def __init__(self, config, word_vocab, verb_map, noun_map, replay_memory_capacity=100000, replay_memory_priority_fraction=0.0, load_pretrained=False): # print('Creating RL agent...') self.use_dropout_exploration = True # TODO: move to config. self.config = config self.use_cuda = config['general']['use_cuda'] self.word_vocab = word_vocab self.verb_map = verb_map self.noun_map = noun_map self.word2id = {} for i, w in enumerate(word_vocab): self.word2id[w] = i self.model = LSTM_DQN(model_config=config["model"], word_vocab=self.word_vocab, verb_map=verb_map, noun_map=noun_map, enable_cuda=self.use_cuda) self.action_scorer_hidden_dim = config['model']['lstm_dqn']['action_scorer_hidden_dim'] if load_pretrained: self.load_pretrained_model(config["model"]['global']['pretrained_model_save_path']) if self.use_cuda: self.model.cuda() if replay_memory_priority_fraction > 0.0: self.replay_memory = PrioritizedReplayMemory(replay_memory_capacity, priority_fraction=replay_memory_priority_fraction) else: self.replay_memory = ReplayMemory(replay_memory_capacity) self.observation_cache_capacity = config['general']['observation_cache_capacity'] self.observation_cache = ObservationHistoryCache(self.observation_cache_capacity)
class RLAgent(object): def __init__(self, config, word_vocab, verb_map, noun_map, replay_memory_capacity=100000, replay_memory_priority_fraction=0.0, load_pretrained=False): # print('Creating RL agent...') self.use_dropout_exploration = True # TODO: move to config. self.config = config self.use_cuda = config['general']['use_cuda'] self.word_vocab = word_vocab self.verb_map = verb_map self.noun_map = noun_map self.word2id = {} for i, w in enumerate(word_vocab): self.word2id[w] = i self.model = LSTM_DQN(model_config=config["model"], word_vocab=self.word_vocab, verb_map=verb_map, noun_map=noun_map, enable_cuda=self.use_cuda) if load_pretrained: self.load_pretrained_model( config["model"]['global']['pretrained_model_save_path']) if self.use_cuda: self.model.cuda() if replay_memory_priority_fraction > 0.0: self.replay_memory = PrioritizedReplayMemory( replay_memory_capacity, priority_fraction=replay_memory_priority_fraction) else: self.replay_memory = ReplayMemory(replay_memory_capacity) self.observation_cache_capacity = config['general'][ 'observation_cache_capacity'] self.observation_cache = ObservationHistoryCache( self.observation_cache_capacity) def load_pretrained_model(self, load_from): # load model, if there is any print( "loading best model------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) try: save_f = open(load_from, 'rb') self.model = torch.load(save_f) except: print("") def reset(self, infos): self.rewards = [] self.dones = [] self.intermediate_rewards = [] self.revisit_counting_rewards = [] self.observation_cache.reset() def get_chosen_strings(self, v_idx, n_idx): v_idx_np = to_np(v_idx) n_idx_np = to_np(n_idx) res_str = [] for i in range(n_idx_np.shape[0]): v, n = self.verb_map[v_idx_np[i]], self.noun_map[n_idx_np[i]] res_str.append(self.word_vocab[v] + " " + self.word_vocab[n]) return res_str def choose_random_command(self, verb_rank, noun_rank): batch_size = verb_rank.size(0) vr, nr = to_np(verb_rank), to_np(noun_rank) v_idx, n_idx = [], [] for i in range(batch_size): v_idx.append(np.random.choice(len(vr[i]), 1)[0]) n_idx.append(np.random.choice(len(nr[i]), 1)[0]) v_qvalue, n_qvalue = [], [] for i in range(batch_size): v_qvalue.append(verb_rank[i][v_idx[i]]) n_qvalue.append(noun_rank[i][n_idx[i]]) v_qvalue, n_qvalue =, v_idx, n_idx = to_pt(np.array(v_idx), self.use_cuda), to_pt(np.array(n_idx), self.use_cuda) return v_qvalue, v_idx, n_qvalue, n_idx def choose_maxQ_command(self, verb_rank, noun_rank): batch_size = verb_rank.size(0) vr, nr = to_np(verb_rank), to_np(noun_rank) v_idx = np.argmax(vr, -1) n_idx = np.argmax(nr, -1) v_qvalue, n_qvalue = [], [] for i in range(batch_size): v_qvalue.append(verb_rank[i][v_idx[i]]) n_qvalue.append(noun_rank[i][n_idx[i]]) v_qvalue, n_qvalue =, v_idx, n_idx = to_pt(v_idx, self.use_cuda), to_pt(n_idx, self.use_cuda) return v_qvalue, v_idx, n_qvalue, n_idx def