예제 #1
    def dj(self, m, forget, optimisation_iteration=True):
        ''' This memoised function returns the gradient of the functional for the parameter choice m. '''
        info_green('Start evaluation of dj')
        timer = dolfin.Timer("dj evaluation")
        dj = self.compute_gradient_mem(m, forget)

        # We assume that the gradient is computed at and only at the beginning of each new optimisation iteration.
        # Hence, this is the right moment to store the turbine friction field and to increment the optimisation iteration
        # counter.
        if optimisation_iteration:
            self.__config__.optimisation_iteration += 1
            if self.__config__.params["dump_period"] > 0:
                # A cache hit skips the turbine cache update, so we need
                # trigger it manually.
                if self.compute_gradient_mem.has_cache(m, forget):
                if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in self.__config__.params["controls"]:
                    info_red("Turbine VTU output not yet implemented for dynamic turbine control")
                    self.turbine_file << self.__config__.turbine_cache.cache["turbine_field"]
                    # Compute the total amount of friction due to turbines
                    if self.__config__.params["turbine_parametrisation"] == "smeared":
                        print "Total amount of friction: ", assemble(self.__config__.turbine_cache.cache["turbine_field"] * dx)

        if self.save_functional_values and MPI.process_number() == 0:
            with open("functional_values.txt", "a") as functional_values:
                functional_values.write(str(self.last_j) + "\n")

        if self.plot:

        if self.__config__.params["save_checkpoints"]:

        # Compute the scaling factor if never done before
        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling'] and not self.automatic_scaling_factor:
            if not 'turbine_pos' in self.__config__.params['controls']:
                raise NotImplementedError("Automatic scaling only works if the turbine positions are control parameters")

            if len(self.__config__.params['controls']) > 1:
                assert(len(dj) % 3 == 0)
                # Exclude the first third from the automatic scaling as it contains the friction coefficients
                djl2 = max(abs(dj[len(dj) / 3:]))
                djl2 = max(abs(dj))

            if djl2 == 0:
                raise ValueError("Automatic scaling failed: The gradient at the parameter point is zero")
                self.automatic_scaling_factor = abs(self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling_multiplier'] * max(self.__config__.params['turbine_x'], self.__config__.params['turbine_y']) / djl2 / self.scale)
                info_blue("The automatic scaling factor was set to " + str(self.automatic_scaling_factor * self.scale) + ".")

        info_blue('Runtime: ' + str(timer.stop()) + " s")
        info_green('|dj| = ' + str(numpy.linalg.norm(dj)))

        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling']:
            return dj * self.scale * self.automatic_scaling_factor
            return dj * self.scale
예제 #2
    def j(self, m):
        ''' This memoised function returns the functional value for the parameter choice m. '''
        info_green('Start evaluation of j')
        timer = dolfin.Timer("j evaluation")
        j = self.compute_functional_mem(m)

        if self.__config__.params["save_checkpoints"]:

        if self.plot:
        info_blue('Runtime: ' + str(timer.value()) + " s")
        info_green('j = ' + str(j))

        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling']:
            if not self.automatic_scaling_factor:
                # Computing dj will set the automatic scaling factor.
                    "Computing derivative to determine the automatic scaling factor"
                dj = self.dj(m, forget=False)
            return j * self.scale * self.automatic_scaling_factor
            return j * self.scale
예제 #3
def get_distance_function(config, domains):
    V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(config.domain.mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = dolfin.TestFunction(V)
    d = dolfin.TrialFunction(V)
    sol = dolfin.Function(V)
    s = dolfin.interpolate(Constant(1.0), V)
    domains_func = dolfin.Function(dolfin.FunctionSpace(config.domain.mesh, "DG", 0))

    def boundary(x):
        eps_x = config.params["turbine_x"]
        eps_y = config.params["turbine_y"]

        min_val = 1
        for e_x, e_y in [(-eps_x, 0), (eps_x, 0), (0, -eps_y), (0, eps_y)]:
                min_val = min(min_val, domains_func((x[0] + e_x, x[1] + e_y)))
            except RuntimeError:

        return min_val == 1.0

    bc = dolfin.DirichletBC(V, 0.0, boundary)

    # Solve the diffusion problem with a constant source term
    info_blue("Solving diffusion problem to identify feasible area ...")
    a = dolfin.inner(dolfin.grad(d), dolfin.grad(v)) * dolfin.dx
    L = dolfin.inner(s, v) * dolfin.dx
    dolfin.solve(a == L, sol, bc)

    return sol
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, config, feasible_area, attraction_center):
           Generates the inequality constraints to enforce the turbines in the feasible area.
           If the turbine is outside the domain, the constraints is equal to the distance between the turbine and the attraction center.
        self.config = config
        self.feasible_area = feasible_area

        # Compute the gradient of the feasible area
        fs = dolfin.FunctionSpace(feasible_area.function_space().mesh(),
                                  feasible_area.function_space().ufl_element().degree() - 1)

        feasible_area_grad = (dolfin.Function(fs),
        t = dolfin.TestFunction(fs)
        info_blue("Solving for gradient of feasible area")
        for i in range(2):
            form = dolfin.inner(feasible_area_grad[i], t) * dolfin.dx - dolfin.inner(feasible_area.dx(i), t) * dolfin.dx
            if dolfin.NonlinearVariationalSolver.default_parameters().has_parameter("linear_solver"):
                dolfin.solve(form == 0, feasible_area_grad[i], solver_parameters={"linear_solver": "cg", "preconditioner": "amg"})
                dolfin.solve(form == 0, feasible_area_grad[i], solver_parameters={"newton_solver": {"linear_solver": "cg", "preconditioner": "amg"}})
        self.feasible_area_grad = feasible_area_grad

        self.attraction_center = attraction_center
예제 #5
    def dj(self, m, forget):
        ''' This memoised function returns the gradient of the functional for the parameter choice m. '''
        info_green('Start evaluation of dj')
        timer = dolfin.Timer("dj evaluation")
        dj = self.compute_gradient_mem(m, forget)

        # We assume that at the gradient is computed if and only if at the beginning of each new optimisation iteration.
        # Hence, let this is the right moment to store the turbine friction field.
        if self.__config__.params["dump_period"] > 0:
            # A cache hit skips the turbine cache update, so we need
            # trigger it manually.
            if self.compute_gradient_mem.has_cache(m, forget):
            if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in self.__config__.params[
                    "Turbine VTU output not yet implemented for dynamic turbine control"
                self.turbine_file << self.__config__.turbine_cache.cache[

        if self.__config__.params["save_checkpoints"]:

        # Compute the scaling factor if never done before
        if self.__config__.params[
                'automatic_scaling'] and not self.automatic_scaling_factor:
            if not 'turbine_pos' in self.__config__.params['controls']:
                raise NotImplementedError, "Automatic scaling only works if the turbine positions are control parameters"

            if len(self.__config__.params['controls']) > 1:
                assert (len(dj) % 3 == 0)
                # Exclude the first third from the automatic scaling as it contains the friction coefficients
                djl2 = max(abs(dj[len(dj) / 3:]))
                djl2 = max(abs(dj))

            if djl2 == 0:
                raise ValueError, "Automatic scaling failed: The gradient at the parameter point is zero"
                self.automatic_scaling_factor = abs(
                    self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling_multiplier'] *
                        self.__config__.params['turbine_y']) / djl2 /
                info_blue("The automatic scaling factor was set to " +
                          str(self.automatic_scaling_factor * self.scale) +

        info_blue('Runtime: ' + str(timer.stop()) + " s")
        info_green('|dj| = ' + str(numpy.linalg.norm(dj)))

