def __init__(self): '''Initialize and load all our helpers''' self._studiologos_path = "" self.cache = SimpleCache() self.addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(ADDON_ID) self.kodidb = KodiDb() self.omdb = Omdb(self.cache) self.tmdb = Tmdb(self.cache) self.channellogos = ChannelLogos(self.kodidb) self.fanarttv = FanartTv(self.cache) = Imdb(self.cache) = GoogleImages(self.cache) self.studiologos = StudioLogos(self.cache) self.animatedart = AnimatedArt(self.cache, self.kodidb) self.thetvdb = TheTvDb() self.musicart = MusicArtwork(self) self.pvrart = PvrArtwork(self) log_msg("Initialized")
def animatedart(self): '''public AnimatedArt object - for lazy loading''' if not self._animatedart: from helpers.animatedart import AnimatedArt self._animatedart = AnimatedArt(self.cache, self.kodidb) return self._animatedart
class MetadataUtils(object): ''' Provides all kind of mediainfo for kodi media, returned as dict with details ''' close_called = False def __init__(self): '''Initialize and load all our helpers''' self._studiologos_path = "" self.cache = SimpleCache() self.addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(ADDON_ID) self.kodidb = KodiDb() self.omdb = Omdb(self.cache) self.tmdb = Tmdb(self.cache) self.channellogos = ChannelLogos(self.kodidb) self.fanarttv = FanartTv(self.cache) = Imdb(self.cache) = GoogleImages(self.cache) self.studiologos = StudioLogos(self.cache) self.animatedart = AnimatedArt(self.cache, self.kodidb) self.thetvdb = TheTvDb() self.musicart = MusicArtwork(self) self.pvrart = PvrArtwork(self) log_msg("Initialized") def close(self): '''Cleanup instances''' self.close_called = True self.cache.close() self.addon = None del self.addon del self.kodidb del self.omdb del self.tmdb del self.channellogos del self.fanarttv del del del self.studiologos del self.animatedart del self.thetvdb del self.musicart del self.pvrart log_msg("Exited") def __del__(self): '''make sure close is called''' if not self.close_called: self.close() @use_cache(14) def get_extrafanart(self, file_path): '''helper to retrieve the extrafanart path for a kodi media item''' from helpers.extrafanart import get_extrafanart return get_extrafanart(file_path) def get_music_artwork(self, artist, album="", track="", disc="", ignore_cache=False, flush_cache=False): '''method to get music artwork for the goven artist/album/song''' return self.musicart.get_music_artwork(artist, album, track, disc, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, flush_cache=flush_cache) def music_artwork_options(self, artist, album="", track="", disc=""): '''options for music metadata for specific item''' return self.musicart.music_artwork_options(artist, album, track, disc) @use_cache(14) def get_extended_artwork(self, imdb_id="", tvdb_id="", tmdb_id="", media_type=""): '''get extended artwork for the given imdbid or tvdbid''' from urllib import quote_plus result = {"art": {}} if "movie" in media_type and tmdb_id: result["art"] = elif "movie" in media_type and imdb_id: result["art"] = elif media_type in ["tvshow", "tvshows", "seasons", "episodes"]: if not tvdb_id: if imdb_id and not imdb_id.startswith("tt"): tvdb_id = imdb_id elif imdb_id: tvdb_id = self.thetvdb.get_series_by_imdb_id(imdb_id).get( "tvdb_id") if tvdb_id: result["art"] = self.fanarttv.tvshow(tvdb_id) # add additional art with special path for arttype in ["fanarts", "posters", "clearlogos", "banners"]: if result["art"].get(arttype): result["art"][arttype] = "plugin://"\ "?action=extrafanart&fanarts=%s" % quote_plus(repr(result["art"][arttype])) return result @use_cache(14) def get_tmdb_details(self, imdb_id="", tvdb_id="", title="", year="", media_type="", preftype="", manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''returns details from tmdb''' result = {} if imdb_id: result = self.tmdb.get_videodetails_by_externalid( imdb_id, "imdb_id") elif tvdb_id: result = self.tmdb.get_videodetails_by_externalid( tvdb_id, "tvdb_id") elif title and media_type in ["movies", "setmovies", "movie"]: result = self.tmdb.search_movie(title, year, manual_select=manual_select) elif title and media_type in ["tvshows", "tvshow"]: result = self.tmdb.search_tvshow(title, year, manual_select=manual_select) elif title: result = self.tmdb.search_video(title, year, preftype=preftype, manual_select=manual_select) if result.get("status"): result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(self.get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result def get_moviesetdetails(self, title, set_id): '''get a nicely formatted dict of the movieset details which we can for example set as window props''' # get details from tmdb from helpers.moviesetdetails import get_moviesetdetails return get_moviesetdetails(self, title, set_id) @use_cache(14) def get_streamdetails(self, db_id, media_type, ignore_cache=False): '''get a nicely formatted dict of the streamdetails ''' from helpers.streamdetails import get_streamdetails return get_streamdetails(self.kodidb, db_id, media_type) def get_pvr_artwork(self, title, channel="", genre="", manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''get artwork and mediadetails for PVR entries''' import requests, urllib, random print title.encode('utf8') r = requests.get( '' + urllib.quote_plus(title.encode('utf8'))) j = r.json() if j['arts']: data = { 'art': { 'fanarts': j['arts'], 'fanart': random.choice(j['arts']), 'thumb': random.choice(j['arts']) }, 'cachestr': "pvr_artwork.%s.%s" % (title.lower(), channel.lower()), 'pvrtitle': title, 'pvrchannel': channel, 'pvrgenre': genre, 'genre': [genre], 'thumbnail': random.choice(j['arts']) } else: data = self.pvrart.get_pvr_artwork(title, channel, genre, manual_select=manual_select, ignore_cache=ignore_cache) log_msg(data) return data def pvr_artwork_options(self, title, channel="", genre=""): '''options for pvr metadata for specific item''' return self.pvrart.pvr_artwork_options(title, channel, genre) @use_cache(14) def get_channellogo(self, channelname): '''get channellogo for the given channel name''' return self.channellogos.get_channellogo(channelname) def get_studio_logo(self, studio): '''get studio logo for the given studio''' # dont use cache at this level because of changing logospath return self.studiologos.get_studio_logo(studio, self.studiologos_path) @property def studiologos_path(self): '''path to use to lookup studio logos, must be set by the calling addon''' return self._studiologos_path @studiologos_path.setter def studiologos_path(self, value): '''path to use to lookup studio logos, must be set by the calling addon''' self._studiologos_path = value def get_animated_artwork(self, imdb_id, manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''get animated artwork, perform extra check if local version still exists''' artwork = self.animatedart.get_animated_artwork( imdb_id, manual_select, ignore_cache=ignore_cache) if not (manual_select or ignore_cache): refresh_needed = False if artwork.get("animatedposter") and not xbmcvfs.exists( artwork["animatedposter"]): refresh_needed = True if artwork.get("animatedfanart") and not xbmcvfs.exists( artwork["animatedfanart"]): refresh_needed = True if refresh_needed: artwork = self.animatedart.get_animated_artwork( imdb_id, manual_select, ignore_cache=True) return {"art": artwork} @use_cache(14) def get_omdb_info(self, imdb_id="", title="", year="", content_type=""): '''Get (kodi compatible formatted) metadata from OMDB, including Rotten tomatoes details''' title = title.split(" (")[0] # strip year appended to title result = {} if imdb_id: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_imdbid(imdb_id) elif title and content_type in [ "seasons", "season", "episodes", "episode", "tvshows", "tvshow" ]: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_title(title, "", "tvshows") elif title and year: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_title(title, year, content_type) if result.get("status"): result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(self.get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result @use_cache(7) def get_top250_rating(self, imdb_id): '''get the position in the IMDB top250 for the given IMDB ID''' return @use_cache(14) def get_duration(self, duration): '''helper to get a formatted duration''' if isinstance(duration, (str, unicode)) and ":" in duration: dur_lst = duration.split(":") return { "Duration": "%s:%s" % (dur_lst[0], dur_lst[1]), "Duration.Hours": dur_lst[0], "Duration.Minutes": dur_lst[1], "Runtime": str((int(dur_lst[0]) * 60) + int(dur_lst[1])), } else: return _get_duration(duration) @use_cache(2) def get_tvdb_details(self, imdbid="", tvdbid=""): '''get metadata from tvdb by providing a tvdbid or tmdbid''' result = {} self.thetvdb.days_ahead = 365 if not tvdbid and imdbid and not imdbid.startswith("tt"): # assume imdbid is actually a tvdbid... tvdbid = imdbid if tvdbid: result = self.thetvdb.get_series(tvdbid) elif imdbid: result = self.thetvdb.get_series_by_imdb_id(imdbid) if result: if result["status"] == "Continuing": # include next episode info result["nextepisode"] = self.thetvdb.get_nextaired_episode( result["tvdb_id"]) # include last episode info result["lastepisode"] = self.thetvdb.get_last_episode_for_series( result["tvdb_id"]) result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(_get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result @use_cache(14) def get_imdbtvdb_id(self, title, content_type, year="", imdbid="", tvshowtitle=""): '''try to figure out the imdbnumber and/or tvdbid''' tvdbid = "" if content_type in ["seasons", "episodes"] or tvshowtitle: title = tvshowtitle content_type = "tvshows" if imdbid and not imdbid.startswith("tt"): if content_type in ["tvshows", "seasons", "episodes"]: tvdbid = imdbid imdbid = "" if not imdbid and year: imdbid = self.get_omdb_info("", title, year, content_type).get("imdbnumber", "") if not imdbid: # repeat without year imdbid = self.get_omdb_info("", title, "", content_type).get("imdbnumber", "") # return results return (imdbid, tvdbid) def translate_string(self, _str): '''translate the received english string from the various sources like tvdb, tmbd etc''' translation = _str _str = _str.lower() if "continuing" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32037) elif "ended" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32038) elif "released" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32040) return translation
class MetadataUtils(object): ''' Provides all kind of mediainfo for kodi media, returned as dict with details ''' close_called = False def __init__(self): '''Initialize and load all our helpers''' self._studiologos_path = "" self.cache = SimpleCache() self.addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(ADDON_ID) self.kodidb = KodiDb() self.omdb = Omdb(self.cache) self.tmdb = Tmdb(self.cache) self.channellogos = ChannelLogos(self.kodidb) self.fanarttv = FanartTv(self.cache) = Imdb(self.cache) = GoogleImages(self.cache) self.studiologos = StudioLogos(self.cache) self.animatedart = AnimatedArt(self.cache, self.kodidb) self.thetvdb = TheTvDb() self.musicart = MusicArtwork(self) self.pvrart = PvrArtwork(self) log_msg("Initialized") def close(self): '''Cleanup instances''' self.close_called = True self.cache.close() self.addon = None del self.addon del self.kodidb del self.omdb del self.tmdb del self.channellogos del self.fanarttv del del del self.studiologos del self.animatedart del self.thetvdb del self.musicart del self.pvrart log_msg("Exited") def __del__(self): '''make sure close is called''' if not self.close_called: self.close() @use_cache(14) def get_extrafanart(self, file_path): '''helper to retrieve the extrafanart path for a kodi media item''' from helpers.extrafanart import get_extrafanart return get_extrafanart(file_path) def get_music_artwork(self, artist, album="", track="", disc="", ignore_cache=False, flush_cache=False): '''method to get music artwork for the goven artist/album/song''' return self.musicart.get_music_artwork( artist, album, track, disc, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, flush_cache=flush_cache) def music_artwork_options(self, artist, album="", track="", disc=""): '''options for music metadata for specific item''' return self.musicart.music_artwork_options(artist, album, track, disc) @use_cache(7) def get_extended_artwork(self, imdb_id="", tvdb_id="", tmdb_id="", media_type=""): '''get extended artwork for the given imdbid or tvdbid''' result = None if "movie" in media_type and tmdb_id: result = elif "movie" in media_type and imdb_id: result = elif media_type in ["tvshow", "tvshows", "seasons", "episodes"]: if not tvdb_id: if imdb_id and not imdb_id.startswith("tt"): tvdb_id = imdb_id elif imdb_id: tvdb_id = self.thetvdb.get_series_by_imdb_id(imdb_id).get("tvdb_id") if tvdb_id: result = self.fanarttv.tvshow(tvdb_id) # add additional art with special path if result: result = {"art": result} for arttype in ["fanarts", "posters", "clearlogos", "banners"]: if result["art"].get(arttype): result["art"][arttype] = "plugin://"\ "?action=extrafanart&fanarts=%s" % quote_plus(repr(result["art"][arttype])) return result def get_tmdb_details(self, imdb_id="", tvdb_id="", title="", year="", media_type="", preftype="", manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''returns details from tmdb''' result = {} if imdb_id: result = self.tmdb.get_videodetails_by_externalid( imdb_id, "imdb_id") elif tvdb_id: result = self.tmdb.get_videodetails_by_externalid( tvdb_id, "tvdb_id") elif title and media_type in ["movies", "setmovies", "movie"]: result = self.tmdb.search_movie( title, year, manual_select=manual_select) elif title and media_type in ["tvshows", "tvshow"]: result = self.tmdb.search_tvshow( title, year, manual_select=manual_select) elif title: result = self.tmdb.search_video( title, year, preftype=preftype, manual_select=manual_select) if result and result.get("status"): result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result and result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(self.get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result def get_moviesetdetails(self, title, set_id): '''get a nicely formatted dict of the movieset details which we can for example set as window props''' # get details from tmdb from helpers.moviesetdetails import get_moviesetdetails return get_moviesetdetails(self, title, set_id) @use_cache(14) def get_streamdetails(self, db_id, media_type, ignore_cache=False): '''get a nicely formatted dict of the streamdetails ''' from helpers.streamdetails import get_streamdetails return get_streamdetails(self.kodidb, db_id, media_type) def