예제 #1
     composite_rho * composite_c * thininsulatinglayerdepth / np.sqrt(np.pi)))

volumetric = (  # on material grid
    # 0: nothing
        heatsim2.NO_SOURCE, ),
    #1: impulse source @ t=0
    (heatsim2.IMPULSE_SOURCE, 0.0, flash_energy / (dz / dz_refinement)
     ),  # t (sec), Energy J/m^2

# initialize all elements to zero
(material_elements, boundary_z_elements, boundary_y_elements,
 volumetric_elements) = heatsim2.zero_elements(nz * dz_refinement, ny, nx)

# define nonzero material elements

material_elements[(zgrid_refine >= barrier_min_z) & (ygrid >= barrier_min_y) &
                  (ygrid <= barrier_max_y) & (xgrid >= barrier_min_x) &
                  (xgrid <= barrier_max_x)] = 1  # material 1: barrier

volumetric_elements[0, :, :] = 1  # set flash source (for heatsim2)

# set edges to insulating
boundary_x_elements[:, :, 0] = 1  # insulating
boundary_x_elements[:, :, -1] = 1  # insulating
boundary_y_elements[:, 0, :] = 1  # insulating
boundary_y_elements[:, -1, :] = 1  # insulating
boundary_z_elements[0, :, :] = 1  # insulating
예제 #2

volumetric = (  # on material grid
    # 0: nothing
        heatsim2.NO_SOURCE, ),
    ##1: impulse source @ t=0
    (heatsim2.IMPULSE_SOURCE, 0.0, 10e3 / dz),  # t (sec), Energy J/m^2 
    #1: stepped source
    #(heatsim2.STEPPED_SOURCE,0.0-dt/2.0,1.0-dt/2.0,10e3/dz), # t0 (sec), t1 (sec), Power W/m^2

# initialize all elements to zero
(material_elements, boundary_z_elements, boundary_y_elements,
 volumetric_elements) = heatsim2.zero_elements(nz, ny, nx)

# place water in hole and on back surface
material_elements[(xgrid > hole_min_x) & (xgrid < hole_max_x) &
                  (ygrid > hole_min_y) & (ygrid < hole_max_y) &
                  (zgrid > hole_depth)] = 1

# set x and y and z=0 edges to insulating
boundary_x_elements[:, :, 0] = 1  # insulating
boundary_x_elements[:, :, -1] = 1  # insulating
boundary_y_elements[:, 0, :] = 1  # insulating
boundary_y_elements[:, -1, :] = 1  # insulating
boundary_z_elements[0, :, :] = 1  # insulating

# zero temperature BC at back end of model
boundary_z_elements[-1, :, :] = 1  # insulating
예제 #3
def heatsim_calc(ny, nx, dz, dx, dy, z, y, x, zgrid, ygrid, xgrid, z_bnd,
                 y_bnd, x_bnd, kz, ky, kx, rho, c, trange, dt, hole_min_z,
                 hole_min_y, hole_max_y, hole_min_x, hole_max_x,
                 thininsulatinglayerdepth, thininsulatinglayer_min_y,
                 thininsulatinglayer_max_y, thininsulatinglayer_min_x,
    flash_energy = 10e3  # J/m^2
    dz_refinement = 3.0
    nz = z.shape[0]
    nz_refine = int(nz * dz_refinement)

    z_bnd_refine = np.arange(
        nz_refine + 1,
        dtype='d') * dz / dz_refinement  # z boundary starts at zero
    z_refine = z_bnd_refine[:-1] + dz / (dz_refinement * 2.0)

    (zgrid_refine, ygrid, xgrid) = np.meshgrid(z_refine, y, x, indexing='ij')

    (z_bnd_z, z_bnd_y, z_bnd_x) = np.meshgrid(z_bnd_refine,
    (y_bnd_z, y_bnd_y, y_bnd_x) = np.meshgrid(z_refine,
    (x_bnd_z, x_bnd_y, x_bnd_x) = np.meshgrid(z_refine,

    #hole_min_z=2.5e-3; # 0.8e-3
    hole_k = 0  # W/m/deg K
    hole_rho = rho  # W/m/deg K
    hole_c = c  # J/kg/deg K

    # thininsulatinglayerdepth=2*dz
    # thininsulatinglayer_min_x=16e-3
    # thininsulatinglayer_max_x=32e-3
    # thininsulatinglayer_min_y=15e-3
    # thininsulatinglayer_max_y=30e-3