get_ranks(self, input_description): state_representation = self.model.representation_generator( input_description) verb_rank, noun_rank = self.model.action_scorer( state_representation) # batch x n_verb, batch x n_noun return state_representation, verb_rank, noun_rank def generate_one_command(self, input_description, epsilon=0.2): state_representation, verb_rank, noun_rank = self.get_ranks( input_description) # batch x n_verb, batch x n_noun state_representation = state_representation.detach() v_qvalue_maxq, v_idx_maxq, n_qvalue_maxq, n_idx_maxq = self.choose_maxQ_command( verb_rank, noun_rank) v_qvalue_random, v_idx_random, n_qvalue_random, n_idx_random = self.choose_random_command( verb_rank, noun_rank) # random number for epsilon greedy rand_num = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(input_description.size(0), )) less_than_epsilon = (rand_num < epsilon).astype("float32") # batch greater_than_epsilon = 1.0 - less_than_epsilon less_than_epsilon = to_pt(less_than_epsilon, self.use_cuda, type='float') greater_than_epsilon = to_pt(greater_than_epsilon, self.use_cuda, type='float') less_than_epsilon, greater_than_epsilon = less_than_epsilon.long( ), greater_than_epsilon.long() v_idx = less_than_epsilon * v_idx_random + greater_than_epsilon * v_idx_maxq n_idx = less_than_epsilon * n_idx_random + greater_than_epsilon * n_idx_maxq v_idx, n_idx = v_idx.detach(), n_idx.detach() chosen_strings = self.get_chosen_strings(v_idx, n_idx) return v_idx, n_idx, chosen_strings, state_representation def get_game_step_info(self, ob, infos, prev_actions=None): # concat d/i/q/f/pf together as one string inventory_strings = [info["inventory"] for info in infos] inventory_token_list = [ preproc(item, str_type='inventory', lower_case=True) for item in inventory_strings ] inventory_id_list = [ _words_to_ids(tokens, self.word2id) for tokens in inventory_token_list ] feedback_strings = [info["command_feedback"] for info in infos] feedback_token_list = [ preproc(item, str_type='feedback', lower_case=True) for item in feedback_strings ] feedback_id_list = [ _words_to_ids(tokens, self.word2id) for tokens in feedback_token_list ] quest_strings = [info["objective"] for info in infos] quest_token_list = [ preproc(item, str_type='None', lower_case=True) for item in quest_strings ] quest_id_list = [ _words_to_ids(tokens, self.word2id) for tokens in quest_token_list ] if prev_actions is not None: prev_action_token_list = [ preproc(item, str_type='None', lower_case=True) for item in prev_actions ] prev_action_id_list = [ _words_to_ids(tokens, self.word2id) for tokens in prev_action_token_list ] else: prev_action_id_list = [[] for _ in infos] description_strings = [info["description"] for info in infos] description_token_list = [ preproc(item, str_type='description', lower_case=True) for item in description_strings ] for i, d in enumerate(description_token_list): if len(d) == 0: description_token_list[i] = [ "end" ] # hack here, if empty description, insert word "end" description_id_list = [ _words_to_ids(tokens, self.word2id) for tokens in description_token_list ] description_id_list = [ _d + _i + _q + _f + _pa for (_d, _i, _q, _f, _pa ) in zip(description_id_list, inventory_id_list, quest_id_list, feedback_id_list, prev_action_id_list) ] self.observation_cache.push(description_id_list) description_with_history_id_list = self.observation_cache.get_all() input_description = pad_sequences( description_with_history_id_list, maxlen=max_len(description_with_history_id_list), padding='post').astype('int32') input_description = to_pt(input_description, self.use_cuda) return input_description, description_with_history_id_list def get_observation_strings(self, infos): # concat game_id_d/i/d together as one string game_file_names = [info["game_file"] for info in infos] inventory_strings = [info["inventory"] for info in infos] description_strings = [info["description"] for info in infos] observation_strings = [ _n + _d + _i for (_n, _d, _i) in zip( game_file_names, description_strings, inventory_strings) ] return observation_strings def compute_reward(self, revisit_counting_lambda=0.0, revisit_counting=True): if len(self.dones) == 1: mask = [1.0 for _ in self.dones[-1]] else: assert len(self.dones) > 1 mask = [ 1.0 if not self.dones[-2][i] else 0.0 for i in range(len(self.dones[-1])) ] mask = np.array(mask, dtype='float32') mask_pt = to_pt(mask, self.use_cuda, type='float') # self.rewards: list of list, max_game_length x batch_size rewards = np.array(self.rewards[-1], dtype='float32') # batch if revisit_counting: if len(self.revisit_counting_rewards) > 0: rewards += np.array(self.revisit_counting_rewards[-1], dtype='float32') * revisit_counting_lambda rewards_pt = to_pt(rewards, self.use_cuda, type='float') return rewards, rewards_pt, mask, mask_pt def update(self, replay_batch_size, discount_gamma=0.0): if len(self.replay_memory) < replay_batch_size: return None transitions = self.replay_memory.sample(replay_batch_size) batch = Transition(*zip(*transitions)) observation_id_list = pad_sequences(batch.observation_id_list, maxlen=max_len( batch.observation_id_list), padding='post').astype('int32') input_observation = to_pt(observation_id_list, self.use_cuda) next_observation_id_list = pad_sequences( batch.next_observation_id_list, maxlen=max_len(batch.next_observation_id_list), padding='post').astype('int32') next_input_observation = to_pt(next_observation_id_list, self.use_cuda) v_idx = torch.stack(batch.v_idx, 0) # batch x 1 n_idx = torch.stack(batch.n_idx, 0) # batch x 1 _, verb_rank, noun_rank = self.get_ranks(input_observation) v_qvalue, n_qvalue = verb_rank.gather( 1, v_idx).squeeze(-1), noun_rank.gather(1, n_idx).squeeze(-1) # batch q_value = torch.mean(torch.stack([v_qvalue, n_qvalue], -1), -1) # batch _, next_verb_rank, next_noun_rank = self.get_ranks( next_input_observation) # batch x n_verb, batch x n_noun next_v_qvalue, _, next_n_qvalue, _ = self.choose_maxQ_command( next_verb_rank, next_noun_rank) next_q_value = torch.mean( torch.stack([next_v_qvalue, next_n_qvalue], -1), -1) # batch next_q_value = next_q_value.detach() rewards = # batch not_done = 1.0 - np.array(batch.done, dtype='float32') # batch not_done = to_pt(not_done, self.use_cuda, type='float') rewards = rewards + not_done * next_q_value * discount_gamma # batch mask = # batch loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(q_value * mask, rewards * mask) return loss def finish(self): # Game has finished. # this function does nothing, bust compute values that to be printed out self.final_rewards = np.array(self.rewards[-1], dtype='float32') # batch self.final_counting_rewards = np.sum( np.array(self.revisit_counting_rewards), 0) # batch dones = [] for d in self.dones: d = np.array([float(dd) for dd in d], dtype='float32') dones.append(d) dones = np.array(dones) step_used = 1.0 - dones self.step_used_before_done = np.sum(step_used, 0) # batch self.final_intermediate_rewards = [] intermediate_rewards = np.array( self.intermediate_rewards) # step x batch intermediate_rewards = np.transpose(intermediate_rewards, (1, 0)) # batch x step for i in range(intermediate_rewards.shape[0]): self.final_intermediate_rewards.append( np.sum(intermediate_rewards[i] [:int(self.step_used_before_done[i]) + 1])) self.final_intermediate_rewards = np.array( self.final_intermediate_rewards) def reset_binarized_counter(self, batch_size): self.binarized_counter_dict = [{} for _ in range(batch_size)] def get_binarized_count(self, observation_strings, update=True): batch_size = len(observation_strings) count_rewards = [] for i in range(batch_size): concat_string = observation_strings[i] if concat_string not in self.binarized_counter_dict[i]: self.binarized_counter_dict[i][concat_string] = 0.0 if update: self.binarized_counter_dict[i][concat_string] += 1.0 r = self.binarized_counter_dict[i][concat_string] r = float(r == 1.0) count_rewards.append(r) return count_rewards def state_dict(self): return { 'model': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict() } def load_state_dict(self, state): self.model.load_state_dict(state['model']) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(state['optimizer'])