예제 #1
def write_ecoflow_file_drainageareaxml(file_list, dir_name, file_name):
    Write a csv file containing a label (basin id number) and its corresponding area.

    file_list : list
        List of WATERSimulation.xml files to process
    dir_name : string
        String name for output directory
    file_name : string
        String name for output file
    area_data = {}
    for f in file_list:

        filedir, filename = helpers.get_file_info(f)

        ecoflow_dir = helpers.make_directory(path=filedir,

            input_dict={"input_file": f},
            output_dict={"output_directory": ecoflow_dir})


        # read xml file
        waterxml_tree = waterxml.read_file(f)

        # get area from each region from the xml file and sum for a total area
        project, study, simulation = waterxml.get_xml_data(

        # get the project name which is the same as the stationid
        stationid = project["ProjName"]

        # get the area means for each region
        areas = waterxml.get_study_unit_areas(simulation_dict=simulation)

        # calculate total area
        total_area = waterxml.calc_total_study_unit_areas(areas)

        # fill area_data with total area
        area_data[stationid] = total_area

    # convert from km**2 to mi**2
    area_data = helpers.convert_area_values(area_data,

    # write timeseries of dishcarge + water use for ecoflow program

예제 #2
def get_areas_dict(shapefile, id_field, query_field):
    Wrapper for get_shapefile_areas().  If there is no query_field (e.g. area_field),
    then calculate the area.  All WATER application shapefiles are in the Albers NAD83 projection,
    so areas are in units of meters squared by default.  Convert from units of meters squared
    to units of miles squared. 

    shapefile : osgeo.ogr.DataSource 
        A shapefile object.        
    id_field : string
        A string id id_field to use as keys in return dictionary
    query_field : string
        A string field that exists in shapefile

    areas : dictionary
        Dictionary containing feature id and areas

    Area units are in the linear units of the projected coordinate system. 
    All WATER application shapefiles are in the Albers NAD83 projection. 
    # get the areas for each region
    if query_field:
        areas = get_field_values(shapefile = shapefile, id_field = id_field, query_field = query_field)   
        if id_field:
            areas = get_shapefile_areas(shapefile, id_field = id_field)

            # convert from m**2 to mi**2; water application uses NAD83 projection with units of meters
            areas = helpers.convert_area_values(areas, in_units = "m2", out_units = "mi2")
            areas = get_shapefile_areas(shapefile)

            # convert from m**2 to mi**2; water application uses NAD83 projection with units of meters
            areas = helpers.convert_area_values(areas, in_units = "m2", out_units = "mi2")  

    return areas
def write_ecoflow_file_drainageareaxml(file_list, dir_name, file_name):
    Write a csv file containing a label (basin id number) and its corresponding area.

    file_list : list
        List of WATERSimulation.xml files to process
    dir_name : string
        String name for output directory
    file_name : string
        String name for output file
    area_data = {}
    for f in file_list:
        filedir, filename = helpers.get_file_info(f)       

        ecoflow_dir = helpers.make_directory(path = filedir, directory_name = dir_name)

        helpers.print_input_output_info(input_dict = {"input_file": f}, output_dict = {"output_directory": ecoflow_dir})

        waterapputils_logging.initialize_loggers(output_dir = ecoflow_dir) 

        # read xml file
        waterxml_tree = waterxml.read_file(f)       

        # get area from each region from the xml file and sum for a total area
        project, study, simulation = waterxml.get_xml_data(waterxml_tree = waterxml_tree)

        # get the project name which is the same as the stationid
        stationid = project["ProjName"]

        # get the area means for each region
        areas = waterxml.get_study_unit_areas(simulation_dict = simulation)

        # calculate total area
        total_area = waterxml.calc_total_study_unit_areas(areas)

        # fill area_data with total area
        area_data[stationid] = total_area

    # convert from km**2 to mi**2
    area_data = helpers.convert_area_values(area_data, in_units = "km2", out_units = "mi2")

    # write timeseries of dishcarge + water use for ecoflow program
    watertxt.write_drainagearea_file(area_data = area_data, save_path = ecoflow_dir, filename = file_name)