예제 #1
파일: 052.py 프로젝트: 6112/project-euler
def euler():
    # set of the digits to use for generating numbers: all the digits except
    # '1', see related hack
    digits = list(set(range(10)) - {1})
    # number of matches found, only take the second one
    matches_count = 0
    # for each permutation of the digits
    for digit_permutation in sequence.permutations(digits):
        # for each truncation in that permutation
        for base_digits in sequence.right_truncations(digit_permutation):
            # add '1' at the beginning of the number, because the number
            # must start with a '1' in order to have the same number of digits
            # when multiplied by 6
            base_digits = [1] + base_digits
            # the base number which will be multiplied
            base = int(''.join(str(digit) for digit in base_digits))
            # found will stay True if all the multiplications by the FACTORS
            # have the same digits
            found = True
            # for each factor, check if it yields the same digits
            for factor in FACTORS:
                found = found and set(str(base)) == set(str(base * factor))
            # if it's a valid answer
            if found:
                # return the second valid answer found
                matches_count += 1
                if matches_count == 2:
                    return base
예제 #2
파일: 037.py 프로젝트: 6112/project-euler
def is_truncatable(number):
    if number < 10:
        return False
    for truncation in sequence.left_truncations(str(number)):
        if not primeutils.is_prime(int(truncation)):
            return False
    for truncation in sequence.right_truncations(str(number)):
        if not primeutils.is_prime(int(truncation)):
            return False
    return True