def render(self): RADIUS = 3 ###################### ## SMOKE SIMULATION ## ###################### bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(0.0, 0.0, 4.0), radius=RADIUS) container = bpy.context.object = 'smoke_container''container', type='SMOKE') container.modifiers['container'].smoke_type = 'DOMAIN' container.modifiers[ 'container'].domain_settings.use_high_resolution = True container.modifiers['container'].domain_settings.vorticity = 3 container.modifiers['container'].domain_settings.vorticity = 3 container.modifiers["container"].domain_settings.alpha = -1.2 helpers.assign_material(container,['Smoke Domain Material']) emitter = self.spawn_emitter_smoke(self.ORIGIN) self.make_object_smoke_collider(self.SUBJECT) emitter.modifiers["emitter"].flow_settings.density = 1 bpy.context.scene.frame_set(0) emitter.location = helpers.rand_location(7, positive=True) helpers.add_frame([emitter], ['location']) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES) emitter.location = (4, 4, 4) helpers.add_frame([emitter], ['location'])
def matthew_curve(self, obj, time, scale = 0.2): fx, fy, fz = self.rand_curve() verts = [(fx(t), fy(t), fz(t)) for t in helpers.pitched_array(0, time, 0.2)] = obj bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for idx, coord in enumerate(verts[0::self.MESH_OCCURENCE]): new_obj = helpers.duplicate_object(obj) = True new_obj.location = coord new_obj.scale = (0.02,0.02,0.02) if idx % 2 == 0 else (0.05, 0.05, 0.05) new_obj.rotation_euler.z += idx * (2 * math.pi) / len(verts) = new_obj bpy.ops.object.join() res = bpy.context.object = 'fernandez' helpers.resize(res) helpers.decimate(res) helpers.assign_material(res, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) support = helpers.create_mesh('fernandez_support', verts, [], (0,0,0), [[v, v+1] for v in range(0, (len(verts) - 1))]) helpers.resize(support) helpers.extrude(support) helpers.assign_material(support, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) return res
def render(self): self.cubes = helpers.build_composite_object('Cube', self.SIZE - 1, 0.5) for a in self.cubes: for b in a: for c in b: c.location += mathutils.Vector( (self.SIZE / 2, self.SIZE / 2, self.SIZE / 2)) self.cells = [[[0 for i in range(self.SIZE)] for k in range(self.SIZE)] for j in range(self.SIZE)] self.next_generation = [[[0 for i in range(self.SIZE)] for k in range(self.SIZE)] for j in range(self.SIZE)] for x in range(self.SIZE): for y in range(self.SIZE): for z in range(self.SIZE): self.cubes[x][y][z].scale = (.1, .1, .1) self.cells[x][y][z] = numpy.random.choice([0, 1], 1, p=[0.6, 0.4])[0] helpers.assign_material( self.cubes[x][y][z], helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) print("Synthetic life begin") self.adjust_scale() for l in range(self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(l) print("Life in " + str(l))
def render(self): diameter = 4.0 sz = 2.125 / diameter base_object = helpers.infer_primitive(random.choice(self.PRIMITIVES), location=(100, 100, 100), radius=sz) latitude = 16 longitude = latitude * 2 invlatitude = 1.0 / (latitude - 1) invlongitude = 1.0 / (longitude - 1) iprc = 0.0 jprc = 0.0 phi = 0.0 theta = 0.0 invfcount = 1.0 / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1) # Animate center of the sphere. center = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) startcenter = Vector((0.0, -4.0, 0.0)) stopcenter = Vector((0.0, 4.0, 0.0)) # Rotate cubes around the surface of the sphere. pt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) rotpt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Change the axis of rotation for the point. baseaxis = Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) axis = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Slerp between two rotations for each cube. startrot = Quaternion((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), pi) stoprot = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), pi * 1.5) currot = Quaternion() for i in range(0, latitude, 1): iprc = i * invlatitude phi = pi * (i + 1) * invlatitude rad = 0.01 + sz * abs(sin(phi)) * 0.99 pt.z = cos(phi) * diameter for j in range(0, longitude, 1): jprc = j * invlongitude theta = TWOPI * j / longitude pt.y = center.y + sin(phi) * sin(theta) * diameter pt.x = center.x + sin(phi) * cos(theta) * diameter current = helpers.duplicate_object(base_object) current.location = pt = 'Object ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(i, j) = 'Mesh ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(i, j) current.rotation_euler = (0.0, phi, theta) helpers.assign_material( current, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) axis = self.vecrotatex(theta, baseaxis) currot = startrot center = startcenter for f in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, 1): fprc = f / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1) osc = abs(sin(TWOPI * fprc)) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f) center = startcenter.lerp(stopcenter, osc) current.location = helpers.rotate_vector( TWOPI * fprc, axis, pt) current.keyframe_insert(data_path='location') currot = startrot.slerp(stoprot, jprc * fprc) current.rotation_euler = currot.to_euler() current.keyframe_insert(data_path='rotation_euler')
def render(self): frame = self.spawn_frame(helpers.build_segment( (-10, -10, 0), helpers.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), length=3, pitch=1), side=20) helpers.assign_material(frame, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES))
def render(self): ###################### ## FLUID SIMULATION ## ###################### self.SCENE.frame_end = self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES RADIUS = 20 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(0.0, 0.0, 17), radius=RADIUS) container = helpers.last_added_object('Cube') = 'fluid_container''container', type='FLUID_SIMULATION')'smooth_container', type='SMOOTH') container.modifiers['container'].settings.type = 'DOMAIN' container.modifiers['container'].settings.generate_particles = 5 container.modifiers['container'].settings.surface_subdivisions = 50 container.modifiers['container'].settings.viscosity_exponent = 6 container.modifiers['container'].settings.viscosity_base = 1.0 container.modifiers['container'].settings.resolution = 25 container.modifiers['container'].settings.simulation_scale = 1 container.modifiers['container'].settings.simulation_rate = 5 self.BAKED.append(container) self.spawn_emitter_fuild((-2, -2, 10), mathutils.Vector((-0.5, -0.5, -2))) self.spawn_emitter_fuild((2, 2, 10), mathutils.Vector((0.5, 0.5, -2))) helpers.assign_material(container, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) ###################### ## SMOKE SIMULATION ## ###################### bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(0.0, 0.0, 17), radius=RADIUS) container = helpers.last_added_object('Cube') = 'smoke_container''container', type='SMOKE') container.modifiers['container'].smoke_type = 'DOMAIN' container.modifiers[ 'container'].domain_settings.use_high_resolution = True container.modifiers['container'].domain_settings.vorticity = 3 self.BAKED.append(container) self.spawn_emitter_smoke(self.ORIGIN) # Bake animation print( "*** Baking commence *** (you might see a bunch of gibberish popping up cause baking is not supposed to be used headlessly" ) bpy.ops.ptcache.free_bake_all() # free bake cache bpy.ops.ptcache.bake_all(bake=True) print("*** Baking finished ***")
def render(self): base_model = self.SUBJECT for i in range(0, 10): copy = self.load_random_obj() copy.scale = helpers.rand_scale_vector(round(random.uniform(0, 1), 10)) copy.location = helpers.rand_location() angles = [-90, 90, 0] self.props.append(copy) copy.rotation_euler.z += math.radians(random.choice(angles)) copy.rotation_euler.y += math.radians(random.choice(angles)) copy.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(random.choice(angles)) = 'copy_' + str(i) helpers.assign_material(copy, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) cut_copy = self.duplicate_object(self.SUBJECT) self.cut(cut_copy)
def add_ocean(self, spatial_size, resolution, depth=100, scale=(4, 4, 4), wave_scale=0.5): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(0, 0, -0.4), radius=1) ocean = helpers.last_added_object('Cube') ocean.scale = scale'Ocean', type='OCEAN') ocean.modifiers["Ocean"].spatial_size = spatial_size ocean.modifiers["Ocean"].resolution = resolution ocean.modifiers["Ocean"].wave_scale = wave_scale ocean.modifiers["Ocean"].depth = depth helpers.assign_material(ocean, helpers.fetch_material("jello")) shadow = helpers.duplicate_object(ocean) shadow.location += mathutils.Vector((1, 1, -0.4)) helpers.wireframize(shadow, random.choice(self.COLORS)) = 'shadow' = 'ocean' return [ocean, shadow]
def render(self): diameter = 4.0 sz = 2.125 / diameter latitude = 10 longitude = latitude * 2 invlatitude = 1.0 / (latitude - 1) current_frame = 0 jprc = 0.0 phi = 0.0 theta = 0.0 pt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) rotpt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) center = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) baseaxis = Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) axis = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) metaball_type = random.choice(self.TYPES) mbdata ='meta_balls') mbdata.render_resolution = 0.075 mbdata.resolution = 0.1 mbobj ="meta_bollocks", mbdata) helpers.assign_material(mbobj, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) for i in range(0, latitude, 1): phi = pi * (i + 1) * invlatitude pt.z = cos(phi) * diameter for j in range(0, longitude, 1): theta = TWOPI * j / longitude pt.y = center.y + sin(phi) * sin(theta) * diameter pt.x = center.x + sin(phi) * cos(theta) * diameter mbelm = = (latitude, longitude, 6) mbelm.radius = 0.15 + sz * abs(sin(phi)) * 1.85 mbelm.stiffness = 1.0 if i % 7 == j % 3: mbelm.use_negative = True for f in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, 1): fprc = f / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f) = helpers.rotate_vector(TWOPI * fprc, axis, pt) mbelm.keyframe_insert(data_path='co')
def render(self): DURATION=self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES self.SCENE.frame_start = 0 self.SCENE.frame_end = DURATION self.cubes = helpers.build_composite_object('Cube', self.SIZE-1, 0.5) self.cells = [[[ 0 for i in range(self.SIZE)] for k in range(self.SIZE)] for j in range(self.SIZE)] self.next_generation = [[[ 0 for i in range(self.SIZE)] for k in range(self.SIZE)] for j in range(self.SIZE)] for x in range(self.SIZE): for y in range(self.SIZE): for z in range(self.SIZE): self.cubes[x][y][z].scale=(.1,.1,.1) self.cells[x][y][z] = random.choice(range(2)) helpers.assign_material(self.cubes[x][y][z], helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) print("Synthetic life begin") self.adjust_scale() for l in range(DURATION): self.SCENE.frame_set(l) print("Life in " + str(l))
def render(self): bpy.ops.import_scene.obj( filepath=os.path.join(self.FIXTURES_FOLDER_PATH + 'm4a1.obj'), use_edges=True) bpy.ops.import_scene.obj( filepath=os.path.join(self.FIXTURES_FOLDER_PATH + 'lightning.obj'), use_edges=True) m4a1 =['m4a1'] logo =["0_glitch3d_lightning"] = 'logo' logo.location = self.rand_location() m4a1.location = self.rand_location() m4a1.scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.props.append(m4a1) self.props.append(logo) rand_primitive = random.choice(self.PRIMITIVES) # elements = helpers.build_composite_object(rand_primitive, 4, 1) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(x_subdivisions=100, y_subdivisions=100, location=(0, 6, 2)) display1 = helpers.last_added_object('Grid') = 'display_1' bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(x_subdivisions=100, y_subdivisions=100, location=(6, 0, 2)) display2 = helpers.last_added_object('Grid') = 'display_2'['displays']['displays'] display1.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display1.rotation_euler.z -= math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.y += math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.z += math.radians(120) for display in['displays'].objects: display.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display.scale = self.DISPLAY_SCALE helpers.texture_object(display, self.TEXTURE_FOLDER_PATH) helpers.unwrap_model(display) helpers.glitch(display) for prop in self.props: helpers.assign_material( prop, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0, 0, -2)) floor = self.last_added_object('Plane') = 'floor' floor.scale = (20, 20, 20) helpers.subdivide(floor, int(random.uniform(1, 5))) helpers.displace(floor) self.OCEAN = self.add_ocean(10, 20) self.LINES =['lines'] for j in range(0, random.choice(range(5, 40))): for i in range(0, random.choice(range(5, 10))): new_line = self.create_line( 'line' + str(uuid.uuid1()), self.series(30, self.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), 0.3), random.choice(self.COLORS), 0.003, (j, -10, 2))['lines'] new_line.location.z += i / 3 self.props.append(new_line) helpers.spawn_text(self.TEXT_FILE_PATH, "PSKL") helpers.apply_displacement(['ocean'], self.HEIGHT_MAP_FOLDER_PATH) for index in range(1, 5): new_object = helpers.spawn_text(self.TEXT_FILE_PATH)['texts'] self.props.append(new_object) text_scale = random.uniform(0.75, 3) self.assign_material(new_object, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) new_object.scale = (text_scale, text_scale, text_scale) new_object.location = helpers.rand_location() for obj in['neons'].objects: self.wireframize(obj, random.choice(self.COLORS))
def render(self): rand_curve = helpers.create_line('rand_curve', helpers.parametric_curve(helpers.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), helpers.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), self.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), 100, 100), random.choice(self.COLORS)) rand_curve.scale = (2,2,2) helpers.glitch(rand_curve) art = self.matthew_curve(self.SUBJECT, 50) helpers.assign_material(art, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES))
def render(self): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(0, 0, 100), radius=1) cube = helpers.last_added_object('Cube') helpers.assign_material(cube, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) self.spawn_particles_system(self.SUBJECT, cube)
def render(self): count = self.COUNT # Size of grid. extents = 8.0 # The height of each cube will be animated, so we'll specify the minimum and maximum scale. sz = (extents / count) base_object = helpers.infer_primitive(random.choice(self.PRIMITIVES), location = (100, 100, 100), radius=sz) helpers.assign_material(base_object, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) minsz = sz * 0.25 maxsz = sz * extents # To convert abstract grid position within loop to real-world coordinate. jprc = 0.0 kprc = 0.0 countf = 1.0 / (count - 1) diffex = extents * 2 y = 0.0 x = 0.0 centerz = 0.0 centery = 0.0 centerx = 0.0 # The maximum possible distance is used to normalize the distance. rise = 0.0 run = 0.0 normdist = 0.0 maxdist = sqrt(2 * extents * extents) # For generating the wave. offset = 0.0 angle = 0.0 # Loop through grid y axis. for j in range(0, count, 1): jprc = j * countf y = -extents + jprc * diffex # Calculate rise. rise = y - centery rise *= rise # Loop through grid x axis. for k in range(0, count, 1): kprc = k * countf x = -extents + kprc * diffex # Calculate run. run = x - centerx run *= run # Find normalized distance using Pythogorean theorem. # Remap the normalized distance to a range -PI .. PI normdist = sqrt(rise + run) / maxdist offset = -TWOPI * normdist + pi current = helpers.duplicate_object(base_object) current.location = (centerx + x, centery + y, centerz) = 'Object ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(k, j) = 'Mesh ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(k, j) for f in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, 1): # Convert the keyframe into an angle. fprc = f * 1.0 / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1) angle = TWOPI * fprc # Set the scene to the current frame. bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f) # Change the scale. # sin returns a value in the range -1 .. 1. abs changes the range to 0 .. 1. # The values are remapped to the desired scale with min + percent * (max - min). current.scale.z = minsz + abs(sin(offset + angle)) * (maxsz - minsz) helpers.add_frame([current], ['scale'])
def render(self): props = [] bpy.ops.import_scene.obj( filepath=os.path.join(self.MODELS_FOLDER_PATH + 'lightning.obj'), use_edges=True) logo = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] logo.location = helpers.rand_location(self.CANVAS_BOUNDARY) props.append(logo) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(x_subdivisions=100, y_subdivisions=100, location=(0, 6, 2)) display1 = bpy.context.object = 'display_1' bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(x_subdivisions=100, y_subdivisions=100, location=(6, 0, 2)) display2 = bpy.context.object = 'display_2'['displays']['displays'] display1.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display1.rotation_euler.z -= math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.y += math.radians(90) display2.rotation_euler.z += math.radians(120) for display in['displays'].objects: display.rotation_euler.x += math.radians(90) display.scale = self.DISPLAY_SCALE helpers.texture_object(display, self.TEXTURE_FOLDER_PATH) helpers.unwrap_model(display) helpers.glitch(display) for j in range(0, random.choice(range(5, 40))): for i in range(0, random.choice(range(5, 10))): new_line = self.create_line( 'line' + str(uuid.uuid1()), self.series(30, self.rand_proba(self.FUNCTIONS), 0.3), random.choice(self.COLORS), 0.003, (j, -10, 2))['lines'] new_line.location.z += i / 3 props.append(new_line) ocean = self.add_ocean(10, 20) for index in range(1, 5): new_object = helpers.spawn_text(self.TEXT_FILE_PATH)['texts'] props.append(new_object) helpers.assign_material( new_object, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES)) text_scale = random.uniform(0.75, 3) new_object.scale = (text_scale, text_scale, text_scale) new_object.location = helpers.rand_location(self.CANVAS_BOUNDARY) props.append(new_object) for obj in['neons'].objects: self.wireframize(obj, random.choice(self.COLORS)) for f in range(self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f) for prop in props: helpers.shuffle(prop, self.CANVAS_BOUNDARY) helpers.assign_material( prop, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES))