예제 #1
 def test_CNAE_ID(self):
     print "Entering in checkCNAE_ID"
     # YMR: Check cnae aggs
     aggsP = ['ei_ymrp', 'ei_ymsr']
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM ei_ymr r where r.purchase_value <> \
         (select sum(purchase_value) from "+aggs+" p where r.year=p.year and r.month=p.month \
         and r.bra_id_r = p.bra_id_r  and r.cnae_id_r = p.cnae_id_r);"
         total+=runCountQuery('checkcnae_ID', 'ei_ymr: '+aggs, sql,cursor,count=True) 
     # YMP: Check cnae aggs
     aggsP = ['ei_ymrp', 'ei_ymsp']
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM ei_ymp r where r.purchase_value <> \
         (select sum(purchase_value) from "+aggs+" p where r.year=p.year and r.month=p.month \
         and r.hs_id = p.hs_id );"
         total+=runCountQuery('checkcnae_ID', 'ei_ymp: '+aggs, sql,cursor,count=True) 
     # YMS: Check cnae aggs
     aggsP = ['ei_ymsp', 'ei_ymsr']
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM ei_yms r where r.purchase_value <> \
         (select sum(purchase_value) from "+aggs+" p where r.year=p.year and r.month=p.month \
         and r.bra_id_s = p.bra_id_s  and r.cnae_id_s = p.cnae_id_s);"
         total+=runCountQuery('checkcnae_ID', 'ei_yms: '+aggs, sql,cursor,count=True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #2
 def test_Diversity(self):  
     print "Entering in checkDiversity"
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymb where \
             (hs_diversity is null or hs_diversity <0 or \
             hs_diversity_eff is null or hs_diversity_eff<0 or \
             wld_diversity is null or wld_diversity<0 or \
             wld_diversity_eff is null or wld_diversity_eff<0) ;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'secex_ymb', sql,cursor,True)
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymp where \
         bra_diversity is null or bra_diversity <0 or \
         bra_diversity_eff is null or bra_diversity_eff<0 or \
         wld_diversity is null or wld_diversity<0 or \
         wld_diversity_eff is null or wld_diversity_eff<0;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'secex_ymp', sql,cursor,True)
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymw where \
             bra_diversity is null or bra_diversity<0 or \
             bra_diversity_eff is null or bra_diversity_eff<0 or \
             hs_diversity is null or hs_diversity<0 or \
             hs_diversity_eff is null or hs_diversity_eff<0; "
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'secex_ymw', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #3
 def test_WLD_ID(self):
     print "Entering in checkWLD_ID"
     # YMW: Check WLD aggs 2 with 5
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymw as b where b.wld_id_len=2 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
            (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymw \
         where wld_id_len=5 and left(wld_id,2)=b.wld_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
         group by left(wld_id,2))"    
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWLD_ID', 'secex_ymw', sql,cursor,count=True)
     # YMBW: Check WLD aggs 2 with 5
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbw as b where b.wld_id_len=2 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
            (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbw \
         where wld_id_len=5 and left(wld_id,2)=b.wld_id and bra_id=b.bra_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
         group by left(wld_id,2),bra_id_len,year)"   
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWLD_ID', 'secex_ymbw', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     # YMPW:  Check WLD aggs 2 with 5
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ympw as b where b.wld_id_len=2 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
            (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ympw \
         where wld_id_len=5 and left(wld_id,2)=b.wld_id and hs_id=b.hs_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
         group by left(hs_id,2),hs_id_len,year)"   
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWLD_ID', 'secex_ympw', sql,cursor,count=True)     
     #YMPBW Check WLD aggs 2 with 5
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbpw as b where b.wld_id_len=2 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
            (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbpw \
         where wld_id_len=5 and left(wld_id,2)=b.wld_id and hs_id=b.hs_id and bra_id=b.bra_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
         group by left(wld_id,2),bra_id_len,hs_id_len,year)"   
     #runCountQuery('checkWLD_ID', 'secex_ymbpw', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #4
 def test_BRA_IDPR(self):    
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymb as b where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=7 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
         (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymb s, attrs_bra_pr p \
         where p.bra_id = s.bra_id and p.pr_id = b.bra_id and s.bra_id_len=8 and \
             left(s.bra_id,4)=b.bra_id  and s.year=b.year and s.month=b.month group by left(s.bra_id,4))"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_IDPR', 'secex_ymb', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     #YBP - bra_id 2 x 4
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbp as b \
         where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=4 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
             (SELECT concat(CAST(s.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(s.export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbp s, attrs_bra_pr p   \
                     where p.bra_id = s.bra_id and  p.pr_id = b.bra_id and s.bra_id_len=8 and left(s.bra_id,4)=b.bra_id \
                     and s.hs_id=b.hs_id and s.year=b.year and s.month=b.month \
                     group by left(s.bra_id,4),s.hs_id_len,year)"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_IDPR', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbw as b \
         where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=4 and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
             (SELECT concat(CAST(s.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(s.export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbw s, attrs_bra_pr p   \
                     where p.bra_id = s.bra_id and p.pr_id = b.bra_id and s.bra_id_len=8 and left(s.bra_id,4)=b.bra_id \
                     and s.wld_id=b.wld_id and s.year=b.year and s.month=b.month \
                     group by left(s.bra_id,4),s.wld_id_len,s.year)    "
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #5
 def test_Growth(self):  
     print "Entering in checkGrowth"
     #Anual - Check 
     aggsP = ["secex_ymb","secex_ymbp","secex_ymbpw","secex_ymbw","secex_ymp","secex_ymw"]
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         sql="select count(*) from "+aggs+" s where export_val_growth_val is null and year > 2000"   
         #Check ir because all values that should be 0 is None  
         #runCountQuery('checkGrowth_val', aggs, sql)
     years = [("5","_5"),("1","")]
     for vals in years:
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymb s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymb interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2000"     
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth_pct', "secex_ymb", sql,cursor,True)
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymw s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymw interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.wld_id = s.wld_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2000"     
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "secex_ymw", sql,cursor,True)
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymp s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymp interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.hs_id = s.hs_id) >0 ) \
              ) and year > 2000" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "secex_ymp", sql,cursor,True)
         #YMBP These 3 sql are taking too long! so disabled
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbp s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymbp interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.hs_id = s.hs_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2000" 
         #total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "secex_ymbp", sql,cursor,True)    
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbw s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymbw interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.wld_id = s.wld_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
              ) and year > 2000" 
         #total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "secex_ymbw", sql,cursor,True)      
         sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbpw s where (  \
             (s.export_val_growth_pct"+label+" is null and (select export_val from secex_ymbpw interno where interno.month=s.month and interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.wld_id = s.wld_id and interno.hs_id = s.hs_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2000" 
         #total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "secex_ymbpw", sql,cursor,True)     
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #6
 def test_Diversity(self):  
     print "Entering in checkDiversity"
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM rais_yi where num_emp >0 and not (cbo_diversity >0 and cbo_diversity_eff >0 and bra_diversity>0  and bra_diversity_eff>0 );"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'rais_yi', sql,cursor,count=True)
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM rais_yb where num_emp >0 and not (cbo_diversity >0 and cbo_diversity_eff >0 and cnae_diversity>0  and cnae_diversity_eff>0 );"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'rais_yb', sql,cursor,count=True)
     sql="SELECT count(*) FROM rais_yo where num_emp >0 and not (bra_diversity >0 and bra_diversity_eff >0 and cnae_diversity>0  and cnae_diversity_eff>0 );"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDiversity', 'rais_yo', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #7
 def test_RCA(self):  
     print "Entering in checkRCA" 
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbp where (export_val > 0 and (rca is null or rca<=0 or rca_wld is null or rca_wld<=0) ) \
          or (export_val =0 and ( rca_wld is not null or rca is not null ) ) ;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkRCA', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,True)
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymp where (export_val > 0 and (rca_wld is null or rca_wld<=0) ) or (export_val =0 and rca_wld is not null);"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkRCA', 'secex_ymp', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #8
 def test_ECI(self):
     print "Entering in checkECI"
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymb b where (b.eci is null or b.eci < -3.1 or b.eci > 3.1) \
         and b.export_val >0 and b.bra_id in (select bra_id from secex_ymbp where rca>=1 and month=b.month and year=b.year group by bra_id) "  
     total+=runCountQuery('checkECI', 'secex_ymb', sql,cursor,True)
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymw where (eci is null or eci < -3.1 or eci > 3.1) and export_val >0"  
     total+=runCountQuery('checkECI', 'secex_ymw', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #9
    def test_RCA(self):  
        print "Entering in checkRCA"  
        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM rais_ybi where (num_emp > 0 and (rca is null or rca<=0) ) or (num_emp =0 and  rca is not null  );"
        total=runCountQuery('checkRCA', 'rais_ybi', sql,cursor,count=True)

        self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #10
 def test_Opportunity(self):  
     print "Entering in checkOpportunity"
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybi where  ( opp_gain is null  and cnae_id_len=5) or (   opp_gain is not null  and cnae_id_len<>5) "
     total=runCountQuery('checkOpportunity', 'rais_ybi', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #11
 def test_Importance(self):
     print "Entering in checkImportance"
     sql="select count(*) from rais_yio where  cnae_id_len=5 and cbo_id_len=4 and ( (importance < 0 or importance > 1 ) \
     or ( importance is null  and num_emp>0) or (   importance is not null  and num_emp=0 ) ) "  
     total=runCountQuery('checkImportance', 'rais_yio', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #12
 def test_Distance(self):  
     print "Entering in checkDistance"    
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybi where (distance<0 or distance>1 ) \
         or ( distance is null  and cnae_id_len=5) or ( distance is not  null  and cnae_id_len<>5);" 
     total=runCountQuery('checkDistance', 'rais_ybi', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #13
 def test_Required(self):  
     print "Entering in checkRequired"
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybio r where (required < 0 ) or ( required is null  and num_emp>0 and \
     (select importance from rais_yio where cnae_id=r.cnae_id and cbo_id=r.cbo_id)>=0.2) ;"
     total=runCountQuery('checkRequired', 'rais_ybio', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #14
 def test_PCI(self):  
     print "Entering in checkPCI"
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymp where (pci is null and hs_id_len=6) or (pci is not null and hs_id_len<>6) or (pci < -3.1 or pci > 3.1) ;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkPCI', 'secex_ymp', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #15
 def test_Distance(self):  
     print "Entering in checkDistance"    
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbp where (distance_wld<0 or distance_wld>1 or distance<0 or distance>1 ) \
         or ( (distance_wld is null or distance is null)  and hs_id_len=6) or ( (distance_wld is not null or distance is not  null)  and hs_id_len<>6);" 
     total+=runCountQuery('checkDistance', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #16
 def test_Opportunity(self):  
     print "Entering in checkOpportunity"
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbp where (opp_gain < -3.1 or opp_gain > 3.1 or opp_gain_wld < -3.1 or opp_gain_wld > 3.1 ) \
                                or ( (opp_gain is null or opp_gain_wld is null) and hs_id_len=6) or (  ( opp_gain_wld is not null or opp_gain is not null)  and hs_id_len<>6 ) "
     total+=runCountQuery('checkOpportunity', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #17
 def test_BRA_ID(self):
     print "Entering in checkBRA_ID"
     sql="SELECT * FROM ei_ymr r where length(r.bra_id_r) =3 and r.purchase_value <> \
     (SELECT sum(purchase_value) FROM ei_ymr s where length(s.bra_id_r) =9 \
      and left(s.bra_id_r,3)= r.bra_id_r and r.month=s.month and r.year=s.year)"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_ID', 'ei_ymr', sql,cursor,count=True)
     sql="SELECT * FROM ei_ymrp r where length(r.bra_id_r) =3 and r.purchase_value <> \
     (SELECT sum(purchase_value) FROM ei_ymrp s where length(s.bra_id_r) =9 \
     and left(s.bra_id_r,3)= r.bra_id_r and r.month=s.month and r.year=s.year \
     and r.hs_id = s.hs_id)"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_ID', 'ei_ymrp', sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #18
 def test_GrowthAnual(self):  
     print "Entering in checkGrowthAnual"
     #Anual - Check 
     aggsP = ["rais_yb","rais_ybi","rais_ybio","rais_ybo","rais_yi","rais_yo"]
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         sql="select count(*) from "+aggs+" s where ((wage_growth is null and s.wage is not null)  or ( s.num_emp is not null and  num_emp_growth is null)) and year > 2002"   
         #Check ir because all values that should be 0 is None  
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', aggs, sql,cursor,count=True)
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #19
 def test_ValUSD(self):
     print "Entering in checkValUSD"
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymb where export_val is null or import_val is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkValUSD', 'secex_ymb', sql,cursor,True) 
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbp where export_val is null or import_val is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkValUSD', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,True) 
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbpw where export_val is null or import_val is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkValUSD', 'secex_ymbpw', sql,cursor,True) 
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymbw where export_val is null or import_val is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkValUSD', 'secex_ymbw', sql,cursor,True) 
     sql="select count(*) from secex_ymp where export_val is null or import_val is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkValUSD', 'secex_ymp', sql,cursor,True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #20
 def test_HS_ID(self):
     print "Entering in checkHS_ID"
     aggsP = [(2, 6)]#2,6  [(2, 4),(4, 6)]
     for aggs in aggsP:    
         # YP: Check HS aggs 2 with 4
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymp as b where b.hs_id_len="+str(aggs[0])+" and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
                (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymp \
             where hs_id_len="+str(aggs[1])+" and left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+")=b.hs_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
             group by left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+"))" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkHS_ID', 'secex_ymp:'+str(aggs[0])+":"+str(aggs[1]), sql,cursor,count=True) 
         # YBP: Check HS aggs 2 with 4
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbp as b where b.hs_id_len="+str(aggs[0])+" and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
                (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbp \
             where hs_id_len="+str(aggs[1])+" and left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+")=b.hs_id and bra_id=b.bra_id and month=b.month and year=b.year \
