예제 #1
    I, I_poly = 0.0, 0.0
    for i in range(Nbins):
        qr = q * r[i]
        I += hr[i] * sinc(qr)
        I_poly += hr_poly[i] * sinc(qr)

    I /= np.amax(I)
    I_poly /= np.amax(I_poly)

    del hr, hr_poly

    if eta > 0.0:
        R = np.mean(
        )  # very rough approximation, that the effective radius equals mean of a for the different particles
        S = calc_S(q, R, eta)
        S = np.ones(len(q))

    ## save all intensities to textfile
    with open('Iq.d', 'w') as f:
        f.write('# q I(q) I(q) polydisperse S(q)\n')
        for i in range(M):
            f.write('%f %f %f %f\n' % (q[i], I[i], I_poly[i], S[i]))

    ## simulate exp error
    #input, sedlak errors (https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576717003077)
    k = 10000
    c = 0.85
    if polydispersity > 0.0:
        mu = I_poly * S
예제 #2
            dI = 0.0
            for i in range(Nbins):
                qr = q * r[i]
                dI += dhr[i] * sinc(qr)
            dI /= np.amax(dI)
            I_poly += w * dI
            message.udpmessage({"_textarea": "."})
        I_poly /= np.amax(I_poly)
        del dhr
        I_poly = I

    ## structure factor
    if eta > 0.0:
        #message.udpmessage({"_textarea":"\n\n    R: %1.2f, eta: %1.2f\n" % (r_eff,eta)})
        S = calc_S(q, r_eff, eta)
        S = np.ones(len(q))

    ## interface roughness (Skar-Gislinge et al. DOI: 10.1039/c0cp01074j)
    if sigma_r > 0.0:
        roughness = np.exp(-(q * sigma_r)**2 / 2)
        I *= roughness
        I_poly *= roughness

    ## save all intensities to textfile
    with open('Iq.d', 'w') as f:
        f.write('# q I(q) I(q) polydisperse S(q)\n')
        for i in range(M):
            f.write('%f %f %f %f\n' % (q[i], I[i], I_poly[i], S[i]))