예제 #1
def run():
    NUM_POINT = FLAGS.num_point

    if not use_noise_data:
        templates = helper.loadData(FLAGS.data_dict)
        pairs = helper.read_pairs(FLAGS.data_dict, FLAGS.pairs_file)
        templates, sources = helper.read_noise_data(FLAGS.data_dict)
        # templates = helper.loadData(FLAGS.data_dict)
    eval_poses = helper.read_poses(
        FLAGS.eval_poses)  # Read all the poses data for evaluation.
    eval_poses = eval_poses[0:1, :]
    num_batches = eval_poses.shape[0]

    TIME, ITR, Trans_Err, Rot_Err = [], [], [], []
    idxs_5_5, idxs_10_1, idxs_20_2 = [], [], []

    counter = 0
    for fn, gt_pose in enumerate(eval_poses):
        if fn > 0:
        if not use_noise_data:
            # template_idx = pairs[fn,1]
            template_idx = 0
            M_given = templates[template_idx, :, :]
            S_given = helper.apply_transformation(M_given.reshape((1, -1, 3)),
                                                  gt_pose.reshape((1, 6)))[0]
            M_given = templates[fn, :, :]
            S_given = sources[fn, :, :]

        # M_given = np.loadtxt('template_car_itr.txt')
        # S_given = np.loadtxt('source_car_itr.txt')
        # helper.display_clouds_data(M_given)
        # helper.display_clouds_data(S_given)

        # To generate point cloud for Xueqian: For CAD model figures
        # gt_pose = np.array([[0.5,0.2,0.4,40*(np.pi/180),20*(np.pi/180),30*(np.pi/180)]])
        # templates = helper.loadData('unseen_data')
        # gt_pose = np.array([[-0.3,-0.7,0.4,-34*(np.pi/180),31*(np.pi/180),-27*(np.pi/180)]])
        # gt_pose = np.array([[0.5929,-0.0643,-0.961,0.4638,-0.3767,-0.6253]])
        # M_given = templates[48,:,:]
        # S_given = helper.apply_transformation(M_given.reshape(1,-1,3),gt_pose)
        # S_given = helper.add_noise(S_given)
        # S_given = S_given[0]

        M_given = M_given[0:NUM_POINT, :]  # template data
        S_given = S_given[0:NUM_POINT, :]  # source data

        tree_M = KDTree(M_given)
        tree_M_sampled = KDTree(M_given[0:100, :])

        final_pose, model_data, sensor_data, predicted_data, _, time_elapsed, itr = icp.icp_test(
            S_given[0:100, :], M_given,
            tree_M, M_given[0:100, :], tree_M_sampled, S_given,
            gt_pose.reshape((1, 6)), 100, FLAGS.threshold)
        translation_error, rotational_error = find_errors(
            gt_pose[0], final_pose[0])
        print(translation_error, rotational_error)


        if rotational_error < 20 and translation_error < 0.2:
            if rotational_error < 10 and translation_error < 0.1:
                if rotational_error < 5 and translation_error < 0.05:

        print('Batch: {}, Iterations: {}, Time: {}'.format(
            counter, itr, time_elapsed))
        # counter += 1

        # helper.display_three_clouds(M_given, S_given, predicted_data, "")
        # np.savetxt('template_piano.txt',M_given)
        # np.savetxt('source_piano.txt',S_given)
        # np.savetxt('predicted_piano.txt',predicted_data)

    log = {
        'TIME': TIME,
        'ITR': ITR,
        'Trans_Err': Trans_Err,
        'Rot_Err': Rot_Err,
        'idxs_5_5': idxs_5_5,
        'idxs_10_1': idxs_10_1,
        'idxs_20_2': idxs_20_2,
        'num_batches': num_batches

    helper.log_test_results(FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.filename, log)
예제 #2
def eval_network(sess, ops, templates, poses, pairs):
    # Arguments:
    # sess: 		Tensorflow session to handle tensors.
    # ops:			Dictionary for tensors of Network
    # templates:	Training Point Cloud data.
    # poses: 		Training pose data.

