def watch(request, hex_id): """ Put a "watcher" on a node that looks for what happens nearby. """ char = gtc(request) watch_node = Node.by_hex(hex_id) if CharNodeWatch.objects.filter(char=char).count() >= char.market_stat(): messages.error(request, _("All your agents are placed; remove one first.")) return node(request, hex_id) if not char.has_node(watch_node): messages.error(request, _("You haven't unlocked that node.")) return node(request, hex_id) if char.watching_node(watch_node): messages.warning(request, _("You're already watching that node.")) return node(request, hex_id) char.watch_node_final(watch_node) messages.success(request, _("You put a watcher near %(node_name)s." % {"node_name":})) char.revert_disguise(request) return redirect(node, hex_id)
def buy(request, node_hex, item_id, template="node/buy.html"): """ Buy an item. """ node = Node.by_hex(node_hex) char = gtc(request) item = get_object_or_404(Item, id=item_id) result_str = _n( "Congratulations! You bought %(item)s for %(price)d %(currency_singular)s.", "Congratulations! You bought %(item)s for %(price)d %(currency_plural)s.", item.price) result_str = result_str % {"item":, "price": item.price, "currency_singular": CURRENCY_SINGULAR, "currency_plural": CURRENCY_PLURAL} event = NodeEvent.objects.create( where=node, who=char, day=GameDay.get_day(), who_disguised=char.is_disguised, type=EVENT_BUY ) char.revert_disguise(request) return render(request, template, {"result_str": result_str, "item": item, "node": node})
def node_password(request, from_hex, template="node/secret.html"): from_node = Node.by_hex(from_hex) password = request.GET.get("password", None) if Secret.objects.filter(node=from_node, password__iexact=password.strip()): s = Secret.objects.get(node=from_node, password__iexact=password.strip()) else: s = None return render(request, template, {'node': from_node, 'secret': s})
def unlock(request, from_hex, to_hex): """ Unlock a node. Does error checking. """ char = gtc(request) from_node = Node.by_hex(from_hex) to_node = Node.by_hex(to_hex) print from_hex, HOME_NODE if not (char.has_node(from_node) or int(from_hex) == HOME_NODE): messages.error(request, _("You didn't have node %s unlocked...?") % from_hex) return home(request) if char.has_node(to_node): messages.warning(request, _("You already had node %s unlocked!") % to_hex) return redirect(node, to_hex) if char.points < 1: messages.error(request, _("You don't have any Market points!")) return redirect(node, from_hex) # Error checking done char.points -= 1 char.unlock_node_final(to_node) event = NodeEvent.objects.create( where=from_node, who=char, day=GameDay.get_day(), who_disguised=char.is_disguised, type=EVENT_UNLOCK_2 ) char.revert_disguise(request) check_inspiration(request) messages.success(request, _("%(from_node_name)s introduces you to %(to_node_name)s." % {"from_node_name":, "to_node_name":})) return redirect(node, to_hex)
def unwatch(request, from_hex, hex_id): """ Remove a watcher from a node. """ char = gtc(request) watch_node = Node.by_hex(hex_id) if not char.watching_node(watch_node): messages.error(request, _("You're not watching that node.")) return node(request, hex_id) char.unwatch_node_final(watch_node) messages.success(request, _("You removed a watcher from %(node_name)s." % {"node_name":})) return redirect(node, from_hex) if from_hex else redirect(node, HOME_NODE)
def node(request, hex_id, template="node/node.html"): """ Main view of a node. """ char = gtc(request) hex_node = Node.by_hex(hex_id) items = Item.objects.filter(sold_by=hex_node, valid=True) bids = {} for i in items: if i.rarity_class == RARITY_AUCTION: if ItemBid.objects.filter(character=char, item=i): bids[i] = ItemBid.objects.get(character=char, item=i).amount context = { 'node': hex_node, 'items': Item.objects.filter(sold_by=hex_node, valid=True), 'bids': bids, 'char': gtc(request), 'game_day': GameDay.get_day(), } return render(request, template, context)