예제 #1
    def test_DTE(self):
        vault_file = hny_config.VAULT_FILE + '~test'
        mpw = 'Masterpassw0rd' + str(random.randint(0, 100))
        hv = HoneyVault(vault_file, mpw)
        PW_set = dict((i, hv.dte.decode_pw(pw_encodings))
                      for i, pw_encodings in enumerate(hv.S)
                      if hv.machine_pass_set[i] == '0')
        for i, pw in list(PW_set.items()):
            s = hv.dte.encode_pw(pw)
            tpw = hv.dte.decode_pw(s)
                tpw, pw, "Encode-decode pw is wrong. {}: {} ----> {}".format(
                    i, pw, tpw))
        print("All encode-decoing test passed")
            {'google.com': 'password' + str(random.randint(0, 1000))})
        ignore = set([hv.get_domain_index('google.com')])

        for i, pw_encodings in enumerate(hv.S):
            if hv.machine_pass_set[i] == '0' and i not in ignore:
                npw = hv.dte.decode_pw(pw_encodings)
                    PW_set[i], npw,
                    "New passwords changed!!! Expecting: {!r} at {}. Got {!r}".
                    format(PW_set[i], i, npw))
예제 #2
    def generate_and_encode_password(self, size=10):
        Generates and encodes a password of size @size.
        first choose size+1 random numbers, where first one is to encode the length,
        and the rest are to encode the passwords  
        assert size<self.MAX_ALLOWED, "Size of asked password={}, which is bigger"\
            "than supported {}".format(size, self.MAX_ALLOWED)
        size = max(size, self.MIN_PW_LENGTH)

        N = random.randints(0, MAX_INT, size + 1)
        N[0] += (size - self.MIN_PW_LENGTH) - N[0] % (
            self.MAX_ALLOWED - self.MIN_PW_LENGTH
        )  # s.t., N[0] % MAX_ALLOWED = size

        P = [s[N[i + 1] % len(s)]
             for i, s in enumerate(self.must_set)]  # must set characters

        P.extend(self.All[n % len(self.All)]
                 for n in N[len(self.must_set) + 1:])
        n = random.randint(0, MAX_INT)
        password = self.decode2string(n, P)
        extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(N)
        N.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
        return password, N
예제 #3
def getVal(arr, val):
    arr -> is a list of values of type same as 'val' and also has a frequency
    e.g. arr: [['a',0,123], ['asd', 1, 31], ['ADR', 1, 345]]
    val -> is a value of same type of values in arr, e.g. 'asd'
    returns: a random number between, cumulative probability of 'asd' and
    the element just before it, i.e. 'a'.
    c = 0
    found = False
    totalC = 0;
    t = -1;
    for i, x in enumerate(arr):
        # print x
        c += x[2]
        totalC += x[2]
        if not found and x[0] == val:
            if i == 0:
                a = 0;
                a = c - x[2]
            t = random.randint(a, c - 1)
            found = True
            print(x, t)
    if t > -1:
        # to deal with floating this is used, basically converted the numebrs in
        # (mod totalC) ASSUMPTION: max value of sum of frequency is
        # 4,294,967,295, i.e. ~ 4.29 billion!!
        return convert2group(t, totalC)
    return t
예제 #4
 def encode_pw(self, pw):
     p = list(pw[:])
     must_4 = [DTE_random.get_char(p, m) for m in must_set]
     for x in must_4:
         del p[x[0]]
     pw_random_order = DTE_random.decode2string(
         random.randint(0, self.fact_map[len(p) - 1]), p)
     code_g = [random.randint(0, MAX_INT/self.MAX_ALLOWED) * \
                   self.MAX_ALLOWED + len(pw)]
     for i, x in enumerate(must_4):
         code_g.append(DTE_random.get_random_for_this(x[1], must_set[i]))
     for p in pw_random_order:
         code_g.append(DTE_random.get_random_for_this(p, All))
     extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(code_g)
     code_g.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
     return code_g
예제 #5
 def encode2number(s):
     sorted_s = sorted(s)
     n = len(s)
     code = 0
     for i, ch in enumerate(s):
         l = sorted_s.index(ch)
         code += l * DTE_random.fact_map[n - i - 2]
         del sorted_s[l]
     p = random.randint(0, MAX_INT / DTE_random.fact_map[n - 1])
     return DTE_random.fact_mapp[n - 1] * p + code
예제 #6
 def encode_vault_size(self, lhs, n):
     v = self.G.get(lhs, {})
     n = str(n)
         i = v.keys().index(n)
         x = sum(v.values()[:i])
         y = x + v.values()[i]
     except ValueError:
         return convert2group(0, v['__total__'])
     return convert2group(random.randint(x, y-1),
예제 #7
 def encode_pw(self, pw):
     p = list(pw[:])
     must_4 = [DTE_random.get_char(p, m) for m in must_set]
     for x in must_4:
         del p[x[0]]
     pw_random_order = DTE_random.decode2string(
         random.randint(0, self.fact_map[len(p) - 1]),
     code_g = [random.randint(0, MAX_INT / self.MAX_ALLOWED) * \
               self.MAX_ALLOWED + len(pw)]
     for i, x in enumerate(must_4):
             x[1], self.must_set[i]))
     for p in pw_random_order:
             p, self.All))
     extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(code_g);
     code_g.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
     return code_g
예제 #8
파일: pcfg.py 프로젝트: edithli/nocrack
 def encode_vault_size(self, lhs, n):
     v = self.G.get(lhs, {})
     n = str(n)
         i = v.keys().index(n)
         x = sum(v.values()[:i])
         y = x + v.values()[i]
     except ValueError:
         return convert2group(0, v['__total__'])
     return convert2group(random.randint(x, y-1),
예제 #9
    def test_DTE(self):
        vault_file = VAULT_FILE+'~test'
        mpw = 'Masterpassw0rd'+str(random.randint(0,100))
        hv = HoneyVault(vault_file, mpw)
        PW_set = dict((i, hv.dte.decode_pw(pw_encodings)) for i, pw_encodings in \
                  enumerate(hv.S) if hv.machine_pass_set[i]=='0')
        for i, pw in PW_set.items():
            s = hv.dte.encode_pw(pw)
            tpw = hv.dte.decode_pw(s)
            self.assertEqual(tpw, pw, "Encode-decode pw is wrong. {}: {} ----> {}".format(i, pw, tpw))
        print "All encode-decoing test passed"
        hv.add_password({'google.com': 'password' + str(random.randint(0, 1000))})
        ignore = set([hv.get_domain_index('google.com')])

        for i, pw_encodings in enumerate(hv.S):
            if hv.machine_pass_set[i] == '0' and i not in ignore:
                npw = hv.dte.decode_pw(pw_encodings)
                self.assertEqual(PW_set[i], npw, "New passwords changed!!!"\
                    "Expecting: '{}' at {}. Got '{}'".format(PW_set[i], npw))
예제 #10
 def test_enc_dec_vault_size(self):
     vd = pcfg.VaultDistPCFG()
     X = vd.encode_vault_size('D', 3)
     t = vd.decode_vault_size('D', X)
     self.assertEqual(t, 3, str((X, t)))
     for i in range(25):
         k = random.randint(1,pcfg.MAX_ALLOWED)
         lhs = random.choice(vd.G.keys())
         e = vd.encode_vault_size(lhs, k)
         self.assertEqual(vd.decode_vault_size(lhs, e), k, "VaultSizeDecodingError:"\
           " Expecting: {} for (lhs: {}, e:{}), but decoded to: {}"\
           .format(k, lhs, e, vd.decode_vault_size(lhs, e)))
예제 #11
    def test_enc_dec_vault_size(self):
        vd = pcfg.VaultDistPCFG()
        X = vd.encode_vault_size('D', 3)
        t = vd.decode_vault_size('D', X)
        self.assertEqual(t, 3, str((X, t)))

        for i in range(25):
            k = random.randint(1, pcfg.MAX_ALLOWED)
            lhs = random.choice(vd.G.keys())
            e = vd.encode_vault_size(lhs, k)
            self.assertEqual(vd.decode_vault_size(lhs, e), k, "VaultSizeDecodingError:"\
              " Expecting: {} for (lhs: {}, e:{}), but decoded to: {}"\
              .format(k, lhs, e, vd.decode_vault_size(lhs, e)))
예제 #12
 def encode_rule(self, l, r):
     rhs_dict = self.G[l]
         i = rhs_dict.keys().index(r)
         if DEBUG:
             c = rhs_dict.keys()[i]
             assert c==r, "The index is wrong"
     except ValueError:
         print "'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}', rhs_dict: {})".format(r, l, self.G[l])
         raise ValueError
     l_pt = sum(rhs_dict.values()[:i])
     r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r]-1
     return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt,r_pt),
예제 #13
파일: pcfg.py 프로젝트: edithli/nocrack
 def encode_rule(self, l, r):
     rhs_dict = self.G[l]
         i = rhs_dict.keys().index(r)
         if DEBUG:
             c = rhs_dict.keys()[i]
             assert c==r, "The index is wrong"
     except ValueError:
         print "'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}', rhs_dict: {})".format(r, l, self.G[l])
         raise ValueError
     l_pt = sum(rhs_dict.values()[:i])
     r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r]-1
     return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt,r_pt),
예제 #14
파일: pcfg.py 프로젝트: 00Dav/nocrack
    def encode_rule(self, l, r):
        rhs_dict = self.G[l]
            i = list(rhs_dict.keys()).index(r)
            if DEBUG:
                c = list(rhs_dict.keys())[i]
                assert c == r, "The index is wrong"
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}')".format(r, l))
        l_pt = sum(list(rhs_dict.values())[:i])
        r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r] - 1
        assert l_pt <= r_pt, "Rule with zero freq! rhs_dict[{}] =  {} (l={})\n{}"\
            .format(r, rhs_dict, l, self.G)

        return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt, r_pt), rhs_dict['__total__'])
예제 #15
 def generate_random_password(self, size=10):
     Generates random password of given size
     it ensures -
     1 uppercase
     1 lowercase
     1 digit
     1 punc
     P = [random.choice(s) for s in self.must_set]
               for n in range(size - len(self.must_set))])
     n = random.randint(0, MAX_INT)
     password = self.decode2string(n, P)
     return password
예제 #16
파일: pcfg.py 프로젝트: rchatterjee/nocrack
    def encode_rule(self, l, r):
        rhs_dict = self.G[l]
            i = list(rhs_dict.keys()).index(r)
            if DEBUG:
                c = list(rhs_dict.keys())[i]
                assert c == r, "The index is wrong"
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}')"
                             .format(r, l))
        l_pt = sum(list(rhs_dict.values())[:i])
        r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r] - 1
        assert l_pt <= r_pt, "Rule with zero freq! rhs_dict[{}] =  {} (l={})\n{}"\
            .format(r, rhs_dict, l, self.G)

        return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt, r_pt),
예제 #17
    def generate_and_encode_password(self, size=10):
        Generates and encodes a password of size @size.
        first choose size+1 random numbers, where first one is to encode the length,
        and the rest are to encode the passwords  
        assert size<self.MAX_ALLOWED, "Size of asked password={}, which is bigger"\
            "than supported {}".format(size, self.MAX_ALLOWED)
        size = max(size, self.MIN_PW_LENGTH)

        N = random.randints(0, MAX_INT, size+1) 
        N[0] +=  (size - self.MIN_PW_LENGTH) - N[0] % (self.MAX_ALLOWED-self.MIN_PW_LENGTH) # s.t., N[0] % MAX_ALLOWED = size

        P = [s[N[i+1]%len(s)] for i,s in enumerate(self.must_set)] # must set characters

        P.extend(self.All[n%len(self.All)] for n in N[len(self.must_set)+1:])
        n = random.randint(0, MAX_INT) 
        password = self.decode2string(n, P)
        extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(N);
        N.extend([convert2group(0,1) for x in range(extra)])
        return password, N
예제 #18
 def get_random_for_this(c, arr):
     i = arr.index(c)
     n = len(arr)
     return random.randint(0, MAX_INT / n) * n + t