def check_finished(ind, subj, sess, protocol, cycle):'cycle:{}'.format(cycle)) printer = [] sleep(90) out = check_output(["ps", "-aux"]) # fin = 0 for i in ind: printer.append(i.poll()) if i.poll() == None: fin = fin + 1 log_gm_job_status( "in progress; on second set of registrations: {0}/{1} finished".format( len(ind) - fin, len(ind)), subj, sess, protocol)'{}/{} processes finished'.format(len(ind) - fin, len(ind))) if fin > 0: return check_finished(ind, subj, sess, protocol, cycle + 1) return True
def check_finished(self, ind, cycle): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace()'cycle:{}'.format(cycle)) printer = [] sleep(90) out = check_output(["ps", "-aux"]) fin = 0 # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() count = 0 for i in ind: out = [] if i.stdout: for n in np.arange(20): if n % 2 == 0: sleep(1) out.append(i.stdout.readline()) # pdb.set_trace() f = open('/flywheel/v0/output/{}_error.txt'.format(count), 'w') # print(out) for line in out: # print(line) f.write(line.decode('utf-8')) f.close() printer.append(i.poll()) if i.poll() == None: fin = fin + 1 count += 1 log_gm_job_status( "in progress; first cycle {}/{} finished".format( len(ind) - fin, len(ind)), self.subj, self.sess, self.protocol)'{}/{} processes finished'.format(len(ind) - fin, len(ind))) # pdb.set_trace() if fin > 0: return self.check_finished(ind, cycle + 1) return True
def run_this(static, outputs_path, pth, pth2, cycle_size, subj, sess, protocol, prefix=0): file_handl = open(outputs_path + 'prints.txt', 'w') errors = [] pass_on = [] if not (prefix): if 'retest' in static: mse_static = c.get_mse(static) + 'PSIR_retest' + scanner(static) else: mse_static = c.get_mse(static) + 'PSIR_' + scanner(static) else: mse_static = prefix try: os.remove( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/warped/synslice_avggmsegs.nii.gz')) except: pass output_path = os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/') dim = 2 static_path = static"about to start first round of registrations!") GRP.SimpleRegister(pth, output_path, static_path, file_handl, cycle_size, subj, sess, protocol, pth2=pth2).Syn(gilroy=True) file_handl.write(str(static) + '\n') if True: log_gm_job_status("quality assurance check", subj, sess, protocol) #gray matter transformed images# template_grays = glob(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped/*ms*')) #cord transforms# templates = glob(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped1/*ms*')) fgs, distributions, a, adat, adat_raw = create_prob_seg_iteration3( template_grays, templates, static, file_handl) file_handl.close() avgim(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped/')) aff = nb.load(static) adat_raw = nb.load(static).get_data() adat_z = z_score(adat) #print(adat.dtype) #mask=nb.load(glob('/data/henry4/jjuwono/data/henry4/jjuwono/'+prefix+'/'+mse_static+'/warped/syn*')[0]).get_data() #mask=np.where(mask>.6,mask,0) #bar=np.mean(adat_z[np.where(mask>0)]) sh = adat.shape slope = np.zeros(sh) intercept = np.zeros(sh) confidences = np.zeros(sh) confidences1 = np.zeros(sh) confidences2 = np.zeros(sh) t_map = np.zeros(sh) mean_templates = np.zeros(sh) new_image = np.zeros(sh) new_image_logi = np.zeros(sh) original_line_fit = np.zeros(sh) color_im = np.zeros(sh) print('length fg:{}'.format(len(fgs))) print('length dist:{}'.format(len(distributions))) distributions = np.asarray(distributions) fgs = np.asarray(fgs) for i in range(sh[0]): for j in range(sh[1]): if adat_raw[i, j] == 0: continue ##insert A block here for polynomial degree fitting ### ##average method## a = np.array(distributions[:, i, j])[np.newaxis] if np.sum(distributions[:, i, j]) == 0: params = [0, np.mean(fgs[:i, j])] else: params = np.polyfit(distributions[:, i, j], fgs[:, i, j], 1) original_line_fit[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] #if len(np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==0)[0])<40 or len(np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==1)[0])<40: # assign=(adat_z[i,j]*params[0])+params[1] #else: #print('logi') # group0=np.mean(distributions[:,i,j][np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==0)]) # group1=np.mean(distributions[:,i,j][np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==1)]) # grouped=np.where(fgs[:,i,j]!=0,distributions[:,i,j],group0) # grouped=np.where(fgs[:,i,j]!=1,grouped,group1) # params=np.polyfit(grouped,fgs[:,i,j],1) # logi_slope=params[0] # logi_inter=params[1] # assign=(adat_z[i,j]*params[0])+params[1] # if 0<=assign<=1: # assign=assign # elif assign<0: # assign=0 # else: # assign=1 #if params[0]!=0: #plt.plot(grouped,fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot([group0,group1],[group0*params[0]-params[1],group1*params[0]-params[1]],'r') #plt.legend() #input([group0,group1]) #new_image_logi[i,j]=assign ##reverse method## #if len(np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==0)[0])<25 or len(np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==1)[0])<25: # params=np.polyfit(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],1) # new_image[i,j]=(adat_z[i,j]*params[0])+params[1] # if len(np.where(fgs[:,i,j]==0)[0])<60: # color_im[i,j]=1 #else: #plt.plot(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.legend() #input() # params,covs=np.polyfit(fgs[:,i,j],distributions[:,i,j],1,cov=True) #input(covs) # slope[i,j]=params[0] # intercept[i,j]=params[1] # if abs(params[0])<2*(covs[0,0]**0.5): # new_image[i,j]=stats.mode(fgs[:,i,j],axis=None)[0][0] # color_im[i,j]=2 # else: # new_image[i,j]=(adat_z[i,j]-params[1])/params[0] # if np.isnan(covs[0,1]): #input('whyyyyyyyyyyyyuyuyyyyyyyy') # covs[0,1]=0 # confidence=(abs((covs[1,1]/((adat_z[i,j]-params[1])**2))+(covs[0,0]/((params[0])**2))-(2*((abs(covs[0,1]))**0.5)/((adat_z[i,j]-params[1])*params[0]))))**0.5 # confidences[i,j]=confidence/new_image[i,j] # if confidence>=2: # new_image[i,j]=-1000 # color_im[i,j]=3 # if i>136: #plt.plot(fgs[:,i,j],distributions[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot(sorted(fgs[:,i,j]),[x*params[0]+params[1] for x in sorted(fgs[:,i,j])],'r') #plt.legend() #plt.close() #input((params[0],params[1])) #plt.plot(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot([adat_z[i,j]],[(adat_z[i,j]-params[1])/params[0]],'+', # label='{:.3g},{:.3g}'.format(adat_z[i,j],(adat_z[i,j]-params[1])/params[0])) #plt.plot(sorted(distributions[:,i,j]),[(x-params[1])/params[0] for x in sorted(distributions[:,i,j])],'r') #plt.ylim([-0.01,1.01]) #plt.legend() #plt.close() #input((params[1],params[0]+params[1])) # pass # print(params[0],params[1]) mean_template = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j]) std_template = np.std(distributions[:, i, j]) mean_templates[i, j] = mean_template t_map[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] - mean_template) / std_template #input(),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/mean_templates.nii.gz'),a.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/slopes.nii.gz'),a.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/intercepts.nii.gz') try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance')) except: pass nb.Nifti1Image(confidences, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/confidence.nii.gz')) nb.Nifti1Image(new_image, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/new_image.nii.gz')) nb.Nifti1Image(new_image_logi, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/new_image_logi.nii.gz')), aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/t_map.nii.gz')) nb.Nifti1Image(color_im, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/color_im.nii.gz')) nb.Nifti1Image(original_line_fit, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/original_line_fit.nii.gz')) return 1 else: return 0
def run_this(static, outputs_path, subj, sess, protocol, prefix=0): file_handl = open(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'papers.txt'), 'a') apply_warps = False if not (prefix): if 'retest' in static: subject = c.get_mse(static) + 'retest' + scanner(static) else: subject = c.get_mse(static) + scanner(static) else: subject = prefix'#########{}######{}'.format(subject, subject)) mse = subject try: os.remove( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/synslice_avggmsegs.nii.gz')) except: pass output_path = os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/') log_gm_job_status("final set of warps", subj, sess, protocol) if apply_warps == True: dim = 2 static_path = static files = sorted(glob('/flywheel/v0/input/pth/*')) files2 = sorted(glob('/flywheel/v0/input/pth2/*')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped1')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.output_path, 'warped1')) for i in range(len(files)): if 'syn' in files[i]: continue fls = os.path.basename(files[i]) fls2 = os.path.basename(files2[i]), fls2)) cmd1 = [ '/opt/ants-2.3.1/WarpImageMultiTransform', str(dim), files2[i], os.path.join(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped/'), fls2.split('.')[0] + '.nii.gz'), os.path.join(output_path, 'warp' + fls.split('.')[0] + '1Warp.nii.gz'), os.path.join(output_path, 'warp' + fls.split('.')[0] + '0GenericAffine.mat'), '-R', static_path, '\n' ] cmd2 = [ '/opt/ants-2.3.1/WarpImageMultiTransform', str(dim), files[i], os.path.join(os.path.join(output_path, 'warped1/'), fls.split('.')[0] + '.nii.gz'), os.path.join(output_path, 'warp' + fls.split('.')[0] + '1Warp.nii.gz'), os.path.join(output_path, 'warp' + fls.split('.')[0] + '0GenericAffine.mat'), '-R', static_path, '\n' ] proc = Popen(cmd1, stdout=PIPE) proc.wait() proc = Popen(cmd2, stdout=PIPE) proc.wait() ###run process to grab distributions## template_grays = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/ms*.nii.gz')) templates = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/warped1/ms*.nii.gz')) fgs, distributions, a, adat, adat_raw = create_prob_seg_iteration3( template_grays, templates, static, file_handl) avgim(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/')) ###run process to fit lines### aff = nb.load(static) adat_raw = nb.load(static).get_data() first_tmap = nb.load( glob(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'quality_assurance/t_map.nii.gz'))[0]).get_data() adat_z = z_score(adat, mapt=first_tmap) mask = nb.load( glob(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/syn*'))[0]).get_data() mask = np.where(mask > .6, mask, 0) bar = np.mean(adat_z[np.where(mask > 0)]) sh = adat.shape slope = np.zeros(sh) screwed = np.zeros(sh) intercept = np.zeros(sh) confidences = np.zeros(sh) confidences1 = np.zeros(sh) confidences2 = np.zeros(sh) t_map = np.zeros(sh) mean_templates = np.zeros(sh) new_image = np.zeros(sh) new_image_logi = np.zeros(sh) original_line_fit = np.zeros(sh) color_im = np.zeros(sh) file_handl.write(str(len(fgs)) + '\n') file_handl.write(str(len(distributions)) + '\n') distributions = np.asarray(distributions) fgs = np.asarray(fgs) file_handl.close() for i in range(sh[0]): for j in range(sh[1]): if adat_raw[i, j] == 0: continue ##insert A block here for polynomial degree fitting ### ##average method## a = np.array(distributions[:, i, j])[np.newaxis] try: params = np.polyfit(distributions[:, i, j], fgs[:, i, j], 1) except: screwed[i, j] = 1 #plt.plot(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.legend() #input() continue original_line_fit[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 40 or len( np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)[0]) < 40: assign = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] else: #print('logi') group0 = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j][np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)]) group1 = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j][np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)]) grouped = np.where(fgs[:, i, j] != 0, distributions[:, i, j], group0) grouped = np.where(fgs[:, i, j] != 1, grouped, group1) params = np.polyfit(grouped, fgs[:, i, j], 1) logi_slope = params[0] logi_inter = params[1] assign = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if 0 <= assign <= 1: assign = assign elif assign < 0: assign = 0 else: assign = 1 #if params[0]!=0: #plt.plot(grouped,fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot([group0,group1],[group0*params[0]-params[1],group1*params[0]-params[1]],'r') #plt.legend() #input([group0,group1]) new_image_logi[i, j] = assign ##reverse method## if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 25 or len( np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)[0]) < 25: params = np.polyfit(distributions[:, i, j], fgs[:, i, j], 1) new_image[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 60: color_im[i, j] = 1 else: #plt.plot(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.legend() #input() params, covs = np.polyfit(fgs[:, i, j], distributions[:, i, j], 1, cov=True) #input(covs) slope[i, j] = params[0] intercept[i, j] = params[1] if abs(params[0]) < 2 * (covs[0, 0]**0.5): new_image[i, j] = statss.mode(fgs[:, i, j], axis=None)[0][0] color_im[i, j] = 2 else: new_image[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] - params[1]) / params[0] if np.isnan(covs[0, 1]): #input('whyyyyyyyyyyyyuyuyyyyyyyy') covs[0, 1] = 0 confidence = ( abs((covs[1, 1] / ((adat_z[i, j] - params[1])**2)) + (covs[0, 0] / ((params[0])**2)) - (2 * ((abs(covs[0, 1]))**0.5) / ((adat_z[i, j] - params[1]) * params[0]))))**0.5 confidences[i, j] = confidence / new_image[i, j] if confidence >= 2: new_image[i, j] = -1000 color_im[i, j] = 3 if i > 136: #plt.plot(fgs[:,i,j],distributions[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot(sorted(fgs[:,i,j]),[x*params[0]+params[1] for x in sorted(fgs[:,i,j])],'r') #plt.legend() #plt.close() #input((params[0],params[1])) #plt.plot(distributions[:,i,j],fgs[:,i,j],'o',label=str((i,j))) #plt.plot([adat_z[i,j]],[(adat_z[i,j]-params[1])/params[0]],'+', # label='{:.3g},{:.3g}'.format(adat_z[i,j],(adat_z[i,j]-params[1])/params[0])) #plt.plot(sorted(distributions[:,i,j]),[(x-params[1])/params[0] for x in sorted(distributions[:,i,j])],'r') #plt.ylim([-0.01,1.01]) #plt.legend() #plt.close() #input((params[1],params[0]+params[1])) pass #print(params[0],params[1]) mean_template = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j]) std_template = np.std(distributions[:, i, j]) mean_templates[i, j] = mean_template t_map[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] - mean_template) / std_template #input(),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/mean_templates.nii.gz'),a.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/slopes.nii.gz'),a.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/intercepts.nii.gz') try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output')) except: pass,aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/confidence.nii.gz'),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/new_image.nii.gz'),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/new_image_logi.nii.gz'), aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output/rereg_t_map.nii.gz')),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/color_im.nii.gz') nb.Nifti1Image(original_line_fit, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output/rereg_original_line_fit.nii.gz')) return 1
def run_this(static, outputs_path, subj, sess, protocol, prefix=0): file_handl = open(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'papers.txt'), 'a') apply_warps = False if not (prefix): if 'retest' in static: subject = c.get_mse(static) + 'retest' + scanner(static) else: subject = c.get_mse(static) + scanner(static) else: subject = prefix mse = subject try: os.remove( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/synslice_avggmsegs.nii.gz')) except: pass log_gm_job_status("final set of warps", subj, sess, protocol) ###run process to fit lines### aff = nb.load(static) adat_raw = nb.load(static).get_data() print(outputs_path) ###run process to grab distributions## #quick control helper controls = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/[0-9]*.nii.gz')) controls1 = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/warped1/[0-9]*.nii.gz')) control_flag = False control1_flag = False for i in controls: if control_flag == False: control_par = os.path.dirname(i) control_flag = True il = control_par + '/ms' + os.path.basename(i) os.rename(i, il) for i in controls1: if control1_flag == False: control1_par = os.path.dirname(i) control1_flag = True il = control1_par + '/ms' + os.path.basename(i) os.rename(i, il) #control helper done template_grays = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/ms*.nii.gz')) templates = glob( os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations1/warped1/ms*.nii.gz')) fgs, distributions, a, adat, adat_raw = create_prob_seg_iteration3( template_grays, templates, static, file_handl) avgim(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'registrations2/warped/')) #initialize images to write sh = adat.shape slope = np.zeros(sh) screwed = np.zeros(sh) intercept = np.zeros(sh) confidences = np.zeros(sh) confidences1 = np.zeros(sh) confidences2 = np.zeros(sh) t_map = np.zeros(sh) mean_templates = np.zeros(sh) new_image = np.zeros(sh) new_image_logi = np.zeros(sh) original_line_fit = np.zeros(sh) color_im = np.zeros(sh) file_handl.write(str(len(fgs)) + '\n') file_handl.write(str(len(distributions)) + '\n') distributions = np.asarray(distributions) print('distributions:{}'.format(distributions.shape)) fgs = np.asarray(fgs) file_handl.close() adat_list = [z_score_a_dat(adat)] count = 0 for adat_z in adat_list: count += 1 for i in range(sh[0]): for j in range(sh[1]): if adat_raw[i, j] == 0: continue ##insert A block here for polynomial degree fitting ### ##average method## a = np.array(distributions[:, i, j])[np.newaxis] try: params = np.polyfit(distributions[:, i, j], fgs[:, i, j], 1) except: screwed[i, j] = 1 continue original_line_fit[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 40 or len( np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)[0]) < 40: assign = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] else: #print('logi') group0 = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j][np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)]) group1 = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j][np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)]) grouped = np.where(fgs[:, i, j] != 0, distributions[:, i, j], group0) grouped = np.where(fgs[:, i, j] != 1, grouped, group1) params = np.polyfit(grouped, fgs[:, i, j], 1) logi_slope = params[0] logi_inter = params[1] assign = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if 0 <= assign <= 1: assign = assign elif assign < 0: assign = 0 else: assign = 1 new_image_logi[i, j] = assign ##reverse method## if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 25 or len( np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 1)[0]) < 25: try: params = np.polyfit(distributions[:, i, j], fgs[:, i, j], 1) except: continue new_image[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] * params[0]) + params[1] if len(np.where(fgs[:, i, j] == 0)[0]) < 60: color_im[i, j] = 1 else: try: params, covs = np.polyfit(fgs[:, i, j], distributions[:, i, j], 1, cov=True) except: continue slope[i, j] = params[0] intercept[i, j] = params[1] if abs(params[0]) < 2 * (covs[0, 0]**0.5): new_image[i, j] = statss.mode(fgs[:, i, j], axis=None)[0][0] color_im[i, j] = 2 else: new_image[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] - params[1]) / params[0] if np.isnan(covs[0, 1]): #input('whyyyyyyyyyyyyuyuyyyyyyyy') covs[0, 1] = 0 confidence = (abs( (covs[1, 1] / ((adat_z[i, j] - params[1])**2)) + (covs[0, 0] / ((params[0])**2)) - (2 * ((abs(covs[0, 1]))**0.5) / ((adat_z[i, j] - params[1]) * params[0]))))**0.5 confidences[i, j] = confidence / new_image[i, j] if confidence >= 2: new_image[i, j] = -1000 color_im[i, j] = 3 mean_template = np.mean(distributions[:, i, j]) std_template = np.std(distributions[:, i, j]) mean_templates[i, j] = mean_template t_map[i, j] = (adat_z[i, j] - mean_template) / std_template try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output')) except: pass,aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/confidence.nii.gz'),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/new_image.nii.gz'),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/new_image_logi.nii.gz'), aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output/rereg_t_map.nii.gz')),aff.affine),'/data/henry4/jjuwono/new_GM_method/'+mse+'/color_im.nii.gz') nb.Nifti1Image(original_line_fit, aff.affine), os.path.join(outputs_path, 'final_output/rereg_original_line_fit.nii.gz')) return 1