    is_training = False
    display_ptClouds = False
    display_poses = False
    display_poses_in_itr = False
    display_ptClouds_in_itr = False

    loss_sum = 0  # Total Loss in each batch.
    num_batches = int(poses.shape[0] /
                      BATCH_SIZE)  # Number of batches in an epoch.
    print('Number of batches to be executed: {}'.format(num_batches))

    # Store time taken, no of iterations, translation error and rotation error for registration.
    TIME, ITR, Trans_Err, Rot_Err = [], [], [], []
    idxs_5_5, idxs_10_1, idxs_20_2 = [], [], []

    if FLAGS.use_noise_data:
        templates, sources = helper.read_noise_data(FLAGS.data_dict)
        print(templates.shape, sources.shape)

    for fn in range(num_batches):
        start_idx = fn * BATCH_SIZE  # Start index of poses.
        end_idx = (fn + 1) * BATCH_SIZE  # End index of poses.

        if FLAGS.use_noise_data:
            template_data = np.copy(templates[fn, :, :]).reshape(
                1, -1, 3)  # As template_data is changing.
            source_data = np.copy(sources[fn, :, :]).reshape(1, -1, 3)
            batch_euler_poses = poses[
                start_idx:end_idx]  # Extract poses for batch training.
            # template_idx = pairs[fn,1]
            template_data = np.copy(templates[0, :, :]).reshape(
                1, -1, 3)  # As template_data is changing.

            batch_euler_poses = poses[
                start_idx:end_idx]  # Extract poses for batch training.
            source_data = helper.apply_transformation(
                template_data, batch_euler_poses
            )  # Apply the poses on the templates to get source data.

        template_data = template_data[:, 0:NUM_POINT, :]
        source_data = source_data[:, 0:NUM_POINT, :]

        # Just to visualize the data.
        TEMPLATE_DATA = np.copy(
            template_data)  # Store the initial template to visualize results.
        SOURCE_DATA = np.copy(
            source_data)  # Store the initial source to visualize results.

        # Subtract the Centroids from the Point Clouds.
        if centroid_subtraction_switch:
            source_data = source_data - np.mean(
                source_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
            template_data = template_data - np.mean(
                template_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        # To visualize the source and point clouds:
        if display_ptClouds:

        TRANSFORMATIONS = np.identity(
            4)  # Initialize identity transformation matrix.
            BATCH_SIZE, 4,
            4)  # Intialize identity matrices of size equal to batch_size

        # previous_pose = np.array([0,0,0,1,0,0,0])
        previous_T = np.eye(4)

        start = time.time()  # Log start time.
        # Iterations for pose refinement.
        for loop_idx in range(MAX_LOOPS):
            for network_itr in range(7):
                # Feed the placeholders of Network19 with template data and source data.
                feed_dict = {
                    ops['source_pointclouds_pl']: source_data,
                    ops['template_pointclouds_pl']: template_data,
                    ops['is_training_pl']: is_training
                predicted_transformation = sess.run(
                    [ops['predicted_transformation']], feed_dict=feed_dict
                )  # Ask the network to predict the pose.

                # Apply the transformation on the source data and multiply it to transformation matrix obtained in previous iteration.
                TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data = helper.transformation_quat2mat(
                    predicted_transformation, TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data)

                # Display Results after each iteration.
                if display_poses_in_itr:
                    print(predicted_transformation[0, 0:3])
                    print(predicted_transformation[0, 3:7] * (180 / np.pi))
                if display_ptClouds_in_itr:

            # Feed the placeholders of Network_L with source data and template data obtained from N-Iterations.
            feed_dict = {
                ops['source_pointclouds_pl']: source_data,
                ops['template_pointclouds_pl']: template_data,
                ops['is_training_pl']: is_training

            # Ask the network to predict transformation, calculate loss using distance between actual points.
            predicted_transformation = sess.run(
                [ops['predicted_transformation']], feed_dict=feed_dict)

            # Apply the final transformation on the source data and multiply it with the transformation matrix obtained from N-Iterations.
            TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data = helper.transformation_quat2mat(
                predicted_transformation, TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data)

            if check_convergenceT(previous_T, TRANSFORMATIONS[0]):
                previous_T = np.copy(TRANSFORMATIONS[0])
        end = time.time()  # Log end time.

