예제 #1
class MixedAnswers(HeliosModel):

  mixnet = models.ForeignKey('ElectionMixnet', related_name='mixed_answers')
  question = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
  mixed_answers = LDObjectField(type_hint='phoebus/MixedAnswers', null=True)
  shuffling_proof = models.TextField(null=True)

  class Meta:
      unique_together = (('mixnet', 'question'))
예제 #2
class Voter(HeliosModel):
  election = models.ForeignKey(Election)
  # let's link directly to the user now
  # FIXME: delete this as soon as migrations are set up
  #name = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null=True)
  #voter_type = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
  #voter_id = models.CharField(max_length = 100)

  uuid = models.CharField(max_length = 50)

  # for users of type password, no user object is created
  # but a dynamic user object is created automatically
  user = models.ForeignKey('helios_auth.User', null=True)

  # if user is null, then you need a voter login ID and password
  voter_login_id = models.CharField(max_length = 100, null=True)
  voter_password = models.CharField(max_length = 100, null=True)
  voter_name = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null=True)
  voter_email = models.CharField(max_length = 250, null=True)
  # if election uses aliases
  alias = models.CharField(max_length = 100, null=True)
  # we keep a copy here for easy tallying
  vote = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EncryptedVote',
  vote_hash = models.CharField(max_length = 100, null=True)
  cast_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, null=True)

  class Meta:
    unique_together = (('election', 'voter_login_id'))
    app_label = 'helios'

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(Voter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

  def get_user(self):
    # stub the user so code is not full of IF statements
    return self.user or User(user_type='password', user_id=self.voter_email, name=self.voter_name)

  def __unicode__(self):
    user = self.get_user()
    return user.name

  def register_user_in_election(cls, user, election):
    voter_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    voter = Voter(uuid= voter_uuid, user = user, election = election)

    # do we need to generate an alias?
    if election.use_voter_aliases:
      heliosutils.lock_row(Election, election.id)
      alias_num = election.last_alias_num + 1
      voter.alias = "V%s" % alias_num

    return voter

  def get_by_election(cls, election, cast=None, order_by='voter_login_id', after=None, limit=None):
    FIXME: review this for non-GAE?
    query = cls.objects.filter(election = election)
    # the boolean check is not stupid, this is ternary logic
    # none means don't care if it's cast or not
    if cast == True:
      query = query.exclude(cast_at = None)
    elif cast == False:
      query = query.filter(cast_at = None)

    # little trick to get around GAE limitation
    # order by uuid only when no inequality has been added
    if cast == None or order_by == 'cast_at' or order_by =='-cast_at':
      query = query.order_by(order_by)
      # if we want the list after a certain UUID, add the inequality here
      if after:
        if order_by[0] == '-':
          field_name = "%s__gt" % order_by[1:]
          field_name = "%s__gt" % order_by
        conditions = {field_name : after}
        query = query.filter (**conditions)
    if limit:
      query = query[:limit]
    return query
  def get_all_by_election_in_chunks(cls, election, cast=None, chunk=100):
    return cls.get_by_election(election)

  def get_by_election_and_voter_id(cls, election, voter_id):
      return cls.objects.get(election = election, voter_login_id = voter_id)
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
      return None
  def get_by_election_and_user(cls, election, user):
      return cls.objects.get(election = election, user = user)
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
      return None
  def get_by_election_and_uuid(cls, election, uuid):
    query = cls.objects.filter(election = election, uuid = uuid)

      return query[0]
      return None

  def get_by_user(cls, user):
    return cls.objects.select_related().filter(user = user).order_by('-cast_at')

  def datatype(self):
    return self.election.datatype.replace('Election', 'Voter')

  def vote_tinyhash(self):
    get the tinyhash of the latest castvote
    if not self.vote_hash:
      return None
    return CastVote.objects.get(vote_hash = self.vote_hash).vote_tinyhash

  def election_uuid(self):
    return self.election.uuid

  def name(self):
    return self.get_user().name

  def voter_id(self):
    return self.get_user().user_id

  def voter_id_hash(self):
    if self.voter_login_id:
      # for backwards compatibility with v3.0, and since it doesn't matter
      # too much if we hash the email or the unique login ID here.
      value_to_hash = self.voter_login_id
      value_to_hash = self.voter_id

