcdir + '../../' + cnstfile,
                           rcdir + '../../' + saefile, rcdir + '/networks/', 0)
    ncr2 = pync.molecule(rcdir + '../../' + cnstfile,
                         rcdir + '../../' + saefile, rcdir + '/networks/', 0)
    ncr3 = pync.molecule(rcdir + '../../' + cnstfile,
                         rcdir + '../../' + saefile, rcdir + '/networks/', 0)

    # Compute reactant E
    ncr2.setMolecule(coords=xyz[0], types=list(typ))
    Er = ncr2.energy()

    # Compute product E
    ncr3.setMolecule(coords=xyz[-1], types=list(typ))
    Ep = ncr3.energy()

    #Eact = Eact[::-1]

    dE_ani = hdt.hatokcal * (Er - Ep)
    dE_dft = hdt.hatokcal * (Eact[0] - Eact[-1])
    print('Delta E R/P ANI:', dE_ani, 'Delta E R/P ANI:', dE_dft, 'Diff:',
          abs(dE_ani - dE_dft))

    # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
    ncr1.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

    # Compute Energies of Conformations
    E1 = ncr1.energy()

    # Shift
    E1 = E1 - E1[0]
    Eact = Eact - Eact[0]

    # Plot
    errn = hdt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(hdt.hatokcal * E1,
                                         hdt.hatokcal * Eact)
    axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
              hdt.hatokcal * (E1),

    axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
              hdt.hatokcal * (Eact),

    err = []

    for n, net in enumerate(nc):
        # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
        net.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

        # Compute Energies of Conformations
        E1 = net.energy()
        E1 = E1 - E1[0]

            hdt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(hdt.hatokcal * E1,
                                          hdt.hatokcal * Eact))

        # Plot
        if n == len(nc) - 1:
            mean = np.mean(np.asarray(err))
            axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
                      hdt.hatokcal * (E1),
            axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
                      hdt.hatokcal * (E1),

            axes.plot(Rc['x'][:, 1],
                      hdt.hatokcal * (E1),

    axes.set_xlim([Rc['x'][:, 1].min(), Rc['x'][:, 1].max()])
    axes.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=8)
    return np.array([errn, np.mean(err)])
예제 #10
# Import pyNeuroChem
import pyNeuroChem as pync
import numpy as np
import hdnntools as hdt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnnts_rxns/benz_dbm_rxns_full/irc_dbm_benz_1/'
file = wkdir + 'irc.dat'
Rc = np.load(wkdir + 'reaction_coordinate.npz')

#xyz,typ,Na = hdt.readxyz2(file1)
xyz, typ, Ea = hdt.readncdat(file, type=np.float32)

# Set required files for pyNeuroChem
rcdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/ANI-DATASET/RXN1_TNET/training/rxn1to6/ani_benz_rxn_ntwk/'
cnstfile = '../../rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = '../../sae_6-31gd.dat'

ncr = pync.conformers(rcdir + cnstfile, rcdir + saefile, rcdir + 'networks/',

# Set the conformers in NeuroChem
ncr.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

# Compute Energies of Conformations
E1 = ncr.energy()

# Shift ANI E to reactant
E1 = E1[0:][::-1]
Ea = Ea[0:][::-1]
예제 #11
def get_eint_m(filename):
    xyz, typ, Eact = hdt.readncdat(filename, np.float32)
    energies = [ani_energy_bad(m, typ) for m in xyz]
    return abs((energies - Eact).sum() / float(len(energies))) * 627.5095
예제 #12


    nc.setMolecule(coords=data[0][0], types=list(data[1]))


xyz = np.vstack(xyz)
    xyz, list(data[1]))

data2 = hdt.readncdat(

Eact = np.array(Eact)
Edft = data2[2]

z = np.array(hdt.hatokcal * (Eact - Eact.min()),
             dtype=np.float32).reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[0])
z2 = np.array(hdt.hatokcal * (Edft - Edft.min()),
              dtype=np.float32).reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[0])

rmse = hdt.calculaterootmeansqrerror(z, z2)
print('RMSE: ', rmse)

