def test_mse(neighborhood_size=5, filtertype="collaborative filtering"): """Tests the mse of predictions based on a given number of neighborhood sizes neighborhood_size -- the sizes of neighborhoods between the number and 1 (so 5 tests for neighborhood of length 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) filtertype -- the type of similarity you want to test the mse of """ # init variables all_df = helpers.json_to_df() df = helpers.split_data(all_df) ut = helpers.create_utility_matrix(df[0]) if filtertype == "collaborative filtering": print("Creating needed variables...") sim = helpers.similarity_matrix_cosine(ut) elif filtertype == "content based": print("Creating needed variables...") cats = helpers.json_to_df_categories() fancy_cats = helpers.extract_genres(cats) ut_cats = helpers.pivot_genres(fancy_cats) sim = helpers.create_similarity_matrix_categories(ut_cats) elif filtertype == "spacy": print("Creating needed variables...") sim = pd.read_msgpack("spacy_similarity.msgpack") else: print("Please enter a valid filtertype") return print("Starting calculations...") mses = {} # test the mse based on the length of the neighborhood for i in range(1, neighborhood_size + 1): predictions = helpers.predict_ratings(sim, ut, df[1], i).dropna() amount = len(predictions) mses[i] = helpers.mse(predictions) return mses, amount
def psi_tmle_cont_outcome(q_t0, q_t1, g, t, y, eps_hat=None, truncate_level=0.05): q_t0, q_t1, g, t, y = truncate_all_by_g(q_t0, q_t1, g, t, y, truncate_level) g_loss = mse(g, t) h = t * (1.0/g) - (1.0-t) / (1.0 - g) full_q = (1.0-t)*q_t0 + t*q_t1 # predictions from unperturbed model if eps_hat is None: eps_hat = np.sum(h*(y-full_q)) / np.sum(np.square(h)) def q1(t_cf): h_cf = t_cf * (1.0 / g) - (1.0 - t_cf) / (1.0 - g) full_q = (1.0 - t_cf) * q_t0 + t_cf * q_t1 # predictions from unperturbed model return full_q + eps_hat * h_cf ite = q1(np.ones_like(t)) - q1(np.zeros_like(t)) psi_tmle = np.mean(ite) # standard deviation computation relies on asymptotic expansion of non-parametric estimator, see van der Laan and Rose p 96 ic = h*(y-q1(t)) + ite - psi_tmle psi_tmle_std = np.std(ic) / np.sqrt(t.shape[0]) initial_loss = np.mean(np.square(full_q-y)) final_loss = np.mean(np.square(q1(t)-y)) # print("tmle epsilon_hat: ", eps_hat) # print("initial risk: {}".format(initial_loss)) # print("final risk: {}".format(final_loss)) return psi_tmle, psi_tmle_std, eps_hat, initial_loss, final_loss, g_loss
def predict_all(): """Fills an entire test set with predictions""" mses = [] # predict cf based all_df = helpers.json_to_df() df = helpers.split_data(all_df) ut = helpers.create_utility_matrix(df[0]) sim = helpers.similarity_matrix_cosine(ut) predictions = helpers.predict_ratings(sim, ut, df[1], 0) mses.append(helpers.mse(predictions)) # find which values are still np.nan to_predict = predictions.loc[~predictions.index.isin(predictions.dropna(). index)] # predict content-based (normal) for those rows cats = helpers.json_to_df_categories() fancy_cats = helpers.extract_genres(cats) ut_cats = helpers.pivot_genres(fancy_cats) sim = helpers.create_similarity_matrix_categories(ut_cats) predictions = predictions.append( helpers.predict_ratings(sim, ut, to_predict, 0)) mses.append(helpers.mse(predictions)) # find which values are still np.nan to_predict = predictions.loc[~predictions.index.isin(predictions.dropna(). index)] # predict content-based (spacy) for those rows sim = pd.read_msgpack("spacy_similarity.msgpack") predictions = predictions.append( helpers.predict_ratings(sim, ut, to_predict, 0)) to_predict = predictions.loc[~predictions.index.isin(predictions.dropna(). index)] mses.append(helpers.mse(predictions)) # for the rows which have no neighborhood in any of the methods, predict the average rating of the test set predictions = predictions.fillna(predictions["stars"].mean()) mses.append(helpers.mse(predictions)) return mses
def adv_noise(value, params, epsilon_range, method="m2", norm="l2", preload_gradient=False, num_iterations=10): config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if preload_gradient == True: # Import checkpoint saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph( "{}/{}/grad/grad.ckpt.meta".format(params["models_dir"], params["model"])) saver.restore( sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("{}/{}/grad".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"]))) else: # Import existing model saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("{}/{}/{}/{}".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"], params["dataset"], params["graph_file"])) saver.restore( sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("{}/{}/{}".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"], params["dataset"]))) graph = tf.get_default_graph() # print( [ for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node] ) prod =["image_dims"]) input = graph.get_tensor_by_name(params["input"]) output = graph.get_tensor_by_name(params["output"]) _psnr = [] _images = [] if method == "quadratic": if params["colors_input"] == "y": prod = np.array( [params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1])) # Calculate jacobian if preload_gradient == True: grad = graph.get_tensor_by_name("jacobian:0") else: _grad = [] ### flatten output _output = tf.reshape(output, [prod, 1]) for x in range(prod): _grad.append( tf.gradients(tf.gather(_output, x, axis=0), input)[0]) grad = tf.stack(_grad, name="jacobian") # Save gradient checkpoint saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path = sess, "./{}/{}/grad/grad.ckpt".format(params["models_dir"], params["model"])) for epsilon in epsilon_range: mse = [] images = [] for v in value: if params["colors_input"] == "y": v = v[:, :, 0] v = np.reshape(v, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) fY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([v])}) w = None x = v.copy() eta_t = np.zeros(x.shape) used_pixels = [] for iter in range(num_iterations): t = time.time() if norm == "l2": dX =[grad], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) # Eigenvector calculation dX = np.reshape(dX, (prod, prod)) _dX =, dX) ev = np.array( scipy.linalg.eigh(_dX, eigvals=(prod - 1, prod - 1))[1]).T # Calculate fooledY _fX = np.reshape(np.array([x]), (1, prod)) w = _fX + ((epsilon / num_iterations) * ev) x = np.array(w).reshape(np.array(x).shape) # fooledY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) elif norm == "linf": # print("EMILIO QUADRATIC LINF SOLUTION") dX =[grad], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) dX = np.array(dX) dX = np.reshape( dX, np.concatenate( (np.array([prod]), params["image_dims"]), axis=0)) [K, H, W, D] = dX.shape norms = np.zeros([H, W, D]) idx_mtx = np.zeros([3, H, W, D]) for hh in range(H): for ww in range(W): for dd in range(D): norms[hh, ww, dd] = np.sum(dX[:, hh, ww, dd].flatten()**2) idx_mtx[:, hh, ww, dd] = np.array([hh, ww, dd]) idx = np.argsort(norms.flatten())[::-1] Hvec = idx_mtx[0, :, :, :].flatten().astype( 'int32') Wvec = idx_mtx[1, :, :, :].flatten().astype( 'int32') Dvec = idx_mtx[2, :, :, :].flatten().astype( 'int32') rho = np.zeros(norms.shape) rho[Hvec[idx[0]], Wvec[idx[0]], Dvec[idx[0]]] = 1 Jvec = dX[:, Hvec[idx[0]], Wvec[idx[0]], Dvec[idx[0]]] for kk in range(len(idx) - 1): Jk = dX[:, Hvec[idx[kk + 1]], Wvec[idx[kk + 1]], Dvec[idx[kk + 1]]] rho[Hvec[idx[kk + 1]], Wvec[idx[kk + 1]], Dvec[idx[kk + 1]]] = np.sign( np.matmul(Jvec.T, Jk)) Jvec = Jvec + rho[Hvec[idx[kk + 1]], Wvec[idx[kk + 1]], Dvec[idx[kk + 1]]] * Jk if iter == 0: eta_t = eta_t + (epsilon / num_iterations) * rho else: eta_t = eta_t + np.sign(np.matmul( eta_t.T, rho)) * (epsilon / num_iterations) * rho x = v + eta_t elif norm == "pixel": dX =[grad], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) dX = np.array(dX) dX = np.reshape( dX, np.concatenate( (np.array([prod]), params["image_dims"]), axis=0)) [K, H, W, D] = dX.shape norms = np.zeros([H, W, D]) idx_mtx = np.zeros([3, H, W, D]) Jvec_norm = 0 for hh in range(H): for ww in range(W): for dd in range(D): norms[hh, ww, dd] = np.sum(dX[:, hh, ww, dd].flatten()**2) idx_mtx[:, hh, ww, dd] = np.array([hh, ww, dd]) idx = np.argsort(norms[hh, ww, :])[::-1] rho = np.zeros(D) rho[idx[0]] = 1 Jvec = dX[:, hh, ww, idx[0]] if len(idx) > 1: for kk in range(len(idx) - 1): Jk = dX[:, hh, ww, idx[kk + 1]] rho[idx[kk + 1]] = np.sign( np.matmul(Jvec.T, Jk)) Jvec = Jvec + rho[idx[kk + 1]] * Jk if (np.sum(Jvec.flatten()**2) >= Jvec_norm ) and ([hh, ww] not in used_pixels): h_opt = hh w_opt = ww rho_opt = rho Jvec_norm = np.sum(Jvec.flatten()**2) used_pixels.append([h_opt, w_opt]) eta = np.zeros([H, W, D]) eta[h_opt, w_opt, :] = epsilon * rho_opt x = x + np.reshape(eta, x.shape) print( 'Time per iteration = {} secs'.format(time.time() - t)) # Images fooledY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, x[0], fY, fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[v]]) X_new = np.array([[x]]) fY = np.array(fY) fooledY = np.array(fooledY) images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) # Mean squared error mse.append(helpers.mse(X_org, fooledY)) print(epsilon) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) elif method == "linear": for epsilon in epsilon_range: print("Current Epsilon {:.2f}".format(epsilon)) mse = [] images = [] ii_imag = 0 for x in value: v = x.copy() if params["colors_input"] == "y": x = x[:, :, 0] x = np.reshape(x, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) prod = np.array([ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ])) x_org = x # Change Loss Function if params["description"] == "autoencoder": true_Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="true_Y") Y = 1.0 loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(input, output)) else: Y_ = np.array([output], feed_dict={input: np.array([x_org])})) true_Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="true_Y", shape=Y_.shape), feed_dict={true_Y: Y_}) loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(true_Y, output)) grad = tf.gradients(loss, input) used_pixels = [] t = time.time() ii_imag += 1 for iter in range(num_iterations): print( '({}) {}-{}: Image {}/{} (iteration {}/{})'.format( str(epsilon), method, norm, str(ii_imag), str(len(value)), str(iter + 1), num_iterations)) _x = np.reshape(x, prod) fX = np.array(x).reshape(np.array([x_org]).shape) dL =[grad], feed_dict={ input: fX, true_Y: Y_ }) dL = np.reshape(dL, fX.shape) _dL = np.reshape(dL, prod) dL_norm = helpers.l2_norm(dL) _eta = np.zeros(prod) if norm == "linf": _eta = epsilon * np.sign(_dL) elif norm == "l2": _eta = epsilon * (_dL / dL_norm) elif norm == "l1": idx = np.where( np.abs(_dL) == np.abs(_dL).max())[0][0] _eta[idx] = np.sign( _dL[idx]) * (epsilon / num_iterations) elif norm == 'pixel': [_, H, W, D] = dL.shape norms = np.zeros([H, W]) tmp_norm = 0 h_opt = 0 w_opt = 0 n_opt = np.zeros(D) for hh in range(H): for ww in range(W): norms[hh, ww] = np.sum(np.abs(dL[:, hh, ww, :])) if (norms[hh, ww] >= tmp_norm) and ([ hh, ww ] not in used_pixels): h_opt = hh w_opt = ww n_opt = epsilon * np.sign(dL[:, hh, ww, :]) tmp_norm = norms[hh, ww] used_pixels.append([h_opt, w_opt]) eta = np.zeros([H, W, D]) eta[h_opt, w_opt, :] = n_opt _eta = eta.flatten() _x = _x + _eta x = np.reshape(_x, np.array([x_org]).shape) # Only correct for first linearation if iter == 0: # Fix y == f(x) (gradient zero) Y = np.array([[x_org]]) fY = np.array([output], feed_dict={input: np.array([x_org])})) if np.array_equal(Y, fY): print("Starting Point Initialization") s = p = np.random.uniform(-epsilon / 100000, epsilon / 100000, size=s) x = np.array(x) + np.reshape( p, np.array(x).shape) print('Time per iteration = {} secs'.format(time.time() - t)) fY =[output], feed_dict={ input: np.array([x_org]), true_Y: Y_ }) fooledY =[output], feed_dict={ input: np.array(x), true_Y: Y_ }) if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, x[0], fY, fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[x_org]]) X_new = np.array([x]) fY = np.array(fY) fooledY = np.array(fooledY) images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) # Mean squared error mse.append(helpers.mse(X_org, fooledY)) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) elif method == "rand": for epsilon in epsilon_range: mse = [] images = [] for v in value: if params["colors_input"] == "y": _v = v[:, :, 0] _v = np.reshape(_v, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) else: _v = v # Predicted output _fY = np.array([output], feed_dict={input: np.array([_v])})) eta = np.zeros(len(_v)) if norm == "l2": # Random noise rnd = np.random.normal(size=_v.shape) eta = epsilon * (rnd / helpers.l2_norm(rnd)) elif norm == "l1": # Select index shp = list(_v.shape) idx = [] for i in range(len(shp)): idx.append(random.randint(0, shp[i] - 1)) # Generate noise eta = np.zeros(shp) eta[idx] = epsilon * random.uniform(-1, 1) elif norm == "linf": # rnd = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for x in range(len(v))] rnd = np.random.normal(size=_v.shape) rnd = np.sign(rnd) eta = epsilon * rnd elif norm == 'pixel': eta = np.zeros(params["image_dims"]) ii = 0 used_pixels = [] while ii < num_iterations: hh = np.random.randint(0, params["image_dims"][0] - 1) ww = np.random.randint(0, params["image_dims"][1] - 1) if [hh, ww] not in used_pixels: eta[hh, ww, :] = epsilon * np.sign( np.random.normal(size=eta[hh, ww, :].shape)) ii += 1 used_pixels.append([hh, ww]) eta = np.reshape(eta, _v.shape) _w = _v + eta _fooledY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([_w])}) # Merge color channels if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, _w, _fY, _fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[_v]]) X_new = np.array([[_w]]) fY = np.array(_fY) fooledY = np.array(_fooledY) # Images images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) # Mean squared error mse.append(helpers.mse(np.array([[v]]), fooledY)) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) return _psnr, _images
"base features+ check on text lenght, 60 words", words) # Creating the final model # Create matrix X training_X = np.empty([10000, 67]) # Create matrix Y training_Y = np.empty([10000, 1]) functions = [ helpers.get_children, helpers.get_controversiality, helpers.get_is_root, helpers.log_children, helpers.square_children, helpers.check_length ] for i in range(10000): helpers.make_row(data[i], i, training_X, training_Y, functions, 60, words) W = helpers.linear_regression(training_X, training_Y) validation_X = np.empty([1000, 67]) validation_Y = np.empty([1000, 1]) for i in range(1000): helpers.make_row(data[10000 + i], i, validation_X, validation_Y, functions, 60, words) test_X = np.empty([1000, 67]) test_Y = np.empty([1000, 1]) for i in range(1000): helpers.make_row(data[11000 + i], i, test_X, test_Y, functions, 60, words) print("Model error on the training set : %f" % helpers.mse(training_X, W, training_Y)) print("Model error on the validation set : %f" % helpers.mse(validation_X, W, validation_Y)) print("Model error on the test set : %f" % helpers.mse(test_X, W, test_Y))
def _loss(q, g, y, t): # compute the new loss q_loss = mse(y, q) g_loss = cross_entropy(t, g) return q_loss + g_loss
def adv_noise(value, params, epsilon_range, method="m2", norm="l2", preload_gradient=False, num_iterations=10): config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if preload_gradient == True: # Import checkpoint saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph( "{}/{}/grad/grad.ckpt.meta".format(params["models_dir"], params["model"])) saver.restore( sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("{}/{}/grad".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"]))) else: # Import existing model saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("{}/{}/{}/{}".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"], params["dataset"], params["graph_file"])) saver.restore( sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("{}/{}/{}".format( params["models_dir"], params["model"], params["dataset"]))) graph = tf.get_default_graph() # print( [ for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node] ) prod =["image_dims"]) input = graph.get_tensor_by_name(params["input"]) output = graph.get_tensor_by_name(params["output"]) if params["pkeep"] == "None": pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None)) # Not used else: pkeep = graph.get_tensor_by_name(params['pkeep']) _psnr = [] _images = [] if method == "quadratic": if params["colors_input"] == "y": prod = np.array( [params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1])) # Calculate jacobian if preload_gradient == True: grad = graph.get_tensor_by_name("jacobian:0") else: _grad = [] ### flatten output _output = tf.reshape(output, [prod, 1]) for x in range(prod): _grad.append( tf.gradients(tf.gather(_output, x, axis=0), input)[0]) grad = tf.stack(_grad, name="jacobian") # Save gradient checkpoint saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path = sess, "./{}/{}/grad/grad.ckpt".format(params["models_dir"], params["model"])) for epsilon in epsilon_range: mse = [] images = [] for v in value: if params["colors_input"] == "y": v = v[:, :, 0] v = np.reshape(v, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) fY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([v])}) w = None x = v.copy() if norm == "l2": dX =[grad], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) # Eigenvector calculation dX = np.reshape(dX, (prod, prod)) _dX =, dX) ev = np.array( scipy.linalg.eigh(_dX, eigvals=(prod - 1, prod - 1))[1]).T # Calculate fooledY _fX = np.reshape(np.array([x]), (1, prod)) w = _fX + ((epsilon / num_iterations) * ev) x = np.array(w).reshape(np.array(x).shape) fooledY =[output], feed_dict={input: np.array([x])}) if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, x[0], fY, fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[v]]) X_new = np.array([[x]]) fY = np.array(fY) fooledY = np.array(fooledY) images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) # Mean squared error mse.append(helpers.mse(X_org, fooledY)) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) elif method == "linear": for epsilon in epsilon_range: print("Current Epsilon {:.2f}".format(epsilon)) mse = [] images = [] ii_imag = 0 for x in value: v = x.copy() if params["colors_input"] == "y": x = x[:, :, 0] x = np.reshape(x, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) prod = np.array([ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ])) x_org = x # Output variables fY = np.array([output], feed_dict={ input: np.array([x_org]), pkeep: 1.0 })) true_Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="true_Y", shape=fY.shape), feed_dict={true_Y: fY}) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference( true_Y, output)) grad = tf.gradients(loss, input) used_pixels = [] ii_imag += 1 for iter in range(num_iterations): print("{} / {} Iterations".format( iter + 1, num_iterations)) prod = _x = np.reshape(x, prod) fX = np.array(x).reshape(np.array([x_org]).shape) # Only correct for first linearation if iter == 0: print("Starting Point Initialization") s = p = np.random.uniform(-epsilon / 100000, epsilon / 100000, size=s) fX = np.array(fX) + np.reshape( p, np.array(fX).shape) dL =[grad], feed_dict={ input: fX, pkeep: 1.0, true_Y: fY }) dL = np.reshape(dL, fX.shape) _dL = np.reshape(dL, prod) dL_norm = helpers.l2_norm(dL) _eta = np.zeros(prod) if norm == "linf": _eta = (epsilon / num_iterations) * np.sign(_dL) elif norm == "l2": _eta = (epsilon / num_iterations) * (_dL / dL_norm) elif norm == "l1": idx = np.where( np.abs(_dL) == np.abs(_dL).max())[0][0] _eta[idx] = np.sign( _dL[idx]) * (epsilon / num_iterations) elif norm == 'pixel': [_, H, W, D] = dL.shape norms = np.zeros([H, W]) tmp_norm = 0 h_opt = 0 w_opt = 0 n_opt = np.zeros(D) for hh in range(H): for ww in range(W): norms[hh, ww] = np.sum(np.abs(dL[:, hh, ww, :])) if (norms[hh, ww] >= tmp_norm) and ([ hh, ww ] not in used_pixels): h_opt = hh w_opt = ww n_opt = epsilon * np.sign(dL[:, hh, ww, :]) tmp_norm = norms[hh, ww] used_pixels.append([h_opt, w_opt]) eta = np.zeros([H, W, D]) eta[h_opt, w_opt, :] = n_opt _eta = eta.flatten() _x = _x + _eta #print(np.array(_eta).tolist()) x = np.reshape(_x, np.array([x_org]).shape) fooledY = np.array([[output], feed_dict={ input: np.array(x), pkeep: 1.0 }) ]) if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, x[0], fY, fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[x_org]]) X_new = np.array([x]) fY = np.array(fY) fooledY = np.array(fooledY) # Mean squared error mse.append(helpers.mse(fY, fooledY)) # Convert images to plot properly for superresolution if params["description"] == "superresolution": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.adjust_images( X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY[0], 200) # Images images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) elif method == "rand": for epsilon in epsilon_range: mse = [] images = [] for v in value: # Modify input images if params["colors_input"] == "y": _v = v[:, :, 0] _v = np.reshape(_v, [ params["image_dims"][0], params["image_dims"][1], 1 ]) else: _v = v # Adversarial noise eta = np.zeros(len(_v)) if norm == "l2": # Random noise rnd = np.random.normal(size=_v.shape) eta = epsilon * (rnd / helpers.l2_norm(rnd)) elif norm == "l1": # Select index shp = list(_v.shape) idx = [] for i in range(len(shp)): idx.append(random.randint(0, shp[i] - 1)) # Generate noise eta = np.zeros(shp) eta[idx] = epsilon * random.uniform(-1, 1) elif norm == "linf": # rnd = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for x in range(len(v))] rnd = np.random.normal(size=_v.shape) rnd = np.sign(rnd) eta = epsilon * rnd elif norm == 'pixel': eta = np.zeros(_v.shape) ii = 0 used_pixels = [] while ii < num_iterations: hh = np.random.randint(0, params["image_dims"][0] - 1) ww = np.random.randint(0, params["image_dims"][1] - 1) if [hh, ww] not in used_pixels: eta[hh, ww, :] = epsilon * np.sign( np.random.normal(size=eta[hh, ww, :].shape)) ii += 1 used_pixels.append([hh, ww]) eta = np.reshape(eta, _v.shape) _w = _v + eta _fooledY = np.array([[output], feed_dict={ input: np.array([_w]), pkeep: 1.0 }) ]) _fY = np.array([output], feed_dict={ input: np.array([_v]), pkeep: 1.0 })) # Merge color channels if params["colors_output"] == "cbcr": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.merge_color_channels( params, v, _w, _fY, _fooledY) else: # Images X_org = np.array([[_v]]) X_new = np.array([[_w]]) fY = np.array(_fY) fooledY = np.array(_fooledY) # Calculate mean squared error before padding conversion mse.append(helpers.mse(fY, fooledY)) # Convert images to plot properly for superresolution if params["description"] == "superresolution": X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY = helpers.adjust_images( X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY[0], 200) # Images for plotting images.append([X_org, X_new, fY, fooledY]) avg_mse = np.mean(mse) psnr = helpers.psnr(avg_mse) _psnr.append(psnr) _images.append(images) return _psnr, _images