      return utils.hash_b64(value_to_hash)
        return utils.hash_b64(value_to_hash.encode('latin-1'))
        return utils.hash_b64(value_to_hash.encode('utf-8'))        

  def voter_type(self):
    return self.get_user().user_type

  def display_html_big(self):
    return self.get_user().display_html_big
  def send_message(self, subject, body):
    self.get_user().send_message(subject, body)
  def can_update_status(self):
    return self.get_user().can_update_status()

  def generate_password(self, length=10):
    if self.voter_password:
      raise Exception(_('password already exists'))
    self.voter_password = heliosutils.random_string(length, alphabet='abcdefghjkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789')

  # metadata for the election
  def metadata(self):
    self.user = self.get_user()
    return {
      'voter_email': self.voter_email,
      'uuid': self.uuid,
      'voter_name': self.voter_name,
      'vote_hash': self.vote_hash,
      'cast_at': self.cast_at,
      'alias': self.alias,
      'user_id': self.user.user_id,
      'election id': self.election.id,
      'election name': self.election.name,
      'election url': self.election.url


    def pretty_name(self):
        if self.voter_name:
            return self.voter_name

        if self.voter_email:
            return self.voter_email

        if self.name:
            return self.name

        return self.voter_login_id

  def store_vote(self, cast_vote):
    # only store the vote if it's cast later than the current one
    if self.cast_at and cast_vote.cast_at < self.cast_at:

    self.vote = cast_vote.vote
    self.vote_hash = cast_vote.vote_hash
    self.cast_at = cast_vote.cast_at
  def last_cast_vote(self):
    return CastVote(vote = self.vote, vote_hash = self.vote_hash, cast_at = self.cast_at, voter=self)
예제 #3
class Election(HeliosModel):
  admin = models.ForeignKey(User)
  uuid = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False)

  # keep track of the type and version of election, which will help dispatch to the right
  # code, both for crypto and serialization
  # v3 and prior have a datatype of "legacy/Election"
  # v3.1 will still use legacy/Election
  # later versions, at some point will upgrade to "2011/01/Election"
  datatype = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=False, default="legacy/Election")
  short_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
  name = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    ('election', _('Election')),
    ('referendum', _('Referendum'))

  election_type = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=False, default='election', choices = ELECTION_TYPES)
  private_p = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)

  voto_unico = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)

  description = models.TextField()
  public_key = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EGPublicKey',
  private_key = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EGSecretKey',
  questions = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/Questions',
  # eligibility is a JSON field, which lists auth_systems and eligibility details for that auth_system, e.g.
  # [{'auth_system': 'cas', 'constraint': [{'year': 'u12'}, {'year':'u13'}]}, {'auth_system' : 'password'}, {'auth_system' : 'openid', 'constraint': [{'host':'http://myopenid.com'}]}]
  eligibility = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/Eligibility',

  # open registration?
  # this is now used to indicate the state of registration,
  # whether or not the election is frozen
  openreg = models.BooleanField(default=False)
  # featured election?
  featured_p = models.BooleanField(default=False)
  # voter aliases?
  use_voter_aliases = models.BooleanField(default=False)

  # auditing is not for everyone
  use_advanced_audit_features = models.BooleanField(default=True, null=False)

  # randomize candidate order?
  randomize_answer_order = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)
  # where votes should be cast
  cast_url = models.CharField(max_length = 500)

  # dates at which this was touched
  created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
  modified_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
  # dates at which things happen for the election
  frozen_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  archived_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  # dates for the election steps, as scheduled
  # these are always UTC
  registration_starts_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  voting_starts_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  voting_ends_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)

  # if this is non-null, then a complaint period, where people can cast a quarantined ballot.
  # we do NOT call this a "provisional" ballot, since provisional implies that the voter has not
  # been qualified. We may eventually add this, but it can't be in the same CastVote table, which
  # is tied to a voter.
  complaint_period_ends_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)

  tallying_starts_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  # dates when things were forced to be performed
  voting_started_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  voting_extended_until = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  voting_ended_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  tallying_started_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  tallying_finished_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)
  tallies_combined_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)

  # we want to explicitly release results
  result_released_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, default=None, null=True)