Spline1 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, x, z)
Spline2 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, x, z2)
예제 #13
def sortbyother(Y, X):
    xy = zip(X, Y)
    xy = sorted(xy, key=lambda x: x[0])
    X, Y = zip(*xy)
    return np.array(Y)

wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/wB97X-631gd-train-highgarden/train_08-a3.1A_r4.6_AEV384_1/'
cnstfile1 = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile1 = wkdir + '../sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir1 = wkdir + 'networks/'

dtdir = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/TestCases/C10H20Isomers/'

#xyz,typ,Eact = gt.readncdat('../data_irc.dat')
xyz, typ, Eact = gt.readncdat(dtdir + 'isomer_structures_DFT.dat',
#xyz,typ,Eact    = gt.readncdat('/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_01/testdata/gdb11_s01-2_test.dat',type=np.float32)
#xyz2,typ2,Eact2,tmp = gt.readncdat(dtdir + 'isomer_structures_DFTB.dat')
#xyz3,typ3,Eact3,tmp = gt.readncdat(dtdir + 'isomer_structures_PM6.dat')

#xyz = [xyz[0],xyz[1]]
#xyz2 = [xyz2[0],xyz2[1]]
#xyz3 = [xyz3[0],xyz3[1]]

#xyz = np.asarray(xyz,dtype=np.float32)
#xyz = xyz.reshape((xyz.shape[0],len(typ),3))

Eact = np.array(Eact)
#Eact2 = np.array(Eact2)
#Eact3 = np.array(Eact3)
예제 #14
    files = sorted(files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]))


    allarr = []
    Natoms = []
    Nconfs = []
    typarr = []
    for i in files:
        print(d + i)
        nc = 0
        for k in namelist:
                _timeloop = tm.time()
                readarrays = gt.readncdat(d + i + k)
                _timeloop2 = (tm.time() - _timeloop)
                totaltime += _timeloop2
                #print('Computation complete. Time: ' + "{:.4f}".format(_timeloop2) + 'ms')

                shapesarr = [x.shape for x in readarrays]
                typ = readarrays[1]
            except FileNotFoundError:
                readarrays = [np.zeros((0, *x[1:])) for x in shapesarr]
            ncsub, nat, ndim = readarrays[0].shape
            nc += ncsub
            readarrays[0] = readarrays[0].reshape(ncsub * nat, ndim)


def pyNCcomputeTestSet(cnstfile1,
    # Construct pyNeuroChem classes
    nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile1, saefile1, nnfdir1, 0)

    Eact = []
    Ecmp = []
    Eotr = []
    Ndat = 0
    Nmol = 0
    t = 0.0
    for i in range(0, N):

        rv = bool(np.random.binomial(1, P))
        if (os.path.isfile(dtdir + dtdftpref + str(i) + '_test.dat') and rv):

            xyz, typ, Eact_t = gt.readncdat(
                dtdir + dtdftpref + str(i) + '_test.dat', np.float32)
            xyz1, typ1, Eotr_t = gt.readncdat(
                dtpm6dir + dtpm6pref + str(i) + '_test.dat', np.float32)

            if len(Eact_t) == len(Eotr_t):

                #print ('|----- File ' + str(i) + ' -----|')
                #print ('Name: ' + dtdir + dtdftpref + str(i) + '_test.dat')


                #Eact +=  Eact_t
                #Eotr +=  Eotr_t

                Nmol += 1
                Ndat += len(Eact_t)

                # Set the conformers in NeuroChem
                nc.setConformers(confs=xyz, types=list(typ))

                # Compute Forces of Conformations
                print(' ' + str(Nmol) + ') Computing ' + str(len(Eact_t)) +
                      ' energies...')
                _t1b = tm.time()
                Ecmp_t = nc.energy()
                _t2b = (tm.time() - _t1b) * 1000.0
                t += _t2b
                #print('Computation complete. Time: ' + "{:.4f}".format(_t2b)  + 'ms')
                #Ecmp +=  Ecmp_t99
                    str(len(Eact_t)) + '!=' + str(len(Eotr_t)) + ' File: ' +
                    dtdir + dtdftpref + str(i) + '_test.dat')
            print('File not found: ' + dtdir + dtdftpref + str(i) +
    #Eact = np.array(Eact,dtype=float)
    #Eotr = np.array(Eotr,dtype=float)
    #Ecmp = np.array(Ecmp,dtype=float)