        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling']:
            return dj * self.scale * self.automatic_scaling_factor
            return dj * self.scale
예제 #6
def deploy_turbines(config, nx, ny, friction=21.):
    ''' Generates an array of initial turbine positions with nx x ny turbines homonginuosly distributed over the site with the specified dimensions. '''
    turbine_pos = []
    for x_r in numpy.linspace(config.domain.site_x_start + 0.5 * config.params["turbine_x"], config.domain.site_x_end - 0.5 * config.params["turbine_x"], nx):
        for y_r in numpy.linspace(config.domain.site_y_start + 0.5 * config.params["turbine_y"], config.domain.site_y_end - 0.5 * config.params["turbine_y"], ny):
            turbine_pos.append((float(x_r), float(y_r)))
    config.set_turbine_pos(turbine_pos, friction)
    info_blue("Deployed " + str(len(turbine_pos)) + " turbines.")
    return turbine_pos
예제 #7
    def dj(self, m, forget):
        ''' This memoised function returns the gradient of the functional for the parameter choice m. '''
        info_green('Start evaluation of dj')
        timer = dolfin.Timer("dj evaluation") 
        dj = self.compute_gradient_mem(m, forget)

        # We assume that at the gradient is computed if and only if at the beginning of each new optimisation iteration.
        # Hence, let this is the right moment to store the turbine friction field. 
        if self.__config__.params["dump_period"] > 0:
            # A cache hit skips the turbine cache update, so we need 
            # trigger it manually.
            if self.compute_gradient_mem.has_cache(m, forget):
            if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in self.__config__.params["controls"]:
                info_red("Turbine VTU output not yet implemented for dynamic turbine control")
                self.turbine_file << self.__config__.turbine_cache.cache["turbine_field"] 

        if self.__config__.params["save_checkpoints"]:

        # Compute the scaling factor if never done before
        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling'] and not self.automatic_scaling_factor:
            if not 'turbine_pos' in self.__config__.params['controls']:
                raise NotImplementedError, "Automatic scaling only works if the turbine positions are control parameters"

            if len(self.__config__.params['controls']) > 1:
                assert(len(dj) % 3 == 0)
                # Exclude the first third from the automatic scaling as it contains the friction coefficients
                djl2 = max(abs(dj[len(dj)/3:]))
                djl2 = max(abs(dj))

            if djl2 == 0:
                raise ValueError, "Automatic scaling failed: The gradient at the parameter point is zero"
                self.automatic_scaling_factor = abs(self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling_multiplier'] * max(self.__config__.params['turbine_x'], self.__config__.params['turbine_y']) / djl2 / self.scale)
                info_blue("The automatic scaling factor was set to " + str(self.automatic_scaling_factor * self.scale) + ".")

        info_blue('Runtime: ' + str(timer.stop())  + " s")
        info_green('|dj| = ' + str(numpy.linalg.norm(dj)))

        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling']:
            return dj * self.scale * self.automatic_scaling_factor
            return dj * self.scale
예제 #8
    def function(self, m):
        ieqcons = []
        if len(self.config.params['controls']) == 2:
        # If the controls consists of the the friction and the positions, then we need to first extract the position part
            assert(len(m) % 3 == 0)
            m_pos = m[len(m) / 3:]
            m_pos = m

        for i in range(len(m_pos) / 2):
            for j in range(len(m_pos) / 2):
                if i <= j:
                ieqcons.append(self.l2norm([m_pos[2 * i] - m_pos[2 * j], m_pos[2 * i + 1] - m_pos[2 * j + 1]]) - self.min_distance ** 2)

        arr = numpy.array(ieqcons)
        if any(arr <= 0):
          info_blue("Minimum distance inequality constraints (should be > 0): %s" % arr)
        return numpy.array(ieqcons)
예제 #9
    def j(self, m, annotate=True):
        ''' This memoised function returns the functional value for the parameter choice m. '''
        info_green('Start evaluation of j')
        timer = dolfin.Timer("j evaluation")
        j = self.compute_functional_mem(m, annotate=annotate)

        if self.__config__.params["save_checkpoints"]:

        info_blue('Runtime: ' + str(timer.value()) + " s")
        info_green('j = ' + str(j))
        self.last_j = j

        if self.__config__.params['automatic_scaling']:
            if not self.automatic_scaling_factor:
                # Computing dj will set the automatic scaling factor.
                info_blue("Computing derivative to determine the automatic scaling factor")
                self.dj(m, forget=False, optimisation_iteration=False)
            return j * self.scale * self.automatic_scaling_factor
            return j * self.scale
예제 #10
    def function(self, m):
        ieqcons = []
        if len(self.config.params['controls']) == 2:
        # If the controls consists of the the friction and the positions, then we need to first extract the position part
            assert(len(m) % 3 == 0)
            m_pos = m[len(m) / 3:]
            m_pos = m

        for i in range(len(m_pos) / 2):
            x = m_pos[2 * i]
            y = m_pos[2 * i + 1]
                ieqcons.append(function_eval(self.feasible_area, (x, y)))
            except RuntimeError:
                print "Warning: a turbine is outside the domain"
                ieqcons.append((x - self.attraction_center[0]) ** 2 + (y - self.attraction_center[1]) ** 2)  # Point is outside domain

        arr = -numpy.array(ieqcons)
        if any(arr <= 0):
          info_blue("Domain restriction inequality constraints (should be >= 0): %s" % arr)
        return arr
    def __init__(self, config, feasible_area, attraction_center):
           Generates the inequality constraints to enforce the turbines in the feasible area.
           If the turbine is outside the domain, the constraints is equal to the distance between the turbine and the attraction center.
        self.config = config
        self.feasible_area = feasible_area

        # Compute the gradient of the feasible area
        fs = dolfin.FunctionSpace(feasible_area.function_space().mesh(),
                                  feasible_area.function_space().ufl_element().degree() - 1)

        feasible_area_grad = (dolfin.Function(fs),
        t = dolfin.TestFunction(fs)
        info_blue("Solving for gradient of feasible area")
        for i in range(2):
            form = dolfin.inner(feasible_area_grad[i], t) * dolfin.dx - dolfin.inner(feasible_area.dx(i), t) * dolfin.dx
            dolfin.solve(form == 0, feasible_area_grad[i])
        self.feasible_area_grad = feasible_area_grad

        self.attraction_center = attraction_center
예제 #12
def sw_solve(config, state, turbine_field=None, functional=None, annotate=True, u_source=None):
    '''Solve the shallow water equations with the parameters specified in params.
       Options for linear_solver and preconditioner are:
        linear_solver: lu, cholesky, cg, gmres, bicgstab, minres, tfqmr, richardson
        preconditioner: none, ilu, icc, jacobi, bjacobi, sor, amg, additive_schwarz, hypre_amg, hypre_euclid, hypre_parasails, ml_amg

    ############################### Setting up the equations ###########################

