예제 #1
 def Region_isSelected(self):
     if self.Key == 87 or self.Key == 119:       # If 'W'/'w' - move up
         self.SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContour, ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[0, -1])
     elif self.Key == 65 or self.Key == 97:      # If 'A'/'a' - move left
         self.SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContour, ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[-1, 0])
     elif self.Key == 83 or self.Key == 115:     # If 'S'/'s' - move down
         self.SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContour, ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[0, 1])
     elif self.Key == 68 or self.Key == 100:     # If 'D'/'d' - move right
         self.SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContour, ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[1, 0])
예제 #2
 def Region_isSelected(self):
     if self.Key == 87 or self.Key == 119:       # If 'W'/'w' - move up
         for i in range(len(self.SelectedContours)):
             self.SelectedContours[i] = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContours[i], ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[0, -1])
     elif self.Key == 65 or self.Key == 97:      # If 'A'/'a' - move left
         for i in range(len(self.SelectedContours)):
             self.SelectedContours[i] = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContours[i], ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[-1, 0])
     elif self.Key == 83 or self.Key == 115:     # If 'S'/'s' - move down
         for i in range(len(self.SelectedContours)):
             self.SelectedContours[i] = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContours[i], ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[0, 1])
     elif self.Key == 68 or self.Key == 100:     # If 'D'/'d' - move right
         for i in range(len(self.SelectedContours)):
             self.SelectedContours[i] = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContours[i], ToOrigin=False, ShiftBy=[1, 0])        
예제 #3
    def GetSelectedRegionDetails(self):
        # Finding Selected regions bounding box, its contour shifted to origin, and its shifted mask image
        # Selected_BB = list(cv2.boundingRect(np.array(SelectedContour)))
        _, self.Selected_Mask, self.Selected_BB = hf.ShiftContour(self.SelectedContour, Get_Mask_BB=True)

        # Redrawing mask to conver any uncovered area
        OuterContour, _ = cv2.findContours(self.Selected_Mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
        cv2.drawContours(self.Selected_Mask, OuterContour, -1, 255, -1)
예제 #4
def MagneticLassoTool(Canvas, window_title):
    # Taking layer numbers user wants to copy
    layer_nos_to_copy = AskLayerNumsToCopy(-1, len(Canvas.layers) - 1)

        "\nPress 'Y' to confirm selection and copy it in a new layer else press 'N' to abort."
    print("You can also used the keys 'W', 'A', 'S', and 'D', to move the")
    print("selected region Up, Left, Down, and Right respectively.")

    # Clearing mouse buffer data (old mouse data) - this is a bug in OpenCV probably
    cv2.setMouseCallback(window_title, hf.EmptyCallBackFunc)

    # Setting mouse callback
    cv2.setMouseCallback(window_title, CallBackFunc_MagLassoTool)

    # Setting some params used in callback function
    global selecting, isSelected, CombinedFrame, FrameToShow, CanvasShape, SelectedContour, \
            dij_src_F, dij_end_F, RunningPoints_F, FinalPoints_F, Weights, \
            ROI_Frame, ROI_Shape, dij_src_roi, dij_end_roi, ROI_Rect, RunningPoints_roi, ROI_Weights
    selecting = False  # True if region is being selected
    isSelected = False  # True if region is selected
    CombinedFrame = Canvas.CombinedImage.copy(
    )  # the combined frame of the canvas
    FrameToShow = CombinedFrame.copy(
    )  # The frame which will be shown (with the selected region)
    CanvasShape = Canvas.Shape  # Shape of the canvas
    SelectedContour = []  # Contour of the selected region
    RunningPoints_F = []  # The points that are being selected
    FinalPoints_F = []  # The points that are finalized
    dij_src_F = None  # Strat point of dijstra's algo
    dij_end_F = None  # End point of dijstra's algo
    Weights = None  # Weights of all the neighbours for each pixel in the image
    # Same params wrt the ROI
    ROI_Frame, ROI_Shape, dij_src_roi, dij_end_roi, ROI_Rect, ROI_Weights = None, None, None, None, None, None
    RunningPoints_roi = []

    IsAborted = False
    while True:
        # Showing canvas
        cv2.imshow(window_title, FrameToShow)
        Key = cv2.waitKey(1)

        if Key == 8:  # If Backspace pressed
            if len(FinalPoints_F) > 1:
                PoppedEle = FinalPoints_F.pop()
                dij_src_F = PoppedEle
                RunningPoints_F.insert(0, PoppedEle)

        if Key == 89 or Key == 121:  # If 'Y'/'y' - confirm
            if isSelected:  # If the region is selected
            else:  # If the region is not selected yet
                print("\nSelect a region first to confirm.")
        elif Key == 78 or Key == 110:  # If 'N'/'n' - abort
            IsAborted = True

        # If the region is selected, check if the user is trying to move it
        if isSelected:
            if Key == 87 or Key == 119:  # If 'W'/'w' - move up
                SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(SelectedContour,
                                                  ShiftBy=[0, -1])
            if Key == 65 or Key == 97:  # If 'A'/'a' - move left
                SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(SelectedContour,
                                                  ShiftBy=[-1, 0])
            if Key == 83 or Key == 115:  # If 'S'/'s' - move down
                SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(SelectedContour,
                                                  ShiftBy=[0, 1])
            if Key == 68 or Key == 100:  # If 'D'/'d' - move right
                SelectedContour = hf.ShiftContour(SelectedContour,
                                                  ShiftBy=[1, 0])

            FrameToShow = CombinedFrame.copy()
            cv2.drawContours(FrameToShow, [np.array(SelectedContour)], -1,
                             (127, 127, 127), 1)

    if not IsAborted:
        # Finding Selected regions bounding box, its contour shifted to origin, and its shifted mask image
        SelectedContourToOrigin, Selected_Mask, Selected_BB = hf.ShiftContour(
            SelectedContour, Get_Mask_BB=True)

        # Redrawing mask to conver any uncovered area
        OuterContour, _ = cv2.findContours(Selected_Mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        cv2.drawContours(Selected_Mask, OuterContour, -1, 255, -1)

        # Extracting the selected regions and copying them in a new layer
        ExtractSelectedRegion(Canvas, Selected_BB, Selected_Mask,

        print("\nRegion selection aborted.")