예제 #1
def site_install(path, db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name):
    """Install a fresh Drupal site

    Use Drush to setup the Drupal structure in database

        path: Directory of the website
        db_user: Database user to use when creating and running the Drupal site
        db_pass: That user's password
        db_host: Database host
        db_name: Database name
    db_url = 'mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name)
    warning = """
WARNING: This is an inherently insecure method for interacting with the
database since the database password will be written to the command line
and will be visible to anyone who can access the .mysql_history. Additionally,
while this command is being run the password is exposed to anyone who can run
the ps command on the server. Unfortunately this is the only method that
Drush currently supports.

Do you still wish to proceed?

    with cd(path):
        run("drush site-install standard --db-url=%s --account-name=%s\
            --account-pass=%s" % (db_url, 'admin', 'admin'))
예제 #2
def site_install(path, db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name):
    """Install a fresh Drupal site

    Use Drush to setup the Drupal structure in database

        path: Directory of the website
        db_user: Database user to use when creating and running the Drupal site
        db_pass: That user's password
        db_host: Database host
        db_name: Database name
    db_url = 'mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name)
    warning = """
WARNING: This is an inherently insecure method for interacting with the
database since the database password will be written to the command line
and will be visible to anyone who can access the .mysql_history. Additionally,
while this command is being run the password is exposed to anyone who can run
the ps command on the server. Unfortunately this is the only method that
Drush currently supports.

Do you still wish to proceed?

    with cd(path):
        run("drush site-install standard --db-url=%s --account-name=%s\
            --account-pass=%s" % (db_url, 'admin', 'admin'))
예제 #3
def dev_site(live_path,
    """Create a dev site by copying an existing live site

        live_path: The path to the operational live site
        dev_parent: Parent directory where the dev site will be created
        dev_name: Directory name for the dev site
        dev_db_name: Name of the database that will be created for the dev site
        base_url: Base URL value to write in the dev settings.php file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in settings.php
            ( default=None )
        rewrite_base: RewriteBase value to write in the dev .htaccess file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in .htaccess
            ( default=None )

        $ fab dev_site:'/path/to/live/site',\
        > '/path/to/dev/parent','develop','drupal_dev_01',\
        > 'http://dev.example.com/develop','/develop'
    with mute():
        remote = git.get_remote_url(live_path)
    dev_path = '%s/%s' % (dev_parent, dev_name)
    if exists(dev_path):
        warning = """
A folder already exists at your destination path.

Do you wish to overwrite it?

    with mute():
        run('rm -rf %s' % dev_path)
        with cd(dev_parent):
            run('git clone %s %s' % (remote, dev_name))

    with cd(dev_path):
        run('git fetch')
        run('git branch')

        # Determinine a branching strategy
        strategy_prompt = """
How would you like to create your dev site:
1) Use an existing Git branch
2) Create a new Git branch
        strategy = prompt(strategy_prompt,

        # Checkout an existing branch
        if strategy == '1':
            branch_prompt = """
Which existing branch would you like to use for this dev site?
            # TODO - add validation
            dev_branch = prompt(branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout %s' % dev_branch)
            run('git pull origin %s' % dev_branch)

        # Create new branch
        if strategy == '2':
            start_branch_prompt = """
Which branch should we use to start from?
            start_branch = prompt(start_branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout %s' % start_branch)
            dev_branch_prompt = """
What would like to name the new dev branch?
            dev_branch = prompt(dev_branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout -b %s' % dev_branch)
예제 #4
def vanilla_site(parent, name, db_name, base_url=None, rewrite_base=None):
    """Setup a complete, vanilla Drupal install

    Download Drupal, configure the settings.php database file, configure
    the .htaccess file, and then populate the database with the default
    Drupal structure.

        parent: Parent directory where the site will be created
        name: Directory name for the site
        db_name: Name of the database that will be created for this site
        base_url: Base URL value to write in the settings.php file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in settings.php
            ( default=None )
        rewrite_base: RewriteBase value to write in the .htaccess file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in .htaccess
            ( default=None )

        $ fab -H vanilla_site:'/path/to/web/dir',\
        > 'vanilla','drupal_vanilla'

        Will create a site at /path/to/web/dir/vanilla on your local machine.
        It will create a database called drupal_vanilla, populating with with
        the base Drupal tables.

        $ fab -H example.com vanilla_site:'/var/www/html,'special',\
        > 'drupal_dev_01','http://www.example.com/special','/special'

        Will create a site at http://example.com/special with the appropriate
        Apache config options to make it work in a sub-directory. Results
        will depend on your Apache configuration.

    # TODO check for trailing slash
    path = parent + '/' + name

    print header("Checking dependencies")
    if exists(path):
        warning = """
A folder already exists at your destination path.

