def __init__(self): self.currentPoint = Point(-100, -100) # prevent crashing self.pointHistory = [Point(-100, -100)] # speed is in xm per tick self.currentSpeed = None self.speedHistory = [] # note that direction corresponds to direction of movement # and not necessarily the direction the object is facing self.direction = None # acceleration is in cm per tick per tick self.acceleration = None
def __init__(self, debug=False): # Actions queued to simulate. self.currentActionQueue = [] self.grabbed = True self.holdingBall = False self.lastCommandFinished = 0 self.lastCommandSent = 0 simulatedStart(Point(50, 50), Point(200, 25), Point(166, 211), Point(52, 102), 15, 38, 150, -62, Point(100, 100), # since we're using a simulator, set the fact that we know where we are exactly at all times POINT_ACCURACY = 0.1 ANGLE_ACCURACY = 0.1
def predictedPosition(self, t): """Calculate the position of the object in t ticks if it continues accelerating at its current rate Args: t (int): the number of ticks into the future you're predicting the object's position. Note that the large t gets, the less accurate the prediction will be. Returns: Point of the predicted position of the object """ try: displacement = self.currentSpeed * t + 0.5 * self.acceleration * ( t**2) xDisplacement = round(sin(self.direction) * displacement, 2) yDisplacement = round(cos(self.direction) * displacement, 2) return Point(self.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement, self.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement) except TypeError: if isinstance(t, int): return self.currentPoint else: raise TypeError("Float expected, " + t.__class__.__name__ + " found")
def update(self, newPoint): """Update the object with the position it's in this new tick. To be called every tick. Args: newPoint (Point): the new coordinates of this object """ # if we've temporarily lost the object, assume it's in the same place if newPoint is None: # TODO: assume it's moved on slightly newPoint = self.currentPoint robot = ( if is not None else "moveable") print("Lost position of " + robot) # if we've yet to find the robot, don't bother updating anything if newPoint is not None: # save the old point if self.currentPoint is not Point(-100, -100): self.pointHistory.append(self.currentPoint) # save the new position self.currentPoint = newPoint # only store a max of _HISTORY_SIZE points in the history if len(self.pointHistory) > self._HISTORY_SIZE: self.pointHistory.pop(0) try: # calculate and save the current direction self.direction = self.pointHistory[0].bearing( self.pointHistory[-1]) except IndexError: # if we don't have enough information to # calculate a direction so wait for now pass # calculate and save the new speed try: newSpeed = self.pointHistory[0].distance( self.pointHistory[-1]) / (len(self.pointHistory) - 1) newSpeed = round(newSpeed, 2) self.speedHistory.append(newSpeed) self.currentSpeed = newSpeed # only store a max of _HISTORY_SIZE-1 points in the history if len(self.speedHistory) > self._HISTORY_SIZE - 1: self.speedHistory.pop(0) except (ZeroDivisionError, IndexError): pass # calculate and save the new acceleration try: acceleration = (self.speedHistory[-1] - self.speedHistory[0] ) / (len(self.speedHistory) - 1) self.acceleration = round(acceleration, 3) except (ZeroDivisionError, IndexError): # if we don't have enough data to calculate an # acceleration (not enough speeds recorded), wait for now pass
def ghost_walk(angle_to_face): ghost_flag = False for i in range(0, 10): ghost_pt_x = random.random() * 30 * random.choice([1, -1]) ghost_pt_y = random.random() * 30 * random.choice([1, -1]) target = me.currentPoint.x + ghost_pt_y, me.currentPoint.y + ghost_pt_y if target[0] > 0 and target[0] < PITCH_LENGTH and target[ 1] > 0 and target[1] < PITCH_WIDTH and not isEnemyBox( Point(target[0], target[1])) and lineOfSight( me.currentPoint, Point(target[0], target[1])): ghost_flag = True break if ghost_flag: angle_to_move = me.bearing(Point(target[0], target[1])) print "Ghost" controller.move(angle_to_face, angle_to_move, 60, None, None) else: print "None" controller.stop_robot()
def guardGoal(): """Go to the goal line and face the enemy with the ball""" me.goal = Goals.guardGoal angle_to_face = me.bearing(ball) # if not on our goal line, move into the middle of it if abs(me.currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x) > 15: angle_to_move = me.bearing(ourGoal) distance = me.distance(ourGoal) controller.move(angle_to_move, angle_to_move, distance) # if we're on our goal line, move to block the ball else: # work out which enemy has the ball if ball.status == BallStatus.enemyA: enemyNum = 0 elif ball.status == BallStatus.enemyB: enemyNum = 1 else: print("just guarding lol") controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True) return # calculate where on the y axis the ball would hit if kicked now x_dist = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x y_dist = x_dist * tan(enemies[enemyNum].currentRotation) y_intersection = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.y + y_dist # calculate where we should therefore go to (we don't want to leave the goal line) minY = PITCH_WIDTH / 2 - 0.5 * GOAL_WIDTH + ROBOT_WIDTH / 2 maxY = PITCH_WIDTH / 2 + 0.5 * GOAL_WIDTH - ROBOT_WIDTH / 2 point_to_be = Point(ourGoal.x, max(minY, min(maxY, y_intersection))) # if we're not where we should be, move there holonomically if not nearEnough(point_to_be, me.currentPoint, near_enough_point=10): # turn to face the opposite side of the pitch before the holo movement if OUR_GOAL == 'left': angle_to_face = 0 else: angle_to_face = 180 # calculate the parameters to send to the robot distance = me.distance(point_to_be) # we want to move holonomically up and down if point_to_be.y < me.currentPoint.y: angle_to_move = 90 else: angle_to_move = -90 controller.move(angle_to_face, angle_to_move, distance) # if we're in position already but just facing wrongly, turn to face the robot with the ball elif not nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True) # if we're all set, just wait for something to happen else: controller.stop_robot()
