def merge_json(self): main_data = {} t = {'trip_analysis': load_json('trip_analysis.json')} a = {'area_analysis': load_json('area_analysis.json')} b = {'basic_info': load_json('basic_info.json')} m = {'monthly_consumption': load_json('monthly_consumption.json')} u = {'user_portrait': load_json('user_portrait.json')} c = {'call_log': load_json('call_log.json')} h = {'head_info': load_json('head_info.json')} main_data.update(t) main_data.update(a) main_data.update(b) main_data.update(m) main_data.update(u) main_data.update(c) main_data.update(h) for name in main_data: os.remove('json/' + name + '.json') dump_json('main.json', main_data) print('数据分析完成')
def monthly_consumption(self): monthly_consumption = [] data = load_json('basic_info.json') money_spent = data['monthly_consumption'] money_spent.insert(0, -1) for month in self.month_list: monthly_consumption_dict = { "call_cnt": 0, 'call_consumption': 0.00, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "month": month.strftime('%Y-%m'), "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } monthly_consumption.append(monthly_consumption_dict) i = 0 for dict_ in monthly_consumption: dict_['call_consumption'] = money_spent[i] i += 1 for call in self.call_list: if call[2][:7] == dict_['month']: add_call_detail(dict_, call) for msg in self.msg_list: if msg[0][:7] == dict_['month']: add_msg_detail(dict_, msg) data.pop('monthly_consumption') dump_json('basic_info.json', data) dump_json('monthly_consumption.json', monthly_consumption)
def total_time_rank(self): ranked_list = [] def search(phone): for item in ranked_list: if item['phone'] == phone: return False return True for call in self.call_list: if search(call[5]): ranked_list.append({ 'phone': call[5], 'talkMinutes': 0, 'callCnt': 0, 'calledCnt': 0, 'phoneLocation': call[7], 'identical': False, 'phoneInfo': '未知', 'phoneLabel': '未知' }) for number in ranked_list: if number['phone'] == call[5]: number['talkMinutes'] += call[3] if call[4] == '被叫': number['calledCnt'] += 1 elif call[4] == '主叫': number['callCnt'] += 1 # sort by minutes ranked_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['talkMinutes'], reverse=True) # total minutes for number in ranked_list: number['talkMinutes'] = round(number['talkMinutes'] / 60, 2) dump_json('total_time_rank.json', ranked_list)
def special_cate(self): special_cate = [] numtype = ['110', '120'] for num in numtype: special_cate_dict = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "cate": num, "month_detail": [], "msg_cnt": 0, "phone_detail": [], "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } special_cate.append(special_cate_dict) def add_special_cate(typestr, index): for call in self.call_list: if call[5] == typestr: special_cate[index]['talk_cnt'] += 1 if call[4] == '被叫': special_cate[index]['calledCnt'] += 1 special_cate[index]['called_seconds'] += call[3] elif call[4] == '主叫': special_cate[index]['callCnt'] += 1 special_cate[index]['call_seconds'] += call[3] add_special_cate('110', 0) add_special_cate('120', 1) dump_json('special_cate.json', special_cate)
def user_info(self): userinfo = { 'operator': "CHINAUNICOM", 'operator_zh': "中国联通", 'id_card_check': 0, 'name_check': 0, 'if_call_emergency1': 0, 'if_call_emergency2': 0, 'monthly_consumption': [], 'phone_location': '', 'phone':, 'ave_monthly_consumption': '' } self.driver.get( '' ) number_input = self.driver.find_element_by_id('inputNnumber') number_input.send_keys( number_input.