  # the hash of all voters (stored for large numbers)
  voters_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
  # encrypted tally, each a JSON string
  # used only for homomorphic tallies
  encrypted_tally = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/Tally',

  # results of the election
  result = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/Result',

  # decryption proof, a JSON object
  # no longer needed since it's all trustees
  result_proof = JSONField(null=True)

  # help email
  help_email = models.EmailField(null=True)

  # downloadable election info
  election_info_url = models.CharField(max_length=300, null=True)

  class Meta:
    app_label = 'helios'

  def __unicode__(self):
    return self.name

  # metadata for the election
  def metadata(self):
    return {
      'help_email': self.help_email or settings.HELP_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
      'private_p': self.private_p,
      'voto_unico': self.voto_unico,
      'use_advanced_audit_features': self.use_advanced_audit_features,
      'randomize_answer_order': self.randomize_answer_order

  def pretty_type(self):
    return dict(self.ELECTION_TYPES)[self.election_type]

  def num_cast_votes(self):
    return self.voter_set.exclude(vote=None).count()

  def num_voters(self):
    return self.voter_set.count()

  def num_trustees(self):
    return self.trustee_set.count()

  def last_alias_num(self):
    FIXME: we should be tracking alias number, not the V* alias which then
    makes things a lot harder
    if not self.use_voter_aliases:
      return None
    return heliosutils.one_val_raw_sql("select max(cast(substring(alias, 2) as integer)) from " + Voter._meta.db_table + " where election_id = %s", [self.id]) or 0

  def encrypted_tally_hash(self):
    if not self.encrypted_tally:
      return None

    return utils.hash_b64(self.encrypted_tally.toJSON())

  def is_archived(self):
    return self.archived_at != None

  def description_bleached(self):
    return bleach.clean(self.description, tags = bleach.ALLOWED_TAGS + ['p', 'h4', 'h5', 'h3', 'h2', 'br', 'u'])

  def get_featured(cls):
    return cls.objects.filter(featured_p = True).order_by('short_name')
  def get_or_create(cls, **kwargs):
    return cls.objects.get_or_create(short_name = kwargs['short_name'], defaults=kwargs)

  def get_by_user_as_admin(cls, user, archived_p=None, limit=None):
    query = cls.objects.filter(admin = user)
    if archived_p == True:
      query = query.exclude(archived_at= None)
    if archived_p == False:
      query = query.filter(archived_at= None)
    query = query.order_by('-created_at')
    if limit:
      return query[:limit]
      return query
  def get_by_user_as_voter(cls, user, archived_p=None, limit=None):
    query = cls.objects.filter(voter__user = user)
    if archived_p == True:
      query = query.exclude(archived_at= None)
    if archived_p == False:
      query = query.filter(archived_at= None)
    query = query.order_by('-created_at')
    if limit:
      return query[:limit]
      return query
  def get_by_uuid(cls, uuid):
      return cls.objects.select_related().get(uuid=uuid)
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
      return None
  def get_by_short_name(cls, short_name):
      return cls.objects.get(short_name=short_name)
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
      return None
  def save_questions_safely(self, questions):
    Because Django doesn't let us override properties in a Pythonic way... doing the brute-force thing.
    # verify all the answer_urls
    for q in questions:
      for answer_url in q['answer_urls']:
        if not answer_url or answer_url == "":
        # abort saving if bad URL
        if not (answer_url[:7] == "http://" or answer_url[:8]== "https://"):
          return False
    self.questions = questions
    return True

  def add_voters_file(self, uploaded_file):
    expects a django uploaded_file data structure, which has filename, content, size...
    # now we're just storing the content
    # random_filename = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # new_voter_file.voter_file.save(random_filename, uploaded_file)

    new_voter_file = VoterFile(election = self, voter_file_content = uploaded_file.read())
    return new_voter_file
  def user_eligible_p(self, user):
    Checks if a user is eligible for this election.
    # registration closed, then eligibility doesn't come into play
    if not self.openreg:
      return False
    if self.eligibility == None:
      return True
    # is the user eligible for one of these cases?
    for eligibility_case in self.eligibility:
      if user.is_eligible_for(eligibility_case):
        return True
    return False

  def eligibility_constraint_for(self, user_type):
    if not self.eligibility:
      return []

    # constraints that are relevant
    relevant_constraints = [constraint['constraint'] for constraint in self.eligibility if constraint['auth_system'] == user_type and constraint.has_key('constraint')]
    if len(relevant_constraints) > 0:
      return relevant_constraints[0]
      return []

  def eligibility_category_id(self, user_type):
    "when eligibility is by category, this returns the category_id"
    if not self.eligibility:
      return None
    constraint_for = self.eligibility_constraint_for(user_type)
    if len(constraint_for) > 0:
      constraint = constraint_for[0]
      return AUTH_SYSTEMS[user_type].eligibility_category_id(constraint)
      return None
  def pretty_eligibility(self):
    if not self.eligibility:
      return _("Anyone can vote.")
      return_val = "<ul>"
      for constraint in self.eligibility:
        if constraint.has_key('constraint'):
          for one_constraint in constraint['constraint']:
            return_val += "<li>%s</li>" % AUTH_SYSTEMS[constraint['auth_system']].pretty_eligibility(one_constraint)
          return_val += "<li> any %s user</li>" % constraint['auth_system']

      return_val += "</ul>"

      return return_val
  def voting_has_started(self):
    has voting begun? voting begins if the election is frozen, at the prescribed date or at the date that voting was forced to start
    return self.frozen_at != None and (self.voting_starts_at == None or (timezone.now() >= (self.voting_started_at or self.voting_starts_at)))
  def voting_has_stopped(self):
    has voting stopped? if tally computed, yes, otherwise if we have passed the date voting was manually stopped at,
    or failing that the date voting was extended until, or failing that the date voting is scheduled to end at.
    voting_end = self.voting_ended_at or self.voting_extended_until or self.voting_ends_at
    return (voting_end != None and timezone.now() >= voting_end) or self.encrypted_tally

  def issues_before_freeze(self):
    issues = []
    if self.questions == None or len(self.questions) == 0:
        {'type': 'questions',
         'action': _("add questions to the ballot")}
    trustees = Trustee.get_by_election(self)
    if len(trustees) == 0:
          'type': 'trustees',
          'action': _("add at least one trustee")

    for t in trustees:
      if t.public_key == None:
            'type': 'trustee keypairs',
            'action': _('have trustee %(name)s generate a keypair') % {'name': t.name}

    if self.voter_set.count() == 0 and not self.openreg:
          "type" : "voters",
          "action" : _("enter your voter list (or open registration to the public)")

    return issues    

  def ready_for_tallying(self):
    return timezone.now() >= self.tallying_starts_at

  def compute_tally(self):
    tally the election, assuming votes already verified
    tally = self.init_tally()
    for voter in self.voter_set.exclude(vote=None):
      tally.add_vote(voter.vote, verify_p=False)

    self.encrypted_tally = tally
  def ready_for_decryption(self):
    return self.encrypted_tally != None
  def ready_for_decryption_combination(self):
    do we have a tally from all trustees?
    for t in Trustee.get_by_election(self):
      if not t.decryption_factors:
        return False
    return True
  def release_result(self):
    release the result that should already be computed
    if not self.result:

    self.result_released_at = timezone.now()
  def combine_decryptions(self):
    combine all of the decryption results
    # gather the decryption factors
    trustees = Trustee.get_by_election(self)
    decryption_factors = [t.decryption_factors for t in trustees]
    self.result = self.encrypted_tally.decrypt_from_factors(decryption_factors, self.public_key)


  def generate_voters_hash(self):
    look up the list of voters, make a big file, and hash it

    # FIXME: for now we don't generate this voters hash:

    if self.openreg:
      self.voters_hash = None
      voters = Voter.get_by_election(self)
      voters_json = utils.to_json([v.toJSONDict() for v in voters])
      self.voters_hash = utils.hash_b64(voters_json)
  def increment_voters(self):
    ## FIXME
    return 0
  def increment_cast_votes(self):
    ## FIXME
    return 0
  def set_eligibility(self):
    if registration is closed and eligibility has not been
    already set, then this call sets the eligibility criteria
    based on the actual list of voters who are already there.

    This helps ensure that the login box shows the proper options.

    If registration is open but no voters have been added with password,
    then that option is also canceled out to prevent confusion, since
    those elections usually just use the existing login systems.

    # don't override existing eligibility
    if self.eligibility != None:

    # enable this ONLY once the cast_confirm screen makes sense
    #if self.voter_set.count() == 0:
    #  return

    auth_systems = copy.copy(settings.AUTH_ENABLED_AUTH_SYSTEMS)
    voter_types = [r['user__user_type'] for r in self.voter_set.values('user__user_type').distinct() if r['user__user_type'] != None]

    # password is now separate, not an explicit voter type
    if self.voter_set.filter(user=None).count() > 0:
      # no password users, remove password from the possible auth systems
      if 'password' in auth_systems:

    # closed registration: limit the auth_systems to just the ones
    # that have registered voters
    if not self.openreg:
      auth_systems = [vt for vt in voter_types if vt in auth_systems]

    self.eligibility = [{'auth_system': auth_system} for auth_system in auth_systems]
  def freeze(self):
    election is frozen when the voter registration, questions, and trustees are finalized
    if len(self.issues_before_freeze) > 0:
      raise Exception(_("cannot freeze an election that has issues"))

    self.frozen_at = timezone.now()
    # voters hash

    # public key for trustees
    trustees = Trustee.get_by_election(self)
    combined_pk = trustees[0].public_key
    for t in trustees[1:]:
      combined_pk = combined_pk * t.public_key
    self.public_key = combined_pk
    # log it


  def generate_trustee(self, params):
    generate a trustee including the secret key,
    thus a helios-based trustee
    # FIXME: generate the keypair
    keypair = params.generate_keypair()

    # create the trustee
    trustee = Trustee(election = self)
    trustee.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    trustee.name = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_NAME
    trustee.email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
    trustee.public_key = keypair.pk
    trustee.secret_key = keypair.sk
    # FIXME: is this at the right level of abstraction?
    trustee.public_key_hash = datatypes.LDObject.instantiate(trustee.public_key, datatype='legacy/EGPublicKey').hash

    trustee.pok = trustee.secret_key.prove_sk(algs.DLog_challenge_generator)


  def get_helios_trustee(self):
    trustees_with_sk = self.trustee_set.exclude(secret_key = None)
    if len(trustees_with_sk) > 0:
      return trustees_with_sk[0]
      return None
  def has_helios_trustee(self):
    return self.get_helios_trustee() != None

  def helios_trustee_decrypt(self):
    tally = self.encrypted_tally

    trustee = self.get_helios_trustee()
    factors, proof = tally.decryption_factors_and_proofs(trustee.secret_key)

    trustee.decryption_factors = factors
    trustee.decryption_proofs = proof

  def append_log(self, text):
    item = ElectionLog(election = self, log=text, at=timezone.now())
    return item

  def get_log(self):
    return self.electionlog_set.order_by('-at')

  def url(self):
    return helios.views.get_election_url(self)

  def init_tally(self):
    # FIXME: create the right kind of tally
    from helios.workflows import homomorphic
    return homomorphic.Tally(election=self)
  def registration_status_pretty(self):
    if self.openreg:
      return "Open"
      return "Closed"

  def one_question_winner(cls, question, result, num_cast_votes):
    determining the winner for one question
    # sort the answers , keep track of the index
    counts = sorted(enumerate(result), key=lambda(x): x[1])
    the_max = question['max'] or 1
    the_min = question['min'] or 0

    # if there's a max > 1, we assume that the top MAX win
    if the_max > 1:
      return [c[0] for c in counts[:the_max]]

    # if max = 1, then depends on absolute or relative
    if question['result_type'] == 'absolute':
      if counts[0][1] >=  (num_cast_votes/2 + 1):
        return [counts[0][0]]
        return []
      # assumes that anything non-absolute is relative
      return [counts[0][0]]    

  def winners(self):
    Depending on the type of each question, determine the winners
    returns an array of winners for each question, aka an array of arrays.
    assumes that if there is a max to the question, that's how many winners there are.
    return [self.one_question_winner(self.questions[i], self.result[i], self.num_cast_votes) for i in range(len(self.questions))]
  def pretty_result(self):
    if not self.result:
      return None
    # get the winners
    winners = self.winners

    raw_result = self.result
    prettified_result = []

    # loop through questions
    for i in range(len(self.questions)):
      q = self.questions[i]
      pretty_question = []
      # go through answers
      for j in range(len(q['answers'])):
        a = q['answers'][j]
        count = raw_result[i][j]
        pretty_question.append({'answer': a, 'count': count, 'winner': (j in winners[i])})
      prettified_result.append({'question': q['short_name'], 'answers': pretty_question})

    return prettified_result
예제 #4
class Trustee(HeliosModel):
  election = models.ForeignKey(Election)
  uuid = models.CharField(max_length=50)
  name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
  email = models.EmailField()
  secret = models.CharField(max_length=100)
  # public key
  public_key = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EGPublicKey',
  public_key_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100)

  # secret key
  # if the secret key is present, this means
  # Helios is playing the role of the trustee.
  secret_key = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EGSecretKey',
  # proof of knowledge of secret key
  pok = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/DLogProof',
  # decryption factors
  decryption_factors = LDObjectField(type_hint = datatypes.arrayOf(datatypes.arrayOf('core/BigInteger')),

  decryption_proofs = LDObjectField(type_hint = datatypes.arrayOf(datatypes.arrayOf('legacy/EGZKProof')),

  class Meta:
    unique_together = (('election', 'email'))
    app_label = 'helios'

  def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    override this just to get a hook
    # not saved yet?
    if not self.secret:
      self.secret = heliosutils.random_string(12)
      self.election.append_log("Trustee %s added" % self.name)
    super(Trustee, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
  def get_by_election(cls, election):
    return cls.objects.filter(election = election)

  def get_by_uuid(cls, uuid):
    return cls.objects.get(uuid = uuid)
  def get_by_election_and_uuid(cls, election, uuid):
    return cls.objects.get(election = election, uuid = uuid)

  def get_by_election_and_email(cls, election, email):
      return cls.objects.get(election = election, email = email)
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
      return None

  def datatype(self):
    return self.election.datatype.replace('Election', 'Trustee')    
  def verify_decryption_proofs(self):
    verify that the decryption proofs match the tally for the election
    # verify_decryption_proofs(self, decryption_factors, decryption_proofs, public_key, challenge_generator):
    return self.election.encrypted_tally.verify_decryption_proofs(self.decryption_factors, self.decryption_proofs, self.public_key, algs.EG_fiatshamir_challenge_generator)
예제 #5
class CastVote(HeliosModel):
  # the reference to the voter provides the voter_uuid
  voter = models.ForeignKey(Voter)
  # the actual encrypted vote
  vote = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EncryptedVote')

  # cache the hash of the vote
  vote_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100)

  # a tiny version of the hash to enable short URLs
  vote_tinyhash = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, unique=True)

  cast_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

  # some ballots can be quarantined (this is not the same thing as provisional)
  quarantined_p = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)
  released_from_quarantine_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, null=True)

  # when is the vote verified?
  verified_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
  invalidated_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
  # auditing purposes, like too many votes from the same IP, if it isn't expected
  cast_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(null=True)

  class Meta:
      app_label = 'helios'

  def datatype(self):
    return self.voter.datatype.replace('Voter', 'CastVote')

  def voter_uuid(self):
    return self.voter.uuid  
  def voter_hash(self):
    return self.voter.hash

  def is_quarantined(self):
    return self.quarantined_p and not self.released_from_quarantine_at

  def set_tinyhash(self):
    find a tiny version of the hash for a URL slug.
    safe_hash = self.vote_hash
    for c in ['/', '+']:
      safe_hash = safe_hash.replace(c,'')
    length = 8
    while True:
      vote_tinyhash = safe_hash[:length]
      if CastVote.objects.filter(vote_tinyhash = vote_tinyhash).count() == 0:
      length += 1
    self.vote_tinyhash = vote_tinyhash

  def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    override this just to get a hook
    # not saved yet? then we generate a tiny hash
    if not self.vote_tinyhash:

    super(CastVote, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
  def get_by_voter(cls, voter):
    return cls.objects.filter(voter = voter).order_by('-cast_at')

  def verify_and_store(self):
    # if it's quarantined, don't let this go through
    if self.is_quarantined:
      raise Exception(_("cast vote is quarantined, verification and storage is delayed."))

    result = self.vote.verify(self.voter.election)

    if result:
      self.verified_at = timezone.now()
      self.invalidated_at = timezone.now()
    # save and store the vote as the voter's last cast vote

    if result:
    return result

  def issues(self, election):
    Look for consistency problems
    issues = []
    # check the election
    if self.vote.election_uuid != election.uuid:
      issues.append(_("the vote's election UUID does not match the election for which this vote is being cast"))
    return issues
예제 #6
class CastVote(HeliosModel):
  # the reference to the voter provides the voter_uuid
  voter = models.ForeignKey(Voter, models.CASCADE)

  # the actual encrypted vote
  vote = LDObjectField(type_hint = 'legacy/EncryptedVote')

  # cache the hash of the vote
  vote_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100)

  # a tiny version of the hash to enable short URLs
  vote_tinyhash = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, unique=True)

  cast_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

  # some ballots can be quarantined (this is not the same thing as provisional)
  quarantined_p = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)
  released_from_quarantine_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, null=True)

  # when is the vote verified?
  verified_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
  invalidated_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)

  # auditing purposes, like too many votes from the same IP, if it isn't expected
  cast_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(null=True)

  # blockchain log
  tx_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)

  def datatype(self):
    return self.voter.datatype.replace('Voter', 'CastVote')

  def voter_uuid(self):
    return self.voter.uuid

  def voter_hash(self):
    return self.voter.hash

  def voter_id_hash(self):
    return self.voter.user_id_hash

  def is_quarantined(self):
    return self.quarantined_p and not self.released_from_quarantine_at

  def set_tinyhash(self):
    find a tiny version of the hash for a URL slug.
    safe_hash = self.vote_hash
    for c in ['/', '+']:
      safe_hash = safe_hash.replace(c,'')

    length = 8
    while True:
      vote_tinyhash = safe_hash[:length]
      if CastVote.objects.filter(vote_tinyhash = vote_tinyhash).count() == 0:
      length += 1

    self.vote_tinyhash = vote_tinyhash

  def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    override this just to get a hook
    # not saved yet? then we generate a tiny hash
    if not self.vote_tinyhash:

    super(CastVote, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

  def get_by_voter(cls, voter):
    return cls.objects.filter(voter = voter).order_by('-cast_at')

  def verify_and_store(self, election_contract_address, election_contract_abi, private_key):
    # if it's quarantined, don't let this go through
    if self.is_quarantined:
      raise Exception("cast vote is quarantined, verification and storage is delayed.")

    result = self.vote.verify(self.voter.election)

    if result:
      self.verified_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
      self.invalidated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=3)

      # send transaction with the vote valided
      vote_hash_hex = heliosutils.get_vote_hash_hex(self.vote_hash)
      election_contract = w3.eth.contract(address=election_contract_address, abi=election_contract_abi)

      cast_at_int = int(self.cast_at.timestamp())
      if result:
        # TODO: Bug with verification time
        verified_at_now = self.verified_at
        verified_at_int = int(verified_at_now.timestamp())

        if cast_at_int == verified_at_int:
          verified_at_int += 1
        verified_at_int = 0

      gas_estimate = election_contract.functions.vote(self.voter.user_id_hash,
                                                      verified_at_int) \
        .estimateGas({'from': settings.SERVER_NODE_ADDRESS})
      if gas_estimate < Web3.toWei('5', 'gwei'):
        register_vote_txn = election_contract.functions.vote(self.voter.user_id_hash,
          {'nonce': w3.eth.getTransactionCount(settings.SERVER_NODE_ADDRESS),
           'gasPrice': w3.eth.gasPrice,
           'gas': gas_estimate})
        private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key)
        signed_txn = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(register_vote_txn, private_key=private_key_bytes)
        signed_txn_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction)

        receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(signed_txn_hash)
        self.tx_hash = signed_txn_hash.hex()
    except Exception as e:
      raise Exception('Error during casting the vote on blockchain')

    # save and store the vote as the voter's last cast vote

    if result:

    return result

  def issues(self, election):
    Look for consistency problems
    issues = []

    # check the election
    if self.vote.election_uuid != election.uuid:
      issues.append("the vote's election UUID does not match the election for which this vote is being cast")

    return issues