def blockPass(): """Move to inbetween the two enemies""" me.goal = Goals.blockPass # work out where to move to e0 = enemies[0].currentPoint e1 = enemies[1].currentPoint x = (e0.x + e1.x) / 2 y = (e0.y + e1.y) / 2 point_to_be = Point(x, y) # work out the parameters for the move command angle_to_face = point_to_be.bearing(ball.currentPoint) angle_to_move = me.bearing(point_to_be) distance = me.distance(point_to_be) if not isEnemyBox(point_to_be): controller.move(angle_to_move, angle_to_move, distance) else: ghost_walk(angle_to_face)
def move(self): if self.currentSpeed == 0 & self.acceleration == 0: return self.currentSpeed = self.currentSpeed + self.acceleration * tickTimeLeft distanceTravelled = self.currentSpeed * tickTimeLeft angle = self.currentRotation xDisplacement = round(cos(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) yDisplacement = -round(sin(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) newX = self.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement newY = self.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement topWall = xDisplacement == PITCH_WIDTH leftWall = xDisplacement == 0 rightWall = yDisplacement == PITCH_LENGTH bottomWall = yDisplacement == 0 if topWall | leftWall | rightWall | bottomWall: self.bounce(topWall, leftWall, rightWall, bottomWall) self.currentPoint = Point(newX, newY) if self.currentSpeed < 0: self.currentSpeed = 0 self.acceleration = 0
# our supreme robot me = Robot(name="me") me.grabbed = True # Team 3's robot ally = Robot(name="ally") # the two robots we're against enemies = [Robot(name="pinkEnemy"), Robot(name="greenEnemy")] # a list containing all robots on the field for convenience robots = [me, ally] + enemies # guess what this could possibly be ball = Ball(name="ball") #list of all movables moveables = [me, ally, ball] + enemies # the point at the center of the goal leftGoalCenter = Point(30, PITCH_WIDTH / 2) rightGoalCenter = Point(PITCH_LENGTH - 30, PITCH_WIDTH / 2) if OUR_GOAL == 'right': ourGoal = rightGoalCenter opponentGoal = leftGoalCenter else: ourGoal = leftGoalCenter opponentGoal = rightGoalCenter def lineOfSight(From, To): dxc = From.x - To.x dyc = From.y - To.y for obj in moveables:
def tick(self, tickTimeLeft=TICK_TIME): '''Update the status of our robot and the ball based on our recent actions tickTimeLeft: the time remaining before the next tick, TICK_TIME by default or slightly less than this if an action finishes halfway through a tick and this gets called again on the remaining time''' try: currentAction = self.currentActionQueue[0] except IndexError: # if it's not currently carrying out an action, it'll stay the same return if currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.moveHolo: if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME distanceTravelled = MAX_SPEED * TICK_TIME * 0.9 angle = simulatedMe.currentRotation + currentAction['action'][0] xDisplacement = round(cos(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) yDisplacement = -round(sin(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) simulatedMe.currentPoint = Point( simulatedMe.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement, simulatedMe.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement) else: tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] distanceTravelled = MAX_SPEED * currentAction['timeLeft'] * 0.9 angle = simulatedMe.currentRotation + currentAction['action'][0] xDisplacement = round(cos(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) yDisplacement = -round(sin(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) simulatedMe.currentPoint = Point( simulatedMe.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement, simulatedMe.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement) # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft) # if currently moving forwards if currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.moveForwards: # if it'll keep going for this whole tick, move the simulated robot forwards the appropriate amount if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME distanceTravelled = MAX_SPEED * TICK_TIME angle = simulatedMe.currentRotation xDisplacement = round(cos(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) yDisplacement = -round(sin(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) simulatedMe.currentPoint = Point( simulatedMe.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement, simulatedMe.