예제 #1
            await conv.send_message("/fedinfo " + lavde)
            massive = await conv.get_response()
            await hell.edit(massive.text + "\n\n**ʟɛɢɛռɖaʀʏ_ᴀғ_ɦɛʟʟɮօt**")
        except YouBlockedUserError:
            await hell.edit("`Please Unblock` @MissRose_Bot")

  "fban", "<reply to a msg>", "Forwards the replied fban msg to all groups added in your Fed Database", "Click` [here](https://telegra.ph/file/ab848eb3a3b4b94dfc726.jpg) `for an example"
  "fsearch", "<grp id>", "Gives out the username and group's name of the given group id.(IF ADDED IN FBAN DATABASE)"
  "fgroups", None, "Gives out the list of group ids you have connected to fban database"
  "fremove", "<group id> or in a group", "Removes the group from your fban database."
  "fremove all", None, "Removes the group from your fban database."
  "fadd", None, "Adds the group in your fban database."
  "unfban", "<reply to msg>", "Forwards the replied` /unfban <id>/<usrname> `to all groups added in your fban database", "reply to a msg (/unfban id/username)"
  "newfed", "<newfed name>", "Makes a federation of Rose bot"
  "renamefed", "<new name>", "Renames the fed of Rose Bot"
  "fstat", "<username/id>", "Gets the fban stats of the user from rose bot federation"
  "fedinfo", "<fed id>", "Gives details of the given fed id"
예제 #2
            await conv.get_response()
            await conv.send_message("/fedinfo " + lavde)
            massive = await conv.get_response()
            await hell.edit(massive.text + "\n\n**ʟɛɢɛռɖaʀʏ_ᴀғ_ɦɛʟʟɮօt**")
        except YouBlockedUserError:
            await hell.edit("`Please Unblock` @MissRose_Bot")

    "broadcast", "<reply to a msg>",
    "Forwards the replied msg to all groups added in your Broadcast Database"
    "fsearch", "<grp id>",
    "Gives out the username and group's name of the given group id.(IF ADDED IN BROADCAST DATABASE)"
    "fgroups", None,
    "Gives out the list of group ids you have connected to Broadcast database"
    "fremove", "<group id> or in a group",
    "Removes the group from your Broadcast database.").add_command(
        "fremove all", None,
        "Removes the group from your Broadcast database.").add_command(
            "fadd", None, "Adds the group in your Broadcast database.").add()

    "newfed", "<newfed name>", "Makes a federation of Rose bot").add_command(
        "renamefed", "<new name>", "Renames the fed of Rose Bot").add_command(
            "fstat", "<username/id>",
            "Gets the fban stats of the user from rose bot federation"
        ).add_command("fedinfo", "<fed id>",
                      "Gives details of the given fed id").add()
예제 #3
    chat = "@carol5_bot"
    await event.edit(f"Trying to generate CC from the given bin `{hell_input}`")
    async with event.client.conversation(chat) as conv:
              response = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=1247032902))
              await event.client.send_message(chat, f"/gen {hell_input}")
              response = await response 
          except YouBlockedUserError: 
              await event.reply("Please Unblock @carol5_bot")
             await event.delete()
             await event.client.send_message(event.chat_id, response.message)

  "gencc", None, "Generates fake cc..."
  "ccheck", "<query>", "Checks that the given cc is live or not"
  "iban", "<query>", "Checks that the given IBAN ID is live or not"
  "key", "<query>", "Checks the status of probided key"
  "vbv", "<query>", "Checks the vbv status of given card"
  "bin", "<query>", "Checks that the given bin is valid or not"
  "ccbin", "<bin>", "Generates CC from the given bin."
예제 #4
파일: history.py 프로젝트: spammerop/TEST2
    reply_message = await hellevent.get_reply_message() 
    chat = "Sangmatainfo_bot"
    victim = reply_message.sender.id
    if reply_message.sender.bot:
       await eor(hellevent, "Need actual users. Not Bots")
    await eor(hellevent, "Checking...")
    async with hellevent.client.conversation(chat) as conv:
              response1 = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=461843263))
              response2 = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=461843263))
              response3 = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=461843263))
              await conv.send_message("/search_id {}".format(victim))
              response1 = await response1 
              response2 = await response2 
              response3= await response3 
          except YouBlockedUserError: 
              await hellevent.reply("Please unblock ( @Sangmatainfo_bot ) ")
          if response1.text.startswith("No records found"):
             await eor(hellevent, "User never changed his Username...")
             await hellevent.delete()
             await hellevent.client.send_message(hellevent.chat_id, response3.message)

  "history", "<reply to a user>", "Fetches the name history of replied user."
  "unh", "<reply to user>", "Fetches the Username History of replied users."
예제 #5
    return requests.post(

def ReTrieveURL(input_url):
    headers = {
        "X-API-Key": Config.REM_BG_API_KEY,
    data = {"image_url": input_url}
    return requests.post(

    "rmbg", "<reply to image/stcr> or <link>",
    "`Removes Background of replied image or sticker and sends output as a file. Need` REM_BG_API_KEY `to be set in Heroku Config Vars."
    "srmbg", "<reply to img/stcr> or <link>",
    "Same as .rmbg but sends output as a sticker. Need REM_BG_API_KEY to be set in Heroku Config Vars."
예제 #6
파일: gps.py 프로젝트: spammerop/TEST2
async def gps(event):
    if event.fwd_from:
    reply_to_id = event.message
    if event.reply_to_msg_id:
        reply_to_id = await event.get_reply_message()
    input_str = event.pattern_match.group(1)

    if not input_str:
        return await edit_or_reply(event,
                                   "What should i find? Give me location.🤨")

    await edit_or_reply(event, "Finding😁")

    geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="catuserbot")
    geoloc = geolocator.geocode(input_str)

    if geoloc:
        lon = geoloc.longitude
        lat = geoloc.latitude
        await reply_to_id.reply(input_str,
                                    types.InputGeoPoint(lat, lon)))
        await event.delete()
        await edit_or_reply(event, "I coudn't find it😫")

CmdHelp("gps").add_command("gps", "<place name>",
                           "Gives the location of searched place").add()
예제 #7
    if x == 10:
        await event.edit(f"I feel the happiest \nwhen I think about you \ncoz I love you. \nHappy Valentine’s Day!\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/5e42aae4ad6b80cecf8e1.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 11:
        await event.edit(f"It still seems \nlike magic every time \nI remember how love softly \ntouched our hearts, \nbringing them together. \n\n[✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/88827f774d6b3b80d1183.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 12:
        await event.edit(f"I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/f19f0f60374f271d05aa1.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 13:
        await event.edit(f"I have one wish for Valentine’s Day. I want you wrapped up in a big bow. \n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/d8f73ed0a08fbfbbd0a6c.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 14:
        await event.edit(f"I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet. \nI asked God for a minute, he gave me a day. \nI asked God for true love, he gave me that too. \nI asked for an angel and he gave me you.\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/d0a11115399c161139abe.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 15:
        await event.edit(f"I don’t just love you. I love that I get to have you as my Valentine. \n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/f11bc438df9608d182e0d.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 16:
        await event.edit(f"You are my heart, my soul, my treasure,\nMy today, my tomorrow, my forever,\nMy everything!\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/40fecb698ebb0caa202f8.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 17:
        await event.edit(f"Your eyes, your smile.\nYour touch, your kiss.\nYour promise, your words.\nOur everlasting bliss.\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/0c72466dfe4c616754e84.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 18:
        await event.edit(f"I cherish every minute that I spend with you! And I am so blessed that I can. \n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/6d68acc1bd43a8690a228.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 19:
        await event.edit(f"Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest valentine I could want. You are my sweetheart, and I am glad you’re mine.\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/26b052f976a7b5d3ca554.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 20:
        await event.edit(f"God has created you only for me, because he knows no one can love you more than me! Happy Valentine’s Day!\n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/b34e2679ff3cbb6225917.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
    if x == 21:
        await event.edit(f"May this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear. \n\n [✍️](https://telegra.ph/file/ae6dc5b359691d71f2d26.jpg) {hell}", link_preview=True)
  "vday", None, "Sends a random valentine's day quote with picture."
  "hvd", None, "Valentine's Day Animation."
예제 #8
        channel = await borg.get_entity(int(channel_id))
    except ValueError:
        await eor(event, "Invalid id.")
    except BaseException:
    name = channel.title
    username = channel.username
    if username:
        username = "******" + username
    await eor(event, f"Name : {name}\nUsername: {username}")

    "fban", "<reply to a msg>",
    "Forwards the replied fban msg to all groups added in your Fed Database",
    "Click` [here](https://telegra.ph/file/ab848eb3a3b4b94dfc726.jpg) `for an example"
    "fsearch", "<grp id>",
    "Gives out the username and group's name of the given group id.(IF ADDED IN FBAN DATABASE)"
    "Gives out the list of group ids you have connected to fban database"
    "fremove", None, "Removes the group from your fban database."
    "fadd", None, "Adds the group in your fban database."
    "unfban", "<reply to msg>",
    "Forwards the replied` /unfban <id>/<usrname> `to all groups added in your fban database",
    "reply to a msg (/unfban id/username)").add()