def Add(self, data, name='', weights=None, sampleType='background', file=None, systematics=None): """ Add histogram data for this figure. @param data histogram or list/array of values to plot @param name name of sample ('ttbar','wjets',etc.) @param weights weights (if any) for histogram @param sampleType Kind of sample ('background','signal', or 'data') @param file The root file of histograms to get systematic uncertainties @param systematics The total systematic uncertainty for a given sample (histogram or array of bin content from histogram) """ self.names.append(name) if isinstance(data, ROOT.TH1): self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.hist2list(data, name=name, reBin=self.rebin) else: self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.data2list(data) self.weights[name] = weights self.sampleTypes[sampleType].append(name) self.systematics[name] = systematics return
def initialize(self, nominalHistogram, nominalWeights=None): """Setup some initial variables""" = None # hold the total systematic uncertainty self.systData = OrderedDict() # hold data for individual systematics if isinstance(nominalHistogram, ROOT.TH1): self.systData['nominal'] = hpt.hist2list(nominalHistogram, name="nominal") else: self.systData['nominal'] = hpt.data2list(nominalHistogram, bins=self.binning, weights=nominalWeights) return
def Add(self, data, weights=None, name=''): """ Turn data into a numpy array to combine and plot systematic uncertainties. @param data histogram (also support list/array of values) to plot @param weights weights for each event for making histogram @param name name of systematic (JES,JER,etc.) """ if not name: name = data.GetName() if isinstance(data, ROOT.TH1): self.systData[name] = hpt.hist2list(data, name=name) else: self.systData[name] = hpt.data2list(data, bins=self.binning, weights=weights) return
def Add(self, data, name='', weights=None, linecolor='k', linestyle='solid', color='k', linewidth=2, draw='step', label='', ratio_den=False, ratio_num=False, ratio_partner=None, yerr=None, **kwargs): """ Add histogram data for this figure. args = data (1D) || x_data,y_data (2D) array or ROOT hist kwargs = bins (int or list/np.array): default = 10 weights (None or list/np.array): default = None uncertainties (None or list/np.array): default = None linecolor 'black',etc: default = None fillcolor 'blue',etc. draw step,stepfilled,errorbar label "ttbar" or something """ self.names.append(name) normed = False if 'normed' in kwargs.keys(): normed = kwargs['normed'] if self.typeOfPlot == "histogram" and isinstance(data, ROOT.TH1): if self.dimensions == 1: self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.hist2list(data, name=name, reBin=self.rebin, normed=normed) else: self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.hist2list2D(data, name=name, reBin=self.rebin, normed=normed) elif self.typeOfPlot == "efficiency" and isinstance( data, ROOT.TEfficiency): self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.TEfficiency2list(data) elif self.typeOfPlot == "efficiency" and isinstance(data, ROOT.TH1): total_data = data.Integral() data.Scale(1. / total_data) # normalize distribution to show on plot self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.hist2list(data, name=name, reBin=self.rebin, normed=normed) self.drawEffDist = True self.effData.append(name) else: if self.dimensions == 1: self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.data2list(data, weights=weights, normed=normed, binning=self.binning) if yerr is not None: self.hists2plot[name]['error'] = yerr else: self.hists2plot[name] = hpt.data2list2D(data, weights=weights, normed=normed, binning=self.binning) self.kwargs[name] = kwargs # pass normal matplotlib arguments self.colors[name] = color self.yerrors[name] = yerr # method for drawing y-errors self.draw_types[name] = draw self.linecolors[name] = linecolor self.linestyles[name] = linestyle self.linewidths[name] = linewidth self.labels[name] = label self.weights[name] = weights self.ratio_den[name] = ratio_den # denominator in ratio self.ratio_num[name] = ratio_num # numerator in ratio self.ratio_partner[name] = ratio_partner if draw == 'errorbar': self.errorbarplot.append(name) if linestyle == 'solid': self.linestyles[name] = 'o' # default setting for errorbar else: self.linestyles[name] = linestyle # user custom option return