        final_pose = helper.find_final_pose_inv(
        )  # Find the final pose (translation, orientation (euler angles in degrees)) from transformation matrix.
                   0:3] = final_pose[0, 0:3] + np.mean(SOURCE_DATA, axis=1)[0]

        translation_error, rotational_error = find_errors(
            batch_euler_poses[0], final_pose[0])

        TIME.append(end - start)
        ITR.append(loop_idx + 1)

        if rotational_error < 20 and translation_error < 0.2:
            if rotational_error < 10 and translation_error < 0.1:
                if rotational_error < 5 and translation_error < 0.05:

        # Display the ground truth pose and predicted pose for first Point Cloud in batch
        if display_poses:
            print('Ground Truth Position: {}'.format(
                batch_euler_poses[0, 0:3].tolist()))
            print('Predicted Position: {}'.format(final_pose[0, 0:3].tolist()))
            print('Ground Truth Orientation: {}'.format(
                (batch_euler_poses[0, 3:6] * (180 / np.pi)).tolist()))
            print('Predicted Orientation: {}'.format(
                (final_pose[0, 3:6] * (180 / np.pi)).tolist()))

        # Display Loss Value.
        # helper.display_three_clouds(TEMPLATE_DATA[0],SOURCE_DATA[0],template_data[0],"")
        print("Batch: {} & time: {}, iteration: {}".format(
            fn, end - start, loop_idx + 1))

    log = {
        'TIME': TIME,
        'ITR': ITR,
        'Trans_Err': Trans_Err,
        'Rot_Err': Rot_Err,
        'idxs_5_5': idxs_5_5,
        'idxs_10_1': idxs_10_1,
        'idxs_20_2': idxs_20_2,
        'num_batches': num_batches

    helper.log_test_results(FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.filename, log)
def eval_network(sess, ops, templates, poses):
	# Arguments:
	# sess: 		Tensorflow session to handle tensors.
	# ops:			Dictionary for tensors of Network
	# templates:	Training Point Cloud data.
	# poses: 		Training pose data.

	is_training = False
	display_ptClouds = False
	display_poses = False
	display_poses_in_itr = False
	display_ptClouds_in_itr = False

	loss_sum = 0											# Total Loss in each batch.
	# print(int(poses.shape[0]/BATCH_SIZE))
	# print(int(len(templates)/BATCH_SIZE))
	# poses = poses[:1000]
	num_batches = int(poses.shape[0]/BATCH_SIZE) # Number of batches in an epoch.
	indx = np.arange(0,len(templates))
	while len(indx)<poses.shape[0]:
		indx = np.concatenate([indx, indx], 0)
	# num_batches = int(len(templates)/BATCH_SIZE)
	# exit()
	print('Number of batches to be executed: {}'.format(num_batches))

	# Store time taken, no of iterations, translation error and rotation error for registration.
	TIME, ITR, Trans_Err, Rot_Err = [], [], [], []
	idxs_25_5, idxs_5_5, idxs_10_1, idxs_20_2 = [], [], [], []

	if FLAGS.use_noise_data:
		templates, sources = helper.read_noise_data(FLAGS.data_dict)
		print(templates.shape, sources.shape)

	TE = np.zeros([MAX_LOOPS+1,num_batches]) #translation error
	RE = np.zeros([MAX_LOOPS+1,num_batches]) #rotation error
	CE = np.zeros([MAX_LOOPS+1,num_batches]) #convergence error
	Failures = []
	ques = np.zeros([MAX_LOOPS,7,num_batches])
	for fn in range(num_batches):
		start_idx = fn*BATCH_SIZE 			# Start index of poses.
		end_idx = (fn+1)*BATCH_SIZE 		# End index of poses.
			template_data = np.copy(templates[indx[fn], :, :]).reshape(1, -1, 3)
			batch_euler_poses = poses[start_idx:end_idx]  # Extract poses for batch training.
			template_data,source_data = helper.split_template_source(template_data,batch_euler_poses,NUM_POINT,centroid_subtraction_switch=False,ADD_NOISE=FLAGS.use_noise_data,S_RAND_POINTS=S_RAND_POINTS,SPARSE=SPARSE_SAMPLING)
			if FLAGS.use_noise_data:
				template_data = np.copy(templates[fn,:,:]).reshape(1,-1,3)				# As template_data is changing.
				source_data = np.copy(sources[fn,:,:]).reshape(1,-1,3)
				batch_euler_poses = poses[start_idx:end_idx]			# Extract poses for batch training.
				# template_idx = pairs[fn,1]
				template_data = np.copy(templates[indx[fn],:,:]).reshape(1,-1,3)				# As template_data is changing.

				batch_euler_poses = poses[start_idx:end_idx]			# Extract poses for batch training.
				# print(batch_euler_poses)
				if template_random_pose:
					template_data = helper.apply_transformation(template_data, batch_euler_poses / 2)
					template_data = template_data - np.mean(template_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
				source_data = helper.apply_transformation(template_data, batch_euler_poses)		# Apply the poses on the templates to get source data.

			# SOURCE_DATA = np.copy(source_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]) #movement is calculated from initial pose

			if np.random.random_sample()<S_RAND_POINTS:
				template_data = helper.select_random_points(template_data, NUM_POINT)
				source_data = helper.select_random_points(source_data, NUM_POINT)						# 50% probability that source data has different points than template
				template_data = template_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
				source_data = source_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
				template_data = template_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]

		# Just to visualize the data.
		TEMPLATE_DATA = np.copy(template_data)				# Store the initial template to visualize results.
		SOURCE_DATA = np.copy(source_data)					# Store the initial source to visualize results.

		# Subtract the Centroids from the Point Clouds.
		if centroid_subtraction_switch:
			# print(np.mean(source_data, axis=1, keepdims=True))
			T = np.mean(source_data, axis=1)
			print(np.mean(template_data, axis=1))
			print(np.mean(source_data, axis=1))
			source_data = source_data - np.mean(source_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
			# print(np.mean(template_data, axis=1, keepdims=True))
			# template_data = template_data - np.mean(template_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)

		if FLAGS.add_occlusions>0.0:
			source_data = helper.add_occlusions(source_data,FLAGS.add_occlusions)

		# exit()
		# To visualize the source and point clouds:
		if display_ptClouds:

		TRANSFORMATIONS = np.identity(4)				# Initialize identity transformation matrix.
		TRANSFORMATIONS = npm.repmat(TRANSFORMATIONS,BATCH_SIZE,1).reshape(BATCH_SIZE,4,4)		# Intialize identity matrices of size equal to batch_size

		# previous_pose = np.array([0,0,0,1,0,0,0])
		previous_T = np.eye(4)

		start = time.time()												# Log start time.
		# Iterations for pose refinement.
		translation_error, rotational_error, final_pose = get_error(TRANSFORMATIONS, SOURCE_DATA,
		TE[0, fn] = translation_error
		RE[0, fn] = rotational_error
		CE[0, fn] = 1
		for loop_idx in range(MAX_LOOPS):
			# for network_itr in range(7):
			# 	# Feed the placeholders of Network19 with template data and source data.
			# 	feed_dict = {ops['source_pointclouds_pl']: source_data,
			# 				 ops['template_pointclouds_pl']: template_data,
			# 				 ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}
			# 	predicted_transformation = sess.run([ops['predicted_transformation']], feed_dict=feed_dict)		# Ask the network to predict the pose.
			# 	# Apply the transformation on the source data and multiply it to transformation matrix obtained in previous iteration.
			# 	TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data = helper.transformation_quat2mat(predicted_transformation, TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data)
			# 	# Display Results after each iteration.
			# 	if display_poses_in_itr:
			# 		print(predicted_transformation[0,0:3])
			# 		print(predicted_transformation[0,3:7]*(180/np.pi))
			# 	if display_ptClouds_in_itr:
			# 		helper.display_clouds_data(template_data[0])

			# Feed the placeholders of Network_L with source data and template data obtained from N-Iterations.
			feed_dict = {ops['source_pointclouds_pl']: source_data,
						 ops['template_pointclouds_pl']: template_data,
						 ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}

			# Ask the network to predict transformation, calculate loss using distance between actual points.
			predicted_transformation = sess.run([ops['predicted_transformation']], feed_dict=feed_dict)

			# print(predicted_transformation)
			# Apply the final transformation on the source data and multiply it with the transformation matrix obtained from N-Iterations.
			TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data = helper.transformation_quat2mat(predicted_transformation, TRANSFORMATIONS, source_data)
			translation_error, rotational_error, final_pose = get_error(TRANSFORMATIONS, SOURCE_DATA,
			ck_con_T,convergence_error = check_convergenceT(previous_T, TRANSFORMATIONS[0])
			ques[loop_idx,:,fn] = np.squeeze(predicted_transformation)
			TE[loop_idx+1,fn] = translation_error
			RE[loop_idx+1,fn] = rotational_error
			CE[loop_idx+1,fn] = convergence_error

			if ck_con_T:
				# break
				print('converge iteration:',loop_idx)
				previous_T = np.copy(TRANSFORMATIONS[0])
			previous_T = np.copy(TRANSFORMATIONS[0])

		end = time.time()													# Log end time.

		# final_pose = helper.find_final_pose_inv(TRANSFORMATIONS)		# Find the final pose (translation, orientation (euler angles in degrees)) from transformation matrix.
		# final_pose[0,0:3] = final_pose[0,0:3] + np.mean(SOURCE_DATA, axis=1)[0]#\
		# 			 #- np.mean(TEMPLATE_DATA, axis=1)[0]
		# translation_error, rotational_error = find_errors(batch_euler_poses[0], final_pose[0])
		translation_error, rotational_error, final_pose = get_error(TRANSFORMATIONS, SOURCE_DATA, batch_euler_poses,T)


		if rotational_error<20 and translation_error<0.2:
			if rotational_error<10 and translation_error<0.1:
				if rotational_error<5 and translation_error<0.05:
					if rotational_error < 2.5:

		# if rotational_error>20:
		# 	Failures.append(fn)
		# 	helper.display_three_clouds(template_data[0],SOURCE_DATA[0],source_data[0], str(fn)+"_"+str(rotational_error))
		# 	print('added failure image')
		# else:
		# 	print(rotational_error)
		# Display the ground truth pose and predicted pose for first Point Cloud in batch 
		if display_poses:
			print('Ground Truth Position: {}'.format(batch_euler_poses[0,0:3].tolist()))
			print('Predicted Position: {}'.format(final_pose[0,0:3].tolist()))
			print('Ground Truth Orientation: {}'.format((batch_euler_poses[0,3:6]*(180/np.pi)).tolist()))
			print('Predicted Orientation: {}'.format((final_pose[0,3:6]*(180/np.pi)).tolist()))

		# Display Loss Value.
		# helper.display_three_clouds(TEMPLATE_DATA[0],SOURCE_DATA[0],template_data[0],"")
		print("Batch: {} & time: {}, iteration: {}".format(fn, end-start, loop_idx+1))

	plot_iter_graph(TE,FLAGS.log_dir,'translation error')
	plot_iter_graph(RE,FLAGS.log_dir,'rotation error')
	plot_iter_graph(CE,FLAGS.log_dir,'convergence error')

	log = {'TIME': TIME, 'ITR':ITR, 'Trans_Err': Trans_Err, 'Rot_Err': Rot_Err,'idxs_25_5':idxs_25_5, 'idxs_5_5': idxs_5_5, 'idxs_10_1': idxs_10_1, 'idxs_20_2': idxs_20_2, 'num_batches': num_batches}

	helper.log_test_results(FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.filename, log)
	hf = h5py.File(os.path.join(FLAGS.log_dir, 'log_data.h5'), 'w')
	hf.create_dataset('TE', data=TE)
	hf.create_dataset('RE', data=RE)
	hf.create_dataset('CE', data=CE)