def run(self): if (not self.document.pages): return FileHelper.writeToFile("{}-response.json".format(self.fileName), json.dumps(self.response)) print("Total Pages in Document: {}".format(len(self.document.pages))) p = 1 for page in self.document.pages: FileHelper.writeToFile( "{}-page-{}-response.json".format(self.fileName, p), json.dumps(page.blocks)) self._outputWords(page, p) self._outputText(page, p) if (self.forms): self._outputForm(page, p) self._outputFormTranslate(page, p) if (self.tables): self._outputTable(page, p) self._outputTablePretty(page, p) self._outputTablePrettyTranslate(page, p) p = p + 1
def _outputForm(self, page, p): csvData = [] for field in page.form.fields: csvItem = [] if (field.key): csvItem.append(field.key.text) csvItem.append(field.key.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") if (field.value): csvItem.append(field.value.text) csvItem.append(field.value.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") csvItem.append(field.boundingBox["Top"]) csvItem.append(field.boundingBox["Height"]) csvItem.append(field.boundingBox["Width"]) csvItem.append(field.boundingBox["Left"]) csvData.append(csvItem) csvFieldNames = [ 'Key', 'KeyConfidence', 'Value', 'ValueConfidence', "Top", "Height", "Width", "Left" ] FileHelper.writeCSV("{}-page-{}-forms.csv".format(self.fileName, p), csvFieldNames, csvData)
def _outputText(self, page, p): text = page.text FileHelper.writeToFile("{}-page-{}-text.txt".format(self.fileName, p), text) textInReadingOrder = page.getTextInReadingOrder() FileHelper.writeToFile( "{}-page-{}-text-inreadingorder.txt".format(self.fileName, p), textInReadingOrder)
def execute(self): arguments=self.arguments current_dir_path=os.getcwd() profile=self.config.get_selected_profile() def inject_app_id(file_path): FileHelper.search_replace_file(file_path, 'YOUR-USERAPP-APP-ID', profile['user']['app_id']) if profile['user']['token'] is None: if profile['user']['login'] is None: print("(info) Not authenticated. Please login" + ('' if profile['user']['login'] is None else ' login as user' + profile['user']['login']) + '.') UserAppLoginCommand([profile['user']['login']]).execute() profile=self.config.get_selected_profile() if len(arguments) > 1: app_name=arguments.pop(0) target_dir_path=current_dir_path+'/'+app_name if not os.path.exists(target_dir_path): os.makedirs(target_dir_path) frontend=arguments.pop(0) frontend_zip_url='{name}/frontend/userapp-{name}' backend_zip_url='{name}/backend/userapp-{name}' frontend_error = FileHelper.unzip_url(frontend_zip_url.format(name=frontend), target_dir_path + '/public') if frontend_error == 'invalid_url': print("(error) Frontend '"+frontend+"' does not exist.") return if frontend == 'angularjs': inject_app_id(target_dir_path + '/public/js/app.js') if len(arguments) > 0: backend=arguments.pop(0) backend_error = FileHelper.unzip_url(backend_zip_url.format(name=backend), target_dir_path) if backend_error == 'invalid_url': print("(error) Backend '"+backend+"' does not exist.") return if backend == 'nodejs': inject_app_id(target_dir_path + '/app.js') ProcessHelper.execute('sudo npm install', cwd=target_dir_path+'/') ProcessHelper.execute('nodejs app.js', block=False, wait=False, cwd=target_dir_path+'/') WebBrowserHelper.open_url('http://localhost:3000') else: print("(error) Please specify <dir name> <frontend> <backend>. E.g. 'init myapp angularjs nodejs'.")
