예제 #1
def plotLevels(mat):
	smoothingFactors = [1, 2, 3, 8, 33]	#these smoothing factors were selected to demonstrate to best demonstrate TAD levels
	domainsToInclude = [range(1, 15), [2,3,4,5], [7], [1,6], [3]]	#selected domains from these smoothing factors to maximize prettiness	
	all_tads = []
	for i in range(len(smoothingFactors)):	
		smoothingFactor = smoothingFactors[i]
		indices = domainsToInclude[i]
		tads = tad.getDomains(mat, smoothingFactor, 0)
		for index in indices:
	hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, 100, all_tads, "Fig2")	#all levels combined
예제 #2
파일: fig1.py 프로젝트: Nanguage/miniMDS
def plotMovingAverage(mat):
    smoothingFactor = 5
    outpath = "Fig1B"
    tads = tad.getDomains(mat, smoothingFactor, 0)
    hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, 100, tads, outpath)
예제 #3
파일: fig1.py 프로젝트: Nanguage/miniMDS
def plotDixon(mat):
    tads = [[0, 8], [8, 38], [38, 52], [52, 78], [78, 97], [97, 115],
            [115, 127]]
    outpath = "Fig1A"
    hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, 100, tads, outpath)
예제 #4
파일: sup6.py 프로젝트: seqcode/multimds
import sys
from multimds import data_tools as dt
import heatmap as hm
import numpy as np

num = sys.argv[1]

path = "sim{}_chr21_100kb.bed".format(num)
size = dt.size_from_bed(path)
struct = dt.structureFromBed(path, size)
mat = dt.matFromBed(path, size, struct)

tad_boundaries = np.loadtxt("subseqs{}.tsv".format(num))
tads = []
for i in range(1, len(tad_boundaries)):
	bound1 = tad_boundaries[i-1]
	bound2 = tad_boundaries[i]
	if bound1 == 0:
		start = 0
		start = struct.get_rel_index(bound1)
	end = struct.get_rel_index(bound2)	

#hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, maxvalue=50, tads=tad_indices, outpath="sup6_{}".format(num))
hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, maxvalue=5, tads=tads, outpath="sup6_{}.svg".format(num))
예제 #5
import sys
from multimds import data_tools as dt
import heatmap as hm

num = sys.argv[1]

path = "sim{}_chr21_100kb.bed".format(num)
size = dt.size_from_bed(path)
struct = dt.structureFromBed(path, size)
mat = dt.matFromBed(path, size, struct)

tads = np.loadtxt("sim{}_tads.tsv".format(num))
tad_indices = [(struct.get_rel_index(start), struct.get_rel_index(end))
               for start, end in tads]

hm.heatMapFromMat(mat, maxvalue=50, tads=tad_indices)