    Eact = np.concatenate(Eact)
    Eotr = np.concatenate(Eotr)
    Ecmp = np.concatenate(Ecmp)

    return Eact, Ecmp, Eotr, Ndat, Nmol, t
예제 #16
    #for i in range(tmol):
    #    rmtot[i] = cnt[]


    dp = pyt.datapacker(h5dir)
    #print('Diff data:',ddif,'tmol:',tmol)
    tmol = 0
    gcount = 0
    bcount = 0
    for i, f in enumerate(files):
        X = []
        E = []
        tmol += 1
        for e in ends:
            data = hdn.readncdat(dtdir + f + e + '.dat')
            X.append(np.array(data[0], dtype=np.float32))
            E.append(np.array(data[2], dtype=np.float64))
            S = data[1]

        X = np.concatenate(X)
        E = np.concatenate(E)

        pr, dl = boltzmann_prob_ratio(E.min(), E, T)
        #gid = np.where(E - E.min() <= 300.0/hdn.hatokcal)
        #bid = np.where(E - E.min() > 300.0/hdn.hatokcal)

        #gid = gid[0][0:E[gid].size-rmtot[i]]

        bid = list(np.where(pr > R))
예제 #17
cnstfile = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir = wkdir + 'networks/'

#Network 1 Files
wkdir2 = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/ANI-c08e-ccdissotest1-ntwk/'
cnstfile2 = wkdir2 + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile2 = wkdir2 + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir2 = wkdir2 + 'networks/'

# Construct pyNeuroChem classes
nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 1)
nc2 = pync.conformers(cnstfile2, saefile2, nnfdir2, 1)

scan = hdt.readncdat(

sdat = [hdt.ncdata(hdt.generatedmatsd3(scan[0]), scan[1], scan[0].shape[1])]

sae = hdt.compute_sae(saefile, scan[1])
serg = scan[2] - sae

# Set the conformers in NeuroChem
nc.setConformers(confs=scan[0], types=list(scan[1]))
nc2.setConformers(confs=scan[0], types=list(scan[1]))

x = 0.05 * np.array(range(serg.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64) + 0.6

popt = np.load('mp_ani_params_test.npz')['param']
    #dtdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/GDB-11-wB97X-6-31gd/dnntsgdb11_' + p + '/testdata/'
    dtdir = '/home/jujuman/Python/PycharmProjects/HD-AtomNNP/Data-ANI-1-Figures/data/minimized/GDB-' + p + '/'

    files = listdir(dtdir)
    _timeloop = tm.time()

    data = np.empty((0,3),dtype=np.float)
    spec = np.empty((0,3),dtype=np.float)
    enrg = np.empty((0),dtype=np.float)

    for en,i in enumerate(files):
        #if 'gdb11' in i and '_test.dat' in i:
        if 'gdb11' in i:
            # Read NC data
            print("Reading file (", en, " of ", len(files) ,"): ", i)
            xyz,spc,t_enrg = gt.readncdat(dtdir + i)

            sae = compute_sae(spc)
            t_enrg = t_enrg - sae

            t_data,t_spec = generate_angular_data(xyz,spc,len(spc),1.0)

            t_data = t_data.reshape((t_data.shape[0]*t_data.shape[1],3))
            t_spec = t_spec.reshape((t_spec.shape[0]*t_spec.shape[1],3))

            #print('data shape: ', t_data.shape)
            #print('spec shape: ', t_spec.shape)

            #for l in t_spec:
            #    print(l)
예제 #19
import hdnntools as hdt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Network 1 Files
wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Dropbox/ChemSciencePaper.AER/networks/ANI-c08f-ntwk/'
cnstfile = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir = wkdir + 'networks/'

wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Research/CrossValidation/GDB-09-Retrain/'
cnstfile = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'

traj = hdt.readncdat(

nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 0)
ncl = [
    pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile,
                    wkdir + 'cv_c08e_ntw_' + str(l) + '/networks/', 0)
    for l in range(5)

nc.setConformers(confs=traj[0], types=list(traj[1]))

Ecv = []
for comp in ncl:
    comp.setConformers(confs=traj[0], types=list(traj[1]))
    E = comp.energy()