예제 #1
def enqueue_image(uri, img):
    if isinstance(img, str):
        img = cv2.imread(img)
        if img is None:
            print("You have pushed an image with path: ", img,
                  "the path is invalid, skipped.")

    # force resize here to avoid input image shape inconsistent
    # if the shape is consistent, it would not affect the data
    img = helper.resize_image(img, settings.IMAGE_HEIGHT, settings.IMAGE_WIDTH)
    data = cv2.imencode(".jpg", img)[1]

    img_encoded = helper.base64_encode_image(data)

    d = {"uri": uri, "image": img_encoded}

    inf = DB.info()

        if inf['used_memory'] >= inf['maxmemory'] * settings.input_threshold:
            raise redis.exceptions.ConnectionError
        DB.xadd("image_stream", d)
        print("Write to Redis successful")
    except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        print("Redis queue is full, please wait for inference "
              "or delete the unprocessed records.")

    except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
        print(e, "Redis memory is full, please dequeue or delete.")
예제 #2
def predict():
    #initialize data object
    data = {"success": False}

    #ensure an image was property
    if flask.request.method == 'POST':
        if flask.request.files.get("image"):
            image = flask.request.files['image'].read()
            image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image))
            image = prepare_image(
                image, (settings.IMAGE_WIDTH, settings.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
            image = image.copy(order="C")
            k = str(uuid.uuid4())
            image = helper.base64_encode_image(image)
            d = {"id": k, "image": image}
            db.rpush(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, json.dumps(d))
            while True:
                output = db.get(k)
                if output is not None:
                    output = output.decode("utf-8")
                    data["predictions"] = json.loads(output)
            data["success"] = True
    return flask.jsonify(data)
예제 #3
def image_enqueue_as_stream(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as imageFile:
        # generate an ID for the classification then add the
        # classification ID + image to the queue
        k = str(uuid.uuid4())
        image = helper.base64_encode_image(imageFile.read())
        d = {"id": str(k), "path": image_path, "image": image}
        DB.xadd(settings.IMAGE_STREAMING, d)
예제 #4
def image_enqueue(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as imageFile:
        # generate an ID for the classification then add the
        # classification ID + image to the queue
        k = str(uuid.uuid4())
        image = helper.base64_encode_image(imageFile.read())
        d = {"id": k, "path": image_path, "image": image}
        DB.rpush(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, json.dumps(d))
def predict():
	# initialize the data dictionary that will be returned from the
	# view
	data = {"success": False}
	# ensure an image was properly uploaded to our endpoint
	if flask.request.method == "POST":
		if flask.request.files.get("image"):
			# read the image in PIL format and prepare it for
			# classification
			image = flask.request.files["image"].read()
			image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image))
			image = prepare_image(image, (settings.IMAGE_WIDTH, settings.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
			# ensure our NumPy array is C-contiguous as well,
			# otherwise we won't be able to serialize it
			image = image.copy(order="C")
			# generate an ID for the classification then add the
			# classification ID + image to the queue
			k = str(uuid.uuid4())
			d = {"id": k, "image": helper.base64_encode_image(image)}
			db.rpush(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, json.dumps(d))
    			# keep looping until our model server returns the output
			# predictions
			while True:
				# attempt to grab the output predictions
				output = db.get(k)
				# check to see if our model has classified the input
				# image
				if output is not None:
 					# add the output predictions to our data
 					# dictionary so we can return it to the client
					output = output.decode("utf-8")
					data["predictions"] = json.loads(output)
					# delete the result from the database and break
					# from the polling loop
				# sleep for a small amount to give the model a chance
				# to classify the input image
			# indicate that the request was a success
			data["success"] = True
	# return the data dictionary as a JSON response
	return flask.jsonify(data)