    materials = (
        # material 0: composite
         np.diag(np.array((kz, ky, kx), dtype='d')), rho, c),
        # material 1: hole
         np.diag(np.array((hole_k, hole_k, hole_k),
                          dtype='d')), hole_rho, hole_c),
        # material 2: composite  (so we can use same material matrix as heatsim)
         np.diag(np.array((kz, ky, kx), dtype='d')), rho, c),
        # material 3: Fixed temperature (Dirichlet boundary condition)
            heatsim2.TEMPERATURE_FIXED, ),
    boundaries = (
        # boundary 0: conducting
            heatsim2.boundary_conducting_anisotropic, ),
        # boundary 1: insulating
            heatsim2.boundary_insulating, ),
        # boundary 2: thininsulatinglayer
        # We want a thin insulating layer that halves
        # the effective thermal effusivity of the remainder of the
        # material
        # e=sqrt(k rho c) has units of Joules/(m^2*deg K*sqrt(s))
        # effusivities are probably e1e2/(e1+e2) form
        # so we want e1e2/(e1+e2)=e2/2
        # e1/(e1+e2)=1/2
        # e1=e2
        # thin insulating layer coefficient is Joules/(m^2*deg K)
        # so we get this from effusivity * sqrt(characteristic time/2.0)
        # sqrt(kz*rho*c)*sqrt(thininsulatinglayerdepth**2/(2*np.pi*(kz/(rho*c))))
        # Simplifying:
        #  rho*c*thininsulatinglayerdepth/np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)
         rho * c * thininsulatinglayerdepth / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi)))
    volumetric = (  # on material grid
        # 0: nothing
            heatsim2.NO_SOURCE, ),
        #1: impulse source @ t=0
        (heatsim2.IMPULSE_SOURCE, 0.0, flash_energy / (dz / dz_refinement)
         ),  # t (sec), Energy J/m^2
    # initialize all elements to zero
    (material_elements, boundary_z_elements, boundary_y_elements,
     volumetric_elements) = heatsim2.zero_elements(nz_refine, ny, nx)
    # define nonzero material elements
    material_elements[(zgrid_refine >= hole_min_z) & (ygrid >= hole_min_y) &
                      (ygrid <= hole_max_y) & (xgrid >= hole_min_x) &
                      (xgrid <= hole_max_x)] = 1  # material 1: hole
    volumetric_elements[0, :, :] = 1  # set flash source (for heatsim2)
    # set edges to insulating
    boundary_x_elements[:, :, 0] = 1  # insulating
    boundary_x_elements[:, :, -1] = 1  # insulating
    boundary_y_elements[:, 0, :] = 1  # insulating
    boundary_y_elements[:, -1, :] = 1  # insulating
    boundary_z_elements[0, :, :] = 1  # insulating
    boundary_z_elements[-1, :, :] = 1  # insulating

    # add thin insulating layer

    if thininsulatinglayerdepth < z_bnd[-1]:
        boundary_z_elements[(z_bnd_x > thininsulatinglayer_min_x)
                            & (z_bnd_x < thininsulatinglayer_max_x) &
                            (z_bnd_y > thininsulatinglayer_min_y) &
                            (z_bnd_y < thininsulatinglayer_max_y) &
                            (z_bnd_z == z_bnd_refine[(np.abs(
                                z_bnd_refine -
                                thininsulatinglayerdepth)).argmin()])] = 2

    # set boundaries of hole to insulating
    if hole_min_z < z_bnd[-1]:
        boundary_z_elements[(z_bnd_x > hole_min_x) & (z_bnd_x < hole_max_x) &
                            (z_bnd_y > hole_min_y) & (z_bnd_y < hole_max_y) &
                            (z_bnd_z == z_bnd_refine[(np.abs(
                                z_bnd_refine - hole_min_z)).argmin()])] = 1  #
        (x_bnd_x == x_bnd[np.abs(x_bnd - hole_min_x).argmin()])
        | (x_bnd_x == x_bnd[np.abs(x_bnd - hole_max_x).argmin()]))
                        & (x_bnd_y > hole_min_y) & (x_bnd_y < hole_max_y) &
                        (x_bnd_z > hole_min_z)] = 1
        (y_bnd_y == y_bnd[np.abs(y_bnd - hole_min_y).argmin()])
        | (y_bnd_y == y_bnd[np.abs(y_bnd - hole_max_y).argmin()]))
                        & (y_bnd_x > hole_min_x) & (y_bnd_x < hole_max_x) &
                        (y_bnd_z > hole_min_z)] = 1
     ADI_steps) = heatsim2.setup(z[0], y[0], x[0], dz / dz_refinement, dy, dx,
                                 nz_refine, ny, nx, dt, materials, boundaries,
                                 volumetric, material_elements,
                                 boundary_z_elements, boundary_y_elements,
                                 boundary_x_elements, volumetric_elements)
    hs2trange = dt / 2.0 + np.arange(trange[-1] // dt + 1) * dt
    T = np.zeros((hs2trange.shape[0], ny, nx), dtype='d')
    fullstate = np.zeros((nz_refine, ny, nx), dtype='d')
    for tcnt in range(hs2trange.shape[0]):
        curt = hs2trange[tcnt] - dt / 2.0
        print "t=%f" % (curt)
        fullstate = heatsim2.run_adi_steps(ADI_params, ADI_steps, curt, dt,
                                           fullstate, volumetric_elements,
        T[tcnt, :, :] = fullstate[0, :, :]  # extract top layer
    return T[(T.shape[0] - trange.shape[0]):T.shape[0], :, :]
예제 #4
    (heatsim.BOUNDARY_NONE, composite_k, composite_rho, composite_c, 0.0, 0.0,
     0.0, 0.0),
    # material 1: barrier
    (heatsim.BOUNDARY_NONE, barrier_k, barrier_rho, barrier_c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    # material 2: flash source
    (heatsim.BOUNDARY_IMPULSE, composite_k, composite_rho, composite_c, 0.0,
     0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    # material 3: insulator
    (heatsim.BOUNDARY_INSULATING, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),

# initialize all elements to zero
(material_elements, boundary_z_elements, boundary_y_elements,
 volumetric_elements) = heatsim2.zero_elements(nz, ny, nx)

(material_elements_fine, boundary_z_elements_fine, boundary_y_elements_fine,
 volumetric_elements_fine) = heatsim2.zero_elements(nz_fine, ny_fine, nx_fine)

# define nonzero material elements
material_elements[0, :, :] = 2  # material 2: flash source (for heatsim)
material_elements_fine[0, :, :] = 2  # material 2: flash source (for heatsim)

if enable_barrier:
    material_elements[(zgrid >= barrier_min_z) & (zgrid <= barrier_max_z) &
                      (ygrid >= barrier_min_y) & (ygrid <= barrier_max_y) &
                      (xgrid >= barrier_min_x) &
                      (xgrid <= barrier_max_x)] = 1  # material 1: barrier