    # Define variables for all used parameters
    ds = config.domain.ds
    params = config.params

    # To begin with, check if the provided parameters are valid

    theta = params["theta"]
    dt = params["dt"]
    g = params["g"]
    depth = params["depth"]
    # Reset the time
    params["current_time"] = params["start_time"]
    t = params["current_time"]
    quadratic_friction = params["quadratic_friction"]
    include_advection = params["include_advection"]
    include_diffusion = params["include_diffusion"]
    include_time_term = params["include_time_term"]
    diffusion_coef = params["diffusion_coef"]
    newton_solver = params["newton_solver"]
    picard_relative_tolerance = params["picard_relative_tolerance"]
    picard_iterations = params["picard_iterations"]
    linear_solver = params["linear_solver"]
    preconditioner = params["preconditioner"]
    bctype = params["bctype"]
    strong_bc = params["strong_bc"]
    free_slip_on_sides = params["free_slip_on_sides"]
    steady_state = params["steady_state"]
    functional_final_time_only = params["functional_final_time_only"]
    functional_quadrature_degree = params["functional_quadrature_degree"]
    is_nonlinear = (include_advection or quadratic_friction)
    turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params["turbine_thrust_parametrisation"]
    implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params["implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation"]
    cache_forward_state = params["cache_forward_state"]

    if not 0 <= functional_quadrature_degree <= 1:
        raise ValueError("functional_quadrature_degree must be 0 or 1.")

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_2enriched
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_enriched
        function_space = config.function_space

    # Take care of the steady state case
    if steady_state:
        dt = 1.
        params["finish_time"] = params["start_time"] + dt / 2
        theta = 1.

    # Define test functions
    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o, o_adv = TestFunctions(function_space)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o = TestFunctions(function_space)
        v, q = TestFunctions(function_space)

    # Define functions
    state_new = Function(function_space, name="New_state")  # solution of the next timestep
    state_nl = Function(function_space, name="Best_guess_state")  # the last computed state of the next timestep, used for the picard iteration

    if not newton_solver and (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
        raise NotImplementedError("Thrust turbine representation does currently only work with the newton solver.")

    # Split mixed functions
    if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
        if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u, up_u_adv = split(state_new)
        elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u = split(state_new)
            u, h = split(state_new)
        u, h = TrialFunctions(function_space)

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0, up_u_adv0 = split(state)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0 = split(state)
        u0, h0 = split(state)
        u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)

    # Create initial conditions and interpolate
    state_new.assign(state, annotate=annotate)

    # u_(n+theta) and h_(n+theta)
    u_mid = (1.0 - theta) * u0 + theta * u
    h_mid = (1.0 - theta) * h0 + theta * h

    # If a picard iteration is used we need an intermediate state
    if is_nonlinear and not newton_solver:
        u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)
        state_nl.assign(state, annotate=annotate)
        u_mid_nl = (1.0 - theta) * u0 + theta * u_nl

    # The normal direction
    n = FacetNormal(function_space.mesh())

    # Mass matrix

    M = inner(v, u) * dx
    M += inner(q, h) * dx
    M0 = inner(v, u0) * dx
    M0 += inner(q, h0) * dx

    # Divergence term.
    Ct_mid = -depth * inner(u_mid, grad(q)) * dx
    #+inner(avg(u_mid),jump(q,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    if bctype == 'dirichlet':
        if steady_state:
            raise ValueError("Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation")
        # The dirichlet boundary condition on the left hand side
        expr = config.params["weak_dirichlet_bc_expr"]
        bc_contr = - depth * dot(expr, n) * q * ds(1)

        # The dirichlet boundary condition on the right hand side
        bc_contr -= depth * dot(expr, n) * q * ds(2)

        # We enforce a no-normal flow on the sides by removing the surface integral.
        # bc_contr -= dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

    elif bctype == 'flather':
        if steady_state:
            raise ValueError("Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation")
        # The Flather boundary condition on the left hand side
        expr = config.params["flather_bc_expr"]
        bc_contr = - depth * dot(expr, n) * q * ds(1)
        Ct_mid += sqrt(g * depth) * inner(h_mid, q) * ds(1)

        # The contributions of the Flather boundary condition on the right hand side
        Ct_mid += sqrt(g * depth) * inner(h_mid, q) * ds(2)

    elif bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
        # Do not replace anything in the surface integrals as the strong Dirichlet Boundary condition will do that
        bc_contr = -depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(1)
        bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(2)
        if not free_slip_on_sides:
            bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

        info_red("Unknown boundary condition type: %s" % bctype)

    # Pressure gradient operator
    C_mid = g * inner(v, grad(h_mid)) * dx
    #+inner(avg(v),jump(h_mid,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    # Bottom friction
    friction = params["friction"]

    if turbine_field:
        if type(turbine_field) == list:
            tf = Function(turbine_field[0], name="turbine_friction", annotate=annotate)
            tf = Function(turbine_field, name="turbine_friction", annotate=annotate)

        if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            print0("Adding thrust force")
            # Compute the upstream velocities

            if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_implicit_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o, up_u_adv, o_adv)
            elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o)

            def thrust_force(up_u, min=smooth_uflmin):
                ''' Returns the thrust force for a given upstream velcocity '''
                # Now apply a pointwise transformation based on the interpolation of a loopup table
                c_T_coeffs = [0.08344535, -1.42428216, 9.13153605, -26.19370168, 28.8752054]
                c_T = min(0.88, sum([c_T_coeffs[i] * up_u ** i for i in range(len(c_T_coeffs))]))

                # The amount of forcing we want to apply
                turbine_radius = 15.
                A_c = pi * Constant(turbine_radius ** 2)  # Turbine cross section
                f = 0.5 * c_T * up_u ** 2 * A_c
                return f

            # Apply the force in the opposite direction of the flow
            f_dir = -thrust_force(up_u) * u / norm_approx(u, alpha=1e-6)
            # Distribute this force over the turbine area
            thrust = inner(f_dir * tf / (Constant(config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) * config.params["depth"]), v) * dx

    # Friction term
    # With Newton we can simply use a non-linear form
    if quadratic_friction and newton_solver:
        R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid) ** 0.5 * inner(u_mid, v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid) ** 0.5 * inner(u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    elif quadratic_friction and not newton_solver:
        R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl) ** 0.5 * inner(u_mid, v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl) ** 0.5 * inner(u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # Use a linear drag
        R_mid = friction / depth * inner(u_mid, v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * inner(u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # Advection term
    # With a newton solver we can simply use a quadratic form
    if include_advection and newton_solver:
        Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid), v) * dx
    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    if include_advection and not newton_solver:
        Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid_nl), v) * dx

    if include_diffusion:
        # Check that we are not using a DG velocity function space, as the facet integrals are not implemented.
        if "Discontinuous" in str(function_space.split()[0]):
            raise NotImplementedError("The diffusion term for discontinuous elements is not implemented yet.")
        D_mid = diffusion_coef * inner(grad(u_mid), grad(v)) * dx

    # Create the final form
    G_mid = C_mid + Ct_mid + R_mid
    # Add the advection term
    if include_advection:
        G_mid += Ad_mid
    # Add the diffusion term
    if include_diffusion:
        G_mid += D_mid
    # Add the source term
    if u_source:
        G_mid -= inner(u_source, v) * dx
    F = dt * G_mid - dt * bc_contr
    # Add the time term
    if include_time_term and not steady_state:
        F += M - M0

    if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        F += up_u_eq
        if turbine_field:
            F -= thrust

    # Preassemble the lhs if possible
    use_lu_solver = (linear_solver == "lu")
    if not is_nonlinear:
        lhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.lhs(F))
        # Precompute the LU factorisation
        if use_lu_solver:
            info("Computing the LU factorisation for later use ...")
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                raise NotImplementedError("Strong boundary condition and reusing LU factorisation is currently not implemented")
            lu_solver = LUSolver(lhs_preass)
            lu_solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True

    solver_parameters = {"linear_solver": linear_solver, "preconditioner": preconditioner}

    # Do some parameter checking:
    if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in params["controls"]:
        if len(config.params["turbine_friction"]) != (params["finish_time"] - t) / dt + 1:
            print0("You control the turbine friction dynamically, but your turbine friction parameter is not an array of length 'number of timesteps' (here: %i)." % ((params["finish_time"] - t) / dt + 1))
            import sys

    ############################### Perform the simulation ###########################

    if params["dump_period"] > 0:
            statewriter_cb = config.statewriter_callback
        except AttributeError:
            statewriter_cb = None 

        writer = StateWriter(config, optimisation_iteration=config.optimisation_iteration, callback=statewriter_cb)
        if not steady_state and include_time_term:
            print0("Writing state to disk...")

    step = 0

    if functional is not None:
        if steady_state or functional_final_time_only:
            j = 0.
            if params["print_individual_turbine_power"]:
                j_individual = [0] * len(params["turbine_pos"])
                force_individual = [0] * len(params["turbine_pos"])

            if functional_quadrature_degree == 0:
                quad = 0.0
                quad = 0.5
            j = dt * quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))
            if params["print_individual_turbine_power"]:
                j_individual = []
                force_individual = []
                for i in range(len(params["turbine_pos"])):
                    j_individual.append(dt * quad * assemble(functional.Jt_individual(state, i)))
                    force_individual.append(dt * quad * assemble(functional.force_individual(state, i)))

    print0("Start of time loop")
    timestep = 0
    while (t < params["finish_time"]):
        timestep += 1
        t += dt
        params["current_time"] = t

        # Update bc's
        if bctype == "strong_dirichlet":
            expr.t = t - (1.0 - theta) * dt
        # Update source term
        if u_source:
            u_source.t = t - (1.0 - theta) * dt
        step += 1

        # Solve non-linear system with a Newton sovler
        if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
            # Use a Newton solver to solve the nonlinear problem.
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "gmres"
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "superlu_dist"
            #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "ilu" # does not work in parallel
            #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "amg"
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "mumps"
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "umfpack"
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"] = {}
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["maximum_iterations"] = 20
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["convergence_criterion"] = "incremental"
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["relative_tolerance"] = 1e-16

            if cache_forward_state and state_cache.has_key(t):
                print0("Load initial guess from cache for time %f." % t)
                # Load initial guess for solver from cache
                state_new.assign(state_cache[t], annotate=False)
            elif not include_time_term:
                print0("Set the initial guess for the nonlinear solver to the initial condition.")
                # Reset the initial guess after each timestep
                ic = config.params['initial_condition']
                state_new.assign(ic, annotate=False)

            info_blue("Solve shallow water equations at time %s (Newton iteration) ..." % params["current_time"])
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                solve(F == 0, state_new, bcs=strong_bc.bcs, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, annotate=annotate)
                solve(F == 0, state_new, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, annotate=annotate)

            if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                print0("Inflow velocity: ", u[0]((10, 160)))
                print0("Estimated upstream velocity: ", up_u((640. / 3, 160)))
                print0("Expected thrust force: ", thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)), min=min)((0)))
                print0("Total amount of thurst force applied: ", assemble(inner(Constant(1), thrust_force(up_u) * tf / config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) * dx))

                us.append(u[0]((10, 160)))
                thrusts.append(thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)))((0)))
                thrusts_est.append(assemble(inner(Constant(1), thrust_force(up_u) * tf / config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) * dx))

                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                plt.plot(us, thrusts, label="Analytical")
                plt.plot(us, thrusts_est, label="Approximated")
                plt.savefig("thrust_plot.pdf", format='pdf')

        # Solve non-linear system with a Picard iteration
        elif is_nonlinear:
            # Solve the problem using a picard iteration
            iter_counter = 0
            while True:
                info_blue("Solving shallow water equations at time %s (Picard iteration %d) ..." % (params["current_time"], iter_counter))
                if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                    solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F), state_new, bcs=strong_bc.bcs, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
                    solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F), state_new, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, annotate=annotate)
                iter_counter += 1
                if iter_counter > 0:
                    relative_diff = abs(assemble(inner(state_new - state_nl, state_new - state_nl) * dx)) / assemble(inner(state_new, state_new) * dx)
                    info_blue("Picard iteration " + str(iter_counter) + " relative difference: " + str(relative_diff))

                    if relative_diff < picard_relative_tolerance:
                        info("Picard iteration converged after " + str(iter_counter) + " iterations.")
                    elif iter_counter >= picard_iterations:
                        info_red("Picard iteration reached maximum number of iterations (" + str(picard_iterations) + ") with a relative difference of " + str(relative_diff) + ".")


        # Solve linear system with preassembled matrices
            # dolfin can't assemble empty forms which can sometimes happen here.
            # A simple workaround is to add a dummy term:
            dummy_term = Constant(0) * q * dx
            rhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.rhs(F + dummy_term))
            # Apply dirichlet boundary conditions
            info_blue("Solving shallow water equations at time %s (preassembled matrices) ..." % (params["current_time"]))
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                [bc.apply(lhs_preass, rhs_preass) for bc in strong_bc.bcs]
            if use_lu_solver:
                info("Using a LU solver to solve the linear system.")
                lu_solver.solve(state.vector(), rhs_preass, annotate=annotate)
                solve(lhs_preass, state_new.vector(), rhs_preass, solver_parameters["linear_solver"], solver_parameters["preconditioner"], annotate=annotate)

        # After the timestep solve, update state
        if cache_forward_state:
            # Save state for initial guess cache
            print0("Cache initial guess for time %f." % t)
            if not state_cache.has_key(t):
                state_cache[t] = Function(state_new.function_space())
            state_cache[t].assign(state_new, annotate=False)

        # Set the control function for the upcoming timestep.
        if turbine_field:
            if type(turbine_field) == list:

        if params["dump_period"] > 0 and step % params["dump_period"] == 0:
            print0("Write state to disk...")

        if functional is not None:
            if not (functional_final_time_only and t < params["finish_time"]):
                if steady_state or functional_final_time_only or functional_quadrature_degree == 0:
                    quad = 1.0
                elif t >= params["finish_time"]:
                    quad = 0.5 * dt
                    quad = 1.0 * dt

                j += quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))
                if params["print_individual_turbine_power"]:
                    info_green("Computing individual turbine power extraction contribution...")
                    individual_contribution_list = ['x_pos', 'y_pos', 'turbine_power', 'total_force_on_turbine', 'turbine_friction']
                    fr_individual = range(len(params["turbine_pos"]))
                    for i in range(len(params["turbine_pos"])):
                        j_individual[i] += dt * quad * assemble(functional.Jt_individual(state, i))
                        force_individual[i] += dt * quad * assemble(functional.force_individual(state, i))

                        if len(params["turbine_friction"]) > 0:
                            fr_individual[i] = params["turbine_friction"][i]
                            fr_individual = [params["turbine_friction"]] * len(params["turbine_pos"])


                        print0("Contribution of turbine number %d at co-ordinates:" % (i + 1), params["turbine_pos"][i], ' is: ', j_individual[i] * 0.001, 'kW', 'with friction of', fr_individual[i])

        # Increase the adjoint timestep
        adj_inc_timestep(time=t, finished=(not t < params["finish_time"]))
    print0("End of time loop.")

    # Write the turbine positions, power extraction and friction to a .csv file named turbine_info.csv
    if params['print_individual_turbine_power']:
        f = config.params['base_path'] + os.path.sep + "iter_" + str(config.optimisation_iteration) + '/'
        # Save the very first result in a different file
        if config.optimisation_iteration == 0 and not os.path.isfile(f):
            f += 'initial_turbine_info.csv'
            f += 'turbine_info.csv'

        output_turbines = open(f, 'w')
        for i in range(0, len(individual_contribution_list), 5):
            print >> output_turbines, '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (individual_contribution_list[i], individual_contribution_list[i + 1], individual_contribution_list[i + 2], individual_contribution_list[i + 3], individual_contribution_list[i + 4])
        print 'Total of individual turbines is', sum(j_individual)

    if functional is not None:
        return j
예제 #13
def sw_solve(config,
    '''Solve the shallow water equations with the parameters specified in params.
       Options for linear_solver and preconditioner are: 
        linear_solver: lu, cholesky, cg, gmres, bicgstab, minres, tfqmr, richardson
        preconditioner: none, ilu, icc, jacobi, bjacobi, sor, amg, additive_schwarz, hypre_amg, hypre_euclid, hypre_parasails, ml_amg

    ############################### Setting up the equations ###########################

    # Define variables for all used parameters
    ds = config.domain.ds
    params = config.params

    # To begin with, check if the provided parameters are valid

    theta = params["theta"]
    dt = params["dt"]
    g = params["g"]
    depth = params["depth"]
    # Reset the time
    params["current_time"] = params["start_time"]
    t = params["current_time"]
    quadratic_friction = params["quadratic_friction"]
    include_advection = params["include_advection"]
    include_diffusion = params["include_diffusion"]
    diffusion_coef = params["diffusion_coef"]
    newton_solver = params["newton_solver"]
    picard_relative_tolerance = params["picard_relative_tolerance"]
    picard_iterations = params["picard_iterations"]
    run_benchmark = params["run_benchmark"]
    solver_exclude = params["solver_exclude"]
    linear_solver = params["linear_solver"]
    preconditioner = params["preconditioner"]
    bctype = params["bctype"]
    strong_bc = params["strong_bc"]
    free_slip_on_sides = params["free_slip_on_sides"]
    steady_state = params["steady_state"]
    functional_final_time_only = params["functional_final_time_only"]
    is_nonlinear = (include_advection or quadratic_friction)
    turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params["turbine_thrust_parametrisation"]
    implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params[

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_2enriched
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_enriched
        function_space = config.function_space

    # Take care of the steady state case
    if steady_state:
        dt = 1.
        params["finish_time"] = params["start_time"] + dt / 2
        theta = 1.

    # Define test functions
    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o, o_adv = TestFunctions(function_space)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o = TestFunctions(function_space)
        v, q = TestFunctions(function_space)

    # Define functions
    state_new = Function(function_space,
                         name="New_state")  # solution of the next timestep
    state_nl = Function(
        function_space, name="Best_guess_state"
    )  # the last computed state of the next timestep, used for the picard iteration

    if not newton_solver and (turbine_thrust_parametrisation
                              or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
        raise NotImplementedError, "Thrust turbine representation does currently only work with the newton solver."

    # Split mixed functions
    if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
        if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u, up_u_adv = split(state_new)
        elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u = split(state_new)
            u, h = split(state_new)
        u, h = TrialFunctions(function_space)

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0, up_u_adv0 = split(state)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0 = split(state)
        u0, h0 = split(state)
        u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)

    # Create initial conditions and interpolate
    state_new.assign(state, annotate=annotate)

    # u_(n+theta) and h_(n+theta)
    u_mid = (1.0 - theta) * u0 + theta * u
    h_mid = (1.0 - theta) * h0 + theta * h

    # If a picard iteration is used we need an intermediate state
    if is_nonlinear and not newton_solver:
        u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)
        state_nl.assign(state, annotate=annotate)
        u_mid_nl = (1.0 - theta) * u0 + theta * u_nl

    # The normal direction
    n = FacetNormal(function_space.mesh())

    # Mass matrix

    M = inner(v, u) * dx
    M += inner(q, h) * dx
    M0 = inner(v, u0) * dx
    M0 += inner(q, h0) * dx

    # Divergence term.
    Ct_mid = -depth * inner(u_mid, grad(q)) * dx
    #+inner(avg(u_mid),jump(q,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    if bctype == 'dirichlet':
        if steady_state:
            raise ValueError, "Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation"
        # The dirichlet boundary condition on the left hand side
        ufl = Expression(
            ("eta0*sqrt(g/depth)*cos(k*x[0]-sqrt(g*depth)*k*t)", "0"),
        bc_contr = -depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(1)

        # The dirichlet boundary condition on the right hand side
        bc_contr -= depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(2)

        # We enforce a no-normal flow on the sides by removing the surface integral.
        # bc_contr -= dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

    elif bctype == 'flather':
        if steady_state:
            raise ValueError, "Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation"
        # The Flather boundary condition on the left hand side
        ufl = Expression(("2*eta0*sqrt(g/depth)*cos(-sqrt(g*depth)*k*t)", "0"),
        bc_contr = -depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(1)
        Ct_mid += sqrt(g * depth) * inner(h_mid, q) * ds(1)

        # The contributions of the Flather boundary condition on the right hand side
        Ct_mid += sqrt(g * depth) * inner(h_mid, q) * ds(2)

    elif bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
        # Do not replace anything in the surface integrals as the strong Dirichlet Boundary condition will do that
        bc_contr = -depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(1)
        bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(2)
        if not free_slip_on_sides:
            bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

        info_red("Unknown boundary condition type: %s" % bctype)

    # Pressure gradient operator
    C_mid = g * inner(v, grad(h_mid)) * dx

    #+inner(avg(v),jump(h_mid,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    # Bottom friction
    class FrictionExpr(Expression):
        def eval(self, value, x):
            value[0] = params["friction"]

    friction = FrictionExpr()

    if turbine_field:
        if type(turbine_field) == list:
            tf = Function(turbine_field[0],
            tf = Function(turbine_field,

        if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            print "Adding thrust force"
            # Compute the upstream velocities

            if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_implicit_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o,
                                                       up_u_adv, o_adv)
            elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o)

            def thrust_force(up_u, min=smooth_uflmin):
                ''' Returns the thrust force for a given upstream velcocity '''
                # Now apply a pointwise transformation based on the interpolation of a loopup table
                c_T_coeffs = [
                    0.08344535, -1.42428216, 9.13153605, -26.19370168,
                c_T = min(
                        c_T_coeffs[i] * up_u**i for i in range(len(c_T_coeffs))

                # The amount of forcing we want to apply
                turbine_radius = 15.
                A_c = pi * Constant(turbine_radius**2)  # Turbine cross section
                f = 0.5 * c_T * up_u**2 * A_c
                return f

            # Apply the force in the opposite direction of the flow
            f_dir = -thrust_force(up_u) * u / norm_approx(u, alpha=1e-6)
            # Distribute this force over the turbine area
            thrust = inner(
                f_dir * tf /
                (Constant(config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) *
                 config.params["depth"]), v) * dx

    # Friction term
    # With Newton we can simply use a non-linear form
    if quadratic_friction and newton_solver:
        R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid)**0.5 * inner(u_mid,
                                                                  v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation
                                  or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid)**0.5 * inner(
                u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    elif quadratic_friction and not newton_solver:
        R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl)**0.5 * inner(
            u_mid, v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation
                                  or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl)**0.5 * inner(
                u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # Use a linear drag
        R_mid = friction / depth * inner(u_mid, v) * dx

        if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation
                                  or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
            R_mid += tf / depth * inner(u_mid, v) * config.site_dx(1)

    # Advection term
    # With a newton solver we can simply use a quadratic form
    if include_advection and newton_solver:
        Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid), v) * dx
    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    if include_advection and not newton_solver:
        Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid_nl), v) * dx

    if include_diffusion:
        # Check that we are not using a DG velocity function space, as the facet integrals are not implemented.
        if "Discontinuous" in str(function_space.split()[0]):
            raise NotImplementedError, "The diffusion term for discontinuous elements is not implemented yet."
        D_mid = diffusion_coef * inner(grad(u_mid), grad(v)) * dx

    # Create the final form
    G_mid = C_mid + Ct_mid + R_mid
    # Add the advection term
    if include_advection:
        G_mid += Ad_mid
    # Add the diffusion term
    if include_diffusion:
        G_mid += D_mid
    # Add the source term
    if u_source:
        G_mid -= inner(u_source, v) * dx
    F = dt * G_mid - dt * bc_contr
    # Add the time term
    if not steady_state:
        F += M - M0

    if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        F += up_u_eq
        if turbine_field:
            F -= thrust

    # Preassemble the lhs if possible
    use_lu_solver = (linear_solver == "lu")
    if not quadratic_friction and not include_advection:
        lhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.lhs(F))
        # Precompute the LU factorisation
        if use_lu_solver:
            info("Computing the LU factorisation for later use ...")
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                raise NotImplementedError, "Strong boundary condition and reusing LU factorisation is currently not implemented"
            lu_solver = LUSolver(lhs_preass)
            lu_solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True

    solver_parameters = {
        "linear_solver": linear_solver,
        "preconditioner": preconditioner

    # Do some parameter checking:
    if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in params["controls"]:
        if len(config.params["turbine_friction"]
               ) != (params["finish_time"] - t) / dt + 1:
            print "You control the turbine friction dynamically, but your turbine friction parameter is not an array of length 'number of timesteps' (here: %i)." % (
                (params["finish_time"] - t) / dt + 1)
            import sys

    ############################### Perform the simulation ###########################

    if params["dump_period"] > 0:
        writer = helpers.StateWriter(config)
        print0("Writing state to disk...")

    step = 0

    if functional is not None:
        if steady_state or functional_final_time_only:
            j = 0.

            quad = 0.5
            j = dt * quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))

    print0("Starting time loop...")
    timestep = 0
    while (t < params["finish_time"]):
        timestep += 1
        t += dt
        params["current_time"] = t

        # Update bc's
        if bctype == "strong_dirichlet":
            ufl.t = t - (1.0 - theta) * dt
        # Update source term
        if u_source:
            u_source.t = t - (1.0 - theta) * dt
        step += 1

        # Solve non-linear system with a Newton sovler
        if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
            # Use a Newton solver to solve the nonlinear problem.
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "gmres"
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "superlu_dist"
            #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "ilu" # does not work in parallel
            #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "amg"
            #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "mumps"
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"] = {}
            #solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["error_on_nonconvergence"] = False
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["maximum_iterations"] = 20
                "convergence_criterion"] = "incremental"
            solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["relative_tolerance"] = 1e-16

            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                solver_benchmark.solve(F == 0,
                solver_benchmark.solve(F == 0,

            if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                print "Inflow velocity: ", u[0]((10, 160))
                print "Estimated upstream velocity: ", up_u((640. / 3, 160))
                print "Expected thrust force: ", thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)),
                print "Total amount of thurst force applied: ", assemble(
                        thrust_force(up_u) * tf /
                        config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) * dx)

                us.append(u[0]((10, 160)))
                thrusts.append(thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)))((0)))
                            thrust_force(up_u) * tf /
                            config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral()) * dx))

                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                plt.plot(us, thrusts, label="Analytical")
                plt.plot(us, thrusts_est, label="Approximated")
                plt.savefig("thrust_plot.pdf", format='pdf')

        # Solve non-linear system with a Picard iteration
        elif is_nonlinear:
            # Solve the problem using a picard iteration
            iter_counter = 0
            while True:
                if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                    solver_benchmark.solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F),
                    solver_benchmark.solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F),
                iter_counter += 1
                if iter_counter > 0:
                    relative_diff = abs(
                            inner(state_new - state_nl, state_new - state_nl) *
                            dx)) / assemble(inner(state_new, state_new) * dx)
                    info_blue("Picard iteration " + str(iter_counter) +
                              " relative difference: " + str(relative_diff))

                    if relative_diff < picard_relative_tolerance:
                        info("Picard iteration converged after " +
                             str(iter_counter) + " iterations.")
                    elif iter_counter >= picard_iterations:
                            "Picard iteration reached maximum number of iterations ("
                            + str(picard_iterations) +
                            ") with a relative difference of " +
                            str(relative_diff) + ".")


        # Solve linear system with preassembled matrices
            rhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.rhs(F))
            # Apply dirichlet boundary conditions
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                [bc.apply(lhs_preass, rhs_preass) for bc in strong_bc.bcs]
            if use_lu_solver:
                info("Using a LU solver to solve the linear system.")
                lu_solver.solve(state.vector(), rhs_preass, annotate=annotate)

        # After the timestep solve, update state

        # Set the control function for the upcoming timestep.
        if turbine_field:
            if type(turbine_field) == list:


        if params["dump_period"] > 0 and step % params["dump_period"] == 0:
            print0("Writing state to disk...")

        if functional is not None:
            if not (functional_final_time_only and t < params["finish_time"]):
                if steady_state or functional_final_time_only:
                    quad = 1.0
                elif t >= params["finish_time"]:
                    quad = 0.5 * dt
                    quad = 1.0 * dt

                j += quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))

        # Increase the adjoint timestep
        adj_inc_timestep(time=t, finished=not t < params["finish_time"])
        print0("New timestep t = %f" % t)
    print0("Ending time loop.")

    if functional is not None:
        return j
예제 #14
def sw_solve(config, state, turbine_field=None, functional=None, annotate=True, u_source = None):
    '''Solve the shallow water equations with the parameters specified in params.
       Options for linear_solver and preconditioner are: 
        linear_solver: lu, cholesky, cg, gmres, bicgstab, minres, tfqmr, richardson
        preconditioner: none, ilu, icc, jacobi, bjacobi, sor, amg, additive_schwarz, hypre_amg, hypre_euclid, hypre_parasails, ml_amg

    ############################### Setting up the equations ###########################

    # Define variables for all used parameters
    ds = config.domain.ds
    params = config.params

    # To begin with, check if the provided parameters are valid

    theta = params["theta"]
    dt = params["dt"]
    g = params["g"]
    depth = params["depth"]
    # Reset the time
    params["current_time"] = params["start_time"]
    t = params["current_time"]
    quadratic_friction = params["quadratic_friction"]
    include_advection = params["include_advection"]
    include_diffusion = params["include_diffusion"]
    diffusion_coef = params["diffusion_coef"]
    newton_solver = params["newton_solver"] 
    picard_relative_tolerance = params["picard_relative_tolerance"]
    picard_iterations = params["picard_iterations"]
    run_benchmark = params["run_benchmark"]
    solver_exclude = params["solver_exclude"]
    linear_solver = params["linear_solver"]
    preconditioner = params["preconditioner"]
    bctype = params["bctype"]
    strong_bc = params["strong_bc"]
    free_slip_on_sides = params["free_slip_on_sides"]
    steady_state = params["steady_state"]
    functional_final_time_only = params["functional_final_time_only"]
    is_nonlinear = (include_advection or quadratic_friction)
    turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params["turbine_thrust_parametrisation"]
    implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation = params["implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation"]

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_2enriched
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        function_space = config.function_space_enriched
        function_space = config.function_space
    # Take care of the steady state case
    if steady_state:
        dt = 1.
        params["finish_time"] = params["start_time"] + dt/2
        theta = 1.

    # Define test functions
    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o, o_adv = TestFunctions(function_space)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        v, q, o = TestFunctions(function_space)
        v, q = TestFunctions(function_space)

    # Define functions
    state_new = Function(function_space, name="New_state")  # solution of the next timestep 
    state_nl = Function(function_space, name="Best_guess_state")  # the last computed state of the next timestep, used for the picard iteration

    if not newton_solver and (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
        raise NotImplementedError, "Thrust turbine representation does currently only work with the newton solver." 

    # Split mixed functions
    if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
        if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u, up_u_adv = split(state_new) 
        elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            u, h, up_u = split(state_new) 
            u, h = split(state_new) 
        u, h = TrialFunctions(function_space) 

    if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0, up_u_adv0 = split(state)
    elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        u0, h0, up_u0 = split(state)
        u0, h0 = split(state)
        u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)

    # Create initial conditions and interpolate
    state_new.assign(state, annotate=annotate)

    # u_(n+theta) and h_(n+theta)
    u_mid = (1.0-theta)*u0 + theta*u
    h_mid = (1.0-theta)*h0 + theta*h

    # If a picard iteration is used we need an intermediate state 
    if is_nonlinear and not newton_solver:
      u_nl, h_nl = split(state_nl)
      state_nl.assign(state, annotate=annotate)
      u_mid_nl = (1.0-theta)*u0 + theta*u_nl

    # The normal direction
    n = FacetNormal(function_space.mesh())

    # Mass matrix

    M = inner(v, u) * dx
    M += inner(q, h) * dx
    M0 = inner(v, u0) * dx
    M0 += inner(q, h0) * dx

    # Divergence term.
    Ct_mid = -depth * inner(u_mid, grad(q))*dx
    #+inner(avg(u_mid),jump(q,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    if bctype == 'dirichlet':
      if steady_state:
          raise ValueError, "Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation"
      # The dirichlet boundary condition on the left hand side 
      ufl = Expression(("eta0*sqrt(g/depth)*cos(k*x[0]-sqrt(g*depth)*k*t)", "0"), eta0=params["eta0"], g=g, depth=depth, t=t, k=params["k"])
      bc_contr = - depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(1)

      # The dirichlet boundary condition on the right hand side
      bc_contr -= depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(2)

      # We enforce a no-normal flow on the sides by removing the surface integral. 
      # bc_contr -= dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

    elif bctype == 'flather':
      if steady_state:
          raise ValueError, "Can not use a time dependent boundary condition for a steady state simulation"
      # The Flather boundary condition on the left hand side 
      ufl = Expression(("2*eta0*sqrt(g/depth)*cos(-sqrt(g*depth)*k*t)", "0"), eta0=params["eta0"], g=g, depth=depth, t=t, k=params["k"])
      bc_contr = - depth * dot(ufl, n) * q * ds(1)
      Ct_mid += sqrt(g*depth)*inner(h_mid, q)*ds(1)

      # The contributions of the Flather boundary condition on the right hand side
      Ct_mid += sqrt(g*depth)*inner(h_mid, q)*ds(2)

    elif bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
        # Do not replace anything in the surface integrals as the strong Dirichlet Boundary condition will do that
        bc_contr = -depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(1)
        bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(2)
        if not free_slip_on_sides:
            bc_contr -= depth * dot(u_mid, n) * q * ds(3)

        info_red("Unknown boundary condition type: %s" % bctype)

    # Pressure gradient operator
    C_mid = g * inner(v, grad(h_mid)) * dx
    #+inner(avg(v),jump(h_mid,n))*dS # This term is only needed for dg element pairs

    # Bottom friction
    class FrictionExpr(Expression):
        def eval(self, value, x):
           value[0] = params["friction"] 
    friction = FrictionExpr()

    if turbine_field:
        if type(turbine_field) == list:
           tf = Function(turbine_field[0], name="turbine_friction", annotate=annotate)
           tf = Function(turbine_field, name="turbine_friction", annotate=annotate)

        if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
            print "Adding thrust force"
            # Compute the upstream velocities

            if implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_implicit_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o, up_u_adv, o_adv)
            elif turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
                up_u_eq = upstream_u_equation(config, tf, u, up_u, o)

            def thrust_force(up_u, min=smooth_uflmin):
                ''' Returns the thrust force for a given upstream velcocity ''' 
                # Now apply a pointwise transformation based on the interpolation of a loopup table 
                c_T_coeffs = [0.08344535,  -1.42428216, 9.13153605, -26.19370168, 28.8752054]
                c_T = min(0.88, sum([c_T_coeffs[i]*up_u**i for i in range(len(c_T_coeffs))]))

                # The amount of forcing we want to apply
                turbine_radius = 15.
                A_c = pi*Constant(turbine_radius**2) # Turbine cross section
                f = 0.5*c_T*up_u**2*A_c
                return f

            # Apply the force in the opposite direction of the flow
            f_dir = -thrust_force(up_u)*u/norm_approx(u, alpha=1e-6)
            # Distribute this force over the turbine area
            thrust = inner(f_dir*tf/(Constant(config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral())*config.params["depth"]), v)*dx
    # Friction term
    # With Newton we can simply use a non-linear form
    if quadratic_friction and newton_solver:
      R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid)**0.5 * inner(u_mid, v)*dx

      if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
         R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid, u_mid)**0.5 * inner(u_mid, v)*config.site_dx(1)

    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    elif quadratic_friction and not newton_solver:
      R_mid = friction / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl)**0.5 * inner(u_mid, v) * dx 

      if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
         R_mid += tf / depth * dot(u_mid_nl, u_mid_nl)**0.5 * inner(u_mid, v)*config.site_dx(1)

    # Use a linear drag
      R_mid = friction / depth * inner(u_mid, v) * dx 

      if turbine_field and not (turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation):
         R_mid += tf / depth * inner(u_mid, v)*config.site_dx(1)

