def testNoAccessRole(self): self.testname="TestNoAccessRole" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() email = config.reader1 reader = config.reader2 password = config.same_password title = "Auto_Private_" + do.getTimeId() + str(do.getRandomNumber()) do.createObject("Program", title, "checked") do.verifyObjectIsCreatedinLHN("Program", title) do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Program"), "Expect count to be 1 but don't see it.") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(reader, password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() do.uncheckMyWorkBox() try: do.verifyObjectIsCreatedinLHN("Program", title) except: do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Program"), "Expect count to be 0 but don't see it.") print "Good...private program should not be visible to reader role unless permitted."
def testCreatePrivateProgramOwner(self): self.testname="TestCreatePrivateProgramOwner" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) grcobject = GRCObject() do.setUtils(util) do.login() email = config.creator1 password = config.same_password private_prgm_1 = do.createPrivateProgramPermission(email, "", "ProgramOwner") print private_prgm_1 # map any object so that we can check that reader can see do.mapAObjectLHN("Contract") # now log out and then log in with the ProgramEditor user do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(email, password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() do.assertEquals("ProgramCreator", do.getRoleLabelInTopRight(), "Label does not says 'ProgramCreator'.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("My Work") # verify that user can see program tab and some programs; by seeing counts do.selectInnerNavTab("program") count = do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("Program") do.assertGreater(count, 0, "Fail because count is expected to be non-zero if programs indeed exist.") # and being able to navigate to the expanded program row index = do.expandItemWidget("program", private_prgm_1) do.clickViewProgram("program", index) # can see mapped objects do.selectInnerNavTab("contract") count = do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("Contract") do.assertGreater(count, 0, "Fail because count is expected to be non-zero if programs indeed exist.") # can map an object to program do.mapAObjectWidget("Product", "", True, ("Control", "Objective", "System")) # map link and edit authorization link should not exist do.selectInnerNavTab("person") do.assertTrue(do.isMapLinkPresent("Person"), "Expect map link present since it's a ProgramOwner role.") do.expandItemWidget("Person", email) do.assertTrue(do.isEditAuthorizationPresent(), "Expect Edit Authorization link present since it's a ProgramOwner role.") # can edit info page do.selectInnerNavTab("info") do.assertTrue(do.isSubmitForReviewPresent(), "Expect Submit For Review link not present since it's a ProgramOwner role.") do.clickOnInfoPageEditLink() do.populateObjectInEditWindow(private_prgm_1 , grcobject.program_elements, grcobject.program_values) do.openObjectEditWindow() do.verifyObjectValues(grcobject.program_elements, grcobject.program_values) do.deleteObject()
def testImportExportSystem(self): self.testname="TestImportExportSystem" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # create a system systemObject =do.createObject("System") systemObject = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(systemObject)) #it's name, not xpath print "" print "On screen." print "System object is displayed as : " + systemObject # export system filePath = config.test_db + "SYSTEMS.csv" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.exportFile("systems", filePath) # verify that information in file matched self.assertTrue(do.verifyDataInExportFile(systemObject, filePath), "System object not found in exported file.") # import system # create some data, add it to the import file and upload number = str(do.getRandomNumber()) systemObject = "systemImport" + number print "" print "Add this new system object to the import file and upload." print "System object: " + systemObject # proof: verify that this user never exist in the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearchWithNoAssertion(systemObject, "System") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("System") self.assertEqual(0, count, "System " + systemObject + " is verified not existed.") # make it complete conformingText = "SYSTEM-" + number + "," + systemObject + ",,,,,,[email protected],,,,,,2014-7-16,2014-7-16,,Draft" do.appendToFile(conformingText, filePath) do.importFile("Systems", filePath) do.refresh() # after import, verify that user has been added to the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(systemObject, "System") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("System") self.assertEqual(1, count, "System " + systemObject + " is not added successfully.") self.assertEqual(systemObject, do.getObjectNavWidgetInfo("username"), "System object " + systemObject + " is not found in the database.") print "" print "System object is imported successfully and found in the database." print systemObject
def testEventLog(self): self.testname="TestEventLog" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # CREATE PROGRAM program_name = "Program_created_from_LHN" + do.getTimeId() object_list = ["Regulation", "Contract", "Policy", "Standard"] last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", program_name) # MAP SOME OBJECTS for obj in object_list: do.mapAObjectLHN(obj, program_name) #do.selectInnerTabWhichAlreadyPresent("info") do.selectInnerNavTab("info") do.openObjectEditWindow() do.deleteObject() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") # when delete an object that has mapping, it automatically unmap and then delete self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("unmapped from", 1), "Cannot find 'unmapped from Program' in the Event Log table.") # 4 times # 4 lines of "mapped to" because there are 4 mappings from the top self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 2), "Cannot find 'map to:row2' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 3), "Cannot find 'map to:row3' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 4), "Cannot find 'map to:row4' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 5), "Cannot find 'map to:row5' in the Event Log table.") # tests the "by whom" and "when at" fields self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("whom", 2), "Cannot find 'whom' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("when", 2), "Cannot find 'when' in the Event Log table.") # the program created should be logged self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable(program_name, 6), "Cannot find 'create program' in the Event Log table.") # verify that Prev and Next buttons work self.assertTrue(do.verifyPrevNextOperation(), "Fail verifying Prev and Next buttons.") # CORE-727 print "CORE-727 is still open which causes this failure."
