예제 #1
    def get_credentials(self):
        Lists all stored signing credentials for authenticated user's account

        :return: List of dicts with needed credential info. Each stored credential gets its own dict
        url = '{}/v1/credentials/'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'])
        r = self.py_session.get(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'credentials')
        return result
예제 #2
    def delete(self, group_psk):
        Permanently deletes a group from the authenticated user’s organization.

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :result: Dict with deleted groups metadata. Dict keys are: psk, name, description
        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        r = self.session.delete(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'deleted_group')
        return result
예제 #3
    def create(self):
        Creates an entry in EASE for the publishing API to upload a file to.
        Uses a token from the auth function
        :return: Returns transaction ID
        self.payload['method'] = "com.apperian.eas.apps.create"
        r = self.php_session.post(self.region['PHP Web Services'], data=json.dumps(self.payload))
        result = response_check(r, 'result', 'transactionID')

        return result
예제 #4
    def get_media(self, psk):
        GET /applications/<app_psk>/related_media/
        List data for a specific app

        :param psk: Unique ID of the app
        :return: Returns list of media files and their metadata in dicts.
        url = "{}/{}/related_media".format(self.base, str(psk))
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "related_media")
        return resp
예제 #5
    def get_details(self, psk):
        GET /applications/<app_psk>
        List data for a specific app

        :param psk: Unique ID of the app
        :return: Returns dict of metadata about the specified application. Specify the app with app_psk.
        url = "{}/{}".format(self.base, str(psk))
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "application")
        return resp
예제 #6
    def delete(self, psk):
        DELETE /applications/<app_psk>
        Deletes a specific application from your EASE organization

        :param psk: Unique ID for the app
        :return: psk of deleted app on success, dict of error on failure
        url = "{}/{}".format(self.base, psk)
        r = self.session.delete(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "deleted_application")
        return resp
예제 #7
    def get_list(self):
        Lists all of the native apps in the organization you are authenticated to. Does not include webapps, or public
        app store links

        :return: List of dicts of app metadata. Dict keys are: ID, author, bundleID, longdescription, shortdescription,
            status, type, version, versionNotes
        self.payload['method'] = "com.apperian.eas.apps.getlist"
        r = self.php_session.post(self.region['PHP Web Services'], data=json.dumps(self.payload))
        result = response_check(r, 'result', 'applications')
        return result
예제 #8
    def add_members(self, group_psk, user_list):
        Adds a list of users to a specified group. Specify users by user_psk.

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :param user_list: Comma-separated list of the user_psks for the users you want to add to the group.
        :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: users_failed, users_added
        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}/users'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        payload = json.dumps({"user_psk": user_list})
        r = self.session.get(url, data=payload)
        result = response_check(r, 'response')
        return result
예제 #9
    def update(self, group_psk, data):
        Updates data for an existing group in the authenticated user's organization.

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :param data: Dict of group metadata to change. Required keys: group_name, group_description
        :return: Dict with updated metadata. Dict keys are: psk, name, description
        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        payload = json.dumps({data})
        r = self.session.put(url, data=payload)
        result = response_check(r, 'group')
        return result
예제 #10
    def list_apps(self, group_psk):
        Returns a list of the applications that are in the specified group.

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :return: List of dicts. See API docs for dict keys

        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        r = self.session.get(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'applications')
        return result
예제 #11
    def list(self):
        list of all the groups for the authenticated user’s organization. This list includes the number of users
        and number of applications belonging to each group.

        :return: List of dicts of the groups. Dict keys are: app_count, psk, user_count, name, description

        url = '%s/v1/groups/' % self.region['Python Web Services']
        r = self.session.get(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'groups')
        return result
예제 #12
    def delete_apps(self, group_psk, app_list):
        Removes applications from a group. Specify apps by app_psk

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :param app_list: Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to remove from the group.
        :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: apps_removed, apps_failed
        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}/applications'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        payload = json.dumps({"app_psk": app_list})
        r = self.session.delete(url, data=payload)
        result = response_check(r, 'response')
        return result
예제 #13
    def list_members(self, group_psk):
        Lists users who are members of a specified group.

        :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
        :return: List of Dicts. See API docs for dict keys

        url = '{}/v1/groups/{}/users/'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], group_psk)
        r = self.session.get(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'users_in_group')
        return result
예제 #14
    def sign_application(self, app_psk, credentials_psk):
        Signs an app with the specified stored credential

        :param app_psk: Unique ID of app in ease. Can be found using list_apps()
        :param credentials_psk: Unique ID of the credentials to be used. Can be found via get_credentials()
        url = '{}/v1/applications/{}/credentials/{}'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'],
                                                            app_psk, credentials_psk)
        r = self.py_session.put(url)
        result = response_check(r, 'signing_status')
        return result
예제 #15
    def toggle(self, app_psk, state):
        PUT /applications/<app_psk>
        Allows you do enable or disable and app in your account.

        :param app_psk: Unique ID of the app. Use the app_list_available() method
        :param state: Boolean Value of desired state of the app
        :return: Dict of request status
        url = "{}/{}".format(self.base, app_psk)
        r = self.session.put(url, data=json.dumps({"enabled": state}))
        resp = response_check(r, "update_application_result")
        return resp
예제 #16
    def get_usage(self, psk, start_date, end_date):
        GET /applications/<app_psk>/stats
        List download and usage count for a specific app

        :param psk: Unique ID for the app.
        :param start_date: Start date for the statistical period. yyyy-mm-dd format
        :param end_date: End date for the statistical period. yyyy-mm-dd format
        :return:Returns Download Count and Usage Count for an application during a specified statistical time period.
        url = "{}/{}/stats?start_date={}&end_date={}".format(self.base, psk, start_date, end_date)
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "app_stats")
        return resp
예제 #17
    def add(self, data):
        Adds a new group to the authenticated user’s organization.

        :param data: Dict with metadata for group. Required keys are: group_name, group_description
        :return: Dict of new groups details. Dict keys are: psk, name, description

        url = '%s/v1/groups/' % self.region['Python Web Services']
        payload = json.dumps(data)
        r = self.session.post(url, data=payload)
        result = response_check(r, 'group')
        return result
예제 #18
 def publish(self, metadata, publishing_data):
     :param metadata: Dict of the metadata that is required to upload to ease
     :param publishing_data: Dict of the params needed to publish
     self.payload['method'] = 'com.apperian.eas.apps.publish'
         {"EASEmetadata": metadata,
          "files": {"application": publishing_data['file_id']},
          "transactionID": publishing_data['transactionID']
     r = self.php_session.post(self.region['PHP Web Services'], data=json.dumps(self.payload))
     result = response_check(r, 'result', 'appID')
     return result
예제 #19
    def add_member(self, user_psk, groups):
        Adds a specified user to a list of groups. Specify groups by group_psk.

        :param user_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the user you want to add to the list of groups
        :param groups: Comma-separated list of the group psks
        :return:Dict of lists. Dict keys are: added_groups, failed_groups

        url = '{}/v1/groups/users/{}'.format(self.region['Python Web Services'], user_psk)
        payload = json.dumps({"group_psk": groups})
        r = self.session.get(url, data=payload)
        result = response_check(r, 'response')
        return result
예제 #20
    def list_catalogs(self):
        GET /applications/app_catalogs
        List data for all app catalogs

        :return: Returns data about all the App Catalogs in the authenticated user's organization
        url = "{}/app_catalogs/".format(self.base)
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "app_catalogs")
        if resp["status"] == 200:
            app_data = {}
            for i in resp["data"]:
                app_data.update({i["psk"]: i})
            resp["data"] = app_data
        return resp
예제 #21
    def list(self):
        GET /applications
        List application data about all the native applications stored in the EASE database for the authenticated
        user’s organization.

        :return: Dict with key:value pairs of the app psk and it's metadata. For example: {123:{METADATA}}
        url = self.base
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "applications")
        # if resp['status'] == 200:
        #     app_data = {}
        #     for i in resp['resp']:
        #         app_data.update({i['psk']: i})
        #     resp['resp'] = app_data
        return resp
예제 #22
    def get_credentials(self, show=False):
        GET /credentials
        Returns data about all signing credentials stored in EASE for the authenticated user’s organization. Optional
        parameter to select from a list. If used it will return just the psk of the selected credential

        :param show: Optional, if set to True, you will select from a list of options
        :return: List of stored credentials for the
        url = "{}credentials".format(self.base)
        url = url.replace("applications", "")
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "credentials")
        if show:
            choice = display_options(resp["result"], "credential", "description")
            resp["result"] = choice["psk"]
        return resp
예제 #23
    def add_screenshot(self, psk, form, slot):
        POST /applications/<app_psk>/screenshots/[phone/tablet]/<slot>
        Upload a Screenshot for An Application

        :param psk: unique ID of the app
        :param form: Form factor of the app the screenshot it for. Valid Value: phone, tablet
        :param slot: Order in which the screenshot will display on the app's details page in the App Catalog. If you
            specify the same slot of a screenshot that is already stored for the same form factor (phone or tablet),
            the new file will overwrite the previously added file. Valid values: 1-5:

        url = "{}/{}/screenshots/{}/{}".format(self.base, psk, form, slot)
        r = self.session.post(url)
        resp = response_check(r)
        return resp
예제 #24
    def delete_screenshot(self, psk, form, slot):
        DELETE /applications/<app_psk>/screenshots/[phone/tablet]/<slot>
        Delete an Application Screenshot

        :param psk: unique ID of the app
        :param form: Form factor of the app the screenshot it for. Valid Value: phone, tablet
        :param slot: Specify the slot of the screenshot you want to delete. You can view a list with slot number of all
            the screenshots stored for an app by returning details about the app with the GET /applications/<app_psk>
            resource. Be sure to specify the correct form factor (phone or tablet) in the URL. There is a slot 1 - 5
            for both phone and tablet. Valid values: 1-5

        url = "{}/{}/screenshots/{}/{}".format(self.base, psk, form, slot)
        r = self.session.delete(url)
        resp = response_check(r)
        return resp
예제 #25
    def list_available(self):
        GET /applications/user
        List application data about all the applications available in EASE to the authenticated user. An application
        is available if it is assigned to a group to which the user belongs

        :return: Dict with key:value pairs of the app psk and it's metadata. For example: {123:{METADATA}}

        url = "{}/user".format(self.base)
        r = self.session.get(url)
        resp = response_check(r, "applications")
        if resp["status"] == 200:
            app_data = {}
            for i in resp["result"]:
                app_data.update({i["psk"]: i})
            resp["result"] = app_data
        return resp
예제 #26
    def get_status(self, app_psk):
        :param app_psk:
        JSON Dict of:
        {"success" => TRUE,
              "ver_status"  => $versionInfo['wrapstatus'],
              "ver_psk" => $versionInfo['psk'],
              "app_status" => $applicationInfo['status'],
              "apperian_wrapper_info" => $apperianWrapperInfo}

        self.payload['method'] = 'com.apperian.eas.apps.getversionstatus'
        self.payload['params'].update({'appPsk': app_psk})

        resp = self.session.post(self.region['PHP Web Services'], data=json.dumps(self.payload))
        resp = response_check(resp, 'result')
        return resp['result']
예제 #27
 def update(self, app_id):
     self.payload['method'] = "com.apperian.eas.apps.update"
     self.payload['params'].update({'appID': app_id})
     r = self.php_session.post(self.region['PHP Web Services'], data=json.dumps(self.payload))
     result = response_check(r, 'result')
     return result
예제 #28
    def gen_dynamic_policy_info(self, policies, app_psk, version_psk):
        r = self.session.get('{}/policies/dynamic/policy/version/{}'.format(
            self.region['PHP Web Services'], version_psk))
        policy_response = response_check(r)
        if policy_response['status'] == 200:
            policy_response = policy_response['result']

        policy_name = "MyDynamicPolicy_appPsk{0}".format(app_psk)

        policy_description = "Placeholder description for app psk {0}".format(app_psk)
        rules = []

        if 'policies' not in policy_response:
            new_policy = True
        elif len(policy_response['policies']) > 0:
            new_policy = False
            new_policy = True

        policy_keys = {}

        if 'policies' not in policy_response:
            current_rules = []
        elif len(policy_response['policies']) > 0:
            current_rules = policy_response['policies'][0]['rules']
            current_rules = []

        # Hardcoded rule name for now, in the future it will be customizable by the admin
        rule_names = {
            'dynamicauth': "Enterprise SSO",
            'remotecontrol': "Remote Control",
            'datawipe': "Datawipe",
            'app_usage': "App Usage",
            'versioncontrol': "Version Control",
            'emm_compliance': "EMM Compliance",
            'crash_log': "Crash Log Collection",
            'checksum_validation': "Checksum Validation",
            'ibm_vpn': "IBM VPN",
            'data_in_use': "Data In Use",
            'data_at_rest': "Data At Rest",
            'vpn_config': "VPN Config",
            'iprestriction': "IP Restriction",
            'rootprotection': "Root Protection",
            'security_settings_check': "Security Settings Check",
            'log_blocking': "Log Blocking",
            'encrypted_checksum_validation': "Encrypted Checksum Validation",
            'device_mdm': "Device MDM"

        if not new_policy:
            policy_keys = {y[0]: x for x in current_rules for y in rule_names.iteritems() if x['name'] == y[1]}

        action_prefix = 'com.apperian.'

        # Dynamic Auth policy
        if policies['dynamicauth'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(facts['com.apperian.user.authenticated'])"
            actions_success = [{'id': "{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': "{0}authenticate".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            dynamicauth_rule = {'name': rule_names['dynamicauth'],
                                'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                'description': 'Require user authentication for app access.',
                                'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success,
                                            'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'dynamicauth' in policy_keys:
                dynamicauth_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['dynamicauth']['psk']

        # Remote Control Policy
        if policies['remotecontrol'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            actions_success = [{'id': "{0}remotecontrol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': "{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            remotecontrol_rule = {'name': rule_names['remotecontrol'],
                                  'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                  'description': 'Turn remote control listening on for the app.',
                                  'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success,
                                              'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'remotecontrol' in policy_keys:
                remotecontrol_rule['psk'] = current_rules[policy_keys['remotecontrol']]['psk']

        # Datawipe Policy
        if policies['datawipe'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(facts['com.apperian.application.datawipe'])"
            actions_success = [{'id': "{0}datawipe".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': "{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            datawipe_rule = {'name': rule_names['datawipe'],
                             'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                             'description': 'Wipes all data from an application if requested by an administrator.',
                             'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'datawipe' in policy_keys:
                datawipe_rule['psk'] = current_rules[policy_keys['datawipe']]['psk']

        # App Usage Policy
        if policies['app_usage'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': "{0}appusage".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': "{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            app_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['app_usage'],
                              'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                              'description': 'Tracks the application usage.',
                              'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'app_usage' in policy_keys:
                app_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['app_usage']['psk']

        # IBM VPN Policy
        if policies['ibm_vpn'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}ibmvpn'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            ibm_vpn_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['ibm_vpn'],
                                  'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                  'description': 'Facilitates IBM VPN',
                                  'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'ibm_vpn' in policy_keys:
                ibm_vpn_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['ibm_vpn']['psk']

        # Data in Use Encryption policy
        if policies['data_in_use'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            data_in_use_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['data_in_use'],
                                      'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                      'description': 'Protects application data in memory',
                                      'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                      'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'data_in_use' in policy_keys:
                data_in_use_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['data_in_use']['psk']

        # Data at Rest Encryption policy
        if policies['data_at_rest'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            data_at_rest_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['data_at_rest'],
                                       'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                       'description': 'Protects application data on disk',
                                       'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                       'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'data_at_rest' in policy_keys:
                data_at_rest_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['data_at_rest']['psk']

        # VPN Configuration Policy
        if policies['vpn_config'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            vpn_config_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['vpn_config'],
                                     'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                     'description': 'Configures VPN Apps',
                                     'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                     'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'vpn_config' in policy_keys:
                vpn_config_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['vpn_config']['psk']

        # IP Restriction Policy
        if policies['iprestriction'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            iprestriction_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['iprestriction'],
                                        'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                        'description': 'Set IP Restrictions',
                                        'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                        'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'iprestriction' in policy_keys:
                iprestriction_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['iprestriction']['psk']

        # Root Protection Policy
        if policies['rootprotection'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            rootprotection_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['rootprotection'],
                                         'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                         'description': 'Prevents rooted devices from running the app',
                                         'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                         'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'rootprotection' in policy_keys:
                rootprotection_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['rootprotection']['psk']

        # Security Settings Check
        if policies['security_settings_check'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            security_settings_check_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['security_settings_check'],
                                                  'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                                  'description': 'Ensures certain device-level settings are enabled',
                                                  'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                                  'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'security_settings_check' in policy_keys:
                security_settings_check_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['security_settings_check']['psk']

        # Log Blocking Policy
        if policies['log_blocking'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            log_blocking_usage_rule = {'name': rule_names['log_blocking'],
                                       'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                       'description': 'Prevents app from writing data to the system log',
                                       'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                       'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'log_blocking' in policy_keys:
                log_blocking_usage_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['log_blocking']['psk']

        # EMM Compliance Policy
        if policies['emm_compliance'] == 1:
            # if status is 1 run the app and do nothiing, else quit the app
            operation_pattern = "(facts['com.apperian.emmcompliance.status'] == 1)"
            actions_success = [{"id": '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), "params": ''}]
            actions_fail = [{"id": "{0}emmcompliance".format(action_prefix), "params": ''}]
            emm_compliance_rule = {"name": rule_names['emm_compliance'],
                                   "operationpattern": operation_pattern,
                                   "description": "Makes sure the app only runs when device is EMM Comnpliance.",
                                   "actions": {"onsuccess": actions_success, "onfail": actions_fail},
                                   "ruleparams": {}}
            if "emm_compliance" in policy_keys:
                emm_compliance_rule["psk"] = policy_keys["emm_compliance"]["psk"]

        # Crash log policy
        if policies['crash_log'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}sendcrashlog'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            crash_log_rule = {'name': rule_names['crash_log'],
                              'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                              'description': 'Sends the latest crash data',
                              'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'crash_log' in policy_keys:
                crash_log_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['crash_log']['psk']

        # Checksum validation policy
        if policies['checksum_validation'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(facts['com.apperian.apps.clientchecksumvalue'] === facts['com.apperian.apps." \
                                "checksumvalue']) || facts['com.apperian.apps.checksumvalue'] === 0"
            # on success we "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}sendchecksummismatch'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            checksum_validation_rule = {'name': rule_names['checksum_validation'],
                                        'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                        'description': 'Informs the server that there has been a checksum mismatch',
                                        'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                        'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'checksum_validation' in policy_keys:
                checksum_validation_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['checksum_validation']['psk']

        # Encrypted checksum validation policy
        if policies['encrypted_checksum_validation'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(true)"
            # on success and failure we do the same thing which is "do nothing"
            actions_success = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{'id': '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            encrypted_checksum_validation_rule = {'name': rule_names['encrypted_checksum_validation'],
                                                  'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                                                  'description': 'Informs the server that there has been a checksum mismatch with Secure Element',
                                                  'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail},
                                                  'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'encrypted_checksum_validation' in policy_keys:
                encrypted_checksum_validation_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['encrypted_checksum_validation']['psk']

        # Version Control Policy
        if policies['versioncontrol'] == 1:
            # If com.apperian.application.version is undefined, this is an older version of the wrapper which doesn't
            # have the version_psk baked in. Therefore, we use what the system has. If the app has the version psk
            # baked in, always use that because it's always accurate.
            operation_pattern = "((typeof(facts['com.apperian.application.version']) === 'undefined' && " \
                                "facts['com.apperian.apps.installedversion'] !== -1 && " \
                                "facts['com.apperian.apps.latestversion'] > " \
                                "facts['com.apperian.apps.installedversion']) || " \
                                "(facts['com.apperian.apps.latestversion'] > " \
            actions_fail = [{"id": '{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol'.format(action_prefix), "params": ''}]
            actions_success = [{"id": '{0}update'.format(action_prefix), "params": ''}]
            versioncontrol_rule = {"name": rule_names['versioncontrol'], "operationpattern": operation_pattern,
                                   "description": 'Check whether the application is up to date.',
                                   "actions": {"onsuccess": actions_success,
                                               "onfail": actions_fail},
                                   "ruleparams": {}}
            if 'versioncontrol' in policy_keys:
                versioncontrol_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['versioncontrol']['psk']

        # Device MDM Policy
        if policies['device_mdm'] == 1:
            operation_pattern = "(facts['com.apperian.device.mdm_enrolled'])"
            actions_success = [{'id': "{0}keepcalmandcarryon.lol".format(action_prefix), 'params': ''}]
            actions_fail = [{
                'id': "{0}block".format(action_prefix),
                'params': '{"block_reason": "This device is not enrolled in MDM. Contact your administrator to enroll your device so you can run this app."}'
            device_mdm_rule = {'name': rule_names['device_mdm'],
                               'operationpattern': operation_pattern,
                               'description': 'Makes sure the app only runs when device is under any MDM Enrollment.',
                               'actions': {'onsuccess': actions_success, 'onfail': actions_fail}, 'ruleparams': {}}
            if 'device_mdm' in policy_keys:
                device_mdm_rule['psk'] = policy_keys['device_mdm']['psk']

        policy_op_pattern = Wrapper.format_policies(rules)

        return_policy_info = {'action': '', 'policy_data': None}

            policy_psk = policy_response.get('policies')[0].get('psk')
        except (IndexError, TypeError):
            policy_psk = None

        if len(rules) == 0:
            # if nothing is set now and nothing was set before, do nothing, we aren't changing
            # any policies
            if new_policy:
                return_policy_info['action'] = 'nothing'
                # Rules were set before, now nothing, therefore delete
                return_policy_info['action'] = 'delete'
                return_policy_info['policy_data'] = {'versionpsk': version_psk, 'policy_psk': policy_psk}
        # if new policy, don't pass any policy_psk as this constitutes a create
        elif new_policy:
            return_policy_info['action'] = 'save'
            return_policy_info['policy_data'] = {'name': policy_name,
                                                 'versionpsk': version_psk,
                                                 'description': policy_description,
                                                 'operationpattern': policy_op_pattern, 'rules': rules}
        # this is updating a policy, we reuse the existing policy_psk, and save all changes
            return_policy_info['action'] = 'save'
            return_policy_info['policy_data'] = {'policy_psk': policy_psk,
                                                 'name': policy_name,
                                                 'versionpsk': version_psk,
                                                 'description': policy_description,
                                                 'operationpattern': policy_op_pattern, 'rules': rules}
        return {'policy_data': return_policy_info}