예제 #1
def ask_list_selection(st_name_dict: dict):
    text = "Load Done!\n"
    text += "Please input one or more index to start:\n"
    text += "Example: 7 or 1,2,4-8,9~10 or 0 or -1 or -2\n"
    st_name_dict[-1] = 'Exit'
    st_name_dict[-2] = 'Review'

    for i, (k, v) in enumerate(st_name_dict.items()):
        text += "{}. {}".format(k, v)

        if i % 2:
            text += '\n'
            n_space = 4
            text += ''.join([' ' for _ in range(n_space)])

    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[0, 1]))

    while True:
        inp = input("Your Input:").strip()
        if len(inp) == 0: continue
        selected = pipeline_util.parse_user_selection(inp)
        if selected is None: continue
        assert len(selected) > 0, selected
        if -1 in selected:
            assert len(selected) == 1, selected
            print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text("See you :D", body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True,
                                                  canopy_switcher=[1, 1]))

        if -2 in selected:
            assert len(selected) == 1, selected
            return -2

        return selected
예제 #2
def prompt_rule(num_words):
    text = "Successfully loaded {} words".format(num_words)
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[1, 1]))

    text = '''RULE
    1. Enter NOTHING to indicate you RECALL this word; Enter SOMETHING to indicate you FORGET it.
    2. Enter NOTHING to indicate your answer is consistent with the given one; vice versa.\n'''
    if INP_TIMEOUT > 0:
        text += \
            '''3. Give an input in {}s, or it will be consider as a failure of recall.'''.format(INP_TIMEOUT)
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[0, 1]))
예제 #3
def save_new_content(wb, all_content, selected, st_name_dict):
    def extract_sheet_content(sheet_idx):
        row_indces = np.where(all_content[:, 0] == sheet_idx)[0]
        st_content = all_content[row_indces, 1:]
        return st_content

    for sheet_idx in selected:
        sheet_name = st_name_dict[sheet_idx]
        st = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
        st_content = extract_sheet_content(sheet_idx)
        workbook_op.fill_sheet_with_new_content(st, st_content)

    saved_to = workbook_op.save_workbook(wb, WB_PATH)
    text = 'Work Saved to:\n{}'.format(saved_to)
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[1, 1]))
예제 #4
def load_wb():
    text = "Loading, please wait..."
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[0, 1]))
    wb, st_name_dict = workbook_op.open_workbook(WB_PATH)
    return wb, st_name_dict
예제 #5
def prompt_welcome():
    if TESTMODE:
        print(Color().colorize('red', '[TESTMODE IS ON]'))
    text = "Welcome to GRE3000 Helper. Wordlist from: {}".format(WB_PATH)
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True))
예제 #6
def prompt_oblivious():
    text = '''Review oblivious words
    This section will help you review the words UNTIL you can correctly recall them all.
    print(pipeline_util.get_inbanner_text(text, body_width=BANNER_BODY_WIDTH, fix_width=True, canopy_switcher=[1, 1]))