get_pvr_artwork(self, title, channel="", genre="", manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''get artwork and mediadetails for PVR entries''' return self.pvrart.get_pvr_artwork( title, channel, genre, manual_select=manual_select, ignore_cache=ignore_cache) def pvr_artwork_options(self, title, channel="", genre=""): '''options for pvr metadata for specific item''' return self.pvrart.pvr_artwork_options(title, channel, genre) def get_channellogo(self, channelname): '''get channellogo for the given channel name''' return self.channellogos.get_channellogo(channelname) def get_studio_logo(self, studio): '''get studio logo for the given studio''' # dont use cache at this level because of changing logospath return self.studiologos.get_studio_logo(studio, self.studiologos_path) @property def studiologos_path(self): '''path to use to lookup studio logos, must be set by the calling addon''' return self._studiologos_path @studiologos_path.setter def studiologos_path(self, value): '''path to use to lookup studio logos, must be set by the calling addon''' self._studiologos_path = value def get_animated_artwork(self, imdb_id, manual_select=False, ignore_cache=False): '''get animated artwork, perform extra check if local version still exists''' artwork = self.animatedart.get_animated_artwork( imdb_id, manual_select=manual_select, ignore_cache=ignore_cache) if not (manual_select or ignore_cache): refresh_needed = False if artwork.get("animatedposter") and not xbmcvfs.exists( artwork["animatedposter"]): refresh_needed = True if artwork.get("animatedfanart") and not xbmcvfs.exists( artwork["animatedfanart"]): refresh_needed = True return {"art": artwork} def get_omdb_info(self, imdb_id="", title="", year="", content_type=""): '''Get (kodi compatible formatted) metadata from OMDB, including Rotten tomatoes details''' title = title.split(" (")[0] # strip year appended to title result = {} if imdb_id: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_imdbid(imdb_id) elif title and content_type in ["seasons", "season", "episodes", "episode", "tvshows", "tvshow"]: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_title(title, "", "tvshows") elif title and year: result = self.omdb.get_details_by_title(title, year, content_type) if result and result.get("status"): result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result and result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(self.get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result def get_top250_rating(self, imdb_id): '''get the position in the IMDB top250 for the given IMDB ID''' return @use_cache(14) def get_duration(self, duration): '''helper to get a formatted duration''' if isinstance(duration, (str, unicode)) and ":" in duration: dur_lst = duration.split(":") return { "Duration": "%s:%s" % (dur_lst[0], dur_lst[1]), "Duration.Hours": dur_lst[0], "Duration.Minutes": dur_lst[1], "Runtime": str((int(dur_lst[0]) * 60) + int(dur_lst[1])), } else: return _get_duration(duration) @use_cache(2) def get_tvdb_details(self, imdbid="", tvdbid=""): '''get metadata from tvdb by providing a tvdbid or tmdbid''' result = {} self.thetvdb.days_ahead = 365 if not tvdbid and imdbid and not imdbid.startswith("tt"): # assume imdbid is actually a tvdbid... tvdbid = imdbid if tvdbid: result = self.thetvdb.get_series(tvdbid) elif imdbid: result = self.thetvdb.get_series_by_imdb_id(imdbid) if result: if result["status"] == "Continuing": # include next episode info result["nextepisode"] = self.thetvdb.get_nextaired_episode(result["tvdb_id"]) # include last episode info result["lastepisode"] = self.thetvdb.get_last_episode_for_series(result["tvdb_id"]) result["status"] = self.translate_string(result["status"]) if result.get("runtime"): result["runtime"] = result["runtime"] / 60 result.update(_get_duration(result["runtime"])) return result @use_cache(90) def get_imdbtvdb_id(self, title, content_type, year="", imdbid="", tvshowtitle=""): '''try to figure out the imdbnumber and/or tvdbid''' tvdbid = "" if content_type in ["seasons", "episodes"] or tvshowtitle: title = tvshowtitle content_type = "tvshows" if imdbid and not imdbid.startswith("tt"): if content_type in ["tvshows", "seasons", "episodes"]: tvdbid = imdbid imdbid = "" if not imdbid and year: imdbid = self.get_omdb_info( "", title, year, content_type).get("imdbnumber", "") if not imdbid: # repeat without year imdbid = self.get_omdb_info("", title, "", content_type).get("imdbnumber", "") # return results return (imdbid, tvdbid) def translate_string(self, _str): '''translate the received english string from the various sources like tvdb, tmbd etc''' translation = _str _str = _str.lower() if "continuing" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32037) elif "ended" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32038) elif "released" in _str: translation = self.addon.getLocalizedString(32040) return translation