             group by left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+"),bra_id_len,year)"   
         total+=runCountQuery('checkHS_ID', 'secex_ymbp:'+str(aggs[0])+":"+str(aggs[1]), sql,cursor,count=True) 
         # YPW: Check HS aggs 2 with 4
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ympw as b where b.hs_id_len="+str(aggs[0])+" and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
                (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ympw \
             where hs_id_len="+str(aggs[1])+" and left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+")=b.hs_id and wld_id=b.wld_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
             group by left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+"),wld_id_len,year)"  
         total+=runCountQuery('checkHS_ID', 'secex_ympw:'+str(aggs[0])+":"+str(aggs[1]), sql,cursor,count=True) 
         # YBPW: Check HS aggs 2 with 4
         sql="SELECT count(*) FROM secex_ymbpw as b where b.hs_id_len="+str(aggs[0])+" and concat(CAST(b.import_val AS CHAR),CAST(b.export_val AS CHAR )) <> \
                (SELECT concat(CAST(import_val AS CHAR),CAST(export_val AS CHAR )) FROM secex_ymbpw \
             where hs_id_len="+str(aggs[1])+" and left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+")=b.hs_id and bra_id=b.bra_id and wld_id=b.wld_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
             group by left(hs_id,"+str(aggs[0])+"),wld_id_len,bra_id_len,year)"           
         #runCountQuery('checkHS_ID', 'secex_ymbpw:'+str(aggs[0])+":"+str(aggs[1]), sql,cursor,count=True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #21
    def test_distortionage(self):
        print "Entering in test_distortionage"
        total = 0
        aggsP = ['sc_yc', 'sc_ybc']
        for aggs in aggsP:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM sc_yc where distortion_rate is null and \
                left(course_id,2)='xx' and course_id not in ('xx015','xx020','xx021','xx022');"

            total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                                   'sc_yd x sc_yd',
        self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #22
 def test_BRA_ID(self):
     print "Entering in checkBRA_ID"
     # YMB: Check aggs 2 with 4 (2,7,8)
     sql="SELECT * FROM secex_ymb as b where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=2 and \
     b.import_val  <> \
         (SELECT sum(import_val) FROM secex_ymb \
         where bra_id_len=8 and left(bra_id,2)=b.bra_id and month=b.month  and year=b.year \
         group by left(bra_id,2))"  
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_ID', 'secex_ymb', sql,cursor,count=True)   
     #YMBP - bra_id 2 x 4
     sql="SELECT * FROM secex_ymbp as b \
         where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=2 and \
         b.import_val  <> \
             (SELECT sum(import_val)  FROM secex_ymbp  \
                     where bra_id_len=8 and left(bra_id,2)=b.bra_id \
                     and hs_id=b.hs_id and year=b.year and month=b.month \
                     group by left(bra_id,2),hs_id_len,year)"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_ID', 'secex_ymbp', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="SELECT * FROM secex_ymbw as b \
         where left(bra_id,2)<>'xx' and b.bra_id_len=2 and \
         b.import_val  <> \
             (SELECT sum(import_val)  FROM secex_ymbw  \
                     where bra_id_len=8 and left(bra_id,2)=b.bra_id \
                     and wld_id=b.wld_id and year=b.year and month=b.month \
                     group by left(bra_id,2),wld_id_len,year)    "
     total+=runCountQuery('checkBRA_ID', 'secex_ymbw', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #23
    def checkcampo(self,campo):
        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_ybc b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybc where b.bra_id_len=9  \
        and b.course_id=course_id and left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_ybc', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_ybd b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b."+campo+" <> \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybd where b.bra_id_len=9  \
        and b.d_id=d_id and left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_ybd', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_ybu b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybu where b.bra_id_len=9  \
        and b.university_id=university_id and left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_ybu', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_yc b where b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_yc where  b.course_id=course_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_yc', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_yd b where b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_yd where  b.d_id=d_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_yd', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_yd b where b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybd where d_id=b.d_id and b.year=year )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_yd x hedu_ybd', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_yc b where b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybc where course_id=b.course_id and b.year=year )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_yc x hedu_ybc', sql,cursor,count=True)

        sql="SELECT count(*) FROM hedu_ybuc b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b."+campo+" <>  \
        (  select sum("+campo+") from hedu_ybuc where b.bra_id_len=9 and course_id=b.course_id \
        and b.university_id=university_id and left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year  )"
        total+=runCountQuery(titulo, 'hedu_ybuc', sql,cursor,count=True)

        # hedu_ybucd - muito longo
        return total
예제 #24
 def test_Growth(self):  
     print "Entering in checkGrowth"
     years = [("5","_5"),("1","")]
     for vals in years:
         sql="select count(*) from rais_yb s where (  s.wage is not null and   \
             (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null and (select wage from rais_yb interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2002"     
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_yb:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)
         sql="select count(*) from rais_yo s where (  s.wage is not null and   \
             (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null and (select wage from rais_yo interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.cbo_id = s.cbo_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2002"     
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_yo:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)
         sql="select count(*) from rais_yi s where (  s.wage is not null and   \
             (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null and (select wage from rais_yi interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.cnae_id = s.cnae_id) >0 ) \
              ) and year > 2002" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_yi:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)
         sql="select count(*) from rais_ybi s where (  s.wage is not null and   (  (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null or s.num_emp_growth"+label+" is null )  \
            and (select wage from rais_ybi interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.cnae_id = s.cnae_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2002" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_ybi:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)    
         sql="select count(*) from rais_ybo s where (  s.wage is not null and   ( (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null or s.num_emp_growth"+label+" is null )  \
             and (select wage from rais_ybo interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.cbo_id = s.cbo_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
              ) and year > 2002" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_ybo:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)      
         sql="select count(*) from rais_ybio s where (  s.wage is not null and    (   (s.wage_growth"+label+" is null or s.num_emp_growth"+label+" is null )  \
            and (select wage from rais_ybio interno where interno.year=s.year-"+year+"  and interno.cbo_id = s.cbo_id and interno.cnae_id = s.cnae_id and interno.bra_id = s.bra_id) >0 ) \
             ) and year > 2002" 
         total+=runCountQuery('checkGrowth', "rais_ybio:"+year+":"+label, sql,cursor,count=True)    
     self.assertEqual(total, 0) 
예제 #25
 def test_Wage(self):
     print "Entering in checkWage"
     sql="select count(*) from rais_yb where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_yb', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybi where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_ybi', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybio where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_ybio', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="select count(*) from rais_ybo where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_ybo', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="select count(*) from rais_yi where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_yi', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     sql="select count(*) from rais_yo where wage is null;"
     total+=runCountQuery('checkWage', 'rais_yo', sql,cursor,count=True) 
     self.assertEqual(total, 0)
예제 #26
    def exectest(self, campo):
        print "Entering in test_" + campo
        total = 0

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_yd b where  b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_yd where  d_id=b.d_id and b.year=year  )"
        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_yd x sc_yd',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_yb b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_yb where b.bra_id_len=9 and  \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year  )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_yb x sc_yb',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_ybc b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybc where b.bra_id_len=9 and  \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year and b.course_id=course_id  )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_ybc x sc_ybc',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_ybd b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybd where b.bra_id_len=9 and \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year and b.d_id=d_id  )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_ybd x sc_ybd',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_ybs b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybs where b.bra_id_len=9 and  \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year and b.school_id=school_id )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_ybs x sc_ybs',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_ybc b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybd where b.bra_id_len=9 and \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_ybc x sc_ybd',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_ybc b where b.bra_id_len=3 and b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybs where b.bra_id_len=9 and \
        left(bra_id,3)=b.bra_id and b.year=year )"

        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_ybc x sc_ybs',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_yc b where b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybc where course_id=b.course_id and b.year=year )"
        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_yc x sc_ybc',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_yb b where b." + campo + " <>  \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybc where bra_id=b.bra_id and b.year=year )"
        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_yb x sc_ybc',

        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sc_yd b where b." + campo + " <> \
        (  select sum(" + campo + ") from sc_ybd where d_id=b.d_id and b.year=year )"
        total += runCountQuery("check_" + campo,
                               'sc_yd x sc_ybd',

        return total