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement) # if not, move the simulated robot forwards the lesser amount, then start the next action in the queue with the remaining time else: tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] distanceTravelled = MAX_SPEED * currentAction['timeLeft'] angle = simulatedMe.currentRotation xDisplacement = round(cos(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) yDisplacement = -round(sin(angle) * distanceTravelled, 2) simulatedMe.currentPoint = Point( simulatedMe.currentPoint.x + xDisplacement, simulatedMe.currentPoint.y + yDisplacement) # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft) # if currently rotating elif currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.rotate: # if it'll keep going for this whole tick, turn the simulated robot forwards the appropriate amount if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: # calculate how far to turn currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME degreesTurned = MAX_ROT_SPEED * TICK_TIME # turn the right direction if currentAction['amount'] < 0: simulatedMe.currentRotation -= degreesTurned else: simulatedMe.currentRotation += degreesTurned # keep the value in [-180, 180] if simulatedMe.currentRotation < -180: simulatedMe.currentRotation += 360 elif simulatedMe.currentRotation > 180: simulatedMe.currentRotation -= 360 # if not, move the simulated robot forwards the lesser amount, then start the next action in the queue with the remaining time else: # calculate how far to turn tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] degreesTurned = MAX_ROT_SPEED * currentAction['timeLeft'] # turn the right direction if currentAction['amount'] < 0: simulatedMe.currentRotation -= degreesTurned else: simulatedMe.currentRotation += degreesTurned # keep the value in [-180, 180] if simulatedMe.currentRotation < -180: simulatedMe.currentRotation += 360 elif simulatedMe.currentRotation > 180: simulatedMe.currentRotation -= 360 # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft) # if currently kicking elif currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.kick: # if it'll keep kicking for this whole tick, the only potential change is that the ball starts moving if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME #simulatedBall.get_kicked() # if not, start the next action in the queue with the remaining time else: tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft) # if currently grabbing elif currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.grab: # if it'll keep grabbing for this whole tick, the only potential change is that the ball stops moving if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME # if the ball is close enough stop the ball and toggle 'holding ball' state #simulatedBall.get_grabbed(simulatedMe) # if not, start the next action in the queue with the remaining time TODO else: self.grabbed = True tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft) # if currently ungrabbing elif currentAction['action'] == SimulatorActions.ungrab: # if it'll keep grabbing for this whole tick, nothing changes if TICK_TIME < currentAction['timeLeft']: currentAction['timeLeft'] -= TICK_TIME # if not, start the next action in the queue with the remaining time else: self.grabbed = False tickTimeLeft = TICK_TIME - currentAction['timeLeft'] # report that we've finished executing this command self.currentActionQueue.pop(0) self.lastCommandFinished += 1 # start the next action if it's queued self.tick(tickTimeLeft)
def updatePositions(): """Updates the system's belief of the state of the game based on the vision system""" # get the info on the robots from the vision system if api.getMyPosition() is not None: mePosition = api.getMyPosition() me.update(Point(mePosition[0]*X_RATIO,mePosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find my position this tick :(" if api.getMyOrientation() is not None: meOrientation = api.getMyOrientation()[1] me.updateRotation(meOrientation) else: print "Can't find my orientation this tick :(" if api.getAllyPosition() is not None: allyPosition = api.getAllyPosition() ally.update(Point(allyPosition[0]*X_RATIO,allyPosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find my friend's position this tick :(" if api.getAllyOrientation() is not None: allyOrientation = api.getAllyOrientation()[1] ally.updateRotation(allyOrientation) else: print "Can't find my friend's orientation this tick :(" if api.getEnemyPositions()[0] is not None: enemy0Position = api.getEnemyPositions()[0] enemies[0].update(Point(enemy0Position[0]*X_RATIO,enemy0Position[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find enemy 0 this tick :(" if api.getEnemyOrientation()[0] is not None: enemy0Orientation = api.getEnemyOrientation()[0][1] enemies[0].updateRotation(enemy0Orientation) else: print "Can't find enemy 0's orientation this tick :(" if api.getEnemyPositions()[1] is not None: enemy1Position = api.getEnemyPositions()[1] enemies[1].update(Point(enemy1Position[0]*X_RATIO,enemy1Position[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find enemy 1 this tick :(" if api.getEnemyOrientation()[1] is not None: enemy1Orientation = api.getEnemyOrientation()[1][1] enemies[1].updateRotation(enemy1Orientation) else: print "Can't find enemy 1's orientation this tick :(" if api.getBallCenter() is not None: ballPosition = api.getBallCenter() ball.update(Point(ballPosition[0]*X_RATIO,ballPosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Shit! Where's the ball gone" try:#see who has ball posesion - needs work if nearEnough(enemies[0].bearing(ball),enemies[0].currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(enemies[0]) < BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = BallStatus.enemyA elif nearEnough(enemies[1].bearing(ball),enemies[1].currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(enemies[1]) < BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = BallStatus.enemyB elif nearEnough(ally.bearing(ball),ally.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(ally)< BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = elif nearEnough(me.bearing(ball), me.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(me)< BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE and me.grabbed: ball.status = # if we can't see it, assume it's the same elif['ball_center']==None: pass # if it's far enough from everything, it's free else: ball.status = except (TypeError, AttributeError): print("Location of some objects unknown")