    # Advection term 
    # With a newton solver we can simply use a quadratic form
    if include_advection and newton_solver:
      Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid), v)*dx
    # With a picard iteration we need to linearise using the best guess
    if include_advection and not newton_solver:
      Ad_mid = inner(dot(grad(u_mid), u_mid_nl), v)*dx

    if include_diffusion:
      # Check that we are not using a DG velocity function space, as the facet integrals are not implemented.
      if "Discontinuous" in str(function_space.split()[0]):
        raise NotImplementedError, "The diffusion term for discontinuous elements is not implemented yet."
      D_mid = diffusion_coef*inner(grad(u_mid), grad(v))*dx

    # Create the final form
    G_mid = C_mid + Ct_mid + R_mid 
    # Add the advection term
    if include_advection:
        G_mid += Ad_mid
    # Add the diffusion term
    if include_diffusion:
        G_mid += D_mid
    # Add the source term
    if u_source:
        G_mid -= inner(u_source, v)*dx 
    F = dt * G_mid - dt * bc_contr
    # Add the time term
    if not steady_state:
        F += M - M0 

    if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
        F += up_u_eq
        if turbine_field:
            F -= thrust

    # Preassemble the lhs if possible
    use_lu_solver = (linear_solver == "lu") 
    if not quadratic_friction and not include_advection:
        lhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.lhs(F))
        # Precompute the LU factorisation 
        if use_lu_solver:
          info("Computing the LU factorisation for later use ...")
          if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
              raise NotImplementedError, "Strong boundary condition and reusing LU factorisation is currently not implemented"
          lu_solver = LUSolver(lhs_preass)
          lu_solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True

    solver_parameters = {"linear_solver": linear_solver, "preconditioner": preconditioner}

    # Do some parameter checking:
    if "dynamic_turbine_friction" in params["controls"]:
       if len(config.params["turbine_friction"]) != (params["finish_time"]-t)/dt+1:
          print "You control the turbine friction dynamically, but your turbine friction parameter is not an array of length 'number of timesteps' (here: %i)." % ((params["finish_time"]-t)/dt+1)
          import sys; sys.exit()

    ############################### Perform the simulation ###########################

    if params["dump_period"] > 0:
        writer = helpers.StateWriter(config)
        print0("Writing state to disk...")
    step = 0    

    if functional is not None:
        if steady_state or functional_final_time_only:
            j = 0.

            quad = 0.5
            j =  dt * quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))
    print0("Starting time loop...")
    timestep = 0
    while (t < params["finish_time"]):
        timestep += 1
        t += dt
        params["current_time"] = t

        # Update bc's 
        if bctype == "strong_dirichlet":
        # Update source term
        if u_source:
            u_source.t = t-(1.0-theta)*dt          
        # Solve non-linear system with a Newton sovler
        if is_nonlinear and newton_solver:
          # Use a Newton solver to solve the nonlinear problem.
          #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "gmres"
          #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "superlu_dist"
          #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "ilu" # does not work in parallel
          #solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = "amg" 
          #solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = "mumps"
          solver_parameters["newton_solver"] = {}
          #solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["error_on_nonconvergence"] = False
          solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["maximum_iterations"] = 20 
          solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["convergence_criterion"] = "incremental"
          solver_parameters["newton_solver"]["relative_tolerance"] = 1e-16

          if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
              solver_benchmark.solve(F == 0, state_new, bcs = strong_bc.bcs, solver_parameters = solver_parameters, annotate=annotate, benchmark = run_benchmark, solve = solve, solver_exclude = solver_exclude)
              solver_benchmark.solve(F == 0, state_new, solver_parameters = solver_parameters, annotate=annotate, benchmark = run_benchmark, solve = solve, solver_exclude = solver_exclude)

          if turbine_thrust_parametrisation or implicit_turbine_thrust_parametrisation:
              print "Inflow velocity: ", u[0]((10, 160))
              print "Estimated upstream velocity: ", up_u((640./3, 160))
              print "Expected thrust force: ", thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)), min=min)((0))
              print "Total amount of thurst force applied: ", assemble(inner(Constant(1), thrust_force(up_u)*tf/config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral())*dx)

              us.append(u[0]((10, 160)))
              thrusts.append(thrust_force(u[0]((10, 160)))((0)))
              thrusts_est.append(assemble(inner(Constant(1), thrust_force(up_u)*tf/config.turbine_cache.turbine_integral())*dx))

              import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
              plt.plot(us, thrusts, label="Analytical")
              plt.plot(us, thrusts_est, label="Approximated")
              plt.savefig("thrust_plot.pdf", format='pdf')

        # Solve non-linear system with a Picard iteration
        elif is_nonlinear:
          # Solve the problem using a picard iteration
          iter_counter = 0
          while True:
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                solver_benchmark.solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F), state_new, bcs = strong_bc.bcs, solver_parameters = solver_parameters, annotate=annotate, benchmark = run_benchmark, solve = solve, solver_exclude = solver_exclude)
                solver_benchmark.solve(dolfin.lhs(F) == dolfin.rhs(F), state_new, solver_parameters = solver_parameters, annotate=annotate, benchmark = run_benchmark, solve = solve, solver_exclude = solver_exclude)
            iter_counter += 1
            if iter_counter > 0:
              relative_diff = abs(assemble( inner(state_new-state_nl, state_new-state_nl) * dx ))/assemble( inner(state_new, state_new) * dx )
              info_blue("Picard iteration " + str(iter_counter) + " relative difference: " + str(relative_diff))

              if relative_diff < picard_relative_tolerance:
                info("Picard iteration converged after " + str(iter_counter) + " iterations.")
              elif iter_counter >= picard_iterations:
                info_red("Picard iteration reached maximum number of iterations (" + str(picard_iterations) + ") with a relative difference of " + str(relative_diff) + ".")


        # Solve linear system with preassembled matrices 
            rhs_preass = assemble(dolfin.rhs(F))
            # Apply dirichlet boundary conditions
            if bctype == 'strong_dirichlet':
                [bc.apply(lhs_preass, rhs_preass) for bc in strong_bc.bcs]
            if use_lu_solver:
                info("Using a LU solver to solve the linear system.")
                lu_solver.solve(state.vector(), rhs_preass, annotate=annotate)
                solver_benchmark.solve(lhs_preass, state_new.vector(), rhs_preass, solver_parameters["linear_solver"], solver_parameters["preconditioner"], annotate=annotate, benchmark = run_benchmark, solve = solve, solver_exclude = solver_exclude)

        # After the timestep solve, update state

        # Set the control function for the upcoming timestep.
        if turbine_field:
            if type(turbine_field) == list:


        if params["dump_period"] > 0 and step%params["dump_period"] == 0:
            print0("Writing state to disk...")

        if functional is not None:
            if not (functional_final_time_only and t < params["finish_time"]):
                if steady_state or functional_final_time_only:
                    quad = 1.0
                elif t >= params["finish_time"]:
                    quad = 0.5 * dt
                    quad = 1.0 * dt 

                j += quad * assemble(functional.Jt(state, tf))

        # Increase the adjoint timestep
        adj_inc_timestep(time=t, finished = not t < params["finish_time"])
        print0("New timestep t = %f" % t)
    print0("Ending time loop.")

    if functional is not None:
        return j