def __init__(self): self.modes = {'walk':[herepy.RouteMode.pedestrian,herepy.RouteMode.shortest],'bus':[herepy.RouteMode.publicTransport,herepy.RouteMode.fastest],'car':[,herepy.RouteMode.fastest,herepy.RouteMode.traffic_enabled]} self.api_key = self.getconfig("maps_api")#"NuWLrM7oE23-PKjQWHD79izu0aFFvYdEu7wZV0SanSE" self.max_radius = self.getconfig("maxradius")*1000 #Enter in KM self.geocoderApi = herepy.GeocoderApi(self.api_key) self.geocoderAutoCompleteApi = herepy.GeocoderAutoCompleteApi(self.api_key) self.routingApi = herepy.RoutingApi(self.api_key) self.geocoderReverseApi = herepy.GeocoderReverseApi(self.api_key) self.placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi(self.api_key) self.current_coordinates = [0,0] self.loadconfig()
def places_init(filename): ''' Initialize Places API with credentials from yaml file :param filename: string for file containing credentials in yaml format :return: ''' with open(filename, 'r') as f: credentials = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() app_id = credentials['app_id'] app_code = credentials['app_code'] return(herepy.PlacesApi(app_id, app_code))
def get_here_restaurants(latitude, longitude): placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi('api_key') listofRestaurantsnearby = [] api_key = '#use_key_from_bitwarden.com_or_generate_new_key' #&radius=500&sort=real_distance&order=asc&start=0 getRestaurantsFromLatAndLon = '' + latitude + ',' + longitude + ',500&maxresults=20&apiKey=' + api_key header = {"User-agent": "curl/7.43.0", "Accept": "application/json"} response = requests.get(getRestaurantsFromLatAndLon, headers=header) restaurant_info = response.json()["Response"] for key, value in restaurant_info.items(): if (key == 'View'): for item in restaurant_info[key][0]["Result"]: listofRestaurantsnearby.append(item["Location"]["Name"]) listofRestaurantsnearbyjson = { "nearby": [x for x in listofRestaurantsnearby] } return jsonify(listofRestaurantsnearbyjson)
def nearbyPlaces_dataset(fpathNearby, column_name): try: excel = pd.read_excel(fpathNearby) except: try: excel = pd.read_csv(fpathNearby) except: "Input File Read Error!! Please check Format." for t in range(len(excel)): location= excel.loc[t, column_name] placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi(appID, appCode) lat, lng = map(float, location.strip('()').split(',')) nearbyResponse = placesApi.places_with_language([lat, lng], 'ar') # try: data = nearbyResponse.as_dict() for i in range(0, (len(data['results']['items']))): title = 'title' + str(i) distance = 'distance' + str(i) position = 'position' + str(i) category = 'category' + str(i) excel.loc[t,title] = str(data['results']['items'][i]['title']) excel.loc[t, distance] =str(data['results']['items'][i]['distance']) excel.loc[t, position] = str(data['results']['items'][i]['position']) excel.loc[t, category] = str(data['results']['items'][i]['category']['title']) time.sleep(0.1) return excel
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time import herepy from pandasql import sqldf credentials = np.load(r"C:\Skyhook\HERE\HERE_API_credentials.npy") # apiID = 'vQUXblWlsSzsBSJNRDax' # apiCode = 'f4f3xSQqZX5l3m6ur86jAQ' appID = credentials[1] appCode = credentials[2] placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi(appID, appCode) lat, lng = map(float, location.strip('()').split(',')) nearbyResponse = placesApi.nearby_places([lat, lng]) try: data = nearbyResponse.as_dict() print(data)
def setUp(self): api = herepy.PlacesApi('app_id', 'app_code') self._api = api
def setUp(self): api = herepy.PlacesApi('api_key') self._api = api
def setUp(self): api = herepy.PlacesApi("api_key") self._api = api
def makeWebhookResult(req): if req.get("queryResult").get("action") == "symptom": result = req.get("queryResult") parameters = result.get("parameters") symptom = parameters.get("symptom") disease = diseaseprediction.dosomething(symptom) print(disease) #speech = "you may have " + disease + ". Please, consult your doctor." #print(speech) if not disease: speech = "For further details Please click on the below link" disease = symptom[0] else: speech = "you may have " + disease + ". Please, consult your doctor." return { "fulfillmentText": speech, "fulfillmentMessages": [{ "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "simpleResponses": { "simpleResponses": [{ "textToSpeech": speech }] } }, { "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "linkOutSuggestion": { "destinationName": "Details of disease", "uri": "" + disease } }, { "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "suggestions": { "suggestions": [{ "title": "Predict disease" }, { "title": "Details about disease" }, { "title": "Know nearby hospitals" }, { "title": "Thank you" }] } }] } if req.get("queryResult").get( "action") == "Detailsaboutsymptoms.Detailsaboutsymptoms-custom": result = req.get("queryResult") parameters = result.get("parameters") symptom = parameters.get("disease") speech = "For further details Please click on the below link" disease = symptom return { "fulfillmentText": speech, "fulfillmentMessages": [{ "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "simpleResponses": { "simpleResponses": [{ "textToSpeech": speech }] } }, { "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "linkOutSuggestion": { "destinationName": "Details of disease", "uri": "" + disease } }, { "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "suggestions": { "suggestions": [{ "title": "Predict disease" }, { "title": "Details about disease" }, { "title": "Know nearby hospitals" }, { "title": "Thank you" }] } }] } if req.get("queryResult").get("action") == "google": result = req.get("queryResult") parameters = result.get("parameters") location = parameters.get("geo-city") hospital_name = [] hospital_address = [] speech = "" geocoderApi = herepy.GeocoderApi( 'NYzvNeZQL5quJfEWEUccVGR-nXIIVt3PeFj1X11dWkw') placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi( 'NYzvNeZQL5quJfEWEUccVGR-nXIIVt3PeFj1X11dWkw') response = geocoderApi.free_form(location) dict = response.as_dict() print(dict) position = dict['items'][0]['position'] latitude = position['lat'] longitude = position['lng'] response = placesApi.category_places_at( [latitude, longitude], [herepy.PlacesCategory.hospital_health_care_facility]) dict = response.as_dict() for i in range(0, 10): #print(places_result["results"]) hospitalname = dict["results"]["items"][i]["title"] hospital_name.append(hospitalname) hospitaladdress = dict["results"]["items"][i]["vicinity"] hospital_address.append(hospitaladdress) for i in range(0, len(hospital_name)): speech += "<br/><br/>Hospital name: " + hospital_name[ i] + "<br/>Hospital Address: " + hospital_address[i] return { "fulfillmentText": speech, "fulfillmentMessages": [{ "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "simpleResponses": { "simpleResponses": [{ "textToSpeech": speech }] } }, { "platform": "ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE", "suggestions": { "suggestions": [{ "title": "Predict disease" }, { "title": "Details about disease" }, { "title": "Know nearby hospitals" }, { "title": "Thank you" }] } }] }
def __init__(self): self.__places_api = herepy.PlacesApi(HERE_APP_ID, HERE_APP_CODE)
</li> </ul> <p> <button type="button" onclick="alert('You submitted!')">Submit!</button> </p>""" m = folium.Map(location=[45.372, -121.6972], zoom_start=12, tiles='Stamen Terrain') app_id = 'kj5O3uIQcg0mzyy6Dyeb' app_code = 'UYxM0q2BZXVoHqthopku6A' geocoderApi = herepy.GeocoderApi(app_id, app_code) placesApi = herepy.PlacesApi(app_id, app_code) # response = placesApi.onebox_search([-25.2744,133.7751], 'pool') m = folium.Map(location=[-25.2744,133.7751], zoom_start=4, tiles='Stamen Terrain') def generate_layer(search_text,coords,colour): response = placesApi.onebox_search(coords, search_text) df = json_normalize(response.results,'items') layer = folium.FeatureGroup(name=search_text) for index,row in df.iterrows():