Do you wish to overwrite?
        run("chmod -R u+w %s" % path)
        run("rm -rf %s" % path)

    if db.mysql_cnf_password_set():
        password = db.get_mysql_pass()
        print green("You're ready to build a Drupal site.")
        exit('No MySQL credentials were found. Quitting.')

    print header("Downloading Drupal.")
    download(parent, name)

    print header("Configuring the RewriteBase in the .htaccess file.")
    files.enable_rewrite_base(path, rewrite_base)

    print header("Making the files directory and a settings.php file")
    files.setup_settings(path, db_name)

    print header("Creating the database and loading Drupal structure.")
    site_install(path, 'bkennedy', password, '', db_name)

    with cd(path):

    print header("Your Drupal site is ready to go.")
예제 #5
def dev_site(live_path, dev_parent, dev_name, dev_db_name='',
             base_url='', rewrite_base=''):
    """Create a dev site by copying an existing live site

        live_path: The path to the operational live site
        dev_parent: Parent directory where the dev site will be created
        dev_name: Directory name for the dev site
        dev_db_name: Name of the database that will be created for the dev site
        base_url: Base URL value to write in the dev settings.php file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in settings.php
            ( default=None )
        rewrite_base: RewriteBase value to write in the dev .htaccess file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in .htaccess
            ( default=None )

        $ fab dev_site:'/path/to/live/site',\
        > '/path/to/dev/parent','develop','drupal_dev_01',\
        > 'http://dev.example.com/develop','/develop'
    with mute():
        remote = git.get_remote_url(live_path)
    dev_path = '%s/%s' % (dev_parent, dev_name)
    if exists(dev_path):
        warning = """
A folder already exists at your destination path.

Do you wish to overwrite it?

    with mute():
        run('rm -rf %s' % dev_path)
        with cd(dev_parent):
            run('git clone %s %s' % (remote, dev_name))

    with cd(dev_path):
        run('git fetch')
        run('git branch')

        # Determinine a branching strategy
        strategy_prompt = """
How would you like to create your dev site:
1) Use an existing Git branch
2) Create a new Git branch
        strategy = prompt(strategy_prompt,

        # Checkout an existing branch
        if strategy == '1':
            branch_prompt = """
Which existing branch would you like to use for this dev site?
            # TODO - add validation
            dev_branch = prompt(branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout %s' % dev_branch)
            run('git pull origin %s' % dev_branch)

        # Create new branch
        if strategy == '2':
            start_branch_prompt = """
Which branch should we use to start from?
            start_branch = prompt(start_branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout %s' % start_branch)
            dev_branch_prompt = """
What would like to name the new dev branch?
            dev_branch = prompt(dev_branch_prompt)
            run('git checkout -b %s' % dev_branch)
예제 #6
def vanilla_site(parent, name, db_name, base_url=None, rewrite_base=None):
    """Setup a complete, vanilla Drupal install

    Download Drupal, configure the settings.php database file, configure
    the .htaccess file, and then populate the database with the default
    Drupal structure.

        parent: Parent directory where the site will be created
        name: Directory name for the site
        db_name: Name of the database that will be created for this site
        base_url: Base URL value to write in the settings.php file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in settings.php
            ( default=None )
        rewrite_base: RewriteBase value to write in the .htaccess file.
            If left blank, this value will remain commented out in .htaccess
            ( default=None )

        $ fab -H vanilla_site:'/path/to/web/dir',\
        > 'vanilla','drupal_vanilla'

        Will create a site at /path/to/web/dir/vanilla on your local machine.
        It will create a database called drupal_vanilla, populating with with
        the base Drupal tables.

        $ fab -H example.com vanilla_site:'/var/www/html,'special',\
        > 'drupal_dev_01','http://www.example.com/special','/special'

        Will create a site at http://example.com/special with the appropriate
        Apache config options to make it work in a sub-directory. Results
        will depend on your Apache configuration.

    # TODO check for trailing slash
    path = parent + '/' + name

    print header("Checking dependencies")
    if exists(path):
        warning = """
A folder already exists at your destination path.

Do you wish to overwrite?
        run("chmod -R u+w %s" % path)
        run("rm -rf %s" % path)

    if db.mysql_cnf_password_set():
        password = db.get_mysql_pass()
        print green("You're ready to build a Drupal site.")
        exit('No MySQL credentials were found. Quitting.')

    print header("Downloading Drupal.")
    download(parent, name)

    print header("Configuring the RewriteBase in the .htaccess file.")
    files.enable_rewrite_base(path, rewrite_base)

    print header("Making the files directory and a settings.php file")
    files.setup_settings(path, db_name)

    print header("Creating the database and loading Drupal structure.")
    site_install(path, 'bkennedy', password, '', db_name)

    with cd(path):

    print header("Your Drupal site is ready to go.")