예제 #1
rc('text', usetex=True)

def fit_function(x, a, b):
    """Function to fit against
    y = a * x + b

    :x: Float - Known data
    :a: Float - Unknown data
    :b: Float - Unknown data
    :returns: Float
    return a * x + b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Format: Relative_box_size avg(D_H) std(D_H) Num_measurements
    simulation_data = calc.process_file("./h_dims",
            key=r"L=(\d+):", xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")

    # Necessary for the zoomed inset
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    system_size = 128
    rel_box_sizes, avg_dhs, std_dhs, num_measurements = simulation_data[system_size]
    skip_boxes = [1/2, 1/4]
    # skip_boxes = []

    c = const.COLOR_MAP["black"]
    unique_rel_boxes = list(reversed(sorted(list(set(rel_box_sizes)))))
    for sb in skip_boxes:

    x_relbox = []
    y_lnnumboxes = []
예제 #2
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import helpers.calc as calc
import helpers.constants as const
import helpers.illustrations as illu

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['DejaVu Sans']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    system_size = 64
    # {system_size: [rel_box_size, avg(D_H), std(D_H), num_measurements], ...}
    simulation_data = calc.process_file(
        xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")

    # Necessary for the zoomed inset
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Clear simulation data except system_size
    data = simulation_data[system_size]
    simulation_data[system_size] = data

    ignore_relbox_sizes = [1 / 2]

    labeled = False
    color = const.COLOR_MAP["black"]
    for size in simulation_data:
예제 #3
Brief:               Correct an error I made where all winding numbers were multiplied by 3

File name:           plot_winding.py
Author:              Simon Rydell
Python Version:      3.7

import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import helpers.calc as calc
import helpers.constants as const
import helpers.illustrations as illu

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['DejaVu Sans']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    simulation_data = calc.process_file("./data/windingnum_temp_closetoTc.txt", key=r"L=(\d+):", xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")

    with open("test.out", 'w') as f:
        for size in simulation_data:
            for i in range(len(simulation_data[size][0])):
                winding_number = simulation_data[size][0][i]
                temperature = simulation_data[size][1][i]

                f.write(f"{winding_number/3} {temperature}\n")
예제 #4
        # Load graph
        sites = ani.process_graph_file(f"ising/{frame}", dimension)

        # Plot all flux
        for site in sites:
            site.plot_arrows_to_neighbours(ax, system_size, color=c, style='-')

        if frame == last_simulation_frame:
            frame = freeze_frames(stop_frames, frame)

        # Clear axis for next plot

    largest_worm = calc.process_file("data/animation/ising/largest_worm",
                                     "xxxx", r"(\d*)")


    plot_largest_worm(largest_worm, sites, system_size, ax)

    print("Freeze frames for largest_worm")
    frame = freeze_frames(stop_frames, frame)

    # Draw separating lines
    lines = [[
        [[system_size / 2 - 0.5, system_size / 2 - 0.5],
         [-0.5, system_size - 0.5]],
        [[-0.5, system_size - 0.5],
         [system_size / 2 - 0.5, system_size / 2 - 0.5]],
예제 #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import helpers.calc as calc
import helpers.constants as const
import helpers.illustrations as illu
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['DejaVu Sans']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dimension = 2
    # BM_singlevec/128      41051 ns      41025 ns      16924
    singlevec_data = calc.process_file(
        r"BM_singlevec/(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns \s* (\d*\.?\d*)"

    multivec_data = calc.process_file(
        r"BM_vecofvecs/(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns \s* (\d*\.?\d*)"

    sizes_single, _time, cpu_time_single, _num_measurents = singlevec_data[0]
    sizes_multi, _time, cpu_time_multi, _num_measurents = multivec_data[0]

    # Normalize cpu_time_single
    cpu_time_single = [
예제 #6
def fit_function(x, a, exponent, b):
    """Function to fit against
    y = a * x^(exponent)

    :x: Float - Known data
    :a: Float - Unknown data
    :exponent: Float - Unknown data
    :returns: Float
    return a * np.power(x, exponent) + b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Format: avg(E) std(E) Num_measurements
    # {system_size: [avg(E), std(E), num_measurements], ...}
    simulation_data = calc.process_file(f"./energy_sizeXY",
                                        xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")

    # Necessary for the zoomed inset
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    color = const.COLOR_MAP["black"]
    avg_es = []
    for size in simulation_data:
        if 2 * size in simulation_data:

            simulation_data[size][0] = calc.add_mean(simulation_data[2 * size][0]) - calc.add_mean(simulation_data[size][0])
            simulation_data[size][1] = calc.add_std(simulation_data[2 * size][1]) - calc.add_std(simulation_data[size][1])
            simulation_data[size][2] = sum(simulation_data[size][2])
예제 #7
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import helpers.calc as calc
import helpers.constants as const
import helpers.illustrations as illu

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['DejaVu Sans']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # simulation_data = calc.process_file("./data/xy_winding.txt",
    #         key=r"L=(\d+):", xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")
    simulation_data = calc.process_file("../winding",
            key=r"L=(\d+):", xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)")

    # Should the zoomed inset be plotted?
    zoomed = True

    # Necessary for the zoomed inset
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    colors = const.GRADIENT["blue"]
    c_id = -1
    plot_dict = {}
    zoomed_data = {}
    # Approximations of Tc
    closest_temps_to_tc = [0.333, 0.334]
    closest_ws_to_tc = []
    for size in simulation_data:
예제 #8
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import helpers.calc as calc
import helpers.constants as const
import helpers.illustrations as illu

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['DejaVu Sans']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    system_size = 128
    # {box_size: [avg(D_H), std(D_H)], ...}
    simulation_data = calc.process_file(
        xy=r"(\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*e?-?\d*)")

    ignore_sizes = [64.0, 32.0]
    for size in ignore_sizes:

    labeled = False
    color = const.COLOR_MAP["black"]
    for size in simulation_data:
        avg_dh = simulation_data[size][0][0]
        std_dh = simulation_data[size][1][0]
        if size == min(list(simulation_data)):
            print(f"D_H = {avg_dh:.5f} += {std_dh:.0e}")
        if not labeled:
예제 #9
    :x: Know input
    :a: Unknown fit data
    :b: Unknown fit data
    :c: Unknown fit data
    :returns: a * log2(x) * x^b + c
    return a * np.log2(x) * np.power(x, b) + c

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dimension = 2
    # {box_size: [avg(D_H), std(D_H)], ...}
    # BM_DivideGraph/4        12078 ns      12064 ns      58434
    simulation_data = calc.process_file(f"./data/benchmark_graphdiv.txt",
                                        xy=r"BM_DivideGraph/(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns\s*(\d*\.?\d*) ns \s* (\d*\.?\d*)")

    sizes, time, cpu_time, num_measurents = simulation_data[0]

    # Normalize cpu_time
    cpu_time = [t / cpu_time[0] for t in cpu_time]

    # Get total number of sites
    sites = [np.power(s, dimension) for s in sizes]

    cpu_time = np.array(cpu_time)
    sites = np.array(sites)

    # fit_data_linear = calc.bootstrap(fit_func_linear, sites, cpu_time, 400)
    # fit_data_log = calc.bootstrap(fit_func_log, sites, cpu_time, 400)