예제 #1
def validate_registration(self, reg_id):
    reg = Registration.objects.get(pk=reg_id)

    fail_reason = None
    warnings = []

    if reg.already_in_slack_group:
        slack_user = slackapi.get_user(reg.slack_username.lower()) or slackapi.get_user(reg.lichess_username.lower())
        if slack_user == None:
            reg.already_in_slack_group = False

        user_meta = lichessapi.get_user_meta(reg.lichess_username, 1)
        player, _ = Player.objects.get_or_create(lichess_username__iexact=reg.lichess_username, defaults={'lichess_username': reg.lichess_username})
        reg.classical_rating = player.rating_for(reg.season.league)
        reg.has_played_20_games = player.games_played_for(reg.season.league) >= 20
        if player.account_status != 'normal':
            fail_reason = 'The lichess user "%s" has the "%s" mark.' % (reg.lichess_username, player.account_status)
    except lichessapi.ApiWorkerError:
        fail_reason = 'The lichess user "%s" could not be found.' % reg.lichess_username

    if not reg.has_played_20_games:
        warnings.append('Has not played 20 games.')
    if not reg.can_commit and (reg.season.league.competitor_type != 'team' or reg.alternate_preference != 'alternate'):
        warnings.append('Can\'t commit to a game per week.')
    if not reg.agreed_to_rules:
        warnings.append('Didn\'t agree to rules.')

    if fail_reason:
        reg.validation_ok = False
        reg.validation_warning = False
        comment_text = 'Validation error: %s' % fail_reason
    elif warnings:
        reg.validation_ok = True
        reg.validation_warning = True
        comment_text = 'Validation warning: %s' % ' '.join(warnings)
        reg.validation_ok = True
        reg.validation_warning = False
        comment_text = 'Validated.'
    _add_system_comment(reg, comment_text)

    with reversion.create_revision():
        reversion.set_comment('Validated registration.')
예제 #2
def notify_slack_link(self, lichess_username):
    player = Player.get_or_create(lichess_username)
    email = slackapi.get_user(player.slack_user_id).email
    msg = 'Your lichess account has been successfully linked with the Slack account "%s".' % email
    lichessapi.send_mail(lichess_username, 'Slack Account Linked', msg)