예제 #1
 def hedm(self):
     """Return the HEDMInstrument class."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_hedm'):
         with open(self.configuration, 'r') as f:
             icfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=NumPyIncludeLoader)
         self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)
     return self._hedm
예제 #2
def run_powder_calibration():
    # Set up the tilt calibration mapping
    rme = HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler()

    # Set up the instrument
    iconfig = HexrdConfig().instrument_config
    instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=iconfig,

    flags = HexrdConfig().get_statuses_instrument_format()

    if len(flags) != len(instr.calibration_flags):
        msg = 'Length of internal flags does not match instr.calibration_flags'
        raise Exception(msg)

    instr.calibration_flags = flags

    # Plane data and images
    plane_data = HexrdConfig().active_material.planeData
    img_dict = HexrdConfig().current_images_dict()

    # tolerances for patches
    tth_tol = HexrdConfig().config['calibration']['powder']['tth_tol']
    eta_tol = HexrdConfig().config['calibration']['powder']['eta_tol']
    pktype = HexrdConfig().config['calibration']['powder']['pk_type']

    # powder calibrator
    pc = PowderCalibrator(instr,

    # make instrument calibrator
    ic = InstrumentCalibrator(pc)

    use_robust_optimization = False

    # We might need to use this at some point
    # data_dict = pc._extract_powder_lines()

    # Add this so the calibration crystal gets written
    cal_crystal = iconfig.get('calibration_crystal')
    output_dict = instr.write_config(calibration_dict=cal_crystal)

    # Add the saturation levels, as they seem to be missing
    sl = 'saturation_level'
    for det in output_dict['detectors'].keys():
        output_dict['detectors'][det][sl] = iconfig['detectors'][det][sl]

    # Add status values

    # Update the config
    HexrdConfig().config['instrument'] = output_dict

    # Set the previous statuses to be the current statuses
예제 #3
 def hedm(self):
     """Return the HEDMInstrument class."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_hedm'):
         with open(self.configuration, 'r') as f:
             icfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
         self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)
     return self._hedm
예제 #4
    def hedm(self, yml):
        """Set the HEDMInstrument class."""
        with open(yml, 'r') as f:
            icfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=NumPyIncludeLoader)

        kwargs = {
            'instrument_config': icfg,
            'max_workers': self._max_workers,
        self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(**kwargs)
예제 #5
def load_instrument(yml):
    with file(yml, 'r') as f:
        icfg = yaml.load(f)
    instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=icfg)
    for det_key in instr.detectors:
        if 'saturation_level' in icfg['detectors'][det_key].keys():
            sat_level = icfg['detectors'][det_key]['saturation_level']
            print("INFO: Setting panel '%s' saturation level to %e" %
                  (det_key, sat_level))
            instr.detectors[det_key].saturation_level = sat_level
    return instr
예제 #6
    def hedm(self):
        """Return the HEDMInstrument class."""
        if not hasattr(self, '_hedm'):
            with open(self.configuration, 'r') as f:
                icfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=NumPyIncludeLoader)

            kwargs = {
                'instrument_config': icfg,
                'max_workers': self._max_workers,
            self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(**kwargs)
        return self._hedm
예제 #7
def cartesian_viewer():
    images_dict = HexrdConfig().current_images_dict()
    plane_data = HexrdConfig().active_material.planeData
    pixel_size = HexrdConfig().cartesian_pixel_size

    # HEDMInstrument expects None Euler angle convention for the
    # config. Let's get it as such.
    iconfig = HexrdConfig().instrument_config_none_euler_convention
    rme = HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler()
    instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=iconfig,

    # Make sure each key in the image dict is in the panel_ids
    if images_dict.keys() != instr._detectors.keys():
        msg = ('Images do not match the panel ids!\n' +
               'Images: ' + str(list(images_dict.keys())) + '\n' +
               'PanelIds: ' + str(list(instr._detectors.keys())))
        raise Exception(msg)

    return InstrumentViewer(instr, images_dict, plane_data, pixel_size)
예제 #8
from hexrd import imageseries

Pims = imageseries.process.ProcessedImageSeries


# make input yaml files
working_dir = '/home/beams/S1IDUSER/workspace/PUP_AFRL_Mar17'
image_dir = '/home/beams/S1IDUSER/mnt/s1b/PUP_AFRL_mar17/nf/Au2_NF'
image_stem = 'Au2_NF_%06d.tif'

instr_cfg_file = os.path.join(working_dir, 'Retiga_Mar17.yml')
icfg = yaml.load(open(instr_cfg_file, 'r'))
instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=icfg)

yml_tmplate = '''
  directory: %s
  files: "%s"

  empty-frames: 0
  max-frames: 0
  panel: %s

nf = 720
l0_start = 2543
예제 #9
def mockup_experiment():
    # user options
    # each grain is provided in the form of a quaternion.

    # The following array contains the quaternions for the array. Note that the
    # quaternions are in the columns, with the first row (row 0) being the real
    # part w. We assume that we are dealing with unit quaternions

    quats = np.array([[0.91836393, 0.90869942], [0.33952917, 0.18348350],
                      [0.17216207, 0.10095837], [0.10811041, 0.36111851]])

    n_grains = quats.shape[-1]  # last dimension provides the number of grains
    phis = 2. * np.arccos(
        quats[0, :])  # phis are the angles for the quaternion
    # ns contains the rotation axis as an unit vector
    ns = hexrd.matrixutil.unitVector(quats[1:, :])
    exp_maps = np.array([phis[i] * ns[:, i] for i in range(n_grains)])
    rMat_c = rotations.rotMatOfQuat(quats)

    cvec = np.arange(-25, 26)
    X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(cvec, cvec, cvec)

    crd0 = 1e-3 * np.vstack([X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()]).T
    crd1 = crd0 + np.r_[0.100, 0.100, 0]
    crds = np.array([crd0, crd1])

    # make grain parameters
    grain_params = []
    for i in range(n_grains):
        for j in range(len(crd0)):
                np.hstack([exp_maps[i, :], crds[i][j, :], vInv_ref]))

    # scan range and period
    ome_period = (0, 2 * np.pi)
    ome_range = [
    ome_step = np.radians(1.)
    nframes = 0
    for i in range(len(ome_range)):
        nframes += int((ome_range[i][1] - ome_range[i][0]) / ome_step)

    ome_edges = np.arange(nframes + 1) * ome_step

    # instrument
    with open('./retiga.yml', 'r') as fildes:
        instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(yaml.safe_load(fildes))
    panel = next(iter(instr.detectors.values()))  # !!! there is only 1

    # tranform paramters
    #   Sample
    chi = instr.chi
    tVec_s = instr.tvec
    #   Detector
    rMat_d = panel.rmat
    tilt_angles_xyzp = np.asarray(rotations.angles_from_rmat_xyz(rMat_d))
    tVec_d = panel.tvec

    # pixels
    row_ps = panel.pixel_size_row
    col_ps = panel.pixel_size_col
    pixel_size = (row_ps, col_ps)
    nrows = panel.rows
    ncols = panel.cols

    # panel dimensions
    panel_dims = [tuple(panel.corner_ll), tuple(panel.corner_ur)]

    x_col_edges = panel.col_edge_vec
    y_row_edges = panel.row_edge_vec
    rx, ry = np.meshgrid(x_col_edges, y_row_edges)

    max_pixel_tth = instrument.max_tth(instr)

    detector_params = np.hstack([tilt_angles_xyzp, tVec_d, chi, tVec_s])
    distortion = panel.distortion  # !!! must be None for now

    # a different parametrization for the sensor
    # (makes for faster quantization)
    base = np.array([x_col_edges[0], y_row_edges[0], ome_edges[0]])
    deltas = np.array([
        x_col_edges[1] - x_col_edges[0], y_row_edges[1] - y_row_edges[0],
        ome_edges[1] - ome_edges[0]
    inv_deltas = 1.0 / deltas
    clip_vals = np.array([ncols, nrows])

    # dilation
    max_diameter = np.sqrt(3) * 0.005
    row_dilation = int(np.ceil(0.5 * max_diameter / row_ps))
    col_dilation = int(np.ceil(0.5 * max_diameter / col_ps))

    # crystallography data
    beam_energy = valunits.valWUnit("beam_energy", "energy", instr.beam_energy,
    beam_wavelength = constants.keVToAngstrom(beam_energy.getVal('keV'))
    dmin = valunits.valWUnit(
        "dmin", "length", 0.5 * beam_wavelength / np.sin(0.5 * max_pixel_tth),

    gold = material.Material()
    gold.latticeParameters = [4.0782]
    gold.dmin = dmin
    gold.beamEnergy = beam_energy
    gold.planeData.exclusions = None
    gold.planeData.tThMax = max_pixel_tth  # note this comes detector

    ns = argparse.Namespace()
    # grains related information
    ns.n_grains = n_grains  # this can be derived from other values...
    ns.rMat_c = rMat_c  # n_grains rotation matrices (one per grain)
    ns.exp_maps = exp_maps  # n_grains exp_maps (one per grain)

    ns.plane_data = gold.planeData
    ns.detector_params = detector_params
    ns.pixel_size = pixel_size
    ns.ome_range = ome_range
    ns.ome_period = ome_period
    ns.x_col_edges = x_col_edges
    ns.y_row_edges = y_row_edges
    ns.ome_edges = ome_edges
    ns.ncols = ncols
    ns.nrows = nrows
    ns.nframes = nframes  # used only in simulate...
    ns.rMat_d = rMat_d
    ns.tVec_d = tVec_d
    ns.chi = chi  # note this is used to compute S... why is it needed?
    ns.tVec_s = tVec_s
    ns.rMat_c = rMat_c
    ns.row_dilation = row_dilation
    ns.col_dilation = col_dilation
    ns.distortion = distortion
    ns.panel_dims = panel_dims  # used only in simulate...
    ns.base = base
    ns.inv_deltas = inv_deltas
    ns.clip_vals = clip_vals

    return grain_params, ns
예제 #10
 def hedm(self):
     return instrument.HEDMInstrument(self.beam, self.detector_dict,
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, instr_file):
     self._configuration = instr_file
     with open(instr_file, 'r') as f:
         icfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
     self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)
예제 #12
def run_line_picked_calibration(line_data):
    # Set up the tilt calibration mapping
    rme = HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler()

    print('Setting up the instrument...')

    # Set up the instrument
    iconfig = HexrdConfig().instrument_config_none_euler_convention
    instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=iconfig,

    flags = HexrdConfig().get_statuses_instrument_format()

    if np.count_nonzero(flags) == 0:
        msg = 'There are no refinable parameters'
        raise Exception(msg)

    if len(flags) != len(instr.calibration_flags):
        msg = 'Length of internal flags does not match instr.calibration_flags'
        raise Exception(msg)

    print('Running optimization...')

    # Run calibration
    opt_result = calibrate_instrument_from_picks(instr,

    if not opt_result.success:
        print('Optimization failed!')
        return False

    print('Optimization succeeded!')

    # Add this so the calibration crystal gets written
    cal_crystal = iconfig.get('calibration_crystal')
    output_dict = instr.write_config(calibration_dict=cal_crystal)

    # Convert back to whatever convention we were using before
    eac = HexrdConfig().euler_angle_convention
    if eac is not None:
        convert_tilt_convention(output_dict, None, eac)

    # Add the saturation levels, as they seem to be missing
    sl = 'saturation_level'
    for det in output_dict['detectors'].keys():
        output_dict['detectors'][det][sl] = iconfig['detectors'][det][sl]

    print('Updating the config')

    # Save the previous iconfig to restore the statuses
    prev_iconfig = HexrdConfig().config['instrument']

    # Update the config
    HexrdConfig().config['instrument'] = output_dict

    # This adds in any missing keys. In particular, it is going to
    # add in any "None" detector distortions

    # Add status values

    # Set the previous statuses to be the current statuses

    return True
예제 #13
def load_instrument(yml):
    with open(yml, 'r') as f:
        icfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
    return instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=icfg)
예제 #14
 def hedm(self, yml):
     """Set the HEDMInstrument class."""
     with open(yml, 'r') as f:
         icfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=NumPyIncludeLoader)
     self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)
예제 #15
def load_instrument(config):
    rme = HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler()
    return instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=config,
예제 #16
 def hedm(self, yml):
     """Set the HEDMInstrument class."""
     with open(yml, 'r') as f:
         icfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
     self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)
예제 #17
def load_instrument(yml):
    with file(yml, 'r') as f:
        icfg = yaml.load(f)
    return instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=icfg)
예제 #18
 def hedm(self, yml):
     with open(yml, 'r') as f:
         icfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
     self._hedm = instrument.HEDMInstrument(icfg)