def testCreatePrivateProgramReader(self): self.testname="TestCreatePrivateProgramReader" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() email = config.reader1 password = config.same_password private_prgm_1 = do.createPrivateProgramPermission(email, "", "ProgramReader") print private_prgm_1 # map any object so that we can check if read can see it or not do.mapAObjectLHN("Contract") # now log out and then log in with the ProgramReader user do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(email, password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() do.assertEquals("Reader", do.getRoleLabelInTopRight(), "Label does not says 'Reader'.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("My Work") # verify that user can see program tab and some programs; by seeing counts do.selectInnerNavTab("program") count = do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("Program") do.assertGreater(count, 0, "Fail because count is expected to be non-zero if programs indeed exist.") # and being able to navigate to the expanded program row index = do.expandItemWidget("program", private_prgm_1) do.clickViewProgram("program", index) # can see mapped objects do.selectInnerNavTab("contract") count = do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("Contract") do.assertGreater(count, 0, "Fail because count is expected to be non-zero if programs indeed exist.") # map link and edit authorization link should not exist do.selectInnerNavTab("person") do.assertFalse(do.isMapLinkPresent("person"), "Expect map link not present since it's a ProgramReader role.") do.assertFalse(do.isEditAuthorizationPresent(), "Expect Edit Authorization link not present since it's a ProgramReader role.") # go to program info page do.selectInnerNavTab("program") do.assertFalse(do.isInfoPageEditLinkPresent(), "Expect Edit link not present since it's a ProgramReader role.") do.assertFalse(do.isSubmitForReviewPresent(), "Expect Submit For Review link not present since it's a ProgramReader role.")
def testAllRolesPresent(self): self.testname="TestAllRolesPresent" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Roles") do.verifyDifferentRolesExist()
def testImportExportHelp(self): self.testname="TestImportExportHelp" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # export help filePath = config.test_db + "HELP.csv" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.exportFile("help", filePath) # import help do.importFile("Processes", filePath)
def testAdminDBGeneral(self): # testrecip@gmail exists in the database the_email = '*****@*****.**' roles = 9 # nine types of roles self.testname="TestAdminDBGeneral" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") # verify people table do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(the_email), "Cannot find it in the People table.") people_count = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("people") self.assertEquals(1, people_count, "Expect count equals to 1, but it's " + str(people_count)) # verify Roles table do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Roles") roles_count = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("roles") self.assertEquals(roles, roles_count, "Expect count equals to" + str(roles) + ", but it's " + str(roles_count)) # verify events table # There are more than 22 thousands entries so can't count every entries. Work-around is to verify that it # increments by 1 when you create an object for example do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") events_count_before = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("events") #events_count_from_label = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDBLabel("events") #self.assertEquals(events_count_before, events_count_from_label, "Events count is not in sync.") xpath = do.createObject("Contract") title = util.getTextFromXpathString(xpath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") do.delay(20) #events table takes time to load events_count_after = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("events") #self.assertEquals(events_count_before, events_count_from_label, "Events count is not in sync.") self.assertLess(events_count_before, events_count_after, "Count before=" + str(events_count_before) + "; Count after=" + str(events_count_after))
def testCreateObjectsAsSetup(self): self.testname="TestCreateObjectsAsSetup" self.setup() object_list = ["Contract","Control","DataAsset","Facility","Market","Objective","OrgGroup","Policy","Process","Product","Program", "Project","Regulation","System","Standard","Clause"] util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() print "First: Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() for obj in object_list: count = 0; #initalize to 0 currentCount = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS(obj) if currentCount < 2: count = 2 - currentCount; while count > 0: do.createObject(obj) count = count - 1 # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user and create objects # This support other tests scripts checking for objects created by different users, and also object counts update do.login(config.creator2, config.same_password) print "Second: Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() for obj in object_list: do.createObject(obj) # just create one more to test that contract count differ between "all objects" and "my objects" do.createObject("Contract")
def testCreatePersonProgramCreatorLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonProgramCreatorLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ProgramCreator") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Program", "Workflow", "Audit", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market"] for object in object_list: # cannot create audit; it requires other non-system wide role if object == "Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create a program object last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("program-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match program name.") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout")
def testCreatePeople(self): self.testname="TestCreatePeople" self.setup() if 'localhost' in config.url: util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() entity = "*****@*****.**" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") for x in range(3): if x==1: entity = "*****@*****.**" elif x==2: entity = "*****@*****.**" try: self.assertTrue(do.addPersonInAdminDB(entity, entity, entity), "Fail to add person or person already exists") do.refresh() self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(entity), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(entity) do.assignUserRole("gGRC Admin") except: do.clickCancelButtonOnAddPersonModal() continue # if it already exist then fine
def testCreatePersonNoAccessLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonNoAccessLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("No access") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Program", "Task", "Audit", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market"] # no Create New occurs for object in object_list: do.navigateLHSMenu4NoAccess(object) do.assertFalse(do.doesThisElementExist(str(Elements.left_nav_object_section_add_button).replace("OBJECT", object), 8)) # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout")
def testImportPeopleValidation(self): self.testname="TestImportPeopleValidation" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertFalse(do.importFile("People", self.dupEmail, False, "Error"), "Fail negative test on duplicate email.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertFalse(do.importFile("People", self.noEmail, False, "Error"), "Fail negative test with email field.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertFalse(do.importFile("People", self.wrongType, False, "Error"), "Fail negative test where type is not people.") # THIS ONE FAILS BECAUSE THERE IS A AN ACTUAL BUG !!! 16463790 "Uncaught SecurityError" print ("THIS ONE FAILS BECAUSE THERE IS A AN ACTUAL BUG !!! 16463790 'Uncaught SecurityError.' ") print ("Need to uncomment when it's fixed.")
def testImportProcessesValidation(self): noRow = config.test_db + "PROCESSES_NO_ROW.csv" wrongType = config.test_db + "PROCESSES_WRONG_TYPE.csv" noTitle = config.test_db + "PROCESSES_NO_TITLE.csv" dupTitle = config.test_db + "PROCESSES_DUP_TITLE.csv" self.testname="TestImportProcessesValidation" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertFalse(do.importFile("Processes", noRow, False, "Warning: Missing column"), "Fail negative test on file with now data.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertFalse(do.importFile("Processes", wrongType, False, "Warning: Type must be"), "Fail negative test on file with wrong data type.") self.assertEquals(do.getWrongTypeMessage(),"Type must be \"Processes\"", "Fail to display 'wrong type' message.") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") self.assertTrue(do.importFile("Processes", noTitle, True), "Fail negative test on file with no title.") self.assertEquals(do.getImportFailedMessage(), "Error!", "Fail to display 'Error' message. ")
def testCreatePersonObjectEditorLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonObjectEditorLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # ***************************** run this block of codes if run locally ***************************** if "localhost" in config.url: print "Executing the block of codes locally ..." aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ObjectEditor") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "Example user" oldName = "*****@*****.**" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Workflow", "Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's an object editor role, the Create New button won't show for certain types for object in object_list: if object=="Program" or object=="Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create an object that is not Program or Audit last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Contract") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("contract-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match contract name.") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # ******************* execute this else block of codes if not run locally ******************* else: print "Executing the block of codes for non-local ..." aEmail = config.editor2 aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ObjectEditor") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(aEmail, config.password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Workflow", "Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's an object editor role, the Create New button won't show for certain types for object in object_list: do.ensureLHNSectionExpanded(object) if object=="Program" or object=="Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create an object that is not Program or Audit last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Contract") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("contract-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match contract name.") if "localhost" in config.url: # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout")
def testCreatePersonReaderLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonReaderLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # run this block of codes if run locally if "localhost" in config.url: print "Executing the block of codes locally ..." aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("Reader") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's a reader role, the Create New button won't show for object in object_list: do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) print "hi" # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") else: print "Executing the block of codes for non-local ..." aEmail = config.reader2 aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("Reader") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(aEmail, config.same_password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() # Workflow is left out on purpose because Create New is there but reader can't create object anyway object_list = ["Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's a reader role, the Create New button won't show for object in object_list: do.ensureLHNSectionExpanded(object) do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object))
def testImportExportPeople(self): self.testname="TestImportExportPeople" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # create a person number = str(do.getRandomNumber()) aEmail = "email" + number + "" aName = "name" + number aCompany = "company" + number do.createPersonLHN(aName, aEmail, aCompany) do.uncheckMyWorkBox() do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(aName, "Person") print "" print "On screen." print "User is displayed as : " + aName print "Email is displayed as : " + aEmail print "Company is displayed as : " + aCompany # export people filePath = config.test_db + "PEOPLE.csv" print filePath do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.exportFile("people", filePath) # verify that information in file matched self.assertTrue(do.verifyPeopleExportFile(aName, aEmail, aCompany, filePath), "User not found in exported file.") # import people # create some data, add it to the import file and upload number = str(do.getRandomNumber()) aEmail = "emailImport" + number + "" aName = "nameImport" + number aCompany = "companyImport" + number print "" print "Add this new user info to the import file and upload." print "User name: " + aName print "Email: " + aEmail print "Company: " + aCompany userInfo = aName + "," + aEmail + "," + aCompany # proof: verify that this user never exist in the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearchWithNoAssertion(aName, "Person") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Person") self.assertEqual(0, count, "User " + aName + " is verified not existed.") do.appendToFile(userInfo, filePath) do.importFile("People", filePath) do.refresh() # after import, verify that user has been added to the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(aName, "Person") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Person") self.assertEqual(1, count, "User " + aName + " is verified not existed.") self.assertEqual(aName, do.getObjectNavWidgetInfo("username"), "User's name " + aName + " is not found in the database.") self.assertEqual(aEmail, do.getObjectNavWidgetInfo("email"), "User's email " + aEmail + " is not found in the database.") self.assertEqual(aCompany, do.getObjectNavWidgetInfo("company"), "User's company " + aCompany + " is not found in the database.") print "" print "User is imported successfully and found in the database." print aName + "," + aEmail + "," + aCompany
def testCreatePersonAuthorizationLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonAuthorizationLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "*****@*****.**" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") role = "ProgramCreator" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") # verify people tab do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # SETUP: if that email is already used change it to something else do.zeroizeThePersonEmail(aEmail) # you can add a person do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) # the Next and PREVIOUS page buttons work self.assertTrue(do.verifyPrevNextOperation("people"), "Fail verifying Prev and Next buttons.") # search or filter works self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole(role) # at this point, 2nd tier is expanded and it's the only row displayed... do.verifyPersonInfoOnSecondTier(aName, aEmail, aCompany, role) if 'local' not in config.url: do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") do.refresh() do.login(aEmail, config.password) self.assertEqual(aEmail, do.whoAmI(), "Expect: " + aEmail + ", but see: " + do.whoAmI()) # I can test login with the new user locally but not on on because it requires actual email # and that email has to be unique. I can't automatically create new fake email account with google that's fraud else: oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log back in do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("program-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match program name.") self.assertEqual(do.whoAmI(), aEmail, "Mismatched. I am: " + do.whoAmI() + ", " + "aEmail: " + aEmail) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath)