def highlight(self, code): ''' This should return a *list* of docutils nodes representing the highlighted tokens. Usually the easient way to do this is to implement self.highlight_lang(), and let the default work. Parameters: Code - the code to highlight. Required for: All ''' return highlight_as(code, self.highlight_lang())
def handle(self, args, options, content): file_like_args = [arg for arg in args if arg.find('.') != -1] command_like_args = [arg for arg in args if arg.find('.') == -1] def cmd(s): return directives.choice(s, [ 'exec', 'done', 'restart', 'noeval', 'redo', 'join', 'noecho', 'new', 'recall' ]) commands = map(cmd, command_like_args) if len(file_like_args) > 0: source_name = file_like_args[0] elif 'new' in commands: source_name = 'main' + str(unique_block_id()) + self.language.extension() else: source_name = 'main' + self.language.extension() was_empty = self.context.is_empty(source_name) was_lines = self.context.count_lines(source_name) if 'recall' in commands: input_display = self.do_recall(source_name, commands, options, content) output_display = None else: input_display = self.do_mods(source_name, commands, options, content) output_display = self.do_run(source_name, commands, options, content) if 'join' in commands: header_node = nodes.inline() else: cont = '(cont)' if not was_empty else '' header_text = ' %s %s\n\n' % (source_name, cont) header_node = nodes.inline( header_text, header_text, classes=['file-header'] ) if input_display != None: source_nodes = [] for sblock in input_display: if == None: btext = sblock.text() if 'highlight' in options: hlbtext = highlight_as(btext, options['highlight']) else: hlbtext = self.language.highlight(sblock.text()) source_nodes += hlbtext else: source_nodes += [nodes.inline('', '[... %s ...]' %, classes = ['omission'] ), nodes.inline('\n', '\n')] if self.language.number_lines(): source_nodes = add_line_numbers(source_nodes, was_lines+1) source_node = nodes.literal_block( classes=['code', 'code-' + self.directive_name]) source_node += header_node for n in source_nodes: source_node += n else: source_node = None if output_display != None: if isinstance(output_display, str): output = strip_blank_lines(output_display) try: output = output.decode('utf-8') except: output = filter(lambda c: ord(c)<128, output) output_node = nodes.literal_block(output, output, classes=['run-output', 'run-output-' + self.directive_name] ) else: output_node = output_display else: output_node = None if 'noecho' in commands: return [ ] else: result = [] if source_node != None: result.append(source_node) if output_node != None: result.append(output_node) return result