예제 #1
import os
import header
import time


## Turn laser Relay off, and set power off (1.8V)

os.system('echo "0" |sudo tee /sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/value' %(header.laserPower))
os.system('echo "0" |sudo tee /sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/value' %(header.laserRelay))
예제 #2
Date Created: 2017.10.10

This script monitors the laser diode current. It can turn the laser off if diode
current hits a critical value (TBD mA)

This script should be called as a subproccess by the main function so it can run
continuously in the background


import time
import SET
import PRINT
import header

def readCurrent():
    ## Read the laser diode current
    voltage = int(open(header.diodeC).read())
    Convert the ADC value of voltage to actual voltage in mV
    ## To convert from voltage to diode current, the conversion is 10 mV = 1 mA
    ## Nominal operating current for 405 nm laser is 50 mA (60 mA absolute max)
    current = voltage / 10

예제 #3
파일: main.py 프로젝트: mbedross/BRUIEdhm
import datetime
import re
import subprocess
##import runDHM            # external .py script that runs DHM
import header            # declaration file to initialize super global variables

## Message list
a = 'DHM_on'                                   # Turn on Laser (prepare for DAQ)
b = 'DHM_off'                                  # Turn off laser
c = 'DHM_record'                               # Record holograms
## 'c' should be followed by integer for DAQ time
d = 'DHM_status'                               # Query for DHM status
e = 'DHM_newSample'                            # Turn on pump for new sample
f = 'DHM_auto'                                 # Let DHM run its own cycle
z = 'SYS_off'                                  # Non-emergency shutdown
header.init()                           # Define global variables from header.py

# Status variables
laserStat = 'off'
pumpStat = 'off'

def time_stamp():
    ts = time.time()
    st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%H:%M:%S %Y.%m.%d')
    return (st, ts)

def temp_reading():
    subprocess.call(["sudo","%s/tempReading.py" % (header.GPIOfolder)])
(st,ts) = time_stamp()