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) time.sleep(2) userinfo['phone_location'] = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="addr"]').text self.driver.get( '') time.sleep(15) userinfo['id_card'] = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="userInfocontext"]/div[2]/div[1]/dl[3]/dd').text[7:18] userinfo['real_name'] = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="userInfocontext"]/div[2]/div[1]/dl[1]/dd').text userinfo['reg_date'] = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="numberContext"]/div[2]/div[2]/dl[1]/dd').text userinfo['reg_date'].replace('年', '-') userinfo['reg_date'].replace('月', '-') userinfo['reg_date'].replace('日', '-') self.driver.get( '' ) time.sleep(20) userinfo['current_balance'] = float( self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="userInfoContent"]/dl[2]/dd/i').text[:-2]) self.driver.get( '' ) time.sleep(10) total_spending = 0 i = 1 while i <= 6: self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="score_list_ul"]/li[{}]'.format(i)).click() time.sleep(10) try: text = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="historylistContext"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/table/tbody' ).text except: text = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="historylistContext"]/table/tbody').text text = float(re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", text.rstrip())[-1]) userinfo['monthly_consumption'].append(text) total_spending += text i += 1 print(total_spending) userinfo['ave_monthly_consumption'] = round(total_spending / 6, 2) dump_json('basic_info.json', userinfo)
def basic_info(self): user_detail = '{}'.format( unix_time) account_balance_page = '' account_balance = '{}' \ '&accessURL={}&type=onlyAccount'.format(unix_time, account_balance_page) basic_info = { 'operator': "CHINAUNICOM", 'operator_zh': "中国联通", 'id_card_check': 0, 'name_check': 0, 'if_call_emergency1': 0, 'if_call_emergency2': 0, 'monthly_consumption': [], 'phone_location': '', 'phone':, 'ave_monthly_consumption': '' } '{}'.format( unix_time)) r = d = json.loads(r.text) basic_info['id_card'] = d['userInfo']['certnum'] basic_info['real_name'] = d['userInfo']['custName'] print('获得姓名,身份证') r = d = json.loads(r.text) reg_date = d['userInfo']['openDate'] basic_info['reg_date'] = dateutil.parser.parse(reg_date).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') print('获得注册日期') r =, d = json.loads(r.text) if d['dto']['provinceName'] == d['dto']['cityName']: basic_info['phone_location'] = d['dto']['cityName'] else: basic_info['phone_location'] = d['dto']['provinceName'] + d['dto'][ 'cityName'] print('获得归属地') r = d = json.loads(r.text) basic_info['current_balance'] = d['acctbalance'] print('获得余额') r = d = json.loads(r.text) total = 0.00 print('正在获取月消费') for dct in d['accountPeriod']: r = queryHistoryBill.format(unix_time, account_history_url, dct['queryDate'])) try: spending = json.loads(r.text)['result']['writeofffee'] except: spending = json.loads(r.text)['payTotal'] total += float(spending) basic_info['monthly_consumption'].append(float(spending)) basic_info['ave_monthly_consumption'] = round( total / len(basic_info['monthly_consumption']), 2) print('获得月消费') dump_json('basic_info.json', basic_info)
def head_info(self): head_info = {'user_type': 1} curr_time = head_info['report_time'] = str(curr_time)[:19] dump_json('head_info.json', head_info)
def trip_analysis(self): gsd = load_json('basic_info.json')['phone_location'] trip_analysis = [] trip_location = set() calls_by_trip = {} for call in self.call_list: if gsd not in call[6]: trip_location.add(call[6]) if call[6] not in calls_by_trip: calls_by_trip[call[6]] = [] else: calls_by_trip[call[6]].append(call) msg_by_trip = {} for msg in self.msg_list: if gsd not in msg[-1] and msg[-1] != '': if msg[-1] not in msg_by_trip: msg_by_trip[msg[-1]] = [] else: msg_by_trip[msg[-1]].append(msg) for location in trip_location: trip_analysis_dict = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "detail": [], "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0, 'date_distribution': [], 'location': location } trip_analysis.append(trip_analysis_dict) for trip in trip_analysis: for location in calls_by_trip: if trip['location'] == location: date_distribution = set() for call in calls_by_trip[location]: date_distribution.add(call[2][:7]) add_call_detail(trip, call) trip['date_distribution'] = list(date_distribution) trip['date_distribution'].sort(reverse=True) try: for msg in msg_by_trip[location]: add_msg_detail(trip, msg) except KeyError: pass for month in trip['date_distribution']: detail = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "month": month, "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } trip['detail'].append(detail) for detail in trip['detail']: for call in calls_by_trip[location]: if call[2][:7] == month: add_call_detail(detail, call) try: for msg in msg_by_trip[location]: add_msg_detail(detail, msg) except KeyError: pass dump_json('trip_analysis.json', trip_analysis)
def area_analysis(self): prov_set = set() area_analysis = [] for call in self.call_list: for prov in province_dict: if prov in call[7]: prov_set.add(prov) for prov in prov_set: area_analysis_dict = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "detail": [], "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0, 'area': prov } area_analysis.append(area_analysis_dict) for area in area_analysis: month_set = set() for call in self.call_list: if area['area'] in call[7]: month_set.add(call[2][:7]) add_call_detail(area, call) for msg in self.msg_list: if area['area'] in msg[-1]: add_msg_detail(area, msg) for month in month_set: detail = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "month": month, "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } area['detail'].append(detail) area['detail'].sort(key=operator.itemgetter('month'), reverse=True) for detail in area['detail']: for call in self.call_list: if detail['month'] == call[2][:7] and area['area'] in call[ 7]: add_call_detail(detail, call) for msg in self.msg_list: if msg[0][:7] == detail['month'] and area['area'] in msg[ -1]: add_msg_detail(area, msg) area_analysis.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('talk_seconds'), reverse=True) dump_json('area_analysis.json', area_analysis)
def call_log(self): call_log = [] call_detail_by_number = {} msg_detail_by_number = {} for number in self.phone_list: call_log_dict = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "contact_1m": 0, "contact_1w": 0, "contact_3m": 0, "contact_afternoon": 0, "contact_early_morning": 0, "contact_eveing": 0, "contact_morning": 0, "contact_night": 0, "contact_noon": 0, "contact_weekday": 0, "contact_weekend": 0, "detail": [], "first_contact_date": "", "last_contact_date": "", "msg_cnt": 0, "phone": "", "phone_info": "未知", "phone_label": "未知", "phone_location": "", "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } call_log_dict['phone'] = number call_detail_by_number[number] = [] for call in self.call_list: if number == call[5]: add_call_detail(call_log_dict, call) call_detail_by_number[number].append(call) call_log_dict['phone_location'] = call[7] hour = int(call[2][11:13]) if time_in_range(23, 5, hour): call_log_dict['contact_early_morning'] += 1 elif time_in_range(5, 9, hour): call_log_dict['contact_morning'] += 1 elif time_in_range(9, 12, hour): call_log_dict['contact_noon'] += 1 elif time_in_range(12, 18, hour): call_log_dict['contact_afternoon'] += 1 elif time_in_range(18, 21, hour): call_log_dict['contact_eveing'] += 1 elif time_in_range(21, 23, hour): call_log_dict['contact_night'] += 1 call_log.append(call_log_dict) for number in self.msg_phone_list: msg_detail_by_number[number] = [] for msg in self.msg_list: for log in call_log: if msg[3] == log['phone']: msg_detail_by_number[msg[3]] = msg add_msg_detail(log, msg) for log in call_log: call_date = [] for number in call_detail_by_number: if number == log['phone']: log['first_contact_date'] = call_detail_by_number[number][ 0][2] log['last_contact_date'] = call_detail_by_number[number][ 0][2] for call in call_detail_by_number[number]: day = dateutil.parser.parse(call[2][:-9]) weekday = day.weekday() call_date.append(day.toordinal()) if 1 <= weekday <= 5: log['contact_weekday'] += 1 elif 6 <= weekday <= 7: log['contact_weekend'] += 1 latest = call_date[-1] for day in call_date: if day >= latest - 7: log['contact_1w'] += 1 if day >= latest - 30: log['contact_1m'] += 1 if day >= latest - 90: log['contact_3m'] += 1 for number in call_detail_by_number: month_set = set() for call in call_detail_by_number[number]: month_set.add(call[2][:7]) for log in call_log: if log['phone'] == number: # add month detail for month in month_set: detail = { "call_cnt": 0, "call_seconds": 0, "called_cnt": 0, "called_seconds": 0, "month": '', "msg_cnt": 0, "receive_cnt": 0, "send_cnt": 0, "talk_cnt": 0, "talk_seconds": 0, "unknown_cnt": 0 } detail['month'] = month log['detail'].append(detail) log['detail'].sort(key=operator.itemgetter('month'), reverse=True) for log in call_log: for detail in log['detail']: for number in call_detail_by_number: for call in call_detail_by_number[number]: if call[2][:7] == detail['month']: add_call_detail(detail, call) try: for msg in msg_detail_by_number[number]: if msg[0][:7] == detail['month']: add_msg_detail(log, msg) except KeyError: pass call_log.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('talk_seconds'), reverse=True) dump_json('call_log.json', call_log)
def user_portrait(self): user_portrait = { 'active_days': { 'end_day': '', 'start_day': '', 'stop_3_days': 0, 'stop_3_days_detail': [], 'stop_days': 0, 'stop_days_detail': [], 'total_days': 0 }, 'both_call_cnt': 0, 'content_distribution': {}, 'night_activity_ratio': 0.00, 'night_msg_ratio': 0 } date_list = [] total_date_list = [] call_hour_list = [] msg_hour_list = [] location_list = [] call_status = {} for call in self.call_list: date_list.append(call[2][:-9]) call_hour_list.append(int(call[2][11:13])) location_list.append(call[7]) for msg in self.msg_list: msg_hour_list.append(int(msg[0][11:13])) prov_counter = collections.Counter(location_list) mc = prov_counter.most_common(1)[0] user_portrait['content_distribution'] = { 'location': mc[0], 'ratio': round(mc[1] * 100 / len(self.call_list), 2) } date_list.sort() user_portrait['active_days']['end_day'] = date_list[-1] user_portrait['active_days']['start_day'] = date_list[0] for month in self.month_list: num_days = calendar.monthrange(month.year, month.month)[1] total_date_list.extend([, month.month, day).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for day in range(1, num_days + 1) ]) stop_days_detail = list(set(total_date_list) - set(date_list)) stop_days_detail.sort() user_portrait['active_days']['stop_days_detail'] = stop_days_detail user_portrait['active_days']['stop_days'] = len(stop_days_detail) stop_date_ints = list(gen_date_int(stop_days_detail)) # live_date_ints = list(gen_date_int(date_list)) stop_3_days_detail = set() for date_int in stop_date_ints: if date_int + 1 and date_int + 2 in stop_date_ints: user_portrait['active_days']['stop_3_days'] += 1 stop_3_days_detail.add(date_int) stop_3_days_detail = list(stop_3_days_detail) # stop_3_days_detail[-1] += 2 for date_int in stop_3_days_detail: day = nextday = + 2) user_portrait['active_days']['stop_3_days_detail'].append( '{} - {}'.format(day, nextday)) def hour_ratio(lst): hours = 0 for hour in lst: if hour >= 23 or hour <= 5: hours += 1 return hours call_night_hours = hour_ratio(call_hour_list) msg_night_hours = hour_ratio(msg_hour_list) user_portrait['night_activity_ratio'] = round( call_night_hours * 100 / len(call_hour_list), 2) user_portrait['night_msg_ratio'] = round( msg_night_hours * 100 / len(msg_hour_list), 2) user_portrait['active_days']['total_days'] = dateutil.parser.parse( date_list[-1]).toordinal() - dateutil.parser.parse( date_list[0]).toordinal() for number in self.phone_list: call_status[number] = {'call': False, 'called': False} for call in call_status: for item in self.call_list: if call == item[5]: if item[4] == '被叫': call_status[call]['called'] = True elif item[4] == '主叫': call_status[call]['call'] = True for number in call_status: if call_status[number]['called'] is True and call_status[number][ 'call'] is True: user_portrait['both_call_cnt'] += 1 dump_json('user_portrait.json', user_portrait)