def _outputTablePretty(self, page, p, table_format='github'): for table_number, table in enumerate(page.tables): rows_list = list() for row in table.rows: one_row = list() for cell in row.cells: one_row = one_row + [cell.text] rows_list.append(one_row) pretty_table = tabulate(rows_list, tablefmt=table_format) FileHelper.writeToFile( "{}-page-{}-table-{}-tables-pretty.txt".format( self.fileName, p, table_number), pretty_table)
def _outputWords(self, page, p): csvData = [] for line in page.lines: for word in line.words: csvItem = [] csvItem.append( if(word.text): csvItem.append(word.text) else: csvItem.append("") csvData.append(csvItem) csvFieldNames = ['Word-Id', 'Word-Text'] FileHelper.writeCSV("{}-page-{}-words.csv".format(self.fileName, p), csvFieldNames, csvData)
def processDocument(self, ips, i, document): print("\nTextracting Document # {}: {}".format(i, document)) print('=' * (len(document) + 30)) # Get document textracted dp = DocumentProcessor(ips["bucketName"], document, ips["awsRegion"], ips["text"], ips["forms"], ips["tables"]) response = print("Recieved Textract response...") #FileHelper.writeToFile("temp-response.json", json.dumps(response)) #Generate output files print("Generating output...") name, ext = FileHelper.getFileNameAndExtension(document) opg = OutputGenerator( response, os.path.join(ips["output"], "{}-{}".format(name, ext)), ips["forms"], ips["tables"]) if (ips["insights"] or ips["medical-insights"] or ips["translate"]): opg.generateInsights(ips["insights"], ips["medical-insights"], ips["translate"], ips["awsRegion"]) print("{} textracted successfully.".format(document))
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] documentsTable = request["documentsTable"] outputTable = request["outputTable"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"]: documentId = str(uuid.uuid1()) ds = datastore.DocumentStore(documentsTable, outputTable) ds.createDocument(documentId, bucketName, objectName) output = "Saved document {} for {}/{}".format(documentId, bucketName, objectName) print(output) return {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps(output)}
def processRequest(request): output = "" print(f"request: {request}") bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] documentsTable = request["documentsTable"] outputTable = request["outputTable"] print(f"Input Object: {bucketName}/{objectName}") ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print(f"Extension: {ext}") if(ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"]): documentId = str(uuid.uuid1()) ds = datastore.DocumentStore(documentsTable, outputTable) ds.createDocument(documentId, bucketName, objectName) output = f"Saved document {documentId} for {bucketName}/{objectName}" print(output) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(output) }
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) itemId = request["itemId"] bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if(ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]): qUrl = request['syncQueueUrl'] elif (ext in ["mov", "mp4"]): qUrl = request['asyncQueueUrl'] if(qUrl): jsonMessage = { 'itemId' : itemId, 'bucketName': bucketName, 'objectName' : objectName } client = AwsHelper().getClient('sqs') response = postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage) output = "Completed routing for itemId: {}, object: {}/{}".format(itemId, bucketName, objectName) print(output) return response
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] itemsTable = request["itemsTable"] outputBucket = request["outputBucket"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if (ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "mov", "mp4"]): itemId = str(uuid.uuid1()) ds = datastore.ItemStore(itemsTable) ds.createItem(itemId, bucketName, objectName) output = "Saved item {} for {}/{}".format(itemId, bucketName, objectName) print(output) return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(output)}
def _outputTable(self, page, p): csvData = [] for table in page.tables: csvRow = [] csvRow.append("Table") csvData.append(csvRow) for row in table.rows: csvRow = [] for cell in row.cells: csvRow.append(cell.text) csvData.append(csvRow) csvData.append([]) csvData.append([]) FileHelper.writeCSVRaw("{}-page-{}-tables.csv".format(self.fileName, p), csvData)
def run(): filePath = "temp-response.json" response = json.loads(FileHelper.readFile(filePath)) doc = Document(response) #print(doc) processDocument(doc)
def validateInput(self, args): event = self.getInputParameters(args) ips = {} if (not 'documents' in event): raise Exception( "Document or path to a foler or S3 bucket containing documents is required." ) inputDocument = event['documents'] idl = inputDocument.lower() bucketName = None documents = [] awsRegion = 'us-east-1' if (idl.startswith("s3://")): o = urlparse(inputDocument) bucketName = o.netloc path = o.path[1:] ar = S3Helper.getS3BucketRegion(bucketName) if (ar): awsRegion = ar if (idl.endswith("/")): allowedFileTypes = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"] documents = S3Helper.getFileNames(awsRegion, bucketName, path, 1, allowedFileTypes) else: documents.append(path) else: if (idl.endswith("/")): allowedFileTypes = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"] documents = FileHelper.getFileNames( inputDocument, allowedFileTypes) else: documents.append(inputDocument) if ('region' in event): awsRegion = event['region'] ips["bucketName"] = bucketName ips["documents"] = documents ips["awsRegion"] = awsRegion ips["text"] = ('text' in event) ips["forms"] = ('forms' in event) ips["tables"] = ('tables' in event) ips["insights"] = ('insights' in event) ips["medical-insights"] = ('medical-insights' in event) if ("translate" in event): ips["translate"] = event["translate"] else: ips["translate"] = "" return ips
def _getProjectPath(self): var = input("Enter your Project Path : ") print() try: if FileHelper.isFolder(var): self._projectPath = var else: opt = input("Folder Not Found! Do you want to Try To create? (y/n)") if opt=="y": FileHelper.createFolder(var) self._projectPath = var print("Folder Created!") else: raise Exception() except: print("\t\tInvalid Path") print() self._getProjectPath()
def run(): filePath = "temp-response.json" response = json.loads(FileHelper.readFile(filePath)) doc = Document(response) #print(doc) #traverseDocument(doc) generateOutput(filePath, response)
def _outputForm(self, page, p): csvData = [] for field in page.form.fields: csvItem = [] if(field.key): csvItem.append(field.key.text) csvItem.append(field.key.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") if(field.value): csvItem.append(field.value.text) csvItem.append(field.value.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") csvData.append(csvItem) csvFieldNames = ['Key', 'KeyConfidence', 'Value', 'ValueConfidence'] FileHelper.writeCSV("{}-forms.csv".format(self.fileName), csvFieldNames, csvData)
def processRequest(request): output = "" logger.debug("request: {}".format(request)) up = urlparse(request["s3uri"], allow_fragments=False) accountid = request["accountId"] jobid = request["jobId"] bucketName = up.netloc objectkey = up.path.lstrip('/') # choose the base path for iterating within the translated files for the specific job basePrefixPath = objectkey + accountid + "-TranslateText-" + jobid + "/" languageCode = request["langCode"] logger.debug("Base Prefix Path:{}".format(basePrefixPath)) # Filter only the translated XML files for processing objs = S3Helper().getFilteredFileNames(bucketName, basePrefixPath, "xml") for obj in objs: try: content = S3Helper().readFromS3(bucketName, obj) logger.debug(content) #Convert the XML file to Dictionary object data_dict = xmltodict.parse(content) #Generate the Json content from the dictionary data_dict = data_dict["all"] flatten_dict = { k: (data_dict[k]["item"] if (isinstance(v, dict) and len(v.keys()) == 1 and "item" in v.keys()) else v) for (k, v) in data_dict.items() } json_data = json.dumps(flatten_dict, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') logger.debug(json_data) newObjectKey = "output/{}.json".format(FileHelper.getFileName(obj)) #Write the JSON object to the S3 output folder within the bucket S3Helper().writeToS3(json_data, bucketName, newObjectKey) output = "Output Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, newObjectKey) logger.debug(output) except ValueError: logger.error("Error occured loading the json file:{}".format(obj)) except ClientError as e: logger.error("An error occured with S3 bucket operations: %s" % e) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.error("Error occured processing the xmlfile: %s" % e) objs = S3Helper().getFilteredFileNames(bucketName, "xmlin/", "xml") if (request["delete_xmls"] and request["delete_xmls"] == "true"): for obj in objs: try: logger.debug("Deleting temp xml files {}".format(obj)) S3Helper().deleteObject(bucketName, obj) except ClientError as e: logger.error("An error occured with S3 bucket operations: %s" % e) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.error("Error occured processing the xmlfile: %s" % e)
def _outputTablePrettyTranslate(self, page, p, table_format='github'): tt = None tt = TextTranslater('auto', 'en', 'us-east-1') for table_number, table in enumerate(page.tables): rows_list = list() for row in table.rows: one_row = list() for cell in row.cells: if cell.text != "": one_row = one_row + [tt.getTranslation(cell.text)] else: one_row = one_row + [cell.text] rows_list.append(one_row) pretty_table = tabulate(rows_list, tablefmt=table_format) FileHelper.writeToFile( "{}-page-{}-table-{}-tables-pretty-translated.txt".format( self.fileName, p, table_number), pretty_table)
def lambda_handler(event, context): print("Comprehend Event: {}".format(event)) bucketName = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name'] objectName = urllib.parse.unquote_plus( event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']) callerId = context.invoked_function_arn assert (FileHelper().getFileNameAndExtension(objectName.lower()) == ( 'fullresponse', 'json' )), "File detected does not match expected format: 'fullresponse.json'" runComprehend(bucketName, objectName, callerId)
def _outputFormTranslate(self, page, p): tt = None tt = TextTranslater('auto', 'en', 'us-east-1') csvData = [] for field in page.form.fields: csvItem = [] if (field.key): csvItem.append(tt.getTranslation(field.key.text)) csvItem.append(field.key.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") if (field.value): csvItem.append(tt.getTranslation(field.value.text)) csvItem.append(field.value.confidence) else: csvItem.append("") csvItem.append("") csvData.append(csvItem) csvFieldNames = ['Key', 'KeyConfidence', 'Value', 'ValueConfidence'] FileHelper.writeCSV("{}-page-{}-forms-translated.csv".format(self.fileName, p), csvFieldNames, csvData)
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) documentId = request["documentId"] bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] jobErrorHandlerQueueUrl = request['errorHandlerQueueUrl'] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) client = AwsHelper().getClient('sqs') # If not expected extension, change status to FAILED and exit if(ext and ext not in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"]): jsonErrorHandlerMessage = { 'documentId': documentId } postMessage(client, jobErrorHandlerQueueUrl, jsonErrorHandlerMessage) return if(ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]): qUrl = request['syncQueueUrl'] errorHandlerTimeoutSeconds = SYNC_JOB_TIMEOUT_SECONDS elif (ext in ["pdf"]): qUrl = request['asyncQueueUrl'] errorHandlerTimeoutSeconds = ASYNC_JOB_TIMEOUT_SECONDS if(qUrl): features = ["Text", "Forms", "Tables"] jsonMessage = {'documentId': documentId, "features": features, 'bucketName': bucketName, 'objectName': objectName} postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage) jsonErrorHandlerMessage = { 'documentId': documentId } postMessage(client, jobErrorHandlerQueueUrl, jsonErrorHandlerMessage, errorHandlerTimeoutSeconds) output = "Completed routing for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format( documentId, bucketName, objectName) print(output)
def processRequest(documentId, bucketName, objectName, callerId): output = "" pipeline_client.body = { "documentId": documentId, "bucketName": bucketName, "objectName": objectName, "stage": PIPELINE_STAGE } pipeline_client.stageInProgress() print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtension(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if (ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]): targetBucketName = syncBucketName elif (ext in ["pdf"]): targetBucketName = asyncBucketName else: raise Exception("Incorrect file extension") targetFileName = "{}/{}".format(documentId, objectName) if (targetBucketName): print("Doing S3 Object Copy for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format( documentId, targetBucketName, targetFileName)) try: S3Helper().copyToS3(bucketName, objectName, targetBucketName, targetFileName) except Exception as e: print(e) pipeline_client.stageFailed() else: print("") pipeline_client.stageFailed() output = "Completed S3 Object Copy for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format( documentId, targetBucketName, targetFileName) lineage_client.recordLineageOfCopy({ "documentId": documentId, "callerId": callerId, "sourceBucketName": bucketName, "targetBucketName": targetBucketName, "sourceFileName": objectName, "targetFileName": targetFileName, }) pipeline_client.stageSucceeded() print(output)
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] itemsTable = request["itemsTable"] outputBucket = request["outputBucket"] jobId = request["jobId"] invocationId = request['invocationId'] invocationSchemaVersion = request['invocationSchemaVersion'] taskId = request['taskId'] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if (ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "mov", "mp4"]): itemId = str(uuid.uuid1()) ds = datastore.ItemStore(itemsTable) ds.createItem(itemId, bucketName, objectName) output = "Saved item {} for {}/{}".format(itemId, bucketName, objectName) print(output) results = [{ 'taskId': taskId, 'resultCode': 'Succeeded', 'resultString': "Item submitted for processing with Id: {}".format(itemId) }] return { 'invocationSchemaVersion': invocationSchemaVersion, 'treatMissingKeysAs': 'PermanentFailure', 'invocationId': invocationId, 'results': results }
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] documentsTable = request["documentsTable"] outputTable = request["outputTable"] jobId = request["jobId"] invocationId = request["invocationId"] invocationSchemaVersion = request["invocationSchemaVersion"] taskId = request["taskId"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"]: documentId = str(uuid.uuid1()) ds = datastore.DocumentStore(documentsTable, outputTable) ds.createDocument(documentId, bucketName, objectName) output = "Saved document {} for {}/{}".format(documentId, bucketName, objectName) print(output) results = [{ "taskId": taskId, "resultCode": "Succeeded", "resultString": "Document submitted for processing with Id: {}".format(documentId), }] return { "invocationSchemaVersion": invocationSchemaVersion, "treatMissingKeysAs": "PermanentFailure", "invocationId": invocationId, "results": results, }
def processRequest(request): output = """request: {}".format(request)) bucketName = request["bucketName"] sourceLanguageCode = request["sourceLanguage"] targetLanguageCode = request["targetLanguage"] access_role = request["access_role"] triggerFile = request["trigger_file"] try: # Filter only the JSON files for processing objs = S3Helper().getFilteredFileNames(bucketName, "input/", "json") for obj in objs: try: content = S3Helper().readFromS3(bucketName, obj) logger.debug(content) jsonDocument = json.loads(content) print(jsonDocument) # Convert the JSON document into XML outputXML = json2xml.Json2xml(jsonDocument, attr_type=False).to_xml() logger.debug(outputXML) newObjectKey = "xmlin/{}.xml".format( FileHelper.getFileName(obj)) # Store the XML in the S3 location for Translation S3Helper().writeToS3(str(outputXML), bucketName, newObjectKey) output = "Output Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, newObjectKey) logger.debug(output) # Rename the JSON files to prevent reprocessing S3Helper().renameObject(bucketName, obj, "{}.processed".format(obj)) except ValueError: logger.error( "Error occured loading the json file:{}".format(obj)) except ClientError as e: logger.error("An error occured with S3 Bucket Operation: %s" % e) # Start the translation batch job using Amazon Translate startTranslationJob(bucketName, sourceLanguageCode, targetLanguageCode, access_role) S3Helper().deleteObject(bucketName, "input/{}".format(triggerFile)) except ClientError as e: logger.error("An error occured with S3 Bucket Operation: %s" % e)
def __init__(self, bucketName, documentPath, awsRegion, detectText, detectForms, detectTables): ip = Input() if (bucketName): ip.bucketName = bucketName if (documentPath): ip.documentPath = documentPath if (awsRegion): ip.awsRegion = awsRegion if (detectText): ip.detectText = detectText if (detectForms): ip.detectForms = detectForms if (detectTables): ip.detectTables = detectTables if (not ip.bucketName and not ip.documentPath): raise Exception("Document is required.") if (ip.bucketName): ip.isLocalDocument = False else: ip.isLocalDocument = True ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(ip.documentPath).lower() print("Extension", ext) if (ext == "pdf"): ip.documentType = "PDF" elif (ext == "jpg" or ext == "jpeg" or ext == "png"): ip.documentType = "IMAGE" else: raise Exception("Document should be jpg/jpeg, png or pdf.") if (ip.documentType == "PDF" and ip.isLocalDocument): raise Exception("PDF must be in S3 bucket.") if (ip.detectText == False and ip.detectForms == False and ip.detectTables == False): raise Exception( "Select at least one option to extract text, form or table") self.inputParameters = ip
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) documentId = request["documentId"] bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if (ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]): qUrl = request['syncQueueUrl'] elif (ext in ["pdf"]): qUrl = request['asyncQueueUrl'] if (qUrl): # To avoid form and tables outputs, this will be added to a configuration file #features = ["Text", "Forms", "Tables"] features = ["Text"] jsonMessage = { 'documentId': documentId, "features": features, 'bucketName': bucketName, 'objectName': objectName } client = AwsHelper().getClient('sqs') postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage) output = "Completed routing for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format( documentId, bucketName, objectName) print(output)
def processRequest(request): output = "" print("request: {}".format(request)) documentId = request["documentId"] bucketName = request["bucketName"] objectName = request["objectName"] print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName)) ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower()) print("Extension: {}".format(ext)) if(ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]): qUrl = request['syncQueueUrl'] elif (ext in ["pdf"]): qUrl = request['asyncQueueUrl'] elif (ext in ["htm", "html"]): qUrl = os.environ['HTMLTOBOUNDINGBOX_QUEUE_URL'] if(qUrl): features = ["Text"] # , "Forms", "Tables"] jsonMessage = { 'documentId' : documentId, "features" : features, 'bucketName': bucketName, 'objectName' : objectName } client = AwsHelper().getClient('sqs') postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage) if (ext in ["pdf"]): postMessage(client, request["pdftoimgQueueUrl"], jsonMessage) output = "Completed routing for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format(documentId, bucketName, objectName) print(output)
def generateOutput(filePath, response): print("Generating output...") name, ext = FileHelper.getFileNameAndExtension(filePath) opg = OutputGenerator(response, "{}-v2-{}".format(name, ext), True, True) opg.generateInsights(True, True, 'es', 'us-east-1')
def inject_app_id(file_path): FileHelper.search_replace_file(file_path, 'YOUR-USERAPP-APP-ID', profile['user']['app_id'])