예제 #1
 def filterload(self, flag=1):
     payload = encode_varint(self.size)
     payload += bit_field_to_bytes(self.bit_field)
     payload += int_to_little_endian(self.function_count, 4)
     payload += int_to_little_endian(self.tweak, 4)
     # The matched item flag is used to tell the full node to add any matched transactions to the bloom filter.
     payload += int_to_little_endian(flag, 1)
     # filterload is the command used to set the bloom filter.
     return GenericMessage(b'filterload', payload)
예제 #2
 def test_exercise_1(self):
     field_size = 10
     function_count = 5
     tweak = 99
     items = (b'Hello World', b'Goodbye!')
     bit_field_size = field_size * 8
     bit_field = [0] * bit_field_size
     for item in items:
         for i in range(function_count):
             seed = i * BIP37_CONSTANT + tweak
             h = murmur3(item, seed=seed)
             bit = h % bit_field_size
             bit_field[bit] = 1
         bit_field_to_bytes(bit_field).hex(), '4000600a080000010940')
예제 #3
 def filter_bytes(self):
     return bit